John Legend shares how his children embarrass him when he is in public


John Legend and wife Chrissy Teigen make one of the most charming celebrity couples. They love posting photos of themselves and their children and share stories of their everyday lives and the ‘struggles’ which come with parenthood.

The two are parents of three beautiful children. They welcomed their first child, daughter Luna, in 2016. Two years later, their son Miles was born, and before welcoming their youngest child a few months ago, they experienced heartbreak when Teigen lost her unborn child. The two spoke openly of the pain they felt.


Recently, Legend appeared on the The Late Late Show With James Corden where he shared cute stories about his children. Among the rest, he revealed they love his music so much, especially Miles, that they make him play it while he drives them to school and when he drops them off.

“They do, especially my son. He knows all my songs and he’s like Rain Man with the lengths of the songs. He remembers how long each song is and he’s like, ‘Actually ‘Green Light’ is a little longer than this one, it’s 3:19,’” the singer revealed, and added that this is quite embarrassing. Why, you may wonder? Well, the school his kids attend is also the school where children of other celebrities, like Jay Z’s daughter, study.

“I’m pulling up, playing my music loud and it’s embarrassing,” Legend said jokingly. “No, [JAY-Z]’s not playing ‘Reasonable Doubt’ in the car with his kids — I don’t think, I don’t hear it at least!” 


The couple revealed the story behind their youngest child’s name, Esti. Speaking of it, Teigen said, “We were on vacation. We got married in Italy and I was looking up at the hotel and I kept seeing the Este of it, and then I was like, ‘I love the name Este.’

“I was just playing around with it and then we came up with Esti.”

Later on, they learned that Legend’s great-grandmother name was Esti. “… I guess maybe it was Esther and then they turned it to Esti,” Teigen revealed.

We believe that Legend and Teigen make awesome parents to their three children, and together, they make a very beautiful family of five.

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Why Linda Blair was never the same after ‘The Exorcist’


Released in 1973, the nightmare-inducing film The Exorcist still holds the spot for the second highest-earning R-rated horror film of all time. The film, directed by William Friedkin, is adaptation of William Peter Blatty’s best-selling novel of the same name and is based on a real-life event which took place in 1949.

It follows the story of a 12-year-old girl named Regan MacNeil, played by Linda Blair, who is believed to be possessed by an evil spirit. Once the Catholic church learns of Father Damien Karras’ suspicions, he’s allowed to perform exorcism on the girl.

Wikipedia Commons

Once it hit theaters, the Oscar-winning movie became a massive hit everyone talked about. Most of the actors, who were rather unknown before the film was released, rose to stardom. The same was true for then 14-year-old Blair who turned into a star almost overnight.

Her chilling performance brought her the praise from the critics, but at the same time, the controversial role took a toll on her life.

Statue of Linda Blair from ‘The Exorcist’ on display at the 43rd Annual Saturn Awards – After Party held at The Castaway on June 28, 2017 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)

The making of the film was notoriously difficult. As special effects weren’t powered by technology during the 70’s, many of the actors were demanded to film under difficult conditions, which left them vulnerable to injuries and illness. For example, the room where the scene of exorcism was filmed was kept at a temperature of 30 below the zero so the cameras were able to pick up the cloud of ice when an actor breathed and Blair wore a gown only.

Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn in the movie the Exorcist / Wikipedia Commons

During the filming, a few tragedies took place and nine people related to the film in one way or another died.

Before the exorcism scene was shot, a bird flew into a light box and that caused a massive fire which burned the place so the filming was stopped for six weeks until the set was rebuilt.

At the time, Blair was too young to understand that many were in fact scared of the events which surrounded the making of the horror movie. “The Exorcist was a work of fiction. I didn’t realize then that it dealt with anything in reality,” she said.

In one scene, Blair was violently lashed back and forth in a harness. As a result, she suffered a spinal injury, which later developed into scoliosis. She later said: “The back injury was far more serious than I ever imagined and really affected my health negatively for a long time.”

Wikipedia Commons

Blair’s acting was so realistic that many claimed a healthy child could not possibly be able to give such strong and intimidating performance.

A number of religious hard-liners declared the film to be blasphemous and accused young Blair of the religious crises they experienced. As a result, she and her family kept receiving death-threats and were forced to live under police protection for some time.

“The amount of pressure that came down on me wasn’t anything I was prepared for. Especially all the pressure the press put on me. They thought I had all the answers about faith and Catholicism. …It was probably the most awful thing you could imagine,” the actress told Dread Central.

Because of her role of Regan MacNeil, Blair was typecast and was only offered roles where she played a vulnerable victim despite her brilliant performance in The Exorcist. In order to try and revitalize her image, she posed nude for the October 1982 issue of Oui magazine but that only made things worse. For most of her career, she starred in exploitation and B-films.

