Melania Trump’s career and net worth: Everything you need to know


Melania Trump, the wife of business mogul and former President of the United States, Donald Trump, first came to America to work as a model. Her beauty opened the doors to the fashion industry for her, and she was very successful at what she did.

It was back in 1987 when young Melania decided to drop out of the University of Ljubljana and focus on modeling instead. It took her only a year to get a contract with a modeling agency in Milan.

When she met famous Italian businessman Paolo Zampolli, he helped her get a work visa to the U.S.

Source: YouTube/BBC

Back then, she planned on living in the States but had to travel back home several times to renew her visa.

“I came here for my career, and I did so well, I moved here,” Melania told Harper’s Bazaar. “It never crossed my mind to stay here without papers. That is just the person you are. You follow the rules. You follow the law. Every few months you need to fly back to Europe and stamp your visa.

“After a few visas, I applied for a green card and got it in 2001. After the green card, I applied for citizenship. And it was a long process.”

Source: Shutterstock/Everett Collection

At a Kit Kat Club event during the New York Fashion Week in 1998, Zampolli brought a friend, Donald Trump. He was with a date that night, but when he saw Melania, he immediately wanted to know more about her.

One of Melania’s friends, Edit Molnar, spoke of that night and explained that Donald asked Melania for her number, but she didn’t give it to him because he wasn’t alone. “Melania said, ‘He’s here with a woman. I am absolutely not giving him my number,’” Molnar told New York Post. “She wouldn’t even consider it. Donald did all the work.”

Melania also spoke of the night she first met Donald Trump. “He wanted my number,” she told Tatler. “But he was on a date, so of course I didn’t give it to him. I said, ‘I am not giving you my number; give me yours and I will call you.’ If I give him my number, I’m just one of the women he calls.”

Source: Shutterstock/Gints Ivuskans

After they met again, one thing led to another and the two started a relationship. In 2001, at the time Melania got her green card, she was already living at Trump Tower.

They tied the knot some three years later, and in 2006, they welcomed their son Baron Trump.

Melania did end her career as a model, but she never stopped working, regardless of her husband’s enormous wealth.

Source: Shutterstock/mark reinstein

She has been involved in the fashion industry, more precisely jewelry. She never stopped creating pieces, not even during the time she lived in the White House as a First Lady.

The former model launched her Melania Timepieces and Jewelry collection, for sale on QVC, in 2010. Each of the pieces she created seems to represent her personal aesthetics and fashion style. Melania also marketed a skin care collection at high-end department stores.

It has been reported that according to the White House financial disclosure filing in May 2016, the former First Lady’s company, Melania Marks Accessories Member Corporation, made between $15,000 and $50,000 in royalties per year.

According to Yahoo, her net worth is around $50 million.

However, besides her business, Melania is also involved in a number of charities, including Be Best program, which she launched in 2018. It aims at promoting physical and emotional wellbeing among children.

“Social media can both positively and negatively affect our children. But too often, it is used in negative ways,” she said at the time of the Be Best launch. “When children learn positive online behaviors early on, social media can be used in productive ways.

“I do believe that children should be both seen and heard, and it is our responsibility as adults to educate and remind them that when they are using their voices – whether verbally or online – they must choose their words wisely and speak with respect and compassion.”

Source: Shutterstock/MaciejGillert

Other causes she supports are the Martha Graham Dance Company, The American Red Cross, Love Our Children USA, and the Police Athletic League.

People close to the Trump family claim Melania is not happy with her husband’s plan to run for president in 2024. Apparently, she doesn’t want to return to the White House and believes that political work for the Republican Party is not her job, but her husband’s.

“Being First Lady again is not what she wants,” source told CNN. “For her, it was a chapter — and it’s over, and that’s that.”

Marine Couldn’t Wait To Leave Work. It’s worth taking a minute of your day and reading


Reader Mark B. emailed this story this morning, on Veteran’s Day. It’s worth taking a minute of your day and reading.

