6-Year-Old ‘Lunch Shamed’ By School, Family Demands A Change In School Policy

An unpleasant incident that took place at the Southwest Elementary School made family of a 6-year-old ask for the school policy to be changed.  Namely, little Anya Howard was about to have her lunch at...

People can’t get enough of this video of “Super Mom” duck towing her 76...

Wildlife photographer Brent Cizek thought the day was a nice one, so he decided to visit Minnesota's Lake Bemidji hoping to make some nice shots. But what he came across was truly unbelievable and way...

Man Looks Out Window To See Some Unexpected Guests Having A Blast In His...

Being surrounded by nature and bonding with the wild life can't compare to any other feeling. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to experience that.  Garth Bradley lives in a lovely area of South Africa, and just...

Hungry Stray Walks Up To Stranger’s Car, The Driver Makes The Mistake Of Offering...

Apparently, all it takes for a dog to welcome itself in someone's home, or in the case of this lovely stray, in someone's car, is for the word food to be spoken. When a man...

5-Year-Old Breaks Karate Board After Class Cheers Him On

In life, we may often fail in accomplishing our goals in the first try, but what is important is to understand that we should never quit pursuing our dreams, no matter what it takes....

Mom of four dies suddenly of brain aneurysm so doctors urge people to learn...

The unfortunate event of a mother's passing as a result of brain aneurysm now serves as a warning for people to never ignore any sudden and severe headaches they may experience.  The thing is that...