Doing good is what makes the world go round, because when those around us are happy that makes us happy too.
It’s amazing how a good deed never goes unnoticed and how an act of kindness, no matter how small, always goes a long way and inspires others to become better people.
Maya Angelou explained what kindness really is, and we can’t agree more.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
The nice things we do for someone have the power to evoke feelings of gratitude that stay with the person in the years to come. That’s why we should all strive to be those people who make others feel good.
An anonymous note was left on a gate near a lake in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, recently. The note was written by a woman whose husband’s ashes were in the lake. This loving lady felt the need to visit her lover’s resting place and bring a rose as a sign that she has never forgotten about him, although he was no longer by her side.
This story has been shared on Twitter by someone from Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School Rowing club, who stumbled upon the note.
“Please can someone throw this into the lake for me?” the note’s simple request reads. “My late husband’s ashes are in the lake and I can’t get to the lakeside in my wheelchair anymore.”
This note was left on the gate at the water this afternoon. No name or number left but whoever you are, rest assured your rose is in place in the middle of the lake.
— BVGS Rowing (@BVGSRowing) October 18, 2018
The woman left that note because she couldn’t reach the lake herself, and it was obvious it meant the world to her.
The kind person who stumbled upon her request took a photo of the rose floating the water. People who read the post said what the lady wanted to do for her late husband was very touching. One person wrote:
“I hope that this woman knows that her message went viral.”
It’s interesting how the person who fulfilled the woman’s wish tweeted about kindness days prior to the event.
Another full day of rowing as usual but worth stopping for a second to recognise world mental health day, remember to look after each other, talk, and be kind. #WorldMentalHealthAwarenessDay #noproblemtobig #Nomountaintoohigh
— BVGS Rowing (@BVGSRowing) October 10, 2018
“Another full day of rowing as usual but worth stopping for a second to recognise (sic) world mental health day, remember to look after each other, talk, and be kind.”
It’s so good to know that this person doesn’t only say how important it is to care for one another and do good, but actually does it.
We hope this story will make you do a kind deed whenever you are given a chance. Never forget that it may change someone’s life!