I just wanted to get the day over with and go down to Smokey’s for a few cold ones. Sneaking a look at my watch, I saw the time, 1655. Five minutes to go before the cemetery gates are closed for the day. Full dress was hot in the August sun. Oklahoma summertime was as bad as ever — the heat and humidity at the same level — both too high.

I saw the car pull into the drive, ’69 or ’70 model Cadillac Deville, looked factory-new. It pulled into the parking lot at a snail’s pace.

An old woman got out so slow I thought she was paralyzed. She had a cane and a sheaf of flowers, about four or five bunches as best I could tell.

I couldn’t help myself. The thought came unwanted, and left a slightly bitter taste: “She’s going to spend an hour, and for this old soldier my hip hurts like hell and I’m ready to get out of here right now!”

But for this day my duty was to assist anyone coming in. Kevin would lock the “In” gate and if I could hurry the old biddy along , we might make the last half of happy hour at Smokey’s.

I broke Post Attention. My hip made gritty noises when I took the first step and the pain went up a notch. I must have made a real military sight; middle-aged man with a small pot-gut and half a limp, in Marine Full Dress Uniform, which had lost its razor crease about 30 minutes after I began the watch at the cemetery.

I stopped in front of her, halfway up the walk. She looked up at me with an old woman’s squint. “Ma’am , may I assist you in any way?”

She took long enough to answer. “Yes, son. Can you carry these flowers? I seem to be moving a tad slow these days.”

“My pleasure Ma’am.” Well, it wasn’t too much of a lie.

She looked again. “Marine, where were you stationed?”

” Vietnam , Ma’am. Ground-pounder. ’69 to ’71.”

She looked at me closer. “Wounded in action, I see. Well done, Marine. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

I lied a little bigger “No hurry, Ma’am.”

She smiled, and winked at me. “Son, I’m 85-years old and I can tell a lie from a long way off. Let’s get this done. Might be the last time I can do this. My name’s Joanne Wieserman, and I’ve a few Marines I’d like to see one more time.”

“Yes, Ma’am. At your service.”

She headed for the World War I section, stopping at a stone. She picked one of the bunches out of my arm and laid it on top of the stone. She murmured something I couldn’t quite make out. The name on the marble was Donald S. Davidson, USMC, France 1918.

She turned away and made a straight line for the World War II section, stopping at one stone. I saw a tear slowly tracking its way down her cheek.

She put a bunch on a stone; the name was Stephen X. Davidson, USMC,

She went up the row a ways and laid another bunch on a stone, Stanley J. Wieserman USMC , 1944. She paused for a second, “Two more, son, and we’ll be done.”

I almost didn’t say anything , but, “Yes, Ma’am. Take your time.”

She looked confused. “Where’s the Vietnam section, son? I seem to have lost my way.”

I pointed with my chin. “That way, Ma’am.”

“Oh!” she chuckled quietly. “Son, me and old age ain’t too friendly.”

She headed down the walk I’d pointed at. She stopped at a couple of stones before she found the ones she wanted. She placed a bunch on Larry Wieserman USMC, 1968, and the last on Darrel Wieserman USMC, 1970.

She stood there and murmured a few words I still couldn’t make out.

“OK, son , I’m finished. Get me back to my car and you can go home.”

“Yes, Ma’am. If I may ask, were those your kinfolk ?”

She paused. “Yes, Donald Davidson was my father; Stephen was my uncle; Stanley was my husband; Larry and Darrel were our sons. All killed in action, all Marines.” She stopped, whether she had finished, or couldn’t finish, I don’t know. She made her way to her car, slowly, and painfully.

I waited for a polite distance to come between us and then double-timed it over to Kevin waiting by the car. “Get to the “Out”-gate quick. I have something I’ve got to do.”

Kevin started to say something but saw the look I gave him. He broke the rules to get us there down the service road. We beat her. She hadn’ t made it around the rotunda yet.

