Allison and Josh Lewis were college sweethearts whose love story started back in 2000. They were pretty serious so soon after they started dating, they decided to get married. Having children was always part of the life they imagined together. Their plan was to have two kids, or maybe three, but God had other plans.
Their idea of two children was quickly surpassed, as they had four children biologically and adopted another! But nothing could’ve prepared them for the journey they were about to embark on.

After mentioning they were thinking about adopting another child to their friend and adoption attorney named Janet, they received a call. Janet had run into a woman who was pregnant with a baby boy, but the woman just couldn’t keep him.
The couple looked to God and prayed for answers – a house of six young children would be chaotic, to say the least. Was it in His plans?
A weekend of deliberation and praying passed, and they knew this baby boy was meant to be their son. So they packed into the car and headed to North Carolina, where the birth was set to take place. But on the way, they got an unexpected phone call from Janet, then she asked a troubling question:
“Does Josh have both hands on the steering wheel?”
Janet called to inform Allison and Josh that after the most recent ultrasound, another baby was discovered – and it was a little girl! They were comfortable with adopting one more baby, but two was an enormous shock! The couple spoke amongst themselves and called Janet back.
They were going to adopt both of the babies!
Their joy quickly turned to panic when they received yet another phone call from Janet. The doctors performed several tests after discovering the baby girl, and the prognosis wasn’t good. They predicted she wouldn’t make it past delivery….
Fortunately, both of the twins, Ava and Sam were born without causing any major complications to the mother. However, doctors quickly determined that Ava was born without brain matter. She had a spinal cord, but not much else.

Due to this, she would have to spend whatever amount of time she had left on this Earth being closely monitored and carted between her home and the hospital. This didn’t matter to Josh, Allison and the kids – Ava was family now and they would do anything to make her comfortable!
In order to pay for the mounting medical bills, Josh and Allison’s friends set up a YouCaring page for donation. The page managed to raise over $20,000 from 280 generous donors – these people were their guardian angels!