Neighbor Breaks Into Abandoned House And Is Horrified By What She Is About To See

When Katie Dunkley’s instincts led her to believe there was a problem that day she became a Hero to two dogs, I guess it just goes to show that we can find heros in the most unlikely places. She had noticed that one of the houses, not far from where she lived, had been abandoned, and even more terrible the owners had left their dogs without food or water inside the house. Katie made a bold and brave move and broke into the house, where she found the two doggies, starving to death and very distressed. The Local RSPCA took the animals into their protective custody to look after them and closely monitor their health. The RSPCA said:

“One dog had already been removed from the property, and another was found inside. Both are now in the RSPCA’s care and are being closely monitored”

Shannon Harris witnessed the happenings, she saw Katie going down the street with one of the dogs! Shannon said:

“She told me that she had broken into the house to rescue him. She tried to rescue the female too but she went to bite her so only saved the male”

Shannon discovered that the police had noted that the owner of the house had moved out in March or April and returned infrequently. The poor dogs had been alone for three or four months, it’s no surprise they were so malnourished, it’s a miracle that they are still alive! Shannon took some pictures of the poor dogs in their awful underweight condition, ribs showing painfully through, living in such incredibly poor conditions. Shannon said:

“From the pictures I took, I believe the female dog was curled up in the corner. The police went in through the back and somehow got the female dog into the cage, broke the rest of the window and got her out through the window”

Even though the two dogs had been left in the abandoned house and neglected by their owner, they both now have the chance for a new life, all thanks to everyone’s efforts. And the owner, well the RSPCA are investigating, let’s hope they get the justice they deserve!

Mom Shares Her Clever Funny Photo On Her Kids First Day Back At School That Makes Parents Fall Off Their Chairs with Laughter

It’s back to school time again, it’s come around so quickly, and on this first day of school Jena Willingham, an Alabama mom made a facebook post we can all relate to, although her three kids didn’t seem all that thrilled! The post she shared was of her three children, 4 year Sykes, 7 year Emmy, and 11 year Wrangler, each of them wearing backpacks and unashamedly looking down into the pool at their mom, who was in her floating chair celebrating with drink in hand.

Jena posted the amusing photo to Facebook this August just a few days ago and its already been shared over 20,000 times. She has been interviewed by PEOPLE magazine, NBC news, AND The New York Times, and USA Today, and more… This amazing and funny picture has spread like wildfire through social media everywhere, because, let’s face it, most of us in this situation can completely understand the picture! Jena said: “My kids have been driving me crazy with their fighting over chargers and iPads all summer”

“I kept telling them I was going to have a pool day all by myself when they went to school because it’s the first time in 11 years I won’t have a kid home. I was counting down to school, I deserve a break”

Jena really made her point with this innocent but clever picture, and many are writing comments like;

“Awesome! You deserve it!!”


“You go, girl!”

There were a few though, as always, a minority, who were not as warm to it, calling her a spoiled self indulgent woman, but Jena had a reply to this: “Meanies y’all,” she wrote. “I have a job. Live in a trailer. Borrowed a pool. But I do need to exercise.”

Jena, when asked what she would do with all her time now her kids were in fact back at school said quite frankly, she would use the time to be productive, like doing a grocery shop without the kids. Her kids are just fine with this:

“The older one likes being famous and the other two are kind of oblivious, But when I did go pick up Sykes Monday everybody in the class started clapping.”

“You know,” Jena said, “What I have taken away from this is that you should not feel guilty about needing a break from your kids.”

Thinking for one minute about all the like and shares, it’s a real safe bet that we all agree right?

Truck Crash Kills Mother Of Three And Her Children, Dad Is Heartbroken In Disbelief How It Happened

Edward and 29 years old Lindsey Schmidt, were married, they were raising their children, 6 years, 4 years and 1 years old. They lived in Beecher, Illinois and Lindsey was pregnant again. Lindsey had signed up her sons for bible school during the holidays, it was a Monday morning, and she had put her children into their car seats of their 2014 Subaru Outback.

Gepostet von Kay Warren Sandifer am Sonntag, 6. August 2017

She drove them to their bible school that day, but also a 2002 Chevrolet pickup had missed the stop signs and smashed into the side of her vehicle, pushing the Subaru off the side of the road into a field. The Man driving the truck was 25 years old, he sustained minor injuries but required surgery.

