It doesn’t take much in todays world to discourage some people, just a good look at the news of the day is usually enough to make most people feel down.
Somebody was held at gunpoint, an elderly person was conned...
All children have heroes they look up to and admire, fictional or depicted by an actor, in sports, possibly a prominent political figure, film actors and many others, in essence, somebody to look up to, even perhaps a cool...
A high school boy did something really amazing and it all started when a Texas cheerleader, 9 years old, began to cry. This all happened during a football game, while her father, absent, was undergoing training at the Travis...
Do you remember going to school? Sitting in class through lunchtime breaks and Physical Education and all the different events through the year, perhaps talent shows too. Simply the idea of being on stage was intimidating!
OK, so talent shows...
As parents, we often take actions to prevent harm to our children, sometimes without thought to ourselves of the repercussions! This is just one of those times as this 56 year old mother jumped in with a knife in...
Homeless people do have a way of drawing in those who want to genuinely help. Many of us only look at how they look outwardly but some of us make assumptions about them form how we think they ended...