There are some things that when we hear them we are getting prepared for bad news, one of those things is when we hear people say "I'm sorry", and it generally means they are apologizing in advance for something...
Our children should have their lives filled with joy and play, laughter, and feelings of security and fun, to be children without the worries of life, experiencing new and happy things each day. Andrew Leach was 12-years-old, and he had...
Pulled over for a routine check, Ebony Rhodes felt nauseous and butterflies in her stomach as she stopped, she was so far down on luck that this was really the last thing that she needed today. The police officer, Jeff...
When the very brave man and women that serve our country come home after months abroad, they have baggage, both mental and emotional. Quite often many of us can't imagine how these brave men and women carry baggage like...
You can guarantee that if I ever saw someone attacking my grandmother, I would break free and lose it. Some people steal from the elderly, but to attack an elderly person it the lowest of the low... That, sadly, is...
The thought of going to court for most of us is a dreadful thought, really its a real dread for us law abiding citizens! However, for people that go to the court when Judge Frank Caprio presides, in Providence, Rhode...