Two-year-old has a tantrum and refuses to get off the ground – Dad handles the situation perfectly


Parenting isn’t easy, especially if you have a two-year-old that tends to change mood and throw tantrums every now and then. Yes, children this age are the hardest to handle because they are still very young to be able to control their emotions, yet old enough to get into an argument with their moms and dads over the things that aren’t done their way.


So, what is the best thing to do when your toddler won’t cooperate and turns into a little “monster?” Scientists say that talking does the job, but sometimes, that’s not really an option, especially when the child just won’t stop screaming and yelling and refuses to listen to what you are trying to say.

One dad found himself in such situation and the way he handled it brought him the award of “parent of the year” by the Internet community.


The story behind the girl’s behavior is yet not known, although we believe she wanted something but didn’t get it. She tried to get things her way by lying on the ground while her dad picked the bags from the car. She probably though her daddy would beg her to get off the ground and even fulfill her wish of getting whatever she wanted, but he had another plan.

Believe it or not, he took all the begs in one hand and then lifted her by her jacked with his other hand, playing cool. The mom witnessed the whole thing and put it on a tape. She wrote that their sweet girl weighted 37 pounds and was 3 feet tall. So, we guess one needs to be super strong to be able to carry that much weight with one hand.


The video of this dad handling the situation has been seen more than 3 million times. People not only love it, but many share similar stories of what they did when they found themselves in similar situations.

Take a look at this super dad in the video below and make sure you SHARE it with your friends who have toddlers.

Bored Daddy

Police dog stabbed in line of duty has Simon Cowell fighting back tears on BGT


Nothing speaks loyalty like dogs, who are the most loving creatures humans have ever had in their life. 

Not only they make awesome friends, but many of them serve the purpose of keeping the neighborhoods save of drugs and criminals too. 

Finn is one of those brave dogs who spent years of his life as a K-9 officer. 

Recently, he and his owner Dave took the stage of Britain’s Got Talent and wowed the crowed.

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

Before they proceeded with what they had prepared, Dave shared the story of how the two became best of friends. He even told the judges that if they get four yeses, Finn will get a juicy steak once they get home. 

Well, he’s honest and says that the dog will get to munch on the steak anyways as Dave always makes sure his companion gets nice things.

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

“Now we all think our dogs are magical. But Finn truly is,” says Dave, “and for more than one reason.”

Dave then asks from judge David Walliams to write a word on a piece of paper and show it to Finn. The smart dog goes to his owner and whispers the word into his ear. Surprisingly enough, Dave says the word is ‘table’ which is exactly what Walliams wrote.  

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

The audience cheers and waits for the other trick. But just before that, Dave shares a touching story.

He tells everyone how he and Finn had been through so much together and how the dog saved his life.

During a chase, a criminal tried stabbing Dave with a 10-inch knife. Seeing his human friend was in danger, brave Finn jumped in front of him and used his body as a shield. It was then that the criminal stubbed Finn instead. 

The dog was in a critical condition and the chances of his recovery were slim. But Finn proved once again that he was a fighter. It took a lot of time, but he was able to recover completely. 

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

This story made the crowd cry. Simon couldn’t help but shed tears, too. 

Not everyone is so lucky to have such a great friend in their life, and Dave has so much to be thankful for. 

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

Next, Simon comes on the stage and kneels on his knees looking straight at Finn’s eyes. Dave gives him a notebook whose pages are filled with words that describe Finn and asks him to pick one and say it out loud.

The word is ‘Heroic.’ To everyone’s surprise, that’s also the word written on the dog’s collar. 

Of all the words Simon could choose, he picked the one Finn keeps close to his heart. Isn’t that amazing? 

Source: YouTube/ Britain’s Got Talent

“That was pretty incredible. That’s never happened on any show,” Simon Cowell says.

Officers Dave and Finn got all the yeses. Their story was a beautiful one. We can’t wait to see what else they have to show Britain and the whole world in the episodes to come. 

Don’t forget to watch the video below. Please SHARE this with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and Peace

Eric Trump says Donald Trump was an “unconventional” and “strict” father


Being born in a rich family definitely has its perks, and for Eric Trump, it came with not only a luxurious life, but also a chance for a position of a Vice President in his father’s organization, which led for him to be on the Forbes’ top “30 under 30” in real estate in 2012. Of course, one would say that he was given everything on a silver plate, but that’s far from reality. The truth is that besides having former president Donald Trump as his father, Eric worked really hard to get where he is today.


