McDonald’s worker leaves fast food fans fuming after explaining how the drive-thru works


Young or old, everybody craves for a Big Mac every now and then. Just imagine the joy of treating yourself with one of these delicious burgers after a night out.

However, as much as we enjoy the luxury of pulling up to the restaurant’s drive-thru, we may question whether we would do that again after a McDonald’s employee revealed some secrets which gave many the creeps.

Taking to TikTok, where she shares some tricks of the trade, user @secretfitzz revealed that the restaurant takes secret screenshots, and people are totally unaware of it. What’s most, the user added that the employees listen to customers’ conversations.

Source: TikTok

“The fact people don’t know we can hear your convos even when we aren’t speaking to you taking your order,” the TikTok video reveals.

“And we have a camera at the speaker that takes a picture of you so we know whose order is whose.”

The user added that the highlight of her day at work is “seeing the mugshots of random people.”

Needless to say, this revelation left many angry and fuming.

Source: TikTok

Of course, we cannot be sure whether this is true or not, but just the thought of it makes us feel uncomfortable.

Some users couldn’t help but comment on the video, with one person writing, “If this is true, I’m never going again,” while another joked: “How can you hear my convo when you can’t hear me screaming into the mic from 5cm away?”

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‘Heartless’ teacher bullied student day by day, boy had it enough and secretly recorded every insult


This story comes from Reddit and was shared by a user who goes by the name u/Johnny_Provolone. It is about a sweet revenge this person plotted against a teacher who wouldn’t stop bullying him.

We are not sure if what this user shared is a true story or not but it is definitely a situation we can all find ourselves in. How he handled the way he was treated by his algebra teacher is definitely worth a read.

“I was a senior in high school at the time and I had never been the brightest student. I was a solid C student and i had never received a detention or had any kind of bad student record. This is important because to this day, i still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way. The teacher, who we will name Mrs. Frank, had been a teacher there for more then a decade. She was widely known for being a petty heartless bitch who the administrators saw as the golden child, this user started his story.

“Mrs. Frank taught algebra, which is my worst subject. So naturally I had issues understanding the lessons and would ask questions frequently. To some these questions are easily answered but to me it was rocket science.”

Source: pexels

However, instead of providing help, the teacher would use every chance to bully Provolone calling him slow and refusing to answer any of his questions. She simply didn’t see him fit for her class and never even tried to teach him the things he couldn’t understand. The thing is that no one ever believed him when he told them he was treated badly.

Once, he went to the school’s administration and told them about the issue. They sent someone to observe the class, but the teacher acted on her best behavior when she knew someone was watching her. When she was left alone with her students, it was a different story. Her bullying continued and that made Provolone take matters into his own hands.

So, one day, he went to a local store and purchased a recorder. Having in mind this happened some 15 years ago, it was the best piece of equipment that could come in handy for Provolone’s plan. He decided to record every insult.

At the end of the year, Provolone asked his teacher a question. Her reply was just another proof that she wasn’t fond of him as her reply was: “I’v been teaching here for over 10 years and that was the single dumbest question i’v ever heard come from anyone’s mouth.”

The day was over and Provolone went home and “compiled all of the brutal tapes into one glorious masterpiece.” Once he did that, he went straight to the principal’s office and pressed play. They asked for more evidence and told Provolone to bring the full tape the following day.

According to him, the following morning was one of the best in his life.

“I watched as the administrators went from fed up with being in another useless meeting, to furious and speechless with some of them keeping their mouths open for the duration of the tape. I also watched Mrs. Frank go from confident and stuck up, to her realizing that she had fucked up beyond repair.

“She was publicly roasting herself in front of the most important people from the district.

“The tape ended and without hesitation, the administrators looked around in astonishment and the principal turns to me and says ‘I think we have heard everything we need to, thank you.’ And i was quietly dismissed from the room.

“The final time I saw Mrs. Frank was leaving the room. I looked back and we made eye contact through her tear filled eyes as I gave the biggest most evil smile.”

What do you think of this? Do you like the way this person handled his bully teacher? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below and don’t forget to SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Jason Momoa’s social media activity after verdict is raising eyebrows


Recently, the entire country, and even the world, was caught into a Deep-Heard frenzy as the two actors and former spouses went through an extensive and intense court trial. Johnny Deep sued Heard on the grounds that she defamed him in an op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post. The trial was broadcast on Court TV and according to Vanity Fair, the channel’s ratings had doubled as a huge number of people closely followed the accusations the exes threw at each other.

