The enigmatic find


The past hides plenty of secrets and mysteries that intrigue us to dig deep into the days that are long gone and learn more of the lives of our ancestors.

In the depths of a great grandfather’s loft, a man found an unusual discovery. Covered in dust, the strange object had stood there probably for a lot of years.

Eager to learn more, he took to Reddit to ask fellow redditors what it was, and as always, they didn’t dissapoint.

After plenty of speculations, the mystery was unraveled.

It turned out that the object was an MG-42, a machine gun that achieved legendary status for its rapid rate of fire.

It is a German recoil-operated air-cooled general-purpose machine gun used extensively by the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS during the second half of World War II. 

German troops called it the “Knochensäge” which translates to “bone saw.” GIs altered the translation and began calling it “Buzz Saw” or “Hitler’s Buzz Saw” because of the distinctive sound it made.

The MG-42 played pivotal role in military history. It’s firepower struck fear into the enemies.

At the time, its design was considered revolutionary. Its features made it very efficient and simple to produce.

The MG-42’s rate–reaching was up to 1,500 rounds per minute under certain conditions.

In spite of its tendency to overheat, the MG-42 was an excellent weapon that was light-years of ahead of the US counterpart, the Browning M-1919A4 machine gun.

Finding this powerful machine gun inside a loft raised plenty of questions of how it even ended up there in the first place. For those who stumbled upon it, it is a representation of their family history and helps them create a better connection with their ancestors.

On top of it, this discovery showed the power of the online community and their ability to show incredible knowledge about everything, including the identification of a military relic.

By preserving these artifacts, we preserve history.

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My husband’s friend accidentally exposed that he is cheating on me and I took my revenge gracefully


Amy was looking for a Saturday spent with her husband of six years, Mark, but as he kissed her on the forehead, he told her he needed to be at the office because he had loads of work. He even assured her that in case he’s able to take his work home, he’ll do that and he’ll bring some Indian food.

Mark and Amy knew each other long before they tied the knot because they worked at the same building. Mark was a Casanova who always dated different girls, but when he finally decided to settle down, he chose Amy.


Although she wanted to spend the day with him, Amy still found this as an opportunity to take some time for herself and enjoy a good book and a cup of tea.

But just as she dived into the pages, she received a message. At first, she decided to ignore it, bit since it was from Tom, her husband’s best friend who felt like family, she was intrigued to see it.

It was in fact a voicemail. Tom could be heard saying, “Hi, I’m running a little late for our double date. I’ll be there at around 2 PM, okay? It’s Coachella, right?”

This left Amy in confusion. She didn’t recall Mark mentioning anything about a double date. She believed Tom got things confused and ignored the message, but something told her that there could be more to the message so he decided to inspect.


Coachella turned out to be an outdoor restaurant that tried to keep the festival theme running with loud music and low-hanging decor so it was easy for Amy to blend with the surroundings.

When she arrived to the place, she asked for a secluded table that would offer a clear view to the entrance. As she waited, she felt anxious. She hoped Mark wouldn’t show up, or in case he did, he would be there alone. But that’s not what happened.

Minutes passed by before Mark entered the place accompanied by a striking woman dressed in designer gear from head to toe.


Amy’s heart sank as Mark approached a table where Tom and his wife Sasha were already seated. When they saw Mark, they hugged him and the four seemed to have a fun time together. Smiling and having a blast, it was as though they forgot Amy existed in their lives.

However, no matter how hurt she felt at that moment, Amy knew it wasn’t time for tears but for action. She called the waiter and told him to bring the best champagne to Mark’s table.

Sensing the undercurrent of drama, the waiter complied with a nod and a small smile.

When he brought the champagne to Mark, he started laughing, not assuming his wife was watching him.


At that moment, Amy took a photo of him with the other woman and posted it on Facebook, tagging Mark on the post.

When he saw the notification, the color drained from his face as he frantically searched the room, unable to spot his wife.

Amy then called the waiter once again, ordered another champagne and wrote a message on a piece of paper which said, “To a memorable double date and our divorce, cheers!