Eric Trump was born on January 6, 1984, as the third child of Donald Trump and Ivana Trump. When he was just eight years old, his parents undergone through a messy divorce which was closely monitored by the wide public. The legal battle over the children’s custody and the financial settlement lasted 13 months. Finally, Ivana was granted divorce on the grounds of “cruel and inhumane treatment.” She ended up with $25 million, $10 million of which was in cash, and custody of her three children, with their father remaining part of their lives.

“I maybe never really put two and two together, but that’s probably when we first started getting a little bit of the limelight, some of the attention, and I had to learn to not care,” Eric Trump told Fox. 

Over the years, Ivana claimed that she was the one to be thanked for her children’s manners and success, claiming she worked hard to raise them right.

“No matter how busy I was, I had breakfast with my children every day. I sat with them at dinner every night and helped them with their homework (I loved algebra) before going out in a Versace gown to a rubber-chicken charity event,” Ivana wrote in her book Raising Trump.

“The kids and I celebrated, traveled, and grieved together. Our bond was, and is, our most valuable possession.”

The truth is that Donald was also involved in his children’s lives. During his presidency and the campaign that preceded the elections, they were all by his side and helped him with everything. They supported Donald Trump immensely, and the entire country saw how close the family is.


Eric has a degree in finance and management, with honors, from the Georgetown University in Washington DC. Following his graduation, he started climbing the Trump ladder and is now the Executive Vise President of the Trump organization. At the same time, he’s heavily involved with a number of charities. His non-profit organization, “The Eric Trump Foundation,” which he founded in 2007, helped raise around $16 million for child cancer research at the St. Jude Children’s Hospital.


Speaking of his father, Eric described him as “unconventional,” but “incredible.”

“He was less the ‘Let’s go out in the yard and play ball’ parent, but he was much more the ‘Let’s go walk construction sites of these 70 story towers flying up,” Eric Trump recalled in an interview with Fox

“But he was also strict,” he added. “You had to do well in school. Every day I left, I was six years old, he would say ‘no drinking, no drugs, no smoking.’ That’s who he was. He was always so disciplined, but at the same time he gave us enough latitude when we were young professionals to spread our wings a little bit and learn.”


During their childhood, Eric and his siblings, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. were “forced” to be competitive.

“We were sort of bred to be competitive,” Ivanka told New York Magazine. “Dad encourages it. I remember skiing with him and we were racing. I was ahead, and he reached his ski pole out and pulled me back.”

Eric added: “He would try to push me over, just so he could beat his 10-year-old son down the mountain.”

Eric is married to wife Lara with whom he has two children. She describes him as a humble and kind person.

The couple lives in Westchester but split their time between their home and their apartment in the Trump Parc East building located on Central Park South, New York City.

One thing is certain, Eric Trump is a very successful person.

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As soon as this mom left the table, her waitress slipped a note to her husband


Any mom out there would do anything for their child to be very well taken care of, including making sure they are fed on time. This is true for the babies who are breastfed as well. When they are hungry, it’s their moms duty to provide them with food, no matter where they are, at home or at a public place.

The issue, however, is that many times moms who choose to breastfeed their little ones in restaurants or other public places come across judgmental stares and people who believe what they are doing is beyond wrong.

Jackie Johnson-Smith is a stay-at-home mom of three, two of which are older, and her youngest, who she still breastfeeds, is only 12 months old.

It was Jackie’s birthday and she wanted to celebrate it out with her loving family.

“I usually don’t go downtown for dinner because lots of places aren’t family-friendly but I had heard good things about Fong’s,” Johnson-Smith said.

Jackie Johnson-Smith via Facebook

When the time came for her baby to be nursed, this mother felt anxious because she didn’t know how people would react.

“I usually don’t like to breastfeed in public because people can be judgmental,” Jackie said.“The waitress kept walking by, and I was worried she didn’t want me nursing in the restaurant.”

However, the reason behind the waitress’ walking back and forth the family’s table wasn’t because she wanted to judge Jackie. On the contrary, she only had words of praise for the brave mother.

Jackie Johnson-Smith via Facebook

When the family got the bill they could see something written on it.

I bought one of your pizzas. Please thank your wife for breastfeeding!

“I was in total shock and started tearing up,” Jackie said. “After dealing with people’s reactions for so long, it was like the universe was giving me a pat on the back. I was too stunned to go back inside and thank the waitress.”

This experience made Jackie feel good about herself, knowing there were people who supported what she did.