“Kevin, stand to attention next to the gate post. Follow my lead.” I humped it across the drive to the other post.

When the Cadillac came puttering around from the hedges and began the short straight traverse to the gate, I called in my best gunny’s voice: “TehenHut! Present Haaaarms!”

I have to hand it to Kevin, he never blinked an eye; full dress attention and a salute that would make his DI proud.

She drove through that gate with two old worn-out soldiers giving her a send off she deserved, for service rendered to her country, and for knowing Duty, Honor and Sacrifice .

I am not sure, but I think I saw a salute returned from that Cadillac.

Instead of “The End”….just think of “Taps”.

As a final thought on my part, let me share a favorite prayer:

“Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they serve at home or overseas. Hold them in Your loving hands and protect them as they protect us.”

Let’s all keep those currently serving and those who have gone before, in our thoughts. They are the reason for the many freedoms we enjoy.

Vietnam veteran, 72, attacked by 2 teens fights back with help of other vets


The elderly are one of the most fragile categories of people and that is the reason why they are considered an easy target by muggers and criminals.

Peter Hoban, a 72-year-old Vietnam veteran, was on his way to the Cleveland VA medical center when he spotted a group of teenagers looking at him. He smelled trouble but decided to continue walking.

“I made a mental note to myself when I get down there, I’ll tell them (center staff) they have people hanging out in the garage that are probably up to no good,” Hoban told News5 Cleveland.

However, as he headed towards the medical center, one of the teens approached him and asked him for some money. When Hoban answered that he didn’t have any, the boy started acting violently. Hoban then pushed him and tried to move, but another boy approached and hit him in the eye.

Source: Facebook

“They were both together so I charged them, tackled them down and started yelling for police and help,” Hoban explained after the incident.

Some people, who happened to be veterans themselves, heard his cries for help and rushed to his rescue. They managed to hold one of the boys until police arrived, while the other one grabbed Hoban’s car keys and fled the scene with the veteran’s vehicle.

“He was twisting his arm, I was holding his legs, a third gentleman came up and about that time I saw my car drive by down the ramp,” Hoban said and added that one of the people who helped him told him, “You mess with a veteran, we stick together,” as reported by News5 Cleveland.

Source: Facebook

Hoban’s daughter was the first one to share her father’s ordeal on Facebook. “A Cobra Pilot Vietnam veteran is someone you do NOT MESS WITH. Dad is ok. They checked him out and did scans at the VA. He is fine on the inside. Just bumps, bruises and scrapes on the outside,” she wrote, alongside pictures of her injured father. “This gets me soooo MAD and breaks my heart at the same time. Why…why pick on somebody that could be your Grandpa?! Why?! I am grateful my Daddy is safe and ok over all.”

Hoban is now recovering and is pleading the community to help him find the veterans who helped him. “I want to buy them a drink, coffee, dinner or whatever,” he said.

Authorities reported that Hoban’s car was found some two blocks away from the scene and that one of the suspects had been arrested.

“Our VA Police conduct regular patrols throughout our property, but there is still an element of risk even in the safest of areas. This was an isolated incident, and our risk assessment does not call for additional security at this time,” they said.

“We continue to encourage Veterans, employees and visitors to report suspicious activity immediately. If faced with a similar situation, experts recommend maintaining your calm, giving the offenders the property, and immediately notifying authorities. We are thankful there were no serious injuries in this instance and that the Veteran’s car will be returned to him.”

We are so very sorry this Vietnam veteran was forced to endure such an unpleasant ordeal, and we honestly hope the teens would get the punishment they deserve for hitting an elderly man who once served our country.

Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook!

