Man loses pulse for 45 minutes, wakes up, and shares this spine-chilling vision of afterlife


Many religions believe in the soul’s existence in another world. According to them, what we will experience once we leave this world is a consequence of our conduct during life.

If we do good, we will see Heaven, if not, the Hell awaits us. Of course, this isn’t something everyone is convinced is true and the truth is that we will never know for sure what happens to our soul after we die.

The hot topic of life after death has been around for so long, and people still have divided opinions about it.

The thought of dying is a scary one, but we are all aware that it is something inevitable. I believe that people convince themselves in the existence of afterlife because that helps accept the concept of death.

The truth is that there are plenty of stories shared by people who were pronounced dead but then regained their consciousness and had their puls back. Most of them describe dying in the same manner. According to them, Heaven does exist, and it is breathtaking beyond words.

Brian Miller, a man from Ohio, was 41 years old when he experienced severe pressure in the chest after trying to open a container lid. He was aware he would suffer a heart attack and called the ambulance mere seconds before the heart attack took place.

Once at the hospital, doctors managed to clear his artery blockage and he was able to regain consciousness. Unfortunately, he then developed ventricular fibrillation, a condition where the heart doesn’t pump blood to the rest of the body.

What happened next was described by one of the nurses at the ICU, Emily Bishop, who said, “he had no heart rate, he had no blood pressure, he had no pulse.” The strong and fast CPR didn’t help, and neither did the electric shocks doctors performed on his four times.

Brian was pronounced dead. And then, some 45 minutes later, to the disbelief of everyone, he got back to life.

Speaking of his out of this world experience, Brian said it was “edenic” bliss in a celestial world. “The only thing I remember I started seeing the light, and started walking toward the light,” he was reported to have said.

As he walked down the path covered in flowers, he saw his late step-mother who took him by his hands and said: “It’s not your time, you don’t need to be here, we have got to take you back you have got things to go and do.”

It still remains a mystery how he came back to life after his brain was left without oxygen for so long.

For more on this incredible story go to the video below.

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Man captures glowing figure shining through clouds – Many say it looks like Christ the Redeemer


Whether one is a religious person or not, there are those occurrences and encounters that we experience in life which we know are part of something bigger.

To have faith in God means not to question the things that take place and the temptations that sometimes come along the way.

A man named Alfredo Lo Brutto from Italy shared a photo recently of a figure made in the sky which resembles the statue of Christ the Redeemer placed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This magnificent statue is 30 meters high and is one of the largest statues of Jesus as well as the tallest art deco statue in the world.

When Alfredo posted the enchanting photo which was taken over the Tyrrhenian sea, it somehow caused a stir. Some agree the figure is divine and a sign by God and others say it’s just the clouds and the sun penetrating through them.

It is not the first time people to have different opinions of photos that emerge online, and this time, there is a fair share of people on both sides.

“I was enchanted by the view. I don’t often share pictures on social media, but when I took this one, I instantly felt like I wanted other people to see it, because it was so beautiful,” Alfredo told Daily Mail.

Even if you don’t see Jesus here, what we all have to agree with is that this photo is special because it shows the beauty of the world that surrounds us.

What about you? What do you see? Do you believe this sign could be higher powers?

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Owen Wilson pays $25K a month for his daughter Lyla whom he never met


Becoming a parent is described by many the best thing that has ever happened to them, others, however, don’t embrace this new role with open arms and do all they can to avoid that chapter.

The Marley and Me actor Owen Wilson has played the role of a perfect father in many of his movies, but in his real life, he’s not even close to what he portrays on-screen when it comes to his youngest child. He has three children, two sons and a daughter, and while he is always there for his boys, he has never met his little girl.

Lyla Aranya Wilson was born in 2018. Her mother Varunie Vongsvirates and Wilson were in an on-and-off relationship for five years and were still dating at the time Vongsvirates got pregnant. Knowing how close Wilson was with his sons, Vongsvirates was reported saying how he would be the perfect father to their girl, but that not what happened.

Many media outlets reported how the first thing the actor did when he learned he was going to be a dad again was changing numbers. He never spoke to Vongsvirates again and asked for a paternity test which showed he was indeed Lyla’s father. However, that didn’t change anything at all as Wilson still refused to see the girl whom her mom says resembles him a lot. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, just like her dad.

