Stranger hands mom note on train after her son falls asleep praising her for her parenting


Bringing up little ones is a hard time, between the tantrums and the crying and screaming that naturally occurs when they test how far they can go, even a little arguing as they grow up is all in with the growing up deal!

A child making a scene is for sure what no one wants to deal with in public though. In this case, a young single mom from England called Sammie Welch, learned very fast that keeping her little boy occupied is the very best method to avoid all the problems and the frustration!

Screenshot via YouTube

Sammie with her three years old son Rylan at her side and a stranger right next to her, absolutely did her best to keep her little boy occupied during the long train ride. She didn’t want Rylan being naughty or having a temper tantrum during the journey.

To make the best of the situation Sammie played games with her little boy and asked him about his day and even gave him a quiet little lesson about manners in public and especially on places like the train!

In fact, the more they chatted together the more comfortable they were together and relaxed. He was an absolute little angel thanks to his mom’s actions!

Before the train reached her stop the guy next to her got up to leave the train, but as he got up he handed her something, it was a moment before Sammie realized what it was, it was a note wrapped around a five-pound note!!

Quietly she read the note to herself:

“Have a drink on me, you’re a credit to your generation, polite and teaching the little boy good manners.”

The guy had also written in the back of the note too!

Facebook/Silver Surfers

The lovely word he had written on the back of the note was:

“P.S. I have a daughter your age, someone did the same for her once. Hope when she has children she is as good a mother as you.”

It was such a lovely note and a great compliment too, the best compliment anyone could give to Sammie, she really pours her heart and soul into raising her little boy, and the note made her feel completely awesome!

Sammie broke into tears; such was her emotional response to the letter she read. She felt so inspired by the note and the kind gesture by this guy she didn’t know. She didn’t want this guy’s kind actions to go without thanks!

She posted to Facebook with photos of the note and even asked local newspapers to help her find him to say thanks. Her determination paid off and finally, she found him.

The wonderful stranger was Ken Saunders, 50-year-old, who worked as a project manager, and as his note had said he was a father to a woman about Sammie’s age too!

It was super lucky that Ken saw in his newspaper, one glorious morning, the story about his note, he asked the paper to put Sammie and him in touch with each other!

He described to the newspaper that moment when he realized that this small action in his note and the small gift of money mean something so big to single mothers!

He said:

“I just couldn’t believe it. There was this massive story. It was quite surreal and I texted my daughter Romani to warn her I’d done something embarrassing yet again.”

Sammie, Rylan, and Ken were at last reunited, Sammie had the chance to say thank you properly and she could explain in her own words.

She said:

“I worry I’m not doing a good job with Rylan all the time – all the time. I worry, am I too hard on him? Am I too soft on him? I try so hard to get it right. So for someone to say I’m doing a good job means everything.”

Ken just showed us all that even a tiny little gesture can have a lasting and profound effect on someone. Sammie feels confident about her parenting with Rylan, something that most mothers really strive hard to achieve.


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Peace and love

Bored Daddy

The peculiar story of Ivone Weldon and how one mistake made her famous


Ivone Weldon’s name first appeared in the media after the premiere of The Expendables 2 when her striking looks attracted the attention of many. In fact, when she walked on the red carpet, many confused her with Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Jackie Stallone.

As the cast members were spotted on the premiere in the company of their families, magazines reported that Sylvester Stallone was also accompanied by his loved ones, wife Jennifer Flavin and daughters Scarlet, Sophia, and Sistine. Of course, media outlets wrote that then 91-year-old Jackie was also there to support her son.

Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage

Well, Jackie was always someone who made headlines because of many reasons. Despite being Sly’s mom, she was also an astrologer who never hesitated to scold her ex-husbands publicly on various TV shows. She always spoke her mind when it came to Sly’s girlfriends too and wasn’t afraid to tell everyone around why she wasn’t fond of them. Jackie was also involved in the beauty industry with her lines of face masks and other beauty products.

