Toddler makes everyone crying during his adoption

Having children in your lives is a blessing from God, but how you sometimes go about that can be a different path for each one of us, as Mandi and Tyler found out. They always wanted to have children but struggled to get pregnant.

Mandi said:

“After failed pregnancy test and failed pregnancy test, I talked to my doctors …They were still hopeful, but I realized quickly that I couldn’t gain weight. So I’m like, ‘how am I going to be able to carry a child?’” she said.”

“Being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease also complicated their dreams …We kept hearing the cry for foster parents in our area. So we talked about it and prayed about it and we signed up for the classes”

“Once we got licensed as foster-to-adopt parents, that week, we got the phone call for Hunter”

Since then they have dreamed of the day when they would be able to make their own family together.

Mandi went on to say:

“We went and picked him up at Children’s Services. We brought him home and we went through the roller coaster ride of foster care for that entire year”

It was only a year later, with all the uncertainty in between that the Palmers got the word, finally, that they could start the process of adoption.

They did the necessary paperwork at the courthouse and signed all the papers, they were very keen to get everything done and finished.

Madni said that the process was very emotional for her, but in a good way too, and that all their friends and family were there for them too!

Mandi said that:

“At the end of the court process, the judge announced [Hunter’s] new legal name. And they read the adoption decree and that’s when Hunter looked at my husband and he shouted, ‘Dad!’ “

“He just started clapping and everybody just started crying ..It was so emotional. It’s definitely rewarding.”

“It’s nice to look in his eyes now and not have to worry that he’s ever gonna have to leave us again.”

Even though Mandi and her hubby were really hesitant to enter the foster program, Mandi felt like she got a call from God to do it this way, she felt very good about it all!

She said:

“We prayed on it, and we just felt like God pushed us to do it”

Now Mandi feels that she really did the right thing, everything happens for a reason sometimes and Mandi feels her reason was Hunter, now they are complete as a family together.

Please SHARE this lovely story with friends and family and if you too are trying to get pregnant, maybe you could take inspiration from Mandi…

Kelly White
Kelly White
Kelly White is an award-winning journalist based in London where she covers financial markets, economies and companies in Europe.

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