Articles by

Kelly White

Kelly White is an award-winning journalist based in London where she covers financial markets, economies and companies in Europe.

Couple Out Walking Their Dog Make An Unbelievable Discovery

Well besides being good for you, walking your dog more often could well make the top of...

Naked Baby Asleep On Public Staircase, Everyone Just Walked Straight Past

Now and again in life, we sometimes encounter things that are so unbelievable that we think, no...

7 Years Old Girl Taunted By Bully For A Whole Year, Until Bikers Turn Up To Sort It Out!

One consistent thing that seems to happen in all schools, at least to some extent, it's bullying,...

Sister Asks Internet For Tonka For Her Disabled Brother, Can’t Believe The Response She Gets!

Most of us love a surprise at Christmas, the thrill of getting something and not knowing what...

Little boy born without limbs learns to “walk” in joyous video

Watching their young boy of 4 years for the first time moved Katie Whiddon and her boyfriend...

Firestation Rush To Elderly Mans Home When They Find Out Why He Came To Fire Station!

We really commend the senior people of this world who really don't let their age define who...

Angry Because Maid Burnt Baby, Wife Screams She’s Fired, But Husbands Words Ring True!

Amusing a baby is really hard sometimes and knowing what to do can be a little bit...

Pregnant lady found squatting inside the house by Cops, Upstairs Is Even More Disturbing!

Two police officers went to investigate an abandoned house over in Milwaukee, but they really weren't sure...

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