Twins found dead in car’s backseat after father forgets to drop them off at daycare


One father from South Carolina would have to spend his life with the guilt of knowing he was the one responsible for the death of his two twin sons, Brycen and Brayden McDaniel.

The boys lost their lives on September 1, 2021, after the father forgot to drop them off at the day-care center and they spent nine long hours trapped inside the SUV. It was reported that the temperature inside the vehicle rose up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius).

After he parked his car, the father, who was said to have been under tremendous stress recently, reported for duty at a manufacturing plant.

Once his shift was over, he went to the Sunshine House Early Learning Academy to pick the twins up just to be told that they hadn’t been dropped off that day.

Filled with panic, the father rushed to his car, but it was way too late. The 20-month-old boys were both dead. They died of hyperthermia, or heat stroke.

Richland County Sheriff, Leon Lott, spoke to the father and dubbed the questioning one of the most heartbreaking in his 46 years of service.

“He didn’t mean to do it. God, he didn’t mean to do it. He’s got to live with that the rest of his life,” Lott said during a press conference. “The father was under some intense pressure at work that really had his mind somewhere else that day. In his mind, he really believed he dropped the two boys off at daycare.”

Coroner Naida Rutherford spoke of the tips parents could use in order to be sure their kids are not left inside a vehicle. They could place a toy or a bag or diapers at the front seat, among the rest.

“We urge each parent there are so many stressors with Covid 19, with the world-changing to look in the backseat,” Rutherford said, as per WMBF. “Make sure you dropped off the children. For every child care center, baby center, we urge you if the child does not show up to call the family. It could save a life.”

The obituary for the beautiful angels said, “They were fun-loving little boys, with smiles that could light up an entire room. They enjoyed laughing, giving wet kisses, singing, listening to their Daddy and PaPa play jazzy tunes on the saxophone, and dancing to music from Earth, Wind and Fire and Frankie Beverly and Maze. Yes, they were wise way beyond their years.”

No charges have been pressed against the father.

Rest in peace, Brycen and Brayden. You will never be forgotten.

Mother is in the restaurant with her child – a stranger laves a message and her day suddenly changes


Every parent wants the best for their children, but the truth is that they can’t always provide the kind of life they dream of for them. That, however, doesn’t mean they don’t do their best each and every day. Moms and dads out there put their children’s needs before their own, but that’s not always enough. You know what they say, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and we humans should always go the extra mile in order to help struggling families if we are given the chance to.

The story one person shared of the kindness he showed to a single mother who didn’t have enough money to buy herself some food because she spent the last penny for a meal for her child is heartwarming and helps restore faith in humanity.

The person started his post by writing that he was having his third Sprite at McDonald’s when he noticed a man approaching a woman who was sitting all by herself. He had a young boy with him, around 3 years old. The person sharing the story overheard their conversation which went like this: “You were supposed to be here an hour ago,” the woman said, slightly upset. “Well I’m here and here he is,” said the man as he headed towards the exit. The woman then asked him if he had a couple of dollars because she was starving and wanted a cheeseburger. She explained that she only had enough money for the boy’s happy meal. But the man turned to her and told her: “Damn you, starve!”

The person who noticed these exchange unfolding right in front of him was left speechless. He noticed the woman, who was the boy’s mom, asking the little one for a single french fry. The boy gives her the one he had already bitten off.

Witnessing all this, the person went to the counter and told the waiter to bring a double cheeseburger and a large drink to the woman without telling her who paid for it. Along with the food, he also wrote something on a napkin with the sharpie he used for work.

The person sharing the story explained that the woman couldn’t stop tears rolling down her face when she saw the food and read the note which said: “Keep your head up and always push forward. You CAN. You WILL. :)”

“After they both finished the meal, they started to leave. They walked past me sitting here and I smile at the boy and look at her and she whispers “thank you” I whisper back “for what?”, the person wrote in the post. She smiles. I wink. I look down at the boy and I say have a good day. Life is hard. Always be willing to make someone life a little easier. Little things make a big impact. For any single parent stuck in a similar place… Keep your head up and always push forward. You CAN. You WILL.”

This kind-hearted person stepped in when this struggling mother needed it the most.

If you found this inspiring as much as we did please share this story with your friends.

Don McLean’s model girlfriend is 48 years his junior and they’ve been together for five years


It is incredible how much impact a single song can have on someone’s career and the music industry overall. When American Pie was born, musician Don McLean raised to stardom. All of a sudden, everyone was obsessed with the song as they were trying to understand the meaning behind the lyrics. McLean himself refused to decode the verses and said that the music piece was so special not because of the words but because of its structure.

Many believe it was dedicated to musician Buddy Holly who passed away alongside rock n’ roll stars Ritchie Valens and J.p “the Big Bopper” Richardson when their plane crashed near Clear Lake, Iowa. Holly was McLean’s favorite musician, and the part about “the day the music died” is believed to be associated with Holly’s death.