Eventually, she turned to her first passion, that for animals, and founded the Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation.

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Eight ‘dangerous’ words could bring down King Charles – Royal Family on the ‘brink of collapse,’ expert claims


Even before he took the new role, that of the head of the monarchy, King Charles announced he would be making changes within the Royal Family. In the past, sources claimed that then Prince Charles spoke of slimming down the monarchy.

“Charles has never made any secret of the fact that he wants a slimmed-down Monarchy when he becomes King. He realizes that the public don’t want to pay for a huge Monarchy and, as he said, the balcony at Buckingham Palace would probably collapse,” he was reported to have said.

The truth is that there is a never-ending debate about the existence of the monarchy, and as there are those who love it because of the security it provides, there are also those who believe that it represents an obsolete establishment which costs the taxpayers a lot of money.

According to a 2021 YouGov study, 41 percent of 18 to 24 year olds preferred the idea of an elected head of state to a monarch, as reported by Newsweek.

Shutterstock/Karl Weller

King Charles and his son William are aware of this and they are doing all in their power to modernize the monarchy, which of course, is a demanding task that requires time. King Charles, for example, is the first monarch who wasn’t home-schooled and who earned a university degree, so it’s safe to say that certain changes did start with him.

Charles has been praised for his advocacy of environmental movements and his work to help improve young people’s lives in under-privileged communities. His older son shares the same beliefs and keeps the same causes close to his heart.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Speaking of Charles and William, royal expert Katie Nicholl wrote that, according to one of her sources, the passing of Prince Philip in April 2021 “sharpened the focus on the future” for then-Prince Charles and Prince William.

“They are absolutely on the same page, in fact they are closer now than they have ever been,” a family friend told Nicholl. “They speak almost every day and they have a very loving and genuine connection.

“They believe in the monarchy, that it has a genuine purpose and that it has a future. They recognize that it has to modernize and that there will be changes in the future when the Queen’s reign comes to a close.”

She then added: “William knows that the monarchy has to modernize in order to survive. He plans to continue his grandmother’s legacy when it is his time on the throne, just in his own way.”

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

One threat to the monarchy, according to experts, is the slimmed-down monarchy which results in fewer royal engagements compared to the past years.

“The Royal family as we know it is on the brink of collapse and risks abolishing itself by stealth if the King doesn’t take steps to boost visits that have fallen radically over the last decade,” the Civitas report’s author, Frank Young, said, as quoted in the Express.

“Through death, scandal, and resignation, the Royal family is increasingly reliant on a few hard-working members, with Charles, Anne, and Edward doing almost half the work…. We now need new working royals or will have to accept a Royal Family that is more distant from the people than at any time in the past 100 years.”

Chris Jackson – WPA Pool /Getty Images

With Harry and Meghan’s departure from the Firm, the number of working royals decreased, although Harry is still a Counselor of State, who “are authorized to carry out most of the official duties of the Sovereign, for example, attending Privy Council meetings, signing routine documents and receiving the credentials of new ambassadors to the United Kingdom.” Along with Harry, two other Counselors of State are non-working royals, Andrew and Beatrice, which is an issue.

According to Daniela Elser, “Having Harry, Andrew, and Beatrice as possible regal understudies makes about as much sense as letting Cheryl Cole deputize for the Home Secretary or Take That’s Gary Barlow getting to have a go as the governor of the Bank of England.

“That they could even theoretically be tapped to open parliament, sign official documents or hold Privy Council meetings? Which is a long way of saying the king simply cannot afford for his brother and son and their ever-resilient egos and deep reservoirs of grievance to continue semi-regularly wreaking havoc.”

Aaron Chown-WPA Pool/Getty Images

Elser claims that besides the decreased royal engagements with the people of Britain, another thing that can “bring King Charles down” and possibly lead to the collapse of the monarchy are eight words, and those words are:  ‘The Duke of York’ and ‘The Duke of Sussex.’

“So long as the eight words ‘The Duke of York’ and ‘The Duke of Sussex’ appear on the royal website as Counsellors of State, His Majesty is putting his reign – and the whole palace shebang – in jeopardy,” Elser wrote.

“[Andrew and Harry] are both a seemingly never ending font of trouble for the monarch yet both remain part of the royal fabric,” she added.

We hope King Charles would be able to answer to all the challenges that arose with his new role.

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Sunken treasures in North Carolina found by three local teens


The waterways of North Carolina had been hiding a true treasure for over a thousand years until three teens accidentally stepped on a century old canoe they believed to be a log at first some two years ago.

