Cancer survivor kicked off from bridal party because bride didn’t want someone with bald head on the photos

"This completely floors me because basically I am her number 2 girl after her sister (who she barely gets a long with)," the woman explained.


When we think about it, the wedding day is all about family and friends for some brides, and all about perfect photoshoot and a chance to brag for others.

The bride in this story is described like a real bridezilla by some, but there are also those who believe she didn’t do anything wrong when she asked her friend of many years, who is a cancer survivor, not to be her bridesmaid because of her bald head.

A woman that goes under the name bridesmaidwoes123, took to Reddit to ask the fellow redditors whether she was the selfish one, as the bride claimed, or she had all the right to be mad and refuse to attend the wedding.

Source: Getty Images (Representational Image) | Photo by Slavica

This what she wrote: “I am very good friends with the bride to be, lets call her Karen for simplicity. She got engaged about 1.5 years ago and immediately asked me to be a bridesmaid which I was thrilled about (she was my maid of honor for context). To make a long story short I got some real bad news in the past year and had to undergo radiation and chemotherapy.”

Karen was quite supportive of her and helped her overcome the tough period which came with the devastating diagnosis. Not only that, but Karen invited her out to celebrate her remission and took her to spa. The two had a lot of fun until Karen said she had a special surprise.

“At the end of the day she takes me to a special hair salon which specializes in high quality wigs. I am a little taken aback by this because Karen knows that a lot of the work I have been involves psychological treatment in cancer patients and avoiding the shame associated with hair loss for instance. I politely go through the appointment and even try on some wigs although I was quite upset honestly,” the woman wrote.

Karen offered to pick a wig for her, but the woman sharing this story didn’t want one. What’s most, she wanted to forget all about that day.

Source: Getty Images (Representational Image) | Photo by Slavica

Later that day, Karen called the woman and told her that she couldn’t be part of her bridal party because the minister believed there were too many people invited already.

“This completely floors me because basically I am her number 2 girl after her sister (who she barely gets a long with),” the woman explained. “I call around and it although some of the other bridesmaids are reluctant to tell me anything hint at the fact that Karen was worried about how the pictures are going to look with someone with a bald head.”

She also added that she tried contacting Karen but there was no answer back. Later, however, Karen called her back and tried convincing her that her hair had nothing to do with her decision to remove her from the bridal party.

Source: Getty Images (Representational Image) | Photo by photoraya

A lot of redditors took a stand. One person wrote: “…I think brides like this ought to just cancel their weddings and host fancy photo shoots instead. It’s all about the pictures for them. To hell with friends, family, the comfort of guests, etc… It sucks to lose a friend. But then again, she doesn’t really seem like a friend at this point. The phrase, ‘when people show you who they are, believe them’ comes to mind.”

Another person, however, posted: “Wig shopping after cancer treatment seems like something super personal to me. I think Karen should have discussed this with you, before she took you to this shop and tried to buy you a wig. She crossed a boundary here by trying to change your look and your body, when you’ve just been through an experience where you didn’t have control over your own body. Does that make sense?”

Third person said: “Wouldn’t having a healthy friend in her wedding be a great gift? You’re a warrior. Screw the wig. Also, as a minister’s kid, I can safely say that ministers know enough to not stick their noses into bridal planning. So she’s a shit liar and a shit friend. Congrats on remission!”

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