4-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome nicknamed ‘Smiley Riley’ captures thousands of hearts, only to land modelling job!

Whenever Down’s Syndrome was mentioned, lots of stereotypes emerged. People become compassionate and caring. In most cases such feelings arose just because they thought having a child or a family member with Down’s Syndrome was an obstacle for having a ‘normal and pleasant life’. But, is it really like that?

Meet the Baxters from Rochester, United Kingdom – the family that beats all these stereotypes. Riley, the 4-year old family star, is the source of happiness and family’s pride. The Down’s Syndrome, which Riley suffers from, did not stop him and his parents to live the life they have always dreamed about. Riley’s charisma and cute innocent smile, believe it or not, gave him a chance in modelling business!
Riley’s positive attitude, sincere happiness and love brought him the opportunity that many models wish they had. Riley was chosen the face of the Mothercare Ad.

The parents’ happiness and joy is overwhelming. Riley’s father, Stuart, did not hesitate expressing his emotions for Caters News by stating:
“We have called him ‘Smiley Riley’ from a young age, because he makes people really happy and seeing his smile gives people a pick-me-up on a bad day.”
The family’s happiness and comfortable life was not always as smooth as it is now. Like every beginning, their journey started roughly and with many difficulties. However, the hope for easy and purposeful life, in addition to creating a normal living conditions for Riley, forced them to think positively.

From strengthening his physical posture to learning how to pose for the camera, Stuart and his wife made that journey a true success. Riley’s unconditional love and joy was doubled and his confidence levelled up. As a consequence to that, people noticed him and decided to share that charm with the rest of the world – by making him a model that shines!
Referring to their initial thoughts, the parents say:
“After we were told he had Down Syndrome I cried, not for the case that I would love him any less but just knowing how cruel the world can be. That was the first thing that went through my mind but obviously my perceptions were wrong, and wow how wrong I was.”
Do you want to see Riley’s talents? Do you want to be greeted by his adorable smile? Take a look at the video below.