The canoe, which belonged to the Waccamaw Siouan Indians, was settled close to where an 18th century French slave ship was recovered in 1996. The ship, which was initially called La Concorde, was captured in 1717 by notorious pirate Blackbeard who later remained it Queen Anne’s Revenge. When the wreck was brought to the surface, there were a bounty of artifacts discovered, like the anchor and loaded canons of all sizes.

The dugout canoe, which predates Queen’s Anne Revenge by hundreds of years, was retrieved from Lake Waccamaw’s swampy waters in April 2023 as it took two years for a plan to be made for it to be taken out without damaging it. If sunken artifacts are mishandled, or improperly exposed to air they can easily crumble.

Wikipedia Commons / Joey Nobles

Michael Jacobs, the Waccamaw Siouan Chief, said, “That canoe at 28 feet long would have carried many a brave,” and added: “We feel like in our heart, it’s a history that we’re still exploring and understanding because this is the first time we’ve had access.”

The canoe was discovered by teens Eli Hill, Jackson Holcomb, and Creek Hyatt in the summer of 2021. “I stepped on it and I thought it was a log,” said Hill. “I tried to pick it up and it never came up. So, we kept digging at it and it just kept going. And then the next day, we came back and we started digging some more and it just kept going.”

The teens’ families contacted The North Carolina Office of State Archaeology who sent a team to explore further. When the canoe was finally taken out this year, a number of members of the Waccamaw Siouan Tibe were there to witness the historical moment. “Our history is still unfolding. When the colonists made contact with our tribe, there’s a lot of the things that we hailed as historical and meaningful to us that we’re still putting together,” Jacobs said.

“We’re looking forward to examining it, running some tests on it, really finding out and going back to our elders and getting the history of it to where we can teach the truth to our people and know that we’ve got concrete evidence to stand on,” he added.

Flickr / Alan Sharp

This is an important discovery because it shows that the tribe was there long before the colonists came in the 16th century.

This, however, isn’t the first canoe to be found in the the alligator-infested waterways in southeastern North Carolina.

Those living in the Carolinas who are interested in the artifacts of Queen’s Anne Revenge, as well as of the canoes, can arrange a visit at the conservation lab where this new discovery will be treated before it is taken to the Waccamaw Siouan tribal grounds in Buckhead, NC.

For more on this incredible discovery go to the video below.

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She delivered pizza to rusty trailer for years, but never saw the inside – One peek made a startling discovery


If you have lost your faith in humanity, fear not, because there are always people out there whose hearts of gold and whose kind deeds help restore it.

Angela Nguyen has been working at Domino’s for a very long time and she has delivered thousands of pizzas over the years.

Among the rest, she has delivered pizza to a man named Lee Haase every Saturday; no exception. But then, out of the blue, the orders stopped. While not many would care in such situation, this raised a red flag for Angela who decided to check on her most loyal and most regular customer.


When she arrived to his home, she noticed that a large part of the roof had been missing due to the powerful storm which had happened shortly before. Sadly, Lee couldn’t possibly afford to fix his house. Around the same time, he had also lost his son in a snowmobile accident and he was at a very bad point in his life.

Angela tried locating Lee, but he was nowhere to be seen. However, Angela’s daughter, who also delivers pizzas, learned that he was living in a rusty trailer located near his home.

Unfortunately, the trailer didn’t have heat, water, a sewage outlet, or electricity.


Angela felt sorry for Lee, so she decided to do something about it.

“I thought we gotta do something. We can’t let a human being live like this,” she said. The first thing she did was getting an electric heater for him after which she started a crowdfunding campaign. To her surprise, it gathered the attention of many members of the community who decided to step up and donate. In a matter of two months, $32,360 were raised. “Every single one of us enjoyed doing this. This ain’t all for Lee. We all benefited,” Angela said.

Lee was then able to get a new trailer and start his life over.


Angela went a step further, and instead of pizza, she delivered Lee a new home.

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6-month-old boy killed, 3 injured when stolen car crashes into pick-up – rest in peace


A horrific accident which claimed the life of a 6-month-old baby boy took place Sunday evening in West Garfield Park after a stolen Hyundai Sonata crushed into a Ford pickup truck that was seen driving northbound on Kostner.

The Hyundai then hit a light pole while the truck went head on into a large tree. Unfortunately, on the back seat of the truck was a baby boy later identified as Cristian Uvidia. The baby was pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital on Monday afternoon while his mother and two sisters were listed from serious to critical when they were rushed to the facility.

The entire ordeal was caught on the surveillance camera of a man named Shawn Walker who witnessed the crash.

“The baby wasn’t breathing, so we started doing CPR,” Walker said. “My main thing was so we could get a pulse back into the baby.”