Bored Daddy

This Man Reacted Perfectly To A Little Girl With Autism Calling Him “Daddy” During A Flight

Last year, she boarded a plane with her mother Shanell Mouland. They were on their way home from Disneyland. Her mother decided to position her in the middle seat to stop her from opening and closing the window shutter. Mouland feared Kate’s behavior would upset other passengers. As the plane filled, most people chose sit away from Kate. That is, with the exception of one guy. He was dressed in a business suit and bore a suitcase.

As soon as Kate saw him sit next to her, she started calling her “Daddy.” Her mother expected the stranger to ignore the little girl. But he did something awesome instead.

This Man Reacted Perfectly To A Little Girl With Autism Calling Him “Daddy” During A Flight
Throughout the flight, the man looked after Kate. He answered her questions about turtles and let her see his iPad. Because of him, Kate had her most successful flight yet. This prompted Mouland to write at “thank you” letter to the stranger. It became viral and soon they were able to find out who the kind stranger was. The letter goes: “Dear ‘Daddy’, I don’t know your name but Kate called you ‘daddy’ for the entire flight last week and you kindly never corrected her. In fact, you didn’t even flinch as you could probably tell that she was not confusing you with her own ‘daddy’ but instead making a judgment regarding your level of ‘safety’ for her. If she calls you ‘daddy’ then you better believe she thinks you are alright. I sat Kate in the middle seat knowing full well that there would be a stranger sitting next to her for the duration of this flight. I had to make a quick decision and based on her obsession with opening and closing the window shade I figured she might be less of a distraction if she sat in the middle. I watched the entire Temple basketball team board the plane and wondered if one of these giants might sit by Kate. They all moved toward the back. She would have liked that, she would have made some observations that I would have had to deal with but she would have liked those players. I watched many Grandmotherly women board and hoped for one to take the seat but they walked on by. For a fleeting moment I thought we might have a free seat beside us and then you walked up and sat down with your briefcase and your important documents and I had a vision of Kate pouring her water all over your multi-million dollar contracts, or house deeds, or whatever it was you held. The moment you sat down, Kate started to rub your arm. Your jacket was soft and she liked the feel of it. You smiled at her and she said: “Hi, Daddy, that’s my mom.” Then she had you. You could have shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You could have ignored her. You could have given me that ‘smile’ that I despise because it means; ‘manage your child please.’ You did none of that. You engaged Kate in conversation and you asked her questions about her turtles. She could never really answer your questions but she was so enamored by you that she keep eye contact and joint attention on the items you were asking her about. I watched and smiled. I made a few polite offers to distract her, but you would have none of it. Kate: (Upon noticing you had an iPad) Is dis Daddy’s puduter? You: This is my iPad. Would you like to see it? Kate: To me?????? (I know she thought you were offering it to her to keep) Me: Look with your eyes, Kate. That is not yours. Kate: Dat’s nice! You: (Upon noticing that Kate had an iPad) I like your computer, too. It has a nice purple case. Kate: Daddy wanna be a bad guy? (She offered shredder to you and that, my friend, is high praise) You: Cool. The interaction went on and on and you never once seemed annoyed. She gave you some moments of peace while she played with her Anna and Elsa dolls. Kind of her to save you from playing barbies, but I bet you wouldn’t have minded a bit. I bet you have little girls, too. Not long before we landed Kate had reached her limit. She screamed to have her seatbelt off, she screamed for me to open the plane door and she cried repeating, “Plane is cwosed (closed)” over and over. You tried to redirect her attention to her toys. She was already too far gone at this point, but the fact that you tried to help your new little friend made me emotional. In case, you are wondering. She was fine the moment we stepped off the plane. Thank you for letting us go ahead of you. She was feeling overwhelmed and escaping the plane and a big, long hug was all she needed. So, thank you. Thank you for not making me repeat those awful apologetic sentences that I so often say in public. Thank you for entertaining Kate so much that she had her most successful plane ride, yet. And, thank you for putting your papers away and playing turtles with our girl.” The letter quickly went viral and reached “Daddy at 16c” the following day. It’s been a year now since the flight and they came to know the guy. His name is Eric Kunkel from New Jersey, he’s married, and is a parent himself. He has since became good friends with the Moulands.

