Love conquers all. We as humans strive to find a soulmate we would spend our whole life with. Unfortunately, not many are lucky to share their every day with that one person who would be by their side for...
Talent shows such as World of Dance, X-Factor, and America's Got Talent are so popular among the people because they stand for something real, for a dream come true, and a chance for common people to shine and show the...
Members of the military don't have it easy. Many of them end up deployed away from home and from their loved ones. It happens that they miss lots of important events such as holidays, family gatherings, birthdays, and even...
The wedding day is finally here and everyone is excited to be part of the very special event that celebrates the true love and that happily ever after we are all striving for. The groom is waiting for his...
God works in mysterious ways and every now and then lets us experience magical moments that only deepen our faith in His existence and in the divine. The story of Dorothy "Dottie" Booth is one such occurrence.
This 97-year-old mother,...
If you think judges who are part of talent shows and cooking competitions have it easy, think twice. Telling someone how bad they are at something they believe they are talented for makes them dream crushers. But at the...