Not only ordinary people, but fellow actors and people close to both Depp and Heard were eager to learn the outcome. On June 1, the verdict was finally reached.

Johnny Depp won on all three counts of defamation. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor received $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. However, Judge Penney Azcarate reduced the punitive damages to meet the state’s limit of $350,000.

Amber Heard on the other hand won on one count and will receive $2 million in compensatory damages.

As expected, both of them released statements following the verdict.

Heard wrote that she was disappointed and heartbroken, claiming that her ex’s power, influence, and sway was to blame for her loss.

“I’m even more disappointed with what this verdict means for other women. It is a setback. It sets back the clock to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke up could be publicly shamed and humiliated. It sets back the idea that violence against women should be taken seriously,” she added.

“I believe Johnny’s attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore evidence that was so conclusive that we won in the U.K.

“I’m sad I lost this case. But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American — to speak freely and openly.”

In his statement, Depp thanked the juries for giving him his life back.

Both statements were read and commented on by a huge number of people, including other celebs.

However, what attracted the attention of many was the Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa’s reaction. He pressed “Likes” on both statements and it raised eyebrows. Many believe that this means he wants to keep his neutral position or he’s simply glad the trial is over. Momoa has not publicly taken side in the trial that pitted the two actors against each other, unlike other celebs such as Amy Schumer who supported Heard, or model Naomi Campbell who responded to Depp’s statement with a heart emojy.

What are your thoughts on the Depp-Heard trial verdict?

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Little boy stops police officer on his way to school and asks her to pray with him


Little children have the purest of hearts. They are fun to be around because they always speak their mind and are honest to the core, so if they say they love you they truly mean it.

One police officer who was on the job is sharing a heartwarming encounter with a young boy who was waiting for the school bus at a bus stop. As officer Jan Dykes, with the Louisville Metro Police Department, approached the students, the boy got closer and asked her to pray with him. Dykes was stunned by this unusual request and decided to join the little guy in his prayer. The words he uttered warmed her heart.

“He said, ‘I want to pray for this officer’s safety. I made a new friend. I really hope her day goes great, and hopefully she makes a lot of lives better and going to school and meeting new people.’ It was really great to think this kid had this much excitement,” Dykes told ABC local news station WTVM.

This encounter made an impression so great at this officer that she tried finding the boy after the school was over, but she didn’t see him at the buss stop.

She still doesn’t know who that boy was, but she really wants to track him down and thank him for the prayer once again.

“It brought a lot of joy to me for him to want to do that for me,” Dykes said. “Often times people are thinking, ‘How can you go and help them?’ and it’s just nice to see he wanted to do that for me. It made me happy to see someone so young and moldable being so positive and wanting to be that light.”

We hope these two meet again.

Bill Gates issues warning to the world about Elon Musk


The name of Elon Musk is related to power and money. He’s currently the richest person in the world, with an approximate net worth of $267 billion. What’s most, he’s one of the few people, if not the only one, who has immense influence on how the cryptocurrency market behaves. It only takes a single tweet by him for the value of cryptocurrencies to soar. Such was the case with his tweet about Bitcoin.

One person who has a warning about Musk and crypto is the Microsoft founder, Bill Gates.

He spoke openly about the risks of investment saying that the cryptocurrency market is precarious for anyone who doesn’t have as much money as Musk has. As we are all aware that no other person has Tesla’s owner’s wealth, the message Gates tries to spread is clear. Further, Gates warns that people might end up with nothing in case the crypto bubble bursts. Those loses won’t affect Musk a great deal, having in mind his enormous wealth, but the ordinary people won’t be able to absorb those loses.

This wasn’t the first time for Gates to speak about Musk. Back in February 2021, he told Bloomberg: “Elon has tons of money, and he’s very sophisticated, so I don’t worry that his Bitcoin will randomly go up or down. I do think people get brought into these manias who may not have as much money to spare so I’m not bullish on Bitcoin. My thought would be if you have less money than Elon, watch out.”

In January 2021, Musk changed his Twitter bio to #bitcoin and he changed the direction of the cryptocurrency. Needless to say, it skyrocketed. In case he decides to slam Bitcoin, the stock is likely to fall very fast since cryptocurrencies don’t have a fixed exchange rate.