Thanks to a kind stranger, a little girl had one awesome flight to remember.

This Man Reacted Perfectly To A Little Girl With Autism Calling Him “Daddy” During A Flight
We’re blessed to have people like “Daddy at 16c.”

Share if you Care!

Peace and Love Bored Daddy

Girl walks nine miles to reach for help after finding collapsed horse on the ground


Animal lovers who strongly believe that every life matters are the reason why so many strays and neglected animals find their happiness and their forever home.

Kelsey Allonge and her mom were headed to a flea market when they noticed something lying at the side of the road. As they couldn’t just keep driving, they pulled over and decided to check on the thing. 

To their surprise, it was a starved horse in desperate need of help. 

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

The women’s hearts broke when they realized the six-month-old mare was severely neglected and beaten. One of her eyes was swollen shut, and her knee and backbone were damaged.

“Me and my mom were up to go to a swap-meet at 5:30 in the morning,” Kelsey recalls. “She just looked like a skeleton. We didn’t think she was going to make it. We just felt so bad for her, just overwhelming sadness.”

The horse, later named Sunny, hadn’t eaten in days. Thirsty, exhausted, and starving, she needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. 

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

This mother-daughter duo immediately canceled their plans and instead of going to the swap-meet, they headed back home to grab the trailer and transport poor Sunny to a safer place.

“For her just to lay there, she just gave up. We decided that there was nothing else to do but walk her home.”

However, this kind teen wasn’t planning on giving up on her.

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

Kelsey was determined to save this starving horse from her predicament at all costs.

However, it was impossible for the weak horse to get to the trailer so Kelsey decided to get her home by walking slowly, taking one step at a time. The trip back was more than nine miles long, but this animal lover would do anything to save her new friend.

“What kept you going, that whole way that you were walking?” a local reporter asked. “I guess just the idea that a life’s a life and no matter how small it is, she needed saving. My pain wasn’t comparable to what she was in.”

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

While driving to the swap-meet, Kelsey’s mom was supposed to take another route, but she took one wrong turn and that’s how they ended up on the road where they found Sunny. This has to be serendipity. 

Kelsey then finally arrived home with Sunny after four hours.

The horse was finally home but her injuries were severe and she needed some time to recover. Kelsey was determined to help Sunny continue with her life, and she even spent five nights sleeping with her at the stall, not wanting for her to feel alone.

“If she was going to die, she wasn’t going to die alone,” Kelsey s.

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

As you can expect, these two have developed a very special bond for each other.

“She’s just like my little baby,” Kelsey said proudly. “Sunny sees me as food, but she sees Kelsey as love,” the teen’s mom funnily added.

Sunny is now loved, happy, and healthy and has a great life ahead of her. 

Source: YouTube/ Travis A. Probst

Thanks to Kelsey and her mom, Sunny got a second chance in life. Isn’t this one of the most extraordinary rescue stories ever?

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace!

Pastor’s son hops up on stage before service – Delivers sermon that has entire church in stitches


No matter how often we remind our children about what is right or wrong, at the end, they choose to act and do what they see us doing. That is the reason why whenever they are around us, we should always behave the way we wish them to. If they see us fighting and getting angry over little things, they will later copy that behavior, no matter if we tell them to stay calm in certain situations.

One pastor, Ryan Marlow, is doing a great job raising his son Levi. This North Carolina family is devoted to their religion and Levi often attends his father’s service.

Source: YouTube/ Ryan Marlow

One day, just as the Sunday service was about to start at the church where Ryan works, his boy decided to preach his own wisdom to the people gathered.

The little one stood in front of the people and started sharing stories. Being just 19 months old, most of the people didn’t even understand what he was trying to say, but at least he treated them with a great laugh.