However, what Jackie was probably most known for were the many plastic surgeries she went through during her life. One thing is certain, her obsession with the surgeries did help her defy her age.

When the media spotted the elderly woman with a large trout pout and slim figure on The Expendables 2 premiere, they couldn’t help but believe that was Jackie herself. The woman did look quite younger than Sly’s mother, but everyone believed she had simply undergone another surgery.

Gregg DeGuire/WireImage

However, after the stir the photos caused, it was revealed that the woman who was a spitting image of Jackie Stallone was Ivone Weldon.

On the day of the premiere, Jackie stayed home to take care of her daughter who felt ill. ”I’d actually been on the phone to the paramedics that night because she was so bad. There was no question of me ever going to that premiere. I’d told Sylvester that I wasn’t going to be able to make it because I had to be with his sister,” Jackie told Daily Mail.

Speaking of Sly’s reaction, Jackie added: ”He got the shock of his life when he got told that his mother was up ahead of him, making a spectacle of herself. That’s the last place I would have been.”

Jackie Stallone during 2005 British Comedy Awards – Arrivals at London Television Studios in London, Great Britain. (Photo by Fred Duval/FilmMagic)

After the social media was flooded with photos of Ivone, Jackie wasn’t happy.

“What an ugly woman. Fat arms. Trout pout. Horse face. I thought a face like that went out with the Ice Age. And those bandy legs! If I had a kid with those legs, I would break them and have them put in braces,” she told Daily Mail of her lookalike and continued: “If I had a face like that I wouldn’t leave the house — or at least not without a paper bag over my head. In fact, if I had a face like that I’d probably shoot myself. To be honest, in the end — after I got over the shock — I found it funny. I haven’t had a lot to laugh about recently.”

As everyone though that this confusion with the photos of Ivone was behind, they started reappearing online once again following Jackie’s passing in 2020. The news of her death was announced with photos of Ivone by some media outlets.

Gregg DeGuire/WireImage

Although not much is known about Ivone, at least the public got to learn what this woman was doing at the premiere. It turned out that she is the mother of one of the producers of the action film, Les Weldon, whose writing and producing credits include more than 70 films.

Son repays his mom and dad for everything they’ve done for him with a beautiful gift


Parenthood isn’t easy. It starts with sleepless nights, changing diapers, and continues with constant care throughout the whole life. We are all aware of how much parents sacrifice for the well-being of their children and never ask anything in return, and that makes moms and dads the most special creatures on Earth.

However, stories of children who repay their parents once they become successful individuals is what melts our hearts. It shows moms and dads that they did a great job raising such caring children, and that’s their greatest gift.

Source: Pexels/Vidal Balielo Jr

Pavin Smith is a young man who was taught to live by the true values. His talent and dedication made him the 7th overall pick for the Arizona Diamondbacks in the MLB amateur draft in 2017, when he was just 21 years old.

This led for Pavin to be signed onto a minor league deal with a 5 million dollar bonus!

Source: Instagram/@psmith24

As smart as he is, Pavin knew exactly what to do with the money. He was about to give his mom and dad the surprise of a lifetime and Christmas was just the time for his miraculous gift to be handed to the people who did so much for him.

Source: YouTube/1010 Wins

The family was gathered around the Christmas tree when Pavin handed his mom an envelope. Neither she nor her husband and daughter had any idea what it could be. When she opened it, there was a note there that brought tears of joy in everyone’s eyes. It read,

“Thank you for raising me in a great home filled with love. Because of all the sacrifices you made to get me where I am, I want our family home to be YOURS… so I am paying off your mortgage. Merry Christmas from your grateful son. Pavin”

Source: Instagram/@psmith24

Mom and dad were overjoyed. They no longer have to pay for the house, because it’s already theirs.

Pavin was glad he could do such thing for his parents. He posted the video of his mom and dad revealing the gift on Twitter with the following caption. “Thank you for everything you have done for me! This doesn’t make up for any of it. Love you both so much. Our home is finally all YOURS. Merry Christmas!”

