

Policewoman Dies from Tuberculosis after Thug Spat In Her Face

Arina Koltsova from Kiev, Ukraine, was described by her fellow colleagues and friends as a person who...

12-year-old Disabled Girl Bitten on Her Face and Scratched by Bullies

All those stories of young children being bullied on a daily basis makes me wonder if we...

Quick-Thinking 11-Year-Old Boy Helps Stop Girl’s Kidnapping

TJ Smith, an 11-year-old boy from Texas, reminds us that bravery isn't counted by our age, but...

Boy, 1, dies after being hit by car – parents owed $175K for his 27-hour hospital stay

No loss is greater than that of losing a child. Unfortunately, a woman named Michelle DuBarry experienced...

Every Parent Should Read This Mom’s Warning About Aerosol Sunscreens

Sunscreen and other products that protect our skin from sunburns while sunbathing is a must. What's most,...

Mom Shares Video of Son Saying He Wants to Die to Show the Effects of bullying

We often speak of the negative impact bullying has on children, but this time, we get to...

Hidden Camera Captures Nanny Abusing 4-year-old with Down Syndrome

Most parents of young children who have a full-time job turn to nannies and babysitters to look...

Retiree pays for man’s groceries when his card gets declined, only to realize he’s famous

Paying it forward is what an elderly couple from New Jersey set as their New Year's resolution...

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