Veteran Sleeping In His Car, They Are Shocked To See Why!


John Greene, a veteran had a home that had sadly fallen into disrepair, so much so that he had resorted to sleeping in his car each night, just to keep warm on the cold nights of the winter!

Thanks to the community spirit of the Barnesville community, he will not have to sleep in his car again or endure the cold nights in his car every night anymore.

Eddie Felton works alongside veterans to help them, he heard that there was a guy sleeping his car. Both he and his wife decided they just had to make the journey down to see him and see what was going on with him.

When they got there, what they found that John was sleeping in his car, keeping the engine running to keep himself warm through the night.

Eddie said:

“I went and knocked on the window and said, ‘Mr. Greene, you can’t do this. If you have a pinhole, carbon monoxide will kill you”

But when Eddie then saw the serious condition of John’s house he then understood why he had been sleeping in his car!

The house was really run down, it was actually falling apart, it really would be impossible to sleep in the house how it was…

The community rallied to get him sorted out, look at the video to see the amazing lengths they went to look after him and his house:

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