Source: Instagram/@psmith24

Who wouldn’t be proud with a caring and loving son like Pavin?

Take a look at the heartwarming video below and share it with your friends.

The tragic life of Gloria Swanson – her first husband tricked her to get an abortion


Gloria Swanson ruled Hollywood for many years. She was adored by millions and was considered “The Queen of Screen.”

Born in 1899 to a father who worked as a civilian official in the US Army Transport Service, Gloria traveled a lot with her family. She learned a lot about other places and cultures and always knew she would be famous one day. She dreamed of becoming an opera singer, but one visit of the Essanay Movie Studio with her aunt in the summer of 1914 changed it all for this incredible woman.

Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

When she was still just a teenager, she started working as an extra for the studio and was paid around $13 a week. During an occasion, she found herself in a queue with a group of other teenagers who were waiting for the great Charlie Caplin to examine their talent. Eventually, Gloria was the one who was hired. Her happiness, however, lasted for an hour because it took that much time for Chaplin to fire her. “So I lost my chance to work with Chaplin, and that was a shame because I could have learned so much about comedy,” she said back in the day.

The truth is that not getting that chance to work with Chaplin at the time turned to be the best thing that could happen to her. “I …considered his rejection a real compliment,” she wrote in her autobiography. “I would have been mortified if anybody I knew had ever seen me get kicked in the pants…by an odd sprite in a hobo outfit.”

After her parents separated, Gloria and her mother moved to Hollywood. Soon after, she was recruited by Famous Players-Lasky, which eventually became Paramount. The studio helped Gloria turn into a massive superstar. All of a sudden, everyone was enchanted with this femme fatale. It was enough for her name to appear in a film for huge number of people to go and buy a ticket to see her on screen.

Gloria was featured in a number of classic films such as Don’t Change Your Husband, Bluebeard’s 8th wife, Zaza, and Madame Sans-Gêne.

In 1926, she decided her work with Paramount should come to an end. In order to keep her, the studio offered her $1 million a year, which was an incomprehensive amount of money back in the day, but she refused to stay. Instead, she joined United Artist, which was founded by Charlie Caplin, among others, and premised on allowing actors to control their own interests, rather than being dependent upon commercial studios.

Getty Images

Gloria was nominated for an Academy Award three times, for the films Sadie Thompson, The Trespasser, and Sunset Boulevard.

“When I think about doing a character, I find that I see in my mind’s eye a person I’m reading about in a script,” Gloria Swanson once said of her acting. “I give that person like a painter… or like a sculptor, who before even making one cut with his knife can see what he wants in a piece of stone. So I’m a canvas: it’s in the mind’s eye, and then you transfer it to the canvas with certain tools.”


Gloria Swanson was married six times. She was also involved in a relationship with JFK’s father who was said to have financed her films. Her relationships with men were often troublesome. Her daughter, Michelle, once told The Guardian of her mother’s love life: “My mother’s relations with men were mostly disastrous. She was married six times, and she wanted to be eternally in love. Her marriage to my father, Michael Farmer, an Irish playboy, just over two years. Ultimately, she was looking for men to dominate her, which never really happened.

“Men came into her life like machos, and they left like poodles sitting up for a biscuit. She was incredibly feminine in appearance, but she had a masculine mind, she had a dominating personality,” Michelle added. “She wanted to do all the jobs [on the set] – the lighting, camerawork, everything, she made sure what she said was the law.”


Gloria married her first husband, Berry Wallace, when she was just 17 years old. The marriage lasted two years during which she got pregnant. Despite her age and his heavy drinking, she wanted to give birth to the child. Unfortunately, he slipped her some medicine which caused her to abort the child.

Her second husband, Herbert Somborn, was a movie company president. While married with him, she gave birth to a daughter named Gloria. He accused the actress of infidelity and claimed she cheated on him with at least 13 men. The year she divorced him, she adopted a son named Joseph.


In 1925, she married Henry de La Falaise. At the time, she was on the top of her career and though that giving birth to another child could negatively affect her career so when she got pregnant, she secretly aborted the child.