Gepostet von Eric Horng ABC7 am Montag, 24. Juli 2017

Sadly the 1 year old Caleb and his unborn brother or sister died instantly, however Owen 6, and Weston 4, were put on life support at Comer’s Children’s Hospital. They both died in the hospital and their grieving father, now widower, had hanging over him the grim truth that he would have to bury his wife and all his children.

Gepostet von Eric Horng ABC7 am Montag, 24. Juli 2017

For someone to shoot through a stop sign and cause such a terrible accident is unimaginable, its difficult to imagine anything that could distract someone to do that, but some of us already perhaps have a theory! Texting and driving are a lethal combination and immensely distracting, but it hos not been proved that this was the cause of the accident. A citation was initially issued to the driver, but then dismissed. It doesn’t seem that anyone knows exactly what caused this awful accident, however investigations are ongoing, authorities are investigating any clues that will lead to a discovery of what did really happen that day. Everyone wants answers, but only time will tell in this case if that ever happens. The community is very close and heartbroken over such a loss to everyone, still all the community anxiously waits for more news as to what happened. When YOUR driving, please do be careful, it could save someone’s life!

SHARE This storey and help to spread awareness!

Miles From Civilization A Family Sees A Distant Blur While On Their Boat, It Then Starts Swimming Towards Them?

Nikitina’s family were on vacation during this summer, but they had no clue what would transpire. They would, in fact, and in surprise, be bringing home a new family member! While having a fun day out sailing on the black sea and taking some time to swim and venture far out into the sea, way beyond the mainland, they didn’t know they would have a surprise… The family passed a remote island and heard a strange sound, at first they couldn’t work out the noise, but thought that a faint black animal was yelping over near a cluster or rocks not far from the island shore. Natalia Nikitina said:
The sound gradually intensified. At first it was nearly invisible, but then I could see this black spot moving in the distance
When they started to get closer, they then began to realize that the strange black dot was, amazingly, a little kitten! As soon as the kitten saw them it tried its hardest to get closer to them and call out for help. Somehow she had got stranded alone on the island….

How did they even hear those tiny meows?!

Gepostet von The Animal Rescue Site am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017

Natalia said:
She jumped over the stony bank, following our voices. She jumped from stone to stone, and crossed the snags
The family thought it was ultimately clear to them that they must rescue the kitten, but the island shores were too shallow to get even close. The kitten took measures into her own paws and she jumped into the sea and swam to the boat, the family quickly got into the water and scooped her safely into the boat. They dried her and looked after her and apart from being exhausted and starving, she was just fine. The family adopted her, a perfect match for each other, and named her Aurora, an amazing happy ending to an amazing storey! How Aurora could have ended up alone on that island is a mystery, but, the family thinks she was left there by other people, luckily she was drawn to their voices. If they hadn’t happened to be boating that day and passing the island, Aurora may never have been rescued and perished. Now she is living happily ever after!

Спасение котёнка ! Назвали Аврора,теперь живёт у нас.

Gepostet von Неля Никитина am Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2017

The family says:
She always wants to be close to people
The family is really grateful that they found Aurora. They had no idea their day out on the Black Sea would bring them such an amazing gift!!

The Music Changes, The Horse Dances, Everyone Is Stunned!

It’s more than common to see video’s and on television when horses dive into rivers and jump over obstacles, bound over hills and race to the end of a course. But, instead of just jumping bars and trenches, this talented horse begins to dance, how amazing! Dressage is the classic art of dancing horses, this skill known to the equine world and especially know by this horse! Dressage may seem like a new sport to some people, it’s in fact a worldwide phenomenon.
Screenshot via YouTube
Dressage competition is a very high level, disciplined sport and its judged on the control and grace of the movements made by the seamless harmony of horse and rider working in unison together to perform carefully crafted plan of predefined movements.

It is the judge’s responsibility to give guidance to the rider to tell them if they have consolidated the horses correct training enough at the level required before advancing.

Screenshot via YouTube
The rider in this amazing routine, Andreas Helgstrand, working with his trusty steed, Blue Hors Matine, have worked through their paces for many hours of patient training before they can enter into a competition. They are demonstrating their grace and perfection in the freestyle dressage at WEG2006, and have even advanced to the finals. When the music changes so do the horse’s movements. It’s truly amazing to watch and see what can be achieved with years of training for both horse and rider!
Screenshot via YouTube
The music is quite typical of a dressage routine, and well choreographed, but, nevertheless it is completely entertaining. In one section fans in the audience can’t believe their eyes, we can’t even dance like that!
Screenshot via YouTube

Not only does the routine receive high marks from the judge, but the stunning horse looks amazing performing his dressage routine, and the icing on the cake, the crowd goes wild at the end.

