Teen gets more than $3 million in scholarships while homeless

What an incredible young man! Let's give him a round of applause!


When there’s a will, there’s a way, they say, and I guess the life story of the homeless teen Tupac Mosley proves this to be very accurate. 

The life of this 17-year-old boy from Memphis, Tennessee, was a rough one. After his father died, his family struggled to make ends meet and they eventually ended up homeless. They were spending their days moving houses, but couldn’t afford to cover the rent. 

Being in a situation like this is hard for everyone, but it’s especially challenging for people Tupac’s age. Most teens who would find themselves facing such obstacles would probably fail behind their grades and show poor school performance. But Tupac was determined not to let that happen to him. He knew that working hard and never stopping pursuing his dreams would get him out of the unpleasant situation. 

At the end of his senior year, Tupac maintained a GPA of 4.3 and became his class’ valedictorian. He received numerous acceptance letters from various universities and more than $3 million in scholarship money. Fascinating, indeed. 

“Never let your current situation, whatever circumstances you’re going through, be a mountain that you can’t climb,” Mosley said in his valedictorian speech.

He decided to continue his education at the Tennessee State University in Nashville where he will major in electrical engineering.

Tupac is an example that hard work and dedication can take you anywhere you want. We wish him success and all the luck in life.