Gloria went on to tie the knot three more times, giving birth to her daughter Michelle with her fourth husband, Michael Farmer.

Santi Visalli/Getty Images

“The Queen of Screen” passed away at the age of 84, in 1984 as a result of heart ailment. At the time of her death, she had a net worth of $10.

“When I was young, no man my age made enough money to support me in the style expected of me,” Gloria Swanson once told The Guardian. “There’s no sense kidding myself. I love all the pomp and luxury and style. When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid The Bills. That’s the story of my private life.”

One thing is certain, Gloria Swanson was larger than life.

No one shows up for 6-year-old’s birthday party – then mom shares picture and the community steps up


What was supposed to be the best day of his life turned into a devastating experience for one boy named Teddy. He was turning 6 years old and his parents offered him to take him to Disney World or Lego Land, but he chose to celebrate it with his friends instead.

His mother booked a table at Peter Piper Pizza and gave Teddy’s teacher 32 invitations to hand them to every child from the class some two weeks before the big day. More than half of the children’s parents said they would take the kids to the party.

On the day of Teddy’s birthday, mom Sia prepared goodie bags for her son’s friends and ordered a bunch of pizzas. Everyone was looking forward to have a great time, but none of the classmates showed up. The family waited for more than hour, but the friends were nowhere to be seen.

Sia was left heartbroken. She was feeling devastated for her son who was very sad on the day that was supposed to be a fun one.

Source: Inside Edition

“I was bummed, I was bummed out for sure,” Teddy’s dad told the New York Post. “Teddy, the biggest thing for him was having his classmates there, so not seeing them show up an hour into the party was disappointing.” In order to cheer their son up, the parents tried to distract him with games such as arcade.

Sia decided to take a photo of Teddy which she shared online in order to remind everyone that things like this should never happen to anyone. She, however, didn’t expect for the photo of sad Teddy to go viral and attract that much attention. She even regretted sharing it when she realized the amount of exposure it received.

Source: Inside Edition

Hundreds of people posted messages wishing Teddy a happy birthday and many even sent presents. Among those who wanted to get involved in making Teddy’s day a bit better were the Phoenix Suns and the Phoenix Rising MLS team who invited the family to their upcoming games.

Out of all the parents who didn’t bring their children to the party, only one called Sia to apologize.

Source: Inside Edition

As much as this story made us feel disappointed, it serves as a reminder that we should be more thoughtful and more considerate.

For more on the story check out the video below.

Three firefighters from the same fire station celebrate becoming dads within 24 hours


There was a triple reason for celebration at the Fredericksburg, Virginia, fire station after three fellow firefighters all became fathers within 24 hours.

When they shared with each other that their wives were expecting babies, the three joked that it would be awesome if their sons were born on the same day, but they never imagined that it could turn into reality.

The babies were all born at the Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center.

“All of our doctors use Spotsylvania Regional and the nursing staff have been extremely pleasant, passionate and caring,” Kyle Dean, one of the new dads said.

“The staff truly make you feel like they care. From everyone that enters the room, from the cleaning staff, nurses, NICU, et cetera.”

Michael Irive, one of the dads said that when his wife went into labor and he took her to the hospital, he told the nurses: “Just a heads up — two of my guys are coming as well.” The dads then ended up with the nickname from the nursing staff as the fab three!

The proud fathers posed with their bundles of joy and said they hope the little ones would end up being friends. They also said that once their sons are a bit older, they would take them to Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services at Fort Belvoir Army Base, where they work, so that the boys can hang out together.

Kyle, who has “handful” of kids gave his colleagues advice and told them: “Definitely take advantage of it and don’t blink because it goes by fast.”

Michael, on the other hand, added: “The biggest thing is to be present as much as you can, (especially) with our schedule – because like Kyle Frederick says it goes by in a flash. They grow up so quickly so be there as much as you can and enjoy the moments.”

Congratulations on the additions to your families.

