Do You See A Scarf Tied To A Tree Or A Pole These Holidays? Do You Know Why?


At this joyous time of year its all to easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas as it approaches at the speed of light. And this year there is a new trend popping up all around us and it’s catching on just as fast.

It looks like people are trying to light poles and trees more popularly fashionable, really they are tying scarves around trees and poles for something much more heartwarming than you would think!

Facebook/The Shelby Star

Many people after people and from all over the place, nationwide are taking their old scarves, or making handmade scarves then securing them around the base of trees in parks, then light poles in city roads and neighborhoods.

They are leaving them there for homeless people who are exposed to the cold perishing weather of the winter months. The cozy scarves are free to anyone who is in need and they are providing much-needed protection from the sub-zero temperatures.

Facebook/Fruitland United Methodist Church

The scarves are left with really kind messages like this one:

“I’m not lost! Please take me with you if you are cold. Stay warm. God bless!”

Facebook/Alanna Devine

The people who are leaving these scarves are really the people who care deeply about the less fortunate and want to spread the holiday joy to the people who need it!

People who take part in the project, like Elizabeth Sammons, knit scarves and create comfortable homemade scarves for strangers in need!

Facebook/Scarf 4 Winter

Elizabeth said that she thought it was simply amazing how it feels to help the homeless community to survive and hopefully feel a little better in these hard cold times.

She said:

“I think it’s a great thing to be able to do for the community. [There’s] a lot of people behind it, a lot of support. It’s really nice.”

The very moments that the trend started in Seymour, Indiana, church groups, students and kind strangers from all over and every state then started helping too. They wanted to make sure that a many of the millions of homeless Americans can be that little bit warmer this winter time!

Facebook/REACH & TOTAL St.Jerome

Learn more about this heartwarming new trend that has started by pressing “play” on the video below, and don’t be scared to join in!!