It’s crystal clear that Andreas amazing dressage performance shows that he and his horse share a passion for music and the love of performing!

Screenshot via YouTube

See for yourself:

What do you think about this horse’s awesome dance routine? SHARE AWAY!

22 Years Later They Realize that Mom Was Right For Supporting Her Daughter’s Marriage

Despite the disbelievers and doubters, in July 1995 a special couple said “I do”. There were many that thought that they didn’t have a hope of a happy future together, or could even stay a married couple. Maryanne and Tommy Pilling defied the odds and are now a wonderful example of love and how the trueness of love really does stand the test of time, defying all the people that predicted it wouldn’t last, years ago, and wouldn’t support them. After a whopping 22 years after they were married, Tommy and Maryanne are still together and live next to Maryanne’s mom in Essex, her sister lives just a few houses down the road and the happy couple don’t even argue!


What seems like a short time ago, this amazing marriage nearly didn’t come true. Tommy 59, and Maryanne 46, have overcome many challenges in their lives, both having dealt with a share of rude, mean people. Their stories of love began at a local training centre for people with learning difficulties. Its was so cute how sweet and adorable their relationship was. After just 18 months of dating each other, Tommy knew that Maryanne was his one and only love. Tommy proposed with a toy ring bought from a vending machine, but only after he had first asked permission to marry her from her mom!


They received their blessing from Maryanne’s mom, but regretfully many others didn’t approve. Linda Newman, Maryanne’s sister, had told everyone that their mom received “a lot of flak” for supporting them in their marriage. Thinking about how many marriages today end in divorce, theirs is definitely a love story that has stood the tests of time, without a doubt. The relationship is pure because they don’t understand emotions of hate, their beautiful church ceremony, surrounded by friends and family showed them the love they received. Tommy went to the jewelry shop with Maryanne’s mom where she helped buy a “proper ring”, said Linda. She told the New York Post that ever since she was a little girl, Maryanne dreamed of having a big white wedding. “That’s exactly what she had. It was a beautiful day. Holding hands strolling down the street that make a great statement, but still some people stare, assuming that people with down syndrome and learning difficulties shouldn’t get married. Also though, there are many well wishers who are inspired, especially people with down syndrome children, we hope that they can also fall in love and live happy lives too!


Just by looking at their wedding photos you can really tell that they share a deep and meaningful relationship right to this current day, Linda has shared their stories on Facebook and Instagram too!
They love one another dearly, respect one another and are completely honest. My wedding was the best day of my life. I was shocked when Tommy proposed, but I didn’t have to think twice about saying yes. Tommy and I never argue. I love my husband very much. He is my best friend.

Man makes an odd request, but then unexpectedly shocked everybody, especially the waitress.

To set the scene, a man walked into the Denny’s restaurant with a very odd request, he in fact said just this:

Can I have a waitress who is a single mother?

Now, this caused a few moments of confusion but to humor the man he was indeed sent a waitress called Crystal. He sat in his seat and watched the other customers for around a couple of hours, but it was what he did next that left the staff completely dumbfounded.

Today I met an angel. You came into a Denny’s I work at in Utah. You asked me, ‘Can I have a waitress who is a single mother?’

I thought it was very odd, but I sat you in Crystal’s section. You sat there for 2 hours just watching people.

7 families came in and ate while you were there and you paid every one of their bills, over $1,000 you paid for people you didn’t even know.

I asked, ‘Why did you do that?’ You simply said, ‘Family is everything, I’ve lost all mine.’

Looking into your eyes while you said that made me tear up (It’s why I walked away so quickly) as soon as I got in the back I broke down in tears because your eyes had so much pain in them.

I just wanted to let you know, the waitress Crystal that you requested was living in a shelter with her son until she was able to save up enough to get a place.

Your bill was $21.34 and you left her a $1,500 tip, because of you she gets her new place next week, because of you 7 families ate for free.

Crystal told me she prayed the night before for a miracle and God sent you.

You left before any of us could say thank you, I hope you read this because you’re truly an amazing person and you stole the hearts of every one of us here.

