Michael Bublé newest video has parents all over the world sobbing about their kids...
Michael Bublé, one of our favorite musicians, has released a new song and a video that have gone viral and have parents all over the world sobbing. The touching piece of music speaks of...
12-year-old comes to rescue of a toddler trapped in a hot car
According to statistics, on average, 38 children younger than 15 die each year of heatstroke after being locked and trapped in hot vehicles. Although these numbers are concerning and devastating, we still hear of...
Deaf mom left in tears after being denied service at a Burger King drive-thru
Living with an impairment can be challenging. Unfortunately, people nowadays are not that considerate towards those who cope with certain disability. A woman named Rachel Hollis, who is hearing-impaired, experienced humans' lack of empathy...
Little boy holds hand of a crying classmate
First day of school can be either a cheerful or a scary experience. Being surrounded by so many new, unfamiliar faces can cause distress at young children who are starting a new chapter of...
Remains of missing fallen soldier from Korean War returned home, airline’s response is tear-jerking
The remains of a soldier who took part in the Korean War have been found 63 years after he'd gone missing. The sacrifice he made for this country has been greeted by the Honor...
Country music star Vince Gill told to not mention Jesus – his response causes...
When Vince Gill first appeared on the music scene as a part of the country rock band Pure Prairie League back in 1979, it was certain he would last. He makes the crowds cheer...