Mother And Daughter Make Fun Of An Overweight Woman At A Wedding Shop

One would think that with the advance of technology and everything that is going on around the world, humans should be wiser and finally learn to get their free time around working on themselves...

Rude Woman Sitting Next To Him On The Plane Wouldn’t Let Him Pass Through

There are people out there who enjoy flying by plane, but not me to be honest. When I think of all that waiting and the queues at the airports I regret ever buying the...

Brighten Your Day With This Touching Video Of A Homeless Man Reuniting With His...

To our dogs we are their whole world, and when we feel the same about them incredible and everlasting friendships are born. Anthony Rogers is a homeless man who lives on the streets of the...

Family seeks justice after teen took his own life over social media bullying

Being a victim of bullying can have deep physical and emotional effect that can last beyond childhood. Sadly, it happens more often that we realize and many young children are affected by it every...

One of the last living female WWII veterans celebrates her 104th birthday

Who wouldn't want to reach more than 100 years old and still be healthy, vibrant, and ready for new challenges.  A woman named Ruth "Buttercup" Sparks turned 104 recently and she's more than happy to...

Parenting Advice: Mom’s Post Desperately Asking Her Husband to Help with their New Baby...

Being a mom is one of the best things a woman can experience. But with the little bundle of joy come greater responsibilities and most moms find themselves torn between a bunch of commitments....