“I have breastfed three children…I have breastfed them in a countless number of places both pleasant and unpleasant, discreetly and out in the open. I have gotten many looks and stares, but tonight erases any negativity I have ever received. I ate at Fongs for the first time tonight. Having a fussy baby I nursed him for awhile in the booth and eventually left the table early as to not disrupt the restaurant. The waitress gave this receipt to my husband. I was speechless and emotional. Although I don’t need a pat on the back for feeding my child, it sure felt amazing. It is amazing how we women can make each other feel when we empower each other.”

It looks like the saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” is really the case. Being supportive of each other results in a community of happy people, and that’s all this world needs.

We are thankful for what the waitress did because breastfeeding a hungry baby has to be accepted as something normal, and not as something out of the ordinary.

However, we would like to hear your thoughts on the subject. Would you mind dining at a restaurant where a mother nurses their child?

Please share to inspire others to show their appreciation for those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe.

Bored Daddy

The Spanish royalty and all you need to know about them


Royal families always attract much attention and people are always eager to know more about their lives, therefore, their every move is closely monitored by the media. This is one of the reasons why the members of these families often make the headlines of influential magazines.

Now if you think that the British Royalty has gone through so much during the recent years, it’s in fact every royalty that deals with their own issues despite all the money and the fame.

In 2014, Spain welcomed a new king. Prince Felipe took the throne after his father, King Juan Carlos, abdicated following a number of scandals. The former ruler found himself in a middle of a corruption investigation and his reputation took a massive blow. Shortly after, in 2012, he went on an elephant hunting trip to Botswana, which made Spanish people angry. It was in 2014 that King Juan Carlos decided to step down from the throne and pass it down to Prince Felipe.


Although he has two older sisters, Felipe became the head of a monarchy because at the time monarchy was passed through the male line. This law is now changed which makes King Felipe’s older daughter his heir apparent.

King Felipe enjoys enormous popularity in his homeland, but he was once ready to walk away from the monarchy for the sake of love.

King Felipe has had quite a childhood. He and his family traveled a lot and he got to learn plenty about other countries and cultures. He studied in Canada, at the Lakefield College School in Ontario, in 1984 and 1985. After he returned home, he had undergone three years of military training in Spain’s armed forces academy. Following this training, King Felipe earned a law degree in Madrid and later, a Master’s Degree in international relations from Georgetown University in Washington DC.

He has been heavily involved in the mission to serve his people the best he can. At the Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Felipe competed in sailing and was the flag bearer for his country’s team.


At the time he was doing all this, his future wife, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, was working as a journalist. She earned two degrees, a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Journalism from the Institute for Audiovisual Journalism Studies. Letizia became a much-known and much-loved face in Spain. She was the anchor for the nightly news program Telediario, and even covered the 2000 U.S presidential election. 

All in all, she has had a very successful career in her field when she first met the future king.

Apparently, Felipe wanted to meet Letizia in person and he managed to get to her through a mutual journalist friend. She then gave him her number but they didn’t start dating until few months later.


At the beginning, they kept their relationship a secret, but the public learned they were dating after they were spotted vacationing together in Felipe’s royal residence in Mallorca.

In 2003, they announced their engagement.

However, rumors were that Felipe’s father wasn’t happy with the relationship. Letizia was a divorcee and didn’t have a royal blood. Sources reported at the time that Juan Carlos called his future daughter-in-law “the enemy within.” He asked his son to postpone the engagement for a year and think thoroughly about his choice.

Felipe on the other hand was determined to marry Letizia no matter what it took.

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

“Felipe went to his father to ask permission to marry with a letter renouncing his right to the throne in his pocket,” a member of another Royal family told Vanity Fair.

“And when his father suggested that he wait a year or so to make sure that she really was the right girl, he handed him the letter.”

Felipe’s mother told Juan Carlos: “You have no choice. If you don’t acquiesce, it will be the end of the monarchy.”


King Felipe and Queen Letizia have two precious daughters together, Leonor and Sophia.

The family tries to lead a normal life. As the king focuses all his energy to serve the people the best that he can, Queen Letizia is devoted to helping children across Spain get education. She also helps children who suffer from rare diseases.

This family is adored by its people because of their humble personalities and the ordinary life they tend to live.

Active servicewoman mother surprises her daughter by showing up during her school concert


Kids whose parents are part of the military and spend months deployed in far-away countries know how hard it is when the holidays are just around the corner and their mom or dad can’t get home and share the joy with the rest of the family.