“When Varunie told Owen she was pregnant, he was not happy about it, and that was the last time they ever spoke,” a source said. “He changed his phone number. He’s never met his daughter and then he gave no heads up that he was changing his number.”

The Wedding Crashers star sends $25,000 every single month to his ex and their baby daughter, but Vongsvirates says it was never about the money. “Owen has never met Lyla. Never,” Vongsvirates told “He helps financially but it’s never been about that. Lyla needs a father. It’s ironic how [Owen] keeps getting these father roles, he’s playing a father in his new movie, and he’s never met his own daughter.”

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“He even checked the no visitation box in court in June…” a source told Us Weekly in 2018. “He does not want to visit [and does not] want any custody of her.”

Vongsvirates’ mother passed away when she was still very young and she knows how hard it is to grow up with just one parent. She doesn’t want her daughter to experience the same thing, but as it looks, she will have to, as her father isn’t interested in having anything with her.

Getty Images | Photo by Ernesto Ruscio

Vongsvirates shared a photo of her little girl to congratulate her on her third birthday. “Happy 3rd birthday to my wild child! I love you so much!!!!” she wrote. On the photo, sweet Layla is wearing a beige top that reads, ‘Love will win.’

One of his representatives addressed reports of Wilson relinquishing custody, saying, “This is a private matter and it’s not appropriate to comment further.”

Wilson, however, always speaks of his two sons with much love. During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to promote his 2017 film Cars 3, Wilson said that he can picture his sons as teenagers, adding, “they’re gonna be sort of be ganging up on me.”

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‘Give her a call’ – Keanu Reeves went out of his way to make the day of an 80-year-old fan


Wholesome celebrities exist in the form of Keanu Reeves, one of the most grounded men the world has ever seen. The Matrix star is unlike any other Hollywood celebrity, that’s for sure. He is known for his heart of gold and all those charity projects he funds. Where there is need of help, there is Keanu. This man is so humble that he opts for a simple life, like that of the ordinary people. 

It’s not a secret that he shared millions of dollars with the set and the special effects crew who worked along with him on the Matrix movies.

His generosity can’t be compared to any other, especially because he does more of his kindness secretly, without the need to be praised for it.

One of his kind deeds that we recently heard of made us love him even more, if that’s even possible. Namely, he learned of an 80 year old fan who has seen each and every movie he has ever starred in, so Keanu being Keanu, he decided to give her a call and make her day.

The heartwarming gesture was shared online by the fan’s granddaughter who thanked the actor for his heart of gold.

My grandmother had a crush on Keanu Reeves because he reminded her of my grandfather when he was young. Saw all his stuff, from Bill and Ted to the Matrix. She had a stroke in her early 70s and was pretty much housebound for the last 10 years of her life, so watching movies was her main hobby, and became almost like friends to her because she so rarely got to see any of her own.

“Not too long after the Matrix came out my uncle was in LA for business and was eating at a swanky restaurant when Keanu Reeves came in with a woman.

“When he finished his meal my uncle came up to their table and said ‘I don’t usually do this, but I just wanted you to know that my 80-year-old mother loves you and has seen all of your movies. You remind her of my dad.’

“He said Keanu asked if he had a cell phone on him and when he confirmed that he did, he said ‘Give her a call, I want to talk to her.’ He spoke with my grandmother for several minutes and it made her year. She was so isolated and his genuine kindness to her and interest in her showed what a truly amazing man he is.”

Keanu Reeves makes this world a much more beautiful place.

Awful news for Sylvester Stallone as he pays tribute to friend


James Caan, the star of “The Godfather” “Elf” and “Misery,” died earlier this month. The Twitter post announcing his passing read: “It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Jimmy on the evening of July 6. The family appreciates the outpouring of love and heartfelt condolences and asks that you continue to respect their privacy during this difficult time. End of tweet.”

At the time the news spread around, the cause of death was scarce aside from the family’s statement.

According to his death certificate, Caan died at 9:02 PM at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. His resting place is at Eden Memorial Park.

It has now been revealed that the cause of death of the 82-year-old actor was a heart attack and coronary artery disease.

As the world and his fans mourned his death, a number of celebrities took to the social media to express their condolences. Among them was actor Sylvester Stallone, a great friend of Caan.

