Man’s Baffled Seeing Teen Holding Stop Sign At Intersection

When something just doesn’t seem right, there are those who feel compelled to act even if the situation doesn’t involve them. That’s exactly what happened one hot day in Oklahoma City.

Randy Jones was outside marking warning signs for some new construction when he came upon an intersection. There on the side of the road was a teenage boy, who was grasping onto the pole of a stop sign.


Believing it seemed odd, Randy decided to approach the teen and ask him why he was holding the stop sign. Not only was it something you don’t normally see – the temperature was a scorching 95 degrees and he had no shade or water.

Randy told News 9:

“I was like ‘what in the world is this kid doing.'”
But it was the 17-year-old’s response, whose name is Logan, that really threw him for a loop.


Logan explained to Randy that he had noticed that the stop sign had been knocked down. On top of that, he also almost witnessed a car accident because of it.

Not wanting anyone to get hurt, Logan picked up the stop sign during his lunch break from work. He then stood there holding it in position so that drivers could safely cross over the intersection.

Randy was blown away by the young man’s thoughtfulness and how quick he was to step into action during the potentially dangerous situation. He said:

“Not a lot of people would do what he did. To have the awareness to know to get out and help, it’s pretty cool.”

Facebook/Randy Jones

Randy immediately contacted the City of Oklahoma City, who then sent a truck out to fix the stop sign. In addition, he also shared a photo he had taken of Logan holding up the sign on Facebook, along with the rest of the story.

Unsurprisingly, Randy’s post went viral and has been shared more than 3,500 times. Many people have been expressing their appreciation and kind words for what a great job Logan did – because sometimes stepping up is what makes the world of difference.

Randy closed his post saying:

“Hopefully this gets back to this young man, you did a good job and I’m sure the citizens of the city of Oklahoma city appreciate it as well.”
Watch the KOCO 5 News video below to hear what Logan has to say about everything!


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