Thank you.

The Storey that was shared touched everyone who read it, people shared their thoughts and commented on the post. One person wrote:

The world is a sad and scary place sometimes, and you wonder how we got here. A simple kind act or a grand gesture,it doesn’t matter,what matters is love and treating people with respect and kindness. When I leave the world I want to know I made a difference in peoples lives.

Another commented:

You have a heart of gold and some young lady will be so blessed to have you in her life…

Yet another said:

Hope you start a family of your own and have many blessings! Stories like this restore my faith in mankind!!!!!

Cops Do The Right Thing by A Woman Hunched in A Chair, Her Swollen Legs Tell A Storey

In the Great United States of America being a Police Officer comes with many unexpected challenges and there is a narrow rope to walk between your obligatory duties and doing what is right in some situations. Under the constant watchful eye of the media, like being in a fishbowl, the job has become more and more difficult in recent years. There are too many people who are ready to hurt and be violent towards police officers, who just want to do their jobs and go home, and many who want return home to their own family safely at the end of each day. Marsha Lohens, a member of the police force, has found her true calling, being part of the police force!

Facebook/Martha Ruth Lohnes

The amazing feeling of capturing the bad people of this world and helping others in need is her passion, helping those around her when things go wrong, by all accounts, she was put here on earth by a higher force! She patrolled her jurisdiction in Charleston, South Carolina, although one of her most recent encounters was so incredibly powerful that she felt obliged to share it on Facebook.
I was debating whether or not to add this photo because I didn’t want to seem like I was looking for recognition. I don’t care for that. But I think this picture my partner took is too powerful to keep hidden. And I care to show the good in police work. This is Priscilla and she is a well-known member of our community. She chooses to sit in an old rotting chair under a bridge every day. Her legs are swollen three times their normal size. She’s mentally ill. She will curse you up and down if she doesn’t like you but she is the sweetest human ever if you get on her good side. Believe me I spent many of our initial encounters asking her not to call me the ‘B’ word. I check on her regularly because she has an infection on her foot. The flesh is rotting away, it seeps liquid, and the bugs are constantly inside of it. She refuses to go to the hospital although I have called an ambulance for her several times.

Facebook/Martha Ruth Lohnes

I have begged her to let me take her to the hospital but she’s so stubborn and I can’t force her. The other day I brought her bactine spray to hopefully help heal her foot and keep the bugs away. She was almost crying because she was so scared it would sting, so I had to spray it for her. I brought her hot cheetos and beef sticks, but she proceeded to yell at me for not getting her pizza. I absolutely adore this woman, y’all. She’s one of the most amazing souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. But as I was kneeling there cleaning her foot, I couldn’t help but think of the song ‘Who Will Be Jesus To Her?’ Sometimes it feels as if the whole world is against my Blue Family. We are hated and wished to be dead. We are called racist murderers, robots and pigs. Yet, out of the public’s eye, we get on our knees in the dirt to show love by washing the feet of those others would reject. Moments like these are the reason I am so passionate about what I do. I have never felt closer to Jesus than when I don my uniform and serve those who just need to be loved. God put me on this earth to be a police officer. And though we are despised and rejected, my heart remains at peace because I know I’m doing God’s work. As is every man and woman I proudly serve beside. This is the side of police work you don’t see. This is our every day shift. Don’t forget that we are human, and we are called to serve as well as protect. UPDATE: I went back and saw Priscilla again today because I was going to bring her medicine, and she had a bandage around her foot. I was informed that for the past month (unbeknownst to me) Charleston County EMS has been making daily checks on Priscilla while I have only been checking on her once or twice a week. I didn’t know because she takes her bandage off by the time I get on shift because it ‘gets dirty.’ But they provide her with more medical care and attention than I am able to. They also feed and clothe her (today she told me ‘don’t I look sexy in my new dress?’) I don’t know exactly who responds to her, but they are the ones who deserve the recognition. They are the real representations of Jesus and should be thanked a hundred times more than I. If anyone knows who is assigned to her, please let me know.
Officer Lohnes wasn’t obliged to pull over or help Priscilla, but she knew her work was a true calling, and God’s work! Looking after Priscilla was a big job but thankfully there were other kind souls also looking after her too, with their efforts all put together, she will get better and better! Without the work of our men and women in blue, the world would truly be a sadder place.