He paid tribute to Cann writing, “I will miss my good friend and great actor, James Caan! Tough, Smart, a man’s man. One of a kind!”

Some two years ago, Stallone lost his mother Jackie Stallone, an American astrologer, dancer, and wrestling promoter. She was a celeb in her own right. At the time of her death, she was 98 years old. The news of her passing was shared by Sylvester Stallone’s brother, Frank, who wrote that Jackie died in her sleep.

His ful message read, “At the beginning of today my siblings and I lost our mom Jackie Stallone. She was the mother to four youngsters, Tommy, Sylvester, Frankie and my late sister Toni Ann. She was an exceptional lady working out ordinary brimming with spirit and courageous. She kicked the bucket in her rest as she had wished. It was hard not to like her, she was unconventional and showy individual. She was conceived on November 29 th 1921 in Washington DC, she survived disallowance, the downturn and World War II.”

We are very sorry for James Caan’s passing. May he rest in peace.

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74 years ago she was kicked out for loving a black man–today, their love lives on


Every love story is beautiful in its own way, but some are so special that they serve as a reminder that we should never stop fighting for true love.

When Mary and Jake met back in the 1940’s, interracial relationships were considered taboo. Their love for one another was considered a sin and they felt like it was the two of them against the entire world. Mary was white and Jack was black, something her parents never accepted. However, no matter the obstacles that stood on their way, the two lived to witness their love being celebrated.

Unfortunately, Jake passed away in 2019, and Mary left this world a year later. The story of their forbidden, but beautiful love, however, continues to live on.

Jake, who was from Trinidad, was serving in the United Kingdom during the WWII, and Mary was from Britain. That was when they first laid eyes on each other and fell in love instantly.

I met Jake when he came over during the war from Trinidad, as part of the American forces stationed at the Burtonwood base near my home in Lancashire. We were at the same technical college. I was having typing and shorthand lessons and he’d been sent there for training by the Air Force. He was with a group of Black friends and they called my friend and me over to talk. We didn’t even know they spoke English, but Jake and I got chatting. He quoted Shakespeare to me, which I loved,” Mary said in a 2016 interview.

One day, Jake’s friends invited Mary and her friends to join them to a picnic and that’s when a friend of Mary’s parents spotted them. She was shocked to see Mary in the company of Jake so she rushed to tell Mary’s father about that. When he learned his daughter was hanging out with a black man, he forbade her from seeing him. The two, however, didn’t split ways. 

Once the war was over, Jake was forced to return to his homeland, but he and Mary stayed in touch through letters until he came back to Britain again a few years later and popped the question. “He asked me to marry him, quite out of the blue, when I was only 19,” Mary said. “When I told my father I was going to marry Jake he said, ‘If you marry that man you will never set foot in this house again.’ He was horrified that I could contemplate marrying a Black man.



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My father threw me out, and I left with only one small suitcase to my name. No family came to our register office wedding in 1948,” Mary added. “The first years of our marriage living in Birmingham were hell—I cried every day, and barely ate. No one would speak to us, we couldn’t find anywhere to live because no one would rent to a Black man, and we had no money.”

At the beginning, people would stare and make mean comments, but over time, things started changing. “But gradually life became easier. I got teaching jobs, ending up as a deputy headteacher. First Jake worked in a factory, then for the Post Office.”

Eventually, they made friends who accepted their relationship, but there was always fear present that they would judge them for the love they felt for one another.

I used to say to new friends: ‘Look, I have to tell you this before I invite you to my home—my husband is Black,’” Mary said.

Before Mary’s father passed away, they reconnected, but he never approved of her marriage.

I feel so fortunate to have met and married Mary,” said Jake “but it saddens me that we could not be accepted by society. Nowadays I say to young Black people: ‘You have no idea what it used to be like.’ When I arrived in the UK I was subjected to abuse every day. Once I was on a bus and a man rubbed his hands on my neck and said: ‘I wanted to see if the dirt would come off.’ And back then you couldn’t work in an office — because a Black man in an office with all the white girls wasn’t thought to be safe.”

In April 2019, Jake and Mary celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary. Some time later, Jake passed away, leaving his wife behind. Then, in 2020, Mary left this world as well. The two are no longer alive, but their love story continues to live on.