Two years later, at the age of 15, the musician lost his father whom he considered the most important person in his life. He revealed that he spent two years crying as he had a hard time accepting the loss.

Shutterstock/ lev radin

McLean wrote American Pie at the age of just 24. This year, the song marks its 50th anniversary and is still considered one of the greatest of all time. The song nabbed fifth place in a poll of the Top 365 Songs of the 20th Century compiled by the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts. The rest of the top 5 songs were Respect, This Land Is Your Land, White Christmas, and Over the Rainbow.

Speaking of how it was created, McLean explained, “The opening part of the song was born in one piece. I wrote it remembering how it was the day I saw the newspaper, and the article that said my favorite artist had been killed. That got me started.”

It was part of his second album, American Pie, which was released on May 26, 1971.


“I was conscious of the fact that I was trying to create a rock’n’roll dream sequence,” McLean explained the concept of American Pie. “But it was way more than rock’n’roll. It was about an America that was coming apart at the seams.

“I was trying to create this American song, but not like This Land Is Your Land or America The Beautiful. I wanted to connect with the parts of America that mattered to me, starting with Buddy Holly. Buddy didn’t matter to anybody when I wrote this song, I have to tell you.” 

The original handwritten lyrics were sold for $1.2 million back in 2015.

American Pie has had its own history, its own biography, and each time it’s reflected on my own ability as a singer and songwriter. And it’s popularity has given me the opportunity to [showcase] my other songs,” McLean told Songwriter Universe.

“So people got to know my songs like CrossroadsWinterwoodCastles in the AirWonderful Baby, Dreidel and If We Try. Of course, American Pie was far bigger than all of those songs, but they still know many of my other songs. So that was always a wonderful benefit [from the success of American Pie].”


McLean got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this year.

The star was married twice and has a daughter and a son from his two marriages. While he’s in good terms with his son, his relationship with his daughter isn’t the greatest. In fact, speaking to Daily Mail, he revealed that he disinherited his daughter and cut her off financially.

Today, he’s in a relationship with his girlfriend of five years, Model Paris Dylan, who is 48 years his junior. The two met back in 2016 when she was hired to run his social media.

“Love is the most important thing you can have. You have to love somebody. Hate is such a burden. It’s a complete waste of time. I love my children and I love my girlfriend. I’m crazy for her,” he told People. “I think of her when I sing a lot of my songs. But I especially think of her when I sing [And I Love You So].

“I’m honored to have her as a girlfriend and a partner and we have no plans to ever break up,” he added. “We are going to stay together and ride this pony as long as we can.”

Dylan is famous on the social media where she has thousands of followers. She describes herself as “60s music lover” and often shares photos of her horses.

He says she is the one and is planning on spending his life with her.

We wish them only the best.

Wife continues deceased husband’s legacy of kindness

Charlie Poveromo was a person with a heart of gold who never hesitated to provide assistance to those who needed it. He was aware the summers in his country were hot and that it made it difficult for people such as construction workers, sanitation workers, and even police officers to stay cool and hydrated during their working hours. That’s when he decided to make it easier for them to get throughout the day by providing them with cold drinks.
Facebook/Velvet Poveromo
His wife recalls how he would go running into the kitchen, grab a bunch of plastic cups and a big jug and leave them outside making sure everyone gets as much as they wanted. And this is what Charlie continued doing each summer during the following eight years.
Facebook/Velvet Poveromo
Once he realized his idea was a great one, and that it kept the workers happy and refreshed, he started buying water bottles he would put in the cooler along with lots of ice. He made sure that cooler was always full, each and every day of the long, hot summers. Charlie even put some juice bottles and food along with the water. And he did all this just because he believed it was the right thing to do. His wife says that the word of what Cahrlie did spread among the DPW employees, firemen, and construction workers who would stop by the shade under Charlie’s tree and have a nice cold bottle of water.
Facebook/Velvet Poveromo
However, this summer was different. The cooler was no longer in front of the house. Although everyone wondered what happened, no one assumed that the kind man was no longer around and that he suddenly passed away just before the summer arrived. His wife was still mourning the death of her husband, and the cooler and the water bottles were the last thing she had on her mind. But once she understood how important this was to Charlie she decided to continue the tradition. She wanted the workers to have a place where they could take a break from the hard work. The couple had been married for 37 years, and his wife knew Charlie would want her to continue doing his good deed. The wife rushed to the store and bought some water bottles, she put them in front of the house under the big tree and she was aware what she was doing was a nice way to honor her husband’s life. Once the workers spotted the cooler, they noticed it came with a note informing them about Charlie’s death. They were saddened by the tragic news because they knew how kind and generous he was. Now, eight years after Charlie started providing them with refreshments, these people knew they had to do something in order to tell his wife that what her husband did for them will never be forgotten.
“…I heard the unmistakable sound of the garbage truck ease to a stop and as I turned to look, I watched in awe as each man stepped off the truck, the driver getting out to join them and in a straight line they stood together and saluted our home and me!! As is happening at this very moment, my eyes filled with tears and my body began to tremble as one by one they each came up to me, grasped my hand, gave me a hug and told me how very sorry they were and that no one had ever shown them the thoughtfulness and appreciation my husband had and then slowly, one by one, they each took a water bottle or two, climbed back up on the truck and gave a loud beep as they drove off.”
Facebook/Velvet Poveromo
When other people learned of what Charlie and his wife Velvet were doing each summer, people though it was a nice thing to do for other workers out there who struggled to keep themselves hydrated, so many of them started doing the same thing, which became known as the “Charlie’s coolers” concept. Velvet is thrilled when she hears of other people placing coolers with cold water because she believes each and every one of them is a tribute to her late husband.