She then left the restaurant and went home.

Mark came home a couple of hours later and packed his things. He said he didn’t mean to cheat on Amy, he was just having fun. But she didn’t want to listen to his lies.


Mark went to Tom’s place and Amy hadn’t heard from him for a week. It was then that she knew the time came for her to file the divorce papers.

What would you do if you were in her place?

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I pushed my spouse out of bed to stop what I believed was snoring


A woman named Lisa Lee, 25, shared with Metro a devastating story.

One night, as she was sleeping next to her husband, she was woken up by what she believed was snoring. Her husband, Lewis Little, also 25, didn’t usually snore, so in an attempt to make him stop, she slightly pushed him.

“I thought he was snoring, so I pushed him out of bed to stop. But when I felt the sheet was wet, I realized something was wrong. I turned on the light and looked at his bruised face because he couldn’t breathe. I called the ambulance, but until it arrived, it seemed as if an eternity had passed,” Lisa shared.

When the ambulance finally arrived, the doctors told the devastated woman that her husband had been dead for a couple of hours.

She didn’t want to believe that because she knew she heard him snoring. It was then that they explained to her that the snoring she though she heard was the sound of air coming out of his body and touching his vocal cords.

Lisa was aware her husband was suffering from Brugada syndrome, a rare heart condition that’s usually inherited and affect the heart rhythm. Although this condition can be life-threatening, Lewis was assured that he would live a long time and that his life wasn’t in danger.

He passed away a year after being diagnosed.

We are so very sorry for this loss. May he rest in peace.

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17 people share reasons why they decided to get a divorce


When you end up with the wrong person, it’s always better to put a stop than waste your years being stuck in a union that makes you feel miserable, unappreciated, and devastaed.

17 people who decided to end their marriage share the reasons behind their life-changing decision.

