10-year-old girl with special needs bitten by student on school bus

Peer bullying is a real issue that is present in almost every educational institution. However, many times, it goes beyond the school building and may take place even in the school bus.  Such was the...

A gay man in Vegas was approached by a 40-year-old stranger seeking advice on...

Musician Jack Remmington has an awesome story to share. An encounter he had with a friendly man in his 40s warmed the hearts of people across the country and the world. As Jack and his...

School’s disgusting lunch goes viral, superintendent stood up for staff

Students spend a great amount of time at school attending lessons and gathering knowledge on different subjects and life in general. During that time, they are taken care of. They are engaged in fun...

Marine Is Forced To Share a Room With a Snoring Air Force Guy. What...

How a Marine dealt the situation with the snoring guy he had to share a room with is going to make you laugh. By the time a Marine pulled into a little town, every hotel...

Mom Writes Her Daughter a Touching Letter About Getting Old. This Is So True...

Getting old is part of life. When our parents reach that age when they start forgetting things or are unable to take full care of themselves, most of us seem to lack the patience...

Angry Mom Calls Local News Station After School Forces Her Daughter to Remove the...

Mikayla Smith is a freshman high school student from Oklahoma who had undergone a tonsils removal surgery just recently. Since she still had scabs in her throat, her mother bought her a mask because...