Levi’s dad shared the video of the cute “speech” with his followers on the social media not knowing that the boy’s video would soon go viral.

Levi truly is a pastor in the making. For his “service,” go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends on Facebook! It will definitely make their day.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace!

Mom notices scratches on her child’s face, later sees a figure appear on their baby monitor


Josh Higgins and Heather Brough, a young couple from Highland Township, Michigan, experienced a strange encounter which forced them to make the decision to move places.

They have been living at Josh’s mother’s guesthouse, while his mom and dad reside in the main house nearby.

One morning, when Heather went to check on her 15-month-old baby daughter, she noticed Lili’s face was all covered in scratches. The sweet girl was in pain as the scratches were deep. This made Heather’s heart broke into a million pieces. What’s most, she was totally unaware of how that could happen. At first, they thought Lily scratched herself in her sleep, but they put the girl’s hands up to the scratches and it didn’t match up.

Source: YouTube /WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

The mom then thought of checking out the monitor footage from Lily’s bedroom and learn what was going on during the night.

Little did they know that the footage would leave them in chills.

“It was chilling. It was literally a chill down your spine. Like that ‘what if’ factor — Is this what I just saw?”

The footage showed a strange figure approaching Lily’s crib. As it came closer, the baby could be seen looking straight at the ceiling.

“I freaked out. I stopped what I was doing, and I ran upstairs, and I grabbed my daughter.”

Source: YouTube /WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

This wasn’t the first time for strange occurrences to be taking place in the house. Heather claimed she would often hear strange noises, and one time, she felt like someone put his arm around her neck as if some spirit tired to strangle her.

The Michigan couple was convinced a “ghost” was trying to scare them and hurt their daughter. They had decided to move out of the house for Lilly’s safety.

Josh’s father believes that if there is a ghost in the house, it probably belongs to the previous owner who suffered an unfortunate death some 14 years ago, shortly before the Higgins bought the place.

Source: YouTube /WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

The family believes that the main house, where Josh’s parents live, is also haunted. They also hear strange noises every now and then and say that the spirit that causes that must belong to the woman who lived there before and died by falling down the stairs. The two ghosts were once a brother and a sister.

Paranormal investigator, Mike Priest, inspected both places and agrees that there is something going on.

“We heard something say, ‘Oh here we go. Oh yeah.’ I heard it as plain as day,” he claimed.

As of the figure in the video, he says it could simply be something as insignificant as a moving reflection.

To learn more of what this family believes is a paranormal activity go to the video below. Don’t forget to SHARE this chilling story with your family and friends on Facebook!

Bored Daddy

Peace and Love!

Mom shares 5-year-old son’s adorable day care pickups and now everyone is crying


Welcoming a child into your life has to be one of the most emotional moments there are. Watching the little one grow and reach milestones is what every parent dreams of, but when the moment comes for moms and dads to get back to work and leave the little one with a babysitter or at the day care, it is always overwhelming.

A mom from Washington D.C., Tisa Sinclair, experienced exactly that. She had a hard time returning to work after giving birth, but watching her baby’s reaction to her going to the day care to pick him up made her days a bit brighter.

From the moment sweet Jaxon Winder started attending daycare at just 7 months old, until today, when he’s five years old, Tisa recorded every reaction he made when he noticed her coming to get him home from day care. Believe it or not, as this sweet boy grew up, his cute reaction remained the same.

Tisa decided to make a short compilation and share it with her friends on social media after the video was set to Randy Newman’s “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.”

Speaking to Today Parents, Tisa said: “When I went back to work, it was really hard because I missed him terribly.

“But I knew everything was going to be OK the first time I picked him up and saw that smile.”

The video has melted millions of hearts as it has been seen by 2.3 million people on Twitter alone. “Seeing his smile is the best part of my day,” the proud mom said. “I know it’s corny, but everything that’s wrong just melts away as soon as I see him.”

Take a look at the cute video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

Bored Daddy