5-year-old girl survives after father jumps in front of a train with her

The poor girl couldn't understand what happened and kept asking where her daddy was.


Onlookers witnessed a real drama recently when a 45-year-old man later identified as Fernando Balbuena took his own life by jumping in front of a train at the Kingsbroad road station, New York. 

For matters to be ever worse, just before he took the faithful jump, he pulled his daughter with him. 

It was a sight none of the people who found themselves at the scene will ever forget.  

Some of the bystanders started screaming in hysterics while others were just looking at the man and his daughter not aware of what had happened right in front of their eyes. 

The incident took place in the morning at around 8 a.m just before the morning rush. 

It was very obvious that the man didn’t survive the fall, but people quickly realized that the girl didn’t share her father’s fate and rushed to see how seriously she was hurt. 

To everyone’s surprise, the little girl only suffered a couple of scratches. It was a real miracle that she managed to stay alive and unharmed.  

Sweet Ferni Balbuena wasn’t meant to die that day. As for her father, no one really knows why he made the decision to commit suicide. According to Ferni’s mother, Niurka Caraballo, her husband was speaking on the phone at the time he jumped in front of the train that was heading to Manhattan. 

The train driver noticed the man jumping, but there was no possibility of stopping in time for the accident to be avoided.

Ferni, however, was lucky enough to fall in between the tracks where she waited for the train to stop or pass. 

Thankfully, some of the onlookers, among which a man named Jairo Torres, rushed to get her out of there back to safety.  

Jairo grabbed Ferni’s arm and pulled her from under the heavy machine.

“I never think about anything,” Jairo told CBS New York. “I just care about saving the life of the baby.”

“She says ‘What happened to my daddy?’” he said. “I said ‘Don’t look at your daddy. Come to me. Crawl like a puppy.’”

He didn’t want the girl to know that her father was dead as what she had gone true was enough stress for someone that young.

People say how Jairo’s quick thinking and courage helped Ferni get out of the place without suffering any severe injuries. 

“I didn’t do it because people call me a hero. I do it because of the baby. Because in my heart, I feel the baby is still alive. And the I’m all right. The baby is still alive.”

She was taken to the hospital where doctors confirmed how the girl wasn’t hurt, but was overly stressed and confused. 

“She’s OK,” mom Niurka said to the New York Post. “Thank God!” 

However, she won’t stop asking about her dad and whether he will come back. 

In order to help her put the ordeal behind, New York Police Department surprised sweet Ferni with some amazing gifts such as NYPD baseball cap and a “Little Mermaid” doll. They also reminded her of how brave she is for her age. 

“My little girl is in perfect condition thanks to God and the angels that protected her,” mom told CBS. “Those living angels with my little girl. Thank you, thank you.”

We are glad Ferni is fine and we hope she will be able to forget the horrific incident and continue living her childhood years as she deserves. 

Below is the video of the actual scene captured by a bystander. 

Please proceed with caution because it involves disturbing images.