Lt. Tawnee Hinton is a U.S. Navy officer who has been serving in Djibouti, Africa for the last 14 months. She is a mother of four, Christian, Avarie, Leyton, and Amelia, and is many times forced to be separated from them. In fact. Lt. Hinton’s husband, Christopher, is also part of the military, so the kids are already used to one of them not being home for long periods of time.

“They’ve never known anything other than us (dad and mom) being in the service,” Lt. Hinton told The Southside Times.

Source: The Southside Times

Speaking of her last deployment, this brave mom said, “My baby went from a 3- to a 5-year-old in school. My daughter went from 12 to being a teenager. It’s hard.”

She is completely aware of how much her kids miss her, so on Christmas, she decided to surprise her 13-year-old daughter Averie in a way neither of them will ever forget.

Source: The Southside Times

Averie knew her mom was coming home, but she had no idea she managed to be on time for her school holiday concert during which the choir performed the song What Christmas Means to Me. Lt. Hinton was backstage and was eagerly waiting to give her girl a hug. Then, the choir’s artistic director Gale Roschi told everyone to get ready for a surprise and then turned to Averie and said, “Avarie Hinton, I believe you have a present under the tree.”

Source: The Southside Times

The moment she saw her mom standing right in front of her made sweet Averie burst in tears of joy. It was a touching moment which made Christmas a bit more magical for everyone who witnessed the reunion.

Source: The Southside Times

You can take a look at it in the video below.

Pastor rescues woman’s casket unearthed during the storm


How far is someone willing to go in order to do what they believe is right? Some are willing to sacrifice it all for the greater good and I am convinced that it is because of these people that this world is a much better place.

This story took place some years ago, but we believe it is worth sharing because it speaks kindness and sacrifice, and that’s what most of us need during these tough times for the humanity.

When South Carolina was struck with floods back in 2015, it was considered one of the worst storms ever. Lives were lost and a number of homes were ruined.

Source: Daily Mail

As people feared for their safety and were desperately trying to find safe places to stay, one pastor did the unimaginable. His deed was praised by many and the story of his bravery reached headlines.

The flood didn’t spear the New Cannan Methodist Church in Ridgeville, and as a result, one casket started floating. The family of the deceased woman was looking at it unable to retrieve it.  

Pastor Wayne H. Reeves waited for officials to take measures and pull the casket out of the water, but as that didn’t happen he decided to take matters in his own hands. He put on wedding boots and walked 300 yards in order to get to the casket, despite being warned by a Dorchester County sheriff’s deputy not to enter the dangerous water.

Source: Daily Mail

The woman was buried some five months before the storm hit.

Shortly after Pastor Reeves’ dramatic rescue, officials were able to pull out another casket, that of the deceased woman’s husband.

Source: Daily Mail

Later, both the unearthed caskets were buried again by the family.

Mom has a warning for other parents after playground craze leaves her 11-year-old son “looking like an alien”


Kids are very curious by nature and want to try different things. Well, we’ve all been there, done that, right? However, parents have to make sure they keep a close eye on their children as much as possible and teach them things in order for them to be able to make the right decisions when moms and dads aren’t around.

An 11-year-old boy named Tyler Broome suffered horrific injuries after he tried a YouTube craze known as “the roundabout of death” and now his parents are sharing his story in order to warn other parents of keeping their kids away from such dangerous stunts.

Apparently, Tyler took part in the game because he wanted to show his friends that he was fearless and that resulted in him being left unconscious, with possible brain and vision damage.

The injuries Tyler sustained can bee seen in fighter pilots or astronauts who can be subjected to extreme gravitational force, G-force.

The game is played by partakers sitting in the middle of a playground roundabout while it’s spun at high speed using the rear wheel of a motorcycle.

Dawn, Tyler’s mom, explained how her son and a friend of his were at the park when a group of older kids challenged them to take part in the game.

Speaking to the British newspaper The Independent, she said, “I don’t recognise my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him, they are not friends. He puts his motorbike on the floor, gets the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just cleared off – it is bullying.”

When Tyler was rushed at the hospital, doctor’s were shocked at his state. They said they had never seen something like that before and had to do a research and consult other hospitals before they started treating his injuries.

“The injuries were so extreme, he just looked like the Elephant Man. They have never seen it before, they are going to make a medical report from it. His head has completely swelled up, his blood vessels have burst, his eyes look alien. His vision is blurry. You can manage a broken arm but this? He doesn’t remember it, he doesn’t remember the detail,” Dawn said.

We hope sweet Tyler would be just fine and that he will never take part in any stunt that will put his life in danger. Please share this story to warn other parents of the dangers of this stunt and similar dangerous games.

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