Girl rested her feet on the dashboard – It made her life change forever

This sad story is a reminder that the harmless decisions we take in life can sometimes turn into fatal ones. A girl named Bethany Benson and her boyfriend were on a road trip when Bethany...

Strangers make offensive comments about 6-year-old boy who survived house fire

Being considerate and empathetic are traits that many people lost along the way. So, many times, instead of offering our support and kind words to those who had gone through so much in their...

Meet Grace, a 7-year-old with Down syndrome who has a successful modeling carrier

Having a child with Down Syndrome can be challenging, but once you accept the extra chromosome that God gave you as a present, you'll learn that these children are special in many ways. They may...

Teenage boy looks after his elderly neighbors

Despite the fact that most people consider teenagers to be trouble-makers, that's not really the case. Many times, these kids aren't even given the chance to prove the world wrong. Luckily, a young boy...

Woman With Down Syndrome Is Changing The World Of Modeling

This world is full of people who accept and live by the standards imposed by the society, and sadly, this includes predetermining what is beautiful and what is not. Many times, this leads to...

Scumbag filmed dragging 79-year-old woman to the floor during robbery

Every time I hear stories of elderly and vulnerable people being victims of thugs and getting hurt along the way makes my heart break into million pieces. Sadly, they are easy target, just like...