  • We were getting dressed for a friend’s wedding. I was in the best shape of my life at the time, feeling good about myself, and I thought I looked good in that suit. She was finishing her makeup and I remarked at how beautiful she looked. I waited for her to say something nice in reply, but she didn’t. And it just hit me.
    I couldn’t remember a single time that she complimented me on my appearance. So I said that to her. I said, “You know, I always tell you how beautiful you are, and how attracted to you I am, but I never recall you ever saying that I look good or that I look handsome.” She stopped applying her mascara long enough to roll her eyes at me.
    So I made the mistake of asking her, “Do you even find me attractive?” And she flatly said, “No.” I asked, “Why did you marry me then?” And she said, “I didn’t think it was important at the time.” I never felt so ugly and unloved. And it hurt even more when I had been feeling so good about myself for once in my life 30 seconds earlier.
    I am currently dating the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in real life — I finally found someone who makes me feel loved like I’ve always wanted to. © Seandouglasmcardle / Reddit
  • My mother tells that when she returned from the hospital with me, my older sister was wearing a diaper that hadn’t been changed in days and the house was a mess. Before even asking to see the new baby, father asked what was for dinner. It took her a few years to get out, but she knew at that moment it was over. © pahasapapapa / Reddit
  • When I had been on mandatory bedrest and caring for our infant son, after having emergency surgery, he came home from work and looked me dead in the face and said, “Why aren’t the dishes done?” Hightailed it out of there 2 weeks later. Now I have a new partner and we have a very happy blended family. © Neverinfocus / Reddit
  • When she was getting ready to go to the pub and I called her to say the car had broken down, and I was stuck 7 miles from home. She said she couldn’t help. We had 2 cars. We split 2 months later.
    It turned out there was a guy at the pub she was “getting to know”. After we split they dated for a few months, then she came back 8 months after we split begging for another go at the marriage, but I’d already started dating my now wife. © gaz8600 / Reddit
  • I realized early on he wasn’t right for me, but we had 3 kids, so I stayed. We had been married for 19 years but the nail that made me leave was when I asked him why I never heard him say, “I love you” to the kids while they were growing up. My ex replied that our children hadn’t EARNED his love, and that shook my whole foundation. I was literally speechless for 2 days. © Far-Phone8791/ Reddit
  • When we had an argument and instead of resolving it as adults, he ran to his mom. And went back with his mom in tow, who was angrily explaining to me his side. © MapFit5567 / Reddit
  • I realized it on the wedding day… She spent a fortune on unnecessary things, and I knew I’d be the one fitting the bill on the credit card she ran up. So I told her no more, she said she wanted an ice cream vendor there (we already had two dessert bars) and told her it was not needed.
    She fought me on it but finally agreed. Wedding day comes, I’m standing with my groomsmen, in comes the ice cream truck. Knew right then, sadly. Our marriage lasted for 3 years; I should say, I tried. I’m more than fine now. © StrangeJitsu / Reddit
  • I realized it when she sat me down and with a straight face said, “I’ve thought about this, and you’re not going to exercise anymore.” I was jogging a few miles a day and would usually bring kids with in a running stroller. She said you’re a father and it’s too time-consuming.
    That’s when I realized I made a terrible mistake. Later I caught her with another man in my car and we divorced. Luckily and most importantly I got two AMAZING kids out of it. © JD054 / Reddit
  • It was actually almost immediately after getting married. Our relationship had taken a nose dive as soon as we moved in together. But after we got married, while we were in Greece on our honeymoon, he absolutely lost his mind on me in public.
    I had wanted to go see a beach on the island that is supposed to be one of the most beautiful in the world, so we tried to catch the bus, but it never came. He screamed at me, telling me he hated traveling with me and how could I ruin his vacation like this.
    Then we walked to the beach nearby, and he went swimming with his two friends who he insisted come with us on the trip. I was too stunned and humiliated to do anything except sit on a beach chair and cry. Yes, he is absolutely my ex-husband. © gridironbuffalo / Reddit
  • I was exhausted from taking care of our newborn by myself and told him I couldn’t do it by myself anymore and instead of offering to pitch in and help he suggested we put the baby up for adoption. I left him. © angiebenz / Reddit
  • When our child was three months old, and I had the absolute worst case of mastitis. I was so weak I couldn’t even pick up the baby. I asked him to please stay home from work and help me. He told me to call my mum, then left for work.
    I stuck it out for another 4 years, through various other scenarios similar to this one, but finally found the courage to leave. The moment I asked for a divorce I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. © the_serpent_queen / Reddit
  • When I cried multiple times per week instead of 2–3 times per year. © Individualchaotin / Reddit
  • I was depressed because my grandfather was my best friend, and he died, so I was in a bad place. Instead of supporting me he basically told me I was broken in and not worth the emotional support I needed to deal with such an important loss in my life. That was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The divorce cost me a bit but in the end was worth it to not be with a man who would not offer support during a bad time. © dk573 / Reddit
  • 6 months after our wedding when I found out about the emotional (he says only emotional, but I’m pretty sure it was physical too) affair through text messages. He had sent his affair partner screenshots of my texts to him in which I was begging him to talk to me and tell me what was wrong.
    They both proceeded to make fun of my desperation to fix my marriage and his affair partner said something along the lines of “Poor valiant, she doesn’t know anything and keeps begging you for attention and affection.” The moment I read those words I realized how big of a mistake I had made. I’m happily remarried now. © Valiantlycaustic / Reddit
  • The first wife, I had inklings that I might not have married the right person when I was working full time (making very good pay) and she decided to quit her job and just sat at home on her butt. We had a maid come every week to clean the house top to bottom, do the laundry and all the dishes — and the house was still a hellhole 6 days a week. If dinner was made at all when I got home from work it was hamburger helper or a microwaved hot dog wiener and blue box macaroni and cheese.
    It really became clear when I caught her cheating. Her exact words to a friend, “My husband’s an angel, but I’m bored.” The second wife, I realized multiple times, over and over, that I married exactly the right person for me. © Grizzled**** / Reddit
  • He didn’t mention me in his speech at our wedding. He thanked everyone else, commented on the bridesmaids, and talked about our daughters. I may as well not have even been there.
    The first night of our honeymoon I got horrendously sick, and he left me alone in our room to go watch something on the big screen on the beach. So much for sickness and health! © LBelle0101 / Reddit
  • After 9 years of marriage and 2 kids, he decided to have an affair with a coworker. Then didn’t want to get divorced because it would make him look bad and ruin his reputation. Karma has come for him, now he is with her and is miserable. © StormBetter9266 / Reddit

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Johnny Carson asked the audience if anyone could play the piano – This man raised his hand, and his life changed forever


David Tolley’s life changed forever in a way he could never imagine.