Another person who shares Gates’ thoughts, William Quigley, the MD of Magnetic, recently informed CNN: “Please don’t pay attention to what Elon Musk says about crypto because he is simply not an expert. I think for him it was more of a joke, but a lot of people, unfortunately, follow what he says. Maybe when it comes to energy-efficient cars look at what he does, but ignore anything he says about bitcoin and crypto in general.” 

This came as an answer to Musk’s tweets about DOGE coin, Bitcoin, and SHIB.

According to a report by The Guardian, the value of Dogecoin went up by 5,859 percent, and at least part of that is a result of the cryptocurrency being mentioned by Musk on social media.

The Tesla and SpaceX titan’s power is so huge that it only takes a single tweet for him to demonstrate it.

As for Gates, he and Musk have demonstrated different opinions about same issues in the past, including the coronavirus pandemic. For example, in a podcast interview with The New York Times in September 2020, Musk defended his role in coronavirus relief efforts. “Gates said something about me not knowing what I was doing,” Musk said. “It’s like, ‘Hey, knucklehead, we actually make the vaccine machines for CureVac, that company you’re invested in.'”

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Passenger Records Boy Throwing Tantrum Throughout Eight-Hour Flight


Traveling by plane can be exhausting. Starting from the crowd at the airport, the long queues at the security checkup, and all those people rushing and running around. So, once we are on the plane we hope we get some time to rest. But that’s not always possible, especially when there are young children and babies on the flight who wouldn’t stop screaming, running, and yelling.

A video of such a case had been recorded by a passenger named Shane Townley. The video has been viewed more than eight million times and has sparked debate over whether Townley had the right to call the uncontrollable kid who was screaming during the flight a demon. 

Source: YouTube Screenshot

The flight from Germany to the United States took eight hours and the passengers were forced to hear hysterical screaming during the whole time. It started even before the plane took off, but apparently the mother convinced the flight attendants that it will stop once the plane takes off. The boy could be seen out of his seat, sitting on someone’s shoulders. As the mother couldn’t make him behave she was asking the staff if the WiFi could be turned on quickly so that she could play him a movie or some songs that would hopefully catch his attention.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

However, it turned out the iPad could only keep him interested for a very short time after which he continued misbehaving, running up and down the aisles, and screaming all along. According to Townley, the mother was completely incapable of controlling her three-year-old son. He blamed her great deal of not trying harder to make him stand still.

Source: Lund

Townley further explained what was going on saying:

“My wife and I were passengers on this 8 hour flight. It was torture. I have the right to film my discomfort. The airlines asked the mother to leave the flight with the child before the flight took off. The mother lied and pleaded and convinced the flight attendant that the kid would be fine once the plane took off and he could use his iPad (internet). If the mother knew he had a problem or a type of autism, why wouldn’t she have a pre downloaded video or content? Anyways the flight took off and the kid never stopped for 8 hours… thats an 8 hour tantrum folks. Why did she have to wait for the internet or Wifi? Is the kid addicted to the internet? Doesn’t she see what she’s doing to her kids? Also the airline should have been more responsible in this situation as a plane full of 200 souls was affected for 8 hours of screaming and nothing was rectified yet as of now. Updates to come, keep checking back and subscribe to my channel for more.”

Many agree with Townley’s opinions, and a great number of people who have seen the video say how they would have slapped the kid if he was theirs. They judge the mother’s incapability to teach her son a lesson. They say how she said her child had behavioral problems, but still, she didn’t take action and let the boy torment around 200 people for eight hours.

On the other hand, there are those who believe Townley didn’t have the right to call a child a demon. One of the comments says: “Why is everyone talking about shutting him up, beating him, bad parenting? I hardly heard the kid say a word which suggests to me he is non verbal and low functioning on the autism spectrum. Stop being so melodramatic and actually show some empathy for the parents.”

Do you think Townley is right, or he should’ve been more considerate? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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After his son was branded a ‘monster,’ Idaho dad teaches bullies a brutal lesson


Bullying has long been present at schools, the places where a child should feel safe and protected. Many times, these institutions simply ignore the problem and assure parents that something like that never happens, which of course isn’t true. Other times, they do take action against bullying, but that doesn’t help put a stop to the problem.

The truth is that bullying can have long-lasting effects on the victim, such as crashed self-esteem and inability to socialize later in life after falling a victim to this cruel treatment.

One father, whose son has been diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome, decided to step up for his boy who was branded “ugly” and “monster” by the rest of the students.