Infant dies after consuming contaminated baby formula, mother claims


When baby Azael was born on July 14, 2021, his parents were over the moon. Mom Cynthia Salinas, of San Antonio, was determined to offer him the best life possible, and that included high quality nutrition. While at the hospital, Cynthia saw nurses feeding her son with Similac Pro Advance, which is considered a top-line formula.

Unfortunately, around two weeks after he was welcomed into the world, baby Azael started feeling bad. Concerned for his health, Cynthia took him to the hospital and told doctors that her son was having diarrhea and was vomiting. Following the checkup, doctors prescribed them Pedialyte and Tylenol and sent them home. However, those medications didn’t help improve Azael’s condition. On the contrary, he felt worse.

“That’s where everything went downhill. He just got really sick”, the young mom recalled.

Cynthia took her son to the hospital again but nothing could prepare her for the devastating news she was delivered by the doctors. The baby had a terrible case of salmonella bacteria that had already attacked his brain. They told her it was too late for anything to be done. Unfortunately, baby Azael passed away that day, at just 30 days old, after his heartbroken mom held him in her arms for one last time.

The cause of death was listed as Salmonella Meningitis.

After the tragedy struck, Cynthia wasn’t at ease. She couldn’t find an answer to the question which stuck with her and wouldn’t let her continue with her life. What could have caused the bacteria at such a young baby?

After thorough research, she stumbled upon information about the suspicious quality of the baby formula she used for Azael.

Company Abbott Nutrition had recalled that the FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, was investigating complaints they received about certain powdered formulas that had been produced at the Sturgis plant in Michigan, which included Similac Pro Advance, too. Allegedly, those formulas caused Cronobacter and Salmonella infections in infants.

She checked the batch number on formulas she had used for Azael and was horrified to see they matched with those under investigation.

She was certain that was the reason which led to her son’s passing.

The FDA investigated four reported cases of Cronobacter that the formulas might have caused in infants. Two of these cases resulted in death.

However, there was not enough evidence to link the baby formula to Salmonella.

Hearing this, heartbroken Cynthia said that “when this recall came out, I felt betrayed.”

“This is supposed to be a really good formula. And now, all this is happening, and you just have a lot of unanswered questions going on right now, and hopefully, we get answers pretty soon.”

She isn’t done fighting for justice for her late son and is pursuing a lawsuit. At the same time she urges parents to be extra cautious about what they feed their newborns with.

For more on the story go to the video below.

“Her eyes were huge, her skull was misshapen”: Mother describes the moment she first saw her baby daughter


A mother named Amanda Schuster explains the challenges and the joys of being a parent of a child that is different. 

It all started when she and her husband Robert decided they wanted another baby. 

But, after months of trying, the results were always devastating. The two, however, were determined to give their son a sibling and just when they wanted to schedule an appointment with a fertility expert Amanda missed her period, and that was it. 

Finally, this couple learned they are expecting a baby. 

When Amanda was in the 10th week of pregnancy, she underwent genetic testing on the fetus. Her doctor recommended it due to the fact both her and Robert were in their mid 40’s. The tests showed this mom-to-be was carrying a perfectly healthy baby. Or, at least that was what she was initially told. 

Months passed by and the excitement only grew bigger and bigger when the family was told some shocking news. It turned out that the baby had some serious issues.  

The nurse who was going through the scans of the regular check-up informed Amanda and Robert how she had to consult with a radiologist. That’s when they knew things were serious. 

One of the doctors told the weeping and terrified parents how the baby had some form of dwarfism and she wouldn’t make it once out of the womb. 

Amanda wanted to consult another doctor who told them how the baby had in fact Pfeiffer Syndrome. This happens when the skull fuses prematurely during pregnancy and the child has a deformed head and face. 

These loving parents made sure they learned as much as they could about the syndrome in order to be able to help their bundle of joy. 