He studied the piano since he was just five years old, after his mother noticed he was talented. She arranged piano lessons for him in his hometown of Dublin, Ohio.

One night, Tolley found himself in the right place at the right time and his life was never the same.


Namely, Tolley was part of the audience of the Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show on December 19, 1985, when something unexpected occurred. Carson announced that one of the guests, classical pianist Horatio Gutierrez, was unable to perform that night because of a hand injury. He then asked if anyone from the audience knew how to play the piano.

He picked one of the female contestants named Mary Joe and he then picked Tolley.

Tolley performed Memories from the musical Cats and wowed everyone. His talent shone bright and the audience was in awe.

The following day, Tolley’s phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He was showered with offers to perform at parties, events, and he was even offered to play roles in films.

His career as a pianist blossomed all because of an unexpected opportunity he decided to grab when offered.

Today, Tolley is an associate professor of Music Composition, Recording/Production, and Music Industry at Delaware State University.

According to his website, Tolley graduated as valedictorian from Ohio’s first Performing Arts High School and then finished a double Bachelor’s in Piano Performance and in Music Composition, and a Masters of Music in Composition at The Ohio State University. He then started his Doctorate at OSU but felt a strong tug on his heart to move to the entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles so he headed west.

Some of his work includes a project for Steven Spielberg, as well as all of the new original music for the DISNEYLAND theme parks in Paris and Tokyo.

You can take a look at the performance that affected his life forever below.

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Kate Middleton struck with one demand by royal expert in the middle of recovering from surgery


Except for the short trip to Anmer Hall with her husband and children, Kate Middleton spends her days at home where she recovers from the “planned” abdominal surgery.

As per the Palace, the Princess of Wales is expected to return to her royal duties not sooner than Easter. According to many, both the two-week long hospital stay and the many months of recovery may suggest that her surgery was more complex than everyone assumed and her condition was more serious.

Sadly, following the news of Kate’s surgery, the Palace shared the devastating news of King Charles’ cancer diagnosis.

He’s currently receiving treatment in London each week and uses the rest of the time to rest at Sandringham.

This means that the already slimmed down monarchy, more precisely the number of working royals, lowered as Kate cleaned her working schedule while King Charles either postponed or rescheduled his royal engagements.

It is now Prince William who performs most of the royal duties while also taking care of the children.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 04: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Catherine, Princess of Wales arrives for visit to the Dog & Duck pub in Soho to hear how it’s preparing for the Coronation Weekend on May 4, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

According to Christopher Andersen, author of The King, “Kate is worried about the psychic toll these twin medical battles are having on her husband.”

“William is terribly concerned about Kate’s condition – we still don’t know what her abdominal surgery was for or why her recovery is taking months – and now he has to face the fact that his father has cancer. William has always made it clear that he wanted a full-fledged family life, and when Kate became incapacitated, he stepped in to play hands-on dad. He cut back on his schedule to drive the kids to school, the whole nine yards,” he told Fox News Digital.

“Now he has resumed his royal duties much sooner than perhaps he would have liked. But there are times when duty trumps family life and, after all, William is the future king.”

Kate’s real medical condition prompted plenty of rumors and speculations.

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

In the first statement made by Kensington Palace, it said that Kate hoped that “the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible” and also that she wished that “her personal medical information remains private.”

Royal expert Richard Eden appeared on the show Palace Confidential and revealed that readers constantly send letters to The Times, asking questions regarding Kate’s procedure.

He dubbed this efforts by the public “bullying.”