Source: Facebook

The condition affected Jackson Bezzant’s hearing, so he’s nearly deaf. The syndrome also leads to distinctive abnormalities of the head and face where cheekbones, jaws, palate and mouth are underdeveloped.

Jackson was forced to undergo a surgery to rebuild his eye socket and is expected to have more surgeries in the years to come.

Although he’s a loving and happy kid, he’s been severely bullied at school. It also happens very often for random people to comment on the boy’s face while he’s out with his father Dan, but Dan tends to keep a cool head in such situations. What he couldn’t put up with, however, was the bulling at school.

Source: Facebook

One day, he learned that while his son was having lunch at the school cafeteria, some boys approached him and started calling him names. This torment lasted for some time until a teacher noticed what was going on and intervened.

Dan’s heart was shattered. He knew he needed to take action so he decided to pour his heart out through a post he shared on social media hoping that his words would touch the parents of Jackson’s bullies.

Source: Facebook

“My heart is in pieces right now and my soul feels like its ripping from my chest,” Dan began his post, according to People Magazine.

“This beautiful young man, my son Jackson, has to endure a constant barrage of derogatory comments and ignorance like I’ve never witnessed. He is called ugly and freak and monster on a daily basis by his peers at school. He talks about suicide and he’s not quite 8!

Dan further wrote: “He says he has no friends and everyone hates him. Kids throw rocks at him and push him shouting these horrific words. Please please take a minute and imagine if this were your child. Take a minute to educate your children about special needs. Talk to them about compassion and love for our fellow man.

“His condition is called Treacher Collins. Maybe even look it up. He’s endured horrific surgery and has several more in the coming years”, Dan wrote.

Source: Facebook

He then added that he doesn’t blame the school or the teachers because they do their best to prevent bullying from taking place. But he wants parents to read his message and learn something from it.

“I want parents to see my post and feel my heart break. Please educate your children and let them know that bullying is not OK. Please share this. This shouldn’t be happening to anyone”, Dan said.

The post quickly went viral and in no time, to Dan’s surprise, some kids reached to him and told him how they wanted to be Jackson’s friends. Parents of two other children with the same condition as Jackson living in the area also got in touch with Dan and the families are now organizing a playdate.

Source: Facebook

We are so happy the community didn’t stay deaf to this father’s plea. We truly hope that more parents would take their time to educate their children that everyone should be treated with respect, despite their condition.

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Teens see woman crying in car – immediately grab her hands, not knowing they’re being filmed


Somehow, the stereotype about teenagers being careless and irresponsible has always been around. Luckily, many teens who do good deeds and kindness help break the negative opinions about these young people. The employees at a coffee shop in Vancouver are just one of them.

What they did for a regular customer in distress vent viral and they got the praise they deserve without even wanting that.

The line at the drive-thru was pretty long and Evan Freeman and his co-workers were doing all in their power to serve everyone just in time, as they always do. But then, a car approached and they noticed one of their regular customers driving it. The woman was obviously not feeling like herself, so Even couldn’t let her go without asking what was wrong.

“And she was like no, she’s just having a really bad day. Her husband passed, and as soon as she said that, I was like there’s nothing more you need to say. We got this. We’re gonna do what we do every time we get someone who’s in pain or hurt. We’re gonna give them our love,” Evan said.

He treated her coffee but he was aware she needed more than that.

In the next moment, he and two of his fellow colleagues leaned out of the coffee shop and reached for the woman’s hands. They all prayed for her and her now late husband.

Evan’s co-worker, Pierce Dunn told the woman how he wished she finds her inner piece.

The sight of the boys offering comfort to the woman grabbed the attention of the person waiting in the car behind so she snapped a photo and shared it online. In just a short amount of time, the touching photo vent viral.

One of the people who stumbled upon it was the coffee shop manager, Jessica Chudek. When she recognized her employees she felt proud.

“I started studying a little more, and I said, ‘Wait, that’s Evan and Pierce. It’s my stand. Those are my kids.’ So I was just brought to tears right then,” Jessica said.

The teens soon learned their kind gesture was seen by many, and although they loved the attention they received, they said how they hoped it will inspire others to be kind to everyone that comes on their way.

What’s most, they added how they will always be there for the woman, as she obviously need company in those hard times for her, and they were more than happy to offer that to her.

News outlets loved the story behind the photo, so they picked it up and made videos. One of them has been seen by almost 200,000 people.

Take a look at the whole story in the video below. We are so glad there are so many teens out there who are ready to offer comfort and help to those in need of some.

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