Young Bulldog is Saved From the Basement of an Abandoned Cincinnati Home

The loud cries for help coming from a basement of a Cincinnati home made two of the neighbors go and check what was going on. After they reached the owner of the place, he...

Pharmacist Noticed a Stray Dog At Her Door and Knew She was in Need...

This is the inspiring story of a pharmacists from Turkey named Banu Cengiz, a huge dog lover and an animal advocate. What she does for the street dogs of her hometown is beyond adorable, as she...

7-year-old girl left with severe burns after getting henna tattoo during vacation in Egypt

As parents, we only want the best for our children. Seeing them happy is what triggers our own happiness too. If they are in pain, that crushes our world, especially when we can't do...

Man Builds High Fence to Prevent Dog From Escaping the Yard but Fails Miserably...

All of us who have ever owned a dog know just how much they love running around, playing fetch, and even chasing cats. Their cute antics always put big smiles on our faces and...

Firefighters follow retired police dog to toddlers trapped in burning house

That dogs are the best pets one can ask for is something that most of us know already. But after reading this story of the German Shepherd who helped save his family, you'll fall...

Elephants Celebrate By Splashing Around In The Water For The First Time After Being...

Imagine what it must feel like to experience the water for the first time ever after a life spent in chains. Luckily, that's something the staff at Save Elephant Foundation does for Thailand's captive elephant...