“I think that there’s no reason why she should feel bullied into giving more details,” Eden said, per Express. “If she wants to, at a later point, fine, that’s up to her. But, she shouldn’t feel that she has to.

“It’s been ‘She should give more details,’ and ‘Why doesn’t she?’

“And there’s been more pressure, there’s even been letters written to The Times newspaper, saying it would be a great example to other women if she was to be more open about her medical problems and this sort of thing.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Almost two months after Kate’s last public appearance, Newsweek’s chief royal correspondent, Jack Royston, makes a demand to William and Kate asking from them to reveal more information about what is going on.

“[The Princess of Wales] is still recovering, we still haven’t seen her, we still haven’t seen a picture of her,” the chief royal correspondent said.

“I am starting to wonder if it might be worth their while considering whether they could release something that had been taken at a calm private moment, just to reassure people that she is ok.”

He believes that the public needs to be assured that the Princess isn’t experiencing any major health issues.

LONDON, ENGLAND – JULY 04: Catherine, Princess of Wales watches Katie Boulter in action against Daria Saville on day two of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club on July 4, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Zac Goodwin – Pool/Getty Images)

King Charles on the other hand decided to share the news of his surgery for enlarged prostate cancer and he’s been widely praised for that decision because not only he opens up of his personal health state, but he’s helping raise awareness, something Kate opted not to do.

Daniela Elser is among those who believes that Kate sharing details of her surgery and her condition could have helped others.

“The abdomen starts with the liver and ends somewhere colon-ish, meaning that there are umpteen reasons why the princess might currently be laid up and enjoying midmorning tele in a pristine starched white room full of bleepy machines and enough flower arrangements to kit out Westminster Abbey,” Elser wrote for

“No one who is not in the Middleton family chat knows exactly what is troubling the mother-of-three and I can’t help but think that the princess has wasted an enormous opportunity here. Kate could possibly have made a huge difference this month and she has chosen not to.”

However, besides being a princess, Kate Middleton is also a human being who’s entitled to her privacy.

“She has every right to not have to air her every sniffle, ache, and minor rash with the leering public or is not obligated to have her staff put out a press release every time she might get some light symptoms of IBS,” Elser continued.

Samir Hussein/WireImage

“All that has been made known by Kensington Palace about the princess is that whatever is wrong with her is non-cancerous, a detail I’m assuming they only released to prevent mass panic in the aisles of Asda. Tamping down public fears is good and all that but hardly goes much of a ways for such a huge missed opportunity.”

Elser concluded, “The princess has wholly passed up on the chance to raise awareness about whatever might be bedeviling her right now and to possibly also destigmatize whatever illness might be ailing her. Charles, in making me type the word ‘prostate’ far too often, has done the world a great service. So why hasn’t Kate?”

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This blonde bombshell of the ’70s still knows how to pack a punch on screen


Sally Struthers rose to stardom with her portrayal of Gloria Stivic in the ’70s sitcom All In The Family. The show was a huge success and was watched by millions of people as it tackled social issues and taboos, turning them heartbreaking or funny, and sometimes both.

Struthers played alongside other names who went on to have successful careers because of the show. Among them were Carroll O’Connor, Jean Stapleton, Rob Reiner, and Danielle Brisebois.

The show won 42 awards and received staggering 73 nominations during its run. Even today, many of us turn back to it when in need of something to remind us of the good old days of television.

Sally Struthers in 1976 / Flickr / Nesster

Speaking of the character she played, Struthers told Longview Daily News in 1973, “At first I behaved like an idiot on the set. I thought that was the way to get people to like me. I’ve been educated on the set. I’ve learned to be myself. And now, they respect me.”

How she ended up being part of a show is an interesting story. Namely, Struthers was dancing on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour when she was discovered by producer Norman Lear, who according to the actress was a “father of us all.”

The show was so successful, that then 22-year-old Struthers couldn’t even leave her home without being followed by fans who wanted to meet her.

As the show went from one season to another, Struthers asked her role to get more dramatic.