The Hhyndai Sonata was stolen by two teenagers aged 14 and 17 who at the time of the tragic accident were joyriding. They have both been taken into custody and charged with the crime of possessing a stolen vehicle.

“Our lives were impacted completely forever. The joy of our life was taken. His life was priceless,” Annelisse Rivera, a relative of the family told CBS News. “The fact that his life was taken in one second for somebody that was like looking for a stolen car – as if his life amounted to a price of a car.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family of Cristian with the funeral expenses. It read how the event of his death came about, “he suffered from an impact that fractured his skull, causing his brain to swell and eventually killing him.” 


It further read, “We are devastated, and we are broken. We will miss his sweet smile, as he was a joy to everyone that he met.”

Part of the money raised will be used for the medical expenses of Cristian’s mother and two sisters who are now in stable condition.

Rest in peace little one.

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Giant service dog gives all for little girl with rare disorder so family thanks him with ‘best day ever’


Everything a girl named Bella needed for her life to change for the better was a new dog. But George is unlike other dogs out there. He’s a service dog who fills Bella’s days with joy and laughter and helps her regain her independence back.

Namely, Bella was diagnosed with Morquio syndrome, a rare metabolic disorder in which the body cannot process certain types of sugar molecules called glycosaminoglycans. As a result, it leads to abnormal curvature of the spine, short neck, knock knees, and hip problems. In Bella’s case, her parents were told that their daughter would eventually need a wheelchair and won’t be able to move on her own.

When the family welcomed George in their lives, who’s giant by the way, he helped Bella walk by providing assistance.

A harness with the words “service dog” and “do not pet” is fastened on his back so that people know he isn’t just a pet.

He and Bella are now inseparable and he never leaves her side.

“Bella attended school for only half a day before leaving to play at the home of her buddy Hunter. Because he gets to nap on the couch while Bella plays, George loves going over there,” her parents wrote.

“Then, tonight, we went to the cinema with some friends and, you guessed it, watched Star Wars Rogue One once more. This time in 3D at the IMAX. The 3D version was quite impressive. Then, after getting some ice cream, we went home and went to bed. A fun-filled day. Bella and George are now traveling,” they added, describing an ordinary day in the lives of these two best friends.

As a thank you for his loyalty and his dedication, Bella wanted to give Gorge something in return. She and her mom and dad then came up with the idea to contact BarkPost, a well-known website that hosts events referred to as “Dog’s Best Days” and give George a day to remember.

Among the rest, the two friends got to share a hamburger together and got to walk on snow, something George enjoys. They did a bunch of fun things together and had a lovely day.

Thanks to George, Bella doesn’t need a wheelchair and enjoys the independence her service dog provides to her. “George is joyful and he’s always happy, and he’s always there to cheer you up. He is my best friend,” Bella says of her best pal.

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Neil Diamond opens up about Parkinson’s diagnosis in new interview: ‘I was in denial’


Neil Diamond, who has sold more than 130 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling musicians of all time, is experiencing some hard times when it comes to his health.

The Sweet Caroline singer was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease back in 2018, but he has had a hard time accepting the reality. As a result, he spent years living in denial before he finally came to terms with the devastated condition which affected his everyday life and his music career.

Even though he accepted that the disease is there to stay, he recently confessed that he doesn’t believe he’s able to live with it for a very long time.

Tinseltown /

“I can’t really fight this thing, so I had to accept it, this Parkinson’s Disease,” 82-year-old Diamond said during an appearance on CBS Sunday Morning.

“There’s no cure. There’s no getting away from it. You can’t just say, ‘OK, enough already. Let’s get back to life.’ It doesn’t work like that. But I’ve come to accept what limitations I have and still have great days.”

He also opened up about the time he was delivered the news that he knew would change everything for him.

“When the doctor told me what it was, I was just not ready to accept it,” he revealed. “I said, ‘Oh, OK. I’ll see you, you know, whenever you wanna see me. But I have work to do, so I’ll see you later.’”

Ray Tamarra / Contributor

2017 was the year Diamond toured the United States and Europe as part of his 50th Anniversary tour, but he was forced to cancel the 2018 Australia and New Zealand leg of the tour, saying Parkinson’s had made it too difficult to continue touring.

“It is with great reluctance and disappointment that I announce my retirement from concert touring. I have been so honored to bring my shows to the public for the past 50 years,” Diamond said in a press release at the time.

During the past couple of weeks, he has been feeling some calmness which has helped him come to peace with his health issues. “I like it,” Diamond said. “I find that I like myself better. I’m easier on people, I’m easier on myself. And the beat goes on, and it will go on long after I’m gone,” he said.

Neil Diamond truly is a legend and one of the best and most famous musicians and song writers there are. We pray he manages to control the disease and continues living happy and fulfilled life.

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