Emmy was welcomed into the world, and her mom describes the moment she laid eyes on her special daughter. 

“Even though we had prepared ourselves as best as we could, it was still a shock to see Emmy in the flesh. Her eyes were huge, her skull was misshapen, and they intubated her immediately before I even got to look at her. She also has the most beautiful blue eyes and dark hair,” Amanda said. 

During the first 18 months of her life, sweet Emmy had to undergo 20 surgeries. Sadly, she would probably have more in the future. 

Emmy is one lucky girl to be part of a loving family like hers. Both her parents and her big brother Baron are there with her every step of the way and make sure she feels loved and protected. 

We wish Emmy a careless childhood and a great life ahead of her. 

Kid Rock refuses to back down from comments about Joy Behar, the co-host of ‘The View’


Robert James Ritchie, professionally known as Kid Rock, started his career as a rapper and DJ. Over the course of his career, he released a number of albums and his style alternates between rock, hip hop, country, and heavy metal.

Besides his music and the hits he has under his belt, Kid Rock is known as someone who is never afraid to speak his mind. During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Kid Rock decided to use his chance to share with the audience how much he dislikes Joy Behar, the co-host of The View and all that she stands for.

“You know and just talk about things without going for each other’s throats and protesting everything, and God forbid you say something a little bit wrong, you’re racist, homophobic, Islamophobic. This, that and the other,” Kid Rock said to Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy. “People need to calm down, get a little less politically correct. And I would say you know, love everybody.”

To everyone’s surprise, he then added: “Except I’d say screw that Joy Behar b*tch. Everybody but that.”

Shocked by his words, Doocy apologized on behalf of her guest. Fox News censors didn’t manage to catch Kid Rock’s slur on time and his offensive words were televised nationally.

The star then proceeded: “I mean, lady. I mean, lady,” he said after Doocy apologized to the viewers. “Maybe we’ll go on, and I’ll hash it out with her, and we’ll talk about. But, aside from joking, which I was, is just go out and hash it out with people and have your thoughts and ideas but, be able to still go have a beer with somebody and just say you know hey, we all love this country. And you know, let’s have different ideas but try to move forward and be more together and realize at the end of the day we’re all Americans.”

Later on, when he went home, he decided to make things clear and explain to his fans that he in fact apologized for the language he used, not the feelings he has for Behar.

“I did apologize for the language. Not the sentiment,” the rock star concluded.

For more go to the video below? Do you think Kid Rock needs to offer a sincere apology.

Boy only has $20 for new shoes, but then a complete stranger makes a kind offer


The number of people who struggle to make ends meet is huge. The coronavirus pandemic made things even worse for a lot of families who lost their jobs because of all the businesses which were forced to shut down.

Malisa Manguso is a single mother of two boys. Like most other moms in her position, she lives on a budget. Despite that, her children are happy and well-behaved because she teaches them to appreciate the simple things in life.

Some time ago, she and her sons went shopping for new shoes for her older son Zachary. The boy was told to choose wisely because the budget was only $20. “I had the same shoes for about nine months and the bottoms of them were destroyed,” 11-year-old Zach told KTVB.

Source: YouTube/ KTVB

As Malisa and Zach were discussing his choices, one man overheard their conversation. Lito Mason happened to be buying shoes himself when he heard that Zach only had a buget of $20 for new shoes he desperately needed for school.

“She was working with a budget and I get that, we all get that at this time of the year, back to school. I asked him, ‘so what type of shoes do you like?’ He said ‘I just want something that’s comfortable.’ I was done! At that point, I said I’m going to get him whatever he wants,” Lito shared once the story of the encounter between him and the family went viral.

Source: YouTube/ KTVB

When this stranger offered to pay for any shoes Zach would pick, Malisa was left speechless. No one has ever done anything like that for her or her boys.

“He just out of the blue looked at me and said, ‘I tell you what, that kid has to have good shoes on his feet and has to be looking good to go to junior high. You just pick out the shoes, and don’t worry about the price,’” Malisa shared with KTVB. “For the first time in a long time, I saw Zachary light up, and be so happy.”

Source: YouTube/ KTVB

Malisa was extremely thankful, so she asked if she could take a photo of Lito and her son. Lito agreed, not knowing the photo would end up on the Internet, making him a hero.

Once it was posted, someone recognized Lito and tagged him. In no time, he started receiving messages of people who praised him for his kindness.

“I didn’t realize it was going to be such a big deal,” he said. “To see me plastered all over the internet? I’m really a shy guy. It’s just something I wanted to do,” Lito explained. “For one time in his life, I didn’t want him to worry about a price, and it was simple as that.”

Well, you know what they say, even the tiniest act of kindness can go a long way!

For more on the story go to the video below. It is because of people like Lito that this world is a much better place.