“When we go on hiatus, I want to do something different,” she said.

”And there are so many ways to represent a woman. I would like to play a murderess and an unwed mother, and a nun, and an old Jewish mother. At the end of my career I’d like to have people say that I am as funny as Judy Holliday and to be as revered as Ruth Gordon.”

“All in the Family” actress Sally Struthers, 1972. Photo by Jack Mitchell/Getty Images.

Once the show was over, Struthers found herself in a position of being typecast which gave her trouble landing roles she wanted to play. In the 1990s she was a semi-regular panelist on the panel game show Match Game – others might recognize Sally as Babette Dell in Gilmore Girls.

Since the 2000s, she has been a regular at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine.

“I’m here. I’m a Los Angeles resident. I have been available. I don’t know why I am never asked to audition. I am never offered a job here. But, you give me Texas, you give me Maine, you give me Virginia, you give me New York, you give me Connecticut and there’s a job for me, always. They clamor to have me back the next year in something else,” she says.


Struthers, who has been a spokesperson for Christian Children’s Fund for many years, has one daughter. Back in the day, she was convinced that she wouldn’t be a mother as she didn’t want a child, but that changed when she met now her ex-husband, famous psychiatrist William C. Rader.

“Before I met Bill, I never wanted a baby. I was always the first one to say that it wasn’t going to make me fulfilled, that I didn’t need a carbon copy of myself. Then you fall in love with someone,” she told People in 1981.

“And you want to be the mother of a child that is part of that man, the result of your loving each other.” 

Her daughter, Samantha Struthers Rader, is a clinical psychologist who runs her own practice.

drsamrader / Instagram

As of Struthers, she is now 75 but she’s still very active as part of the teather.

“From the time I was able to walk and say a few words, my whole aim in life was to make people laugh,” she told Spectrum News in 2022.

“And when I hear other people laugh, and I know that some silly face I’ve made or some line reading causes them to double over, I’m transported to heaven. That’s my thing. Laughter.”

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Malia Obama, 25, debuted a new moniker as she began her Hollywood career


Growing up in front of the eyes of the public isn’t something Malia Obama is not familiar with. Being the daughter of the former president of the United States, Barak Obama, she has spent her life under the limelight, and even today, the media is interested in her every move.

The 25-year-old just presented her directorial debut, The Heart, at the Sundance Film Festival. In the Sundance Institute’s “Meet the Artist” spotlight video, Malia Obama revealed she was going by the name Malia Ann, thus ditching her moniker.

Malia, who was born Malia Ann Obama on July 4, 1998, has her middle name honoring her paternal grandmother, who died from ovarian cancer at the age of 52 in 1995, and now, she has dropped her last name in favor of her middle name.

Speaking of the short film for which she served as both director and screenwriter, Malia said. “This is an odd little story, somewhat of fable, about a man grieving the death of his mother after she leaves him an unusual request in her will.” Further, in the YouTube clip of the short film, she wrote, “The film is about lost objects and lonely people and forgiveness and regret, but I also think it works hard to uncover where tenderness and closeness can exist in these things.” 

The Heat isn’t her first attempt into the profession. Previously, the Harvard grad worked in the writers’ room on Donald’s Amazon Prime show Swarm, co-writing the fifth episode, “Girl, Bye.”

“She’s a very professional person,” Swarm‘s co-creator Janine Nabers said Malia in a January 2023 Vanity Fair interview. “She’s an incredible writer and artist. She made significant contributions… She’s very, truly committed to her craft.”

Swarm‘s executive producer Stephen Glover also spoke of Malia. “We can’t be easy on her just because she’s the [former] President’s daughter,” he told Vanity Fair. “No, she is really down-to-earth and cool. So it’s not an issue at all.”

Malia Obama isn’t the first celebrity who made the decision to ditch their family name. Other celebs have done that before, including Nicolas Cage, who changed his last name from Coppola, and Angelina Jolie, who dropped her surname, Voight.

For her directorial debut, Malia looked cozy, with minimal makeup, her curly hair down with small braids scattered throughout.

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