Stranger pays $350 for plane ticket of a soldier who’s been stuck in airport for days


Traveling over the holidays can be both expensive and nerve-racking, as well as notoriously busy. The queues are long, no matter if you try to check-in your bags, get through the security, or buy something at the stores. Plus, if there is a flight delay, staying at the airport can be boring and tiring. In order to avoid these issues, it might be wise to take a flight a day or two prior to the holiday and avoid all the crowd.

Unfortunately, that’s not always possible, especially if you are serving in the military and you get an approval to fly home at the very last minute. Keaton Tilson is a young soldier who’s been part of the military for eight months now. That means it’s been that long since he hasn’t seen his family, and now when he was about to travel home for the Memorial Day weekend, things didn’t turn as he expected. He spent some time at the airport, and it seemed he wasn’t about to be taking off soon. But then, a stranger approached and brought a glimmer of hope.

Facebook/Keaton Tilson

Keaton was stationed at Ford Hood in Texas, and got a green light to head to St. Luis for a 4-day weekend on the Thursday evening before Memorial Day.

He spent the night at the Dallas-Forth International Airport with a standby ticket in his hands, hoping to catch the 5 am flight. As he looked at the empty plane he felt happy to be heading home, but people started taking the empty seats, and sadly, none was earmarked with his name.

Two days and lots of standby flights later, this Army mechanic found himself no closer to getting home. And as he was trying to come up with a solution, a man named Josh Rainey, who happened to overhear Keaton’s conversation with the gate agent, offered his ticket for the flight leaving in 10 minutes time. But since departure time was close, the agent told them the transfer of tickets wasn’t an option.


Keaton said thank you and walked away, but Josh knew there has to be something he could do for the soldier. And that’s when he decide to purchase Keaton a $341 ticket. That was the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for Keaton, who couldn’t hide his happiness to be going home to see his family. As for Josh, he believes that’s money well spent.

Josh told Fox 2 News:

“He walked away and came back and asked if he could hug me, and I think we both had to fight back the tears after that. It was pennies, pennies on the dollar compared to what I got back from that hug.”

Keaton and Josh discovered they had a mutual friend after the quick chat they had, and that’s how Keaton’s mother tracked Josh down once her son came home and shared the story with her and other family members. The mother felt it was an amazing act of kindness and she had to share it with the world.


Keaton was glad to learn that people still have deep respect for those serving the country.

“I’m very appreciative because if it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. Honestly I feel like I would still be at the airport because it’s Memorial Day weekend.”

Josh, on the other hand, was more than happy to assist someone in need. He is a very special man with a kind heart who is always there to provide a helping hand. But helping a soldier was special, because his father served in the armed forces for 30 years.

Take a look at the video and share it with friends.

Dad talks to his baby in the belly – when she’s born, her reaction to his voice is the most adorable ever


Expecting a child must be the best feeling ever. The anticipation of meeting the bundle of joy grows bigger and bigger with each passing day, just like the mother’s belly.

What many parents-to-be don’t know is that the baby could hear and react to their parents’ voices as well as to music while still in the womb. Classical music, for once, is believed to enhance the baby’s intelligence and provides comfort.

One dad-to-be from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, named Flavio Dantas, never skipped a day without talking to his wife’s belly. He knew his unborn daughter could hear his singing. According to the baby’s mom, Tarsila Rosa, her belly would move each time Flavio sang.

When the couple’s little princess Antonella finally arrived on August 11, which happens to be Father’s Day in Brazil, she was confused, just like any newborn out there. But once she heard a familiar voice singing to her, that of her daddy, she put the most beautiful smile on her tiny face. You can see her smiling on the photo above.

Looking at his daughter smiling at him, Flavio couldn’t hide the tears of joy that kept rolling down his face.

“And it is that moment that people forget all the pain and focus on the most sincere smile of all. My princess was born on Father’s Day, ” the proud daddy wrote in a Facebook post.

It’s not surprising that this special moment the family shared vent viral. The photo of baby Antonella shared joy around the world. We wish her happy childhood!