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Mother turns teenage son in to police after stumbling upon notebook with plans for a school shooting


How far is a mother willing to go for the well-being of her child? No one can answer this with certainty because mother’s love knows no boundaries.

Recently, Nichole Schubert shared with GMA the heartbreaking decision she made to report her then 17-year-old son to the police after she stumbled upon his notebook which contained detailed plans for a mass shooting he was planning to do in 2019.

This mother’s heart was shattered into a million pieces. According to her, her son’s plan was to kill her first and then start a mass shooting at the Washington high school that he attended.

“Your first instinct as a parent is to protect your child,” she told Good Morning America. “But at that point I felt like if he is actually going to do these things, he would be safer in jail.”

Speaking of the moment she learned of her son’s gruesome plan, Nichole said, “It was very descriptive. It was just heartbreaking.”

In order to protect her son and the number of lives he intended to claim, Nichole allerted the police and asked for help.

Source: YouTube/ GMA

“It wasn’t just about me and him at that point, it was about a whole school.”

This mom told the police how she believed her son’s intentions were serious because she believed he made what resembled a pipe bomb all by himself.

Her son, who initially claimed that the journal writings were a fantasy and not a real plan, was arrested and pleaded guilty to a felony charge for threatening to bomb or injure property and misdemeanors for harassment. He underwent a mental evaluation and completed a rehabilitation program and community service.

Nichole wants to raise awareness and remind every parent out there to pay close attention to their children’s actions.

“Stay in their business. Even if they don’t like it. They’re not going to like it. But as parents, it’s our job to know what our kids are doing,” she said. “Just be aware and watch for signs. Kids will normally tell you by their actions when something is wrong.”

“Obviously, we can’t control our children’s actions all the time. Who can? But there are signs that something’s not right, something’s, you know, why is he acting weird? Why? Why is he so to himself?” she continued. “I was in his room, you know? What are you doing? Where are you going? All the time. And he hated it. But he’s alive. And everyone’s alive and he’s not in jail.”

She says she doesn’t regret her decision to report her son to the authorities because that decision helped save many lives.

For Nichole’s entire interview go to the video below.

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GOP congressman claims President Biden is “mentally unstable”


During the presidential campaign, after which Joe Biden was elected a new POTUS, his opponent, Donald Trump, questioned Biden’s mental state and claimed he was way too old to be able to run the country. At the same time, he bragged about scoring great results on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), a test which can show signs of mild Alzheimer’s disease, and challenged Biden to take the test.


Now, other members of the Congress are raising the question of President Biden’s age and his ability to run the country. Among them is the youngest member of Congress, North Carolina Republican Representative Madison Cawthorn. According to Yahoo, Cawthorn labeled the President as “mentally unstable” and said he should be hold accountable for “putting America in reverse.”

“You know, I would love to have a congressional inquiry to understand exactly what Joe Biden’s reasoning is, but unfortunately I don’t think he could find his way to Congress.”

Cawthorn didn’t hold back his opinion of the First Lady either saying she is “so cruel to her husband” and that she should be indicted.


“I’m not saying indict in terms of criminal, but I’m saying that we should call her out for being so cruel to her husband,” Cawthorn said.

“The man is clearly mentally unstable. He’s having some form of degradation of his mind and they are putting him up there to be assaulted by the greatest debater the country has to go against him,” Cawthorn said and claimed that President Biden isn’t the one who is truly in charge of the country.

“You know, as much as I’d love to question Joe Biden, I really want to question whoever is really calling the shots right now, because I don’t think Congress or the American people truly know who’s behind the scenes pulling the strings of Joe Biden,” he said as reported by Yahoo.


Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who is now a Republican US representative from Texas, has also spoken his mind regarding the President’s ability to run the country. Last month, he, along with 14 other Republicans, signed a letter calling on President Biden to take a cognitive test in order to show that he’s mentally capable of leading the country.

“I think he’s demonstrating every single day that there is something going on,” Jackson said. “You don’t need to be a physician to look at this behavior and see there’s something concerning happening. I’m just asking them, when you do the physical exam, include the cognitive assessment,” he added.

“As far as I’m concerned the standard precedent has been set and they need to follow and do the same.”


The claims that President Biden is mentally unfit haven’t been backed up by any evidence by the representatives who are attacking him.

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