The holidays are usually expected to be happy times so when there is a tragedy it’s even worse in a time of rejoicing. This Thanksgiving Holidays Oakley Debbs who was 11 years old ate a harmless, so he thought,...
Do you ever have that feeling when you walking sometimes that your being followed, or there is someone just behind you, well this woman really was being followed, in fact, hunted by her deranged ex-boyfriend….
She was terrified but she...
Getting old is really a mixed blessing, there are many benefits to growing older but there can be many downsides too! Some can find it very scary an lonely, while others like the freedom. On elderly lady learned the...
To have lived a life where even though times have been hard, you have survived and always had a roof over your head, never too far from the edge. When you’ve been hungry and money doesn't always stretch makes...
Our parents often give us excellent advice, but sometimes even though we get and listen to good advice some thing can still go a little wrong. In this case, it was sadly unbelievable how wrong it could go…
A young...
Just thinking about fireworks gives me a little shiver of fear, beautiful but also very dangerous and loud! Each year most of us Americans have a picture of the fourth of July and fireworks, they just go together naturally...