This ‘129 Ways to Get a Husband’ Article From 1958 Shows How Much The World Has Changed

It’s been twenty years since the first episode of the iconic movie “Sex and The City” aired, but the issues it discussed throughout the years, such as sexuality, promiscuity, and the never ending dilemma of how to find the perfect match are still tackling women from all around the world.

However, things change over time, and the definition of a healthy relationship today might be quite different compared to the past. While back then the role and the position of many women was underrated and the man was the boss of the house, it’s pretty different nowadays.

But one thing that didn’t change are the TV programs and the magazines that always find a way to attract women’s attention by listing various tricks of how to catch the man of their dreams. One woman came across an interesting copy of a 1958 McCall’s magazine. In that magazine, an article entitled ‘129 ways to get a husband’ caught her eye. She decided to share it, and it is every bit as good as you would expect.

So if you ever wondered, this is how the 1950s advised women to seduce the opposite sex. Interesting indeed! Take a look and tell us if you’d try any of these tricks.

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