Girl is ashamed of ‘dirty’ dad who works as coal miner, cries as he takes mic at her graduation


Ideally, the relationship between parents and children is characterized by love, respect, and mutual understanding. Sadly, there are instances when the children are ashamed of their parents while growing up because they don’t own a fancy car, are not reach, or don’t do what the children see as a “respectable” job.

These often leads to complex emotions and strained connections.

Sabrina, 18, was on the phone with one of her friends when she heard the front door open. It was her dad, Pete, who worked as a coal miner. The young woman was quick to end up the conversation because she didn’t want her dad to hear her talking about her upcoming graduation. The reason why was that she didn’t want him to attend it because she was afraid her friends would mock her because of his “dirty” looks.


Pete entered the home with a smile on his face, carrying two packages in his hands. He told Sabrina he had a present for her and left the packages on the table.

Ever since she lost her mom, Pete was there for his daughter. He understood her and always respected her privacy.

Sabrina was happy for the presents, but she always considered her dad not worthy of her attention only because his hands and face were blackened from the coal. She didn’t even let him touch her things.

Eager to see what’s inside the packages, she opened one of them and saw a gorgeous dress inside. When she opened the other, she saw a suit. Confused, she asked her dad why there was a suit there.

“It’s for me, honey! I have to look amazing…it’s your graduation, after all!” Pete said happily.

Hearing these words, Sabrina bit her lips in frustration. She threw the present and said, “Dad, I don’t want you to come. All my friends and their parents will be attending. I don’t want them to laugh at me after seeing you, alright??”


Pete was left in complete shock. He had no idea his daughter had such a low opinion of him.

“What did you say?” he asked with confusion.

“Dad, my friends’ fathers are from reputed backgrounds. They are all rich and look like celebrities. I don’t want you standing among them like a…like a mess…dad, I hope you understand. No matter how well you dress, anyone can easily guess you are a coal miner by just looking at your dirty face and hands. I don’t want them to laugh at me. Please don’t come to my graduation.”

These words felt like a sharp knife.

Sabrina then thanked him for the dress and entered her room, slamming the door behind her.

Pete was devastated, but he wasn’t mad. He knew his daughter was too young to understand the weight of the words she uttered so he still decided to attend her graduation ceremony believing she would change her mind.


On the big day, Pete asked his daughter if he could at least drop her to the venue, but she said there was no need for that. Pete said it was alright and wished her to have a wonderful night.

Before leaving the house, Sabrina turned to him and said, “And dad, don’t come, alright?? I trust you won’t. Bye…see ya!”

But once she was gone, Pete got dressed. There was no change he was missing on such an important milestone.

Shortly after, Pete entered the venue and settled in the section designated for parents. He enthusiastically applauded as students accepted their awards, eagerly waiting for Sabrina to receive hers.

“Next, we call Miss Sabrina Parker!” the host announced.

Pete ran to the front and started filming his girl. He was overjoyed, but Sabrina was shocked when he spotted him.

“Congrats, darling!” Pete shouted. “I’m so proud of you!”

But Sabrina’s response was far from enthusiastic. Instead of smiling, she let out a groan and joined her friends. She couldn’t wait for the ceremony to end so she could confront her dad.

Suddenly, she heard the host say, “Mr. Parker, can we please have you on the stage.”

This added to her nervousness.


“Thanks, Mr. Lauren! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” Pete said when he took the mic. “Can we have the slideshow, please?!”

The audience and Sabrina were taken aback as the hall dimmed and the projector sprang to life. Pete had crafted a touching video, showcasing cherished moments of him and Sabrina from her childhood up to the eve of her graduation. Prior to the ceremony, he had arranged a meeting with the principal and staff, detailing his plan to surprise his daughter. Consequently, he was granted special permission to execute the surprise immediately after Sabrina received her diploma.

“I love my daughter. Sabrina, I’m so proud of you. I hope your mother would be equally proud if she were here today. Emma, if you are here by any chance, you can see for yourself! You told me I could not raise my daughter alone, but there can be no other dad on earth who is as proud as me now. Congrats, Sabrina…we did it!”

The video, along with her dad’s words, touched Sabrina’s heart. She started crying tears of joy as she joined her dad on stage and gave him a hug. “Thank you so much, dad! I’m sorry,” she said.


The night was over and on their way home, Pete decided it was about time he shared a truth with his daughter. He waited her to turn 18 and be old enough to be able to handle the reality.

Gathering courage, he turned to Sabrina and told her her mother wasn’t dead. She was alive and lived in the same town.

Sabrina almost collapsed. She couldn’t understand why her dad would lie her about something like that for so long.

With tears in his eyes, Pete explained that her mother never wanted her. When she fell pregnant she wanted to leave Sabrina behind and put her up for adoption. When Pete told her not to do it, she confessed that Pete wasn’t even the baby’s real father but offered him to take her and raise her if he wanted to as long as he stick to the story that her mom was dead.

Pete couldn’t let Sabrina end up in foster care or be adopted by complete strangers, so he decided to accept her as his own before divorcing her mother.

“I could not see you as someone else’s child. You were my world, and you are my everything today,” Pete cried.

“You’re not my real father??” Sabrina asked again, wanting to be sure in Pete’s words.


“Darling, I may not be your birth father, but I don’t love you any less. Forget what I just told you. You are always MY DAUGHTER regardless of anything and everything.”

“I’m sorry, dad. I feel ashamed of myself for hurting you. I called you ‘dirty’ and ‘smelly’ without knowing about your sacrifices for me. What would have happened to me if you didn’t step up for me and raised me? Please forgive me.”

That was the first and only time Pete and Sabrina talked about her mother. They decided to leave the past where it belonged. But from that moment on, Sabrina was never again ashamed of her dad. On the contrary, she couldn’t be prouder Pete was the man who raised her. She was happy to call him dad.

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My long-distance boyfriend visited me and tricked me into paying our restaurant bills — I taught him a great lesson


Long-distance relationships require commitment and effort. Maintaining effective communication when two people who date are far apart is one of the greatest issues. The lack of physical intimacy is yet another.

When Ashley met James during a study abroad program in Paris, they immediately hit it off. When the time came for her to return to New York and he in London, they did it all to keep a close relationship with endless video calls and text messages.


It was difficult, but Ashley explained, “seeing his goofy grin light up my screen every night made it worth it.”

So, when he called her one day and told her he would be visiting her, she was over the moon. It was a day she was longing for.

As she counted the days, she planned the visit to the tiniest detail, and that included the outfits she would be wearing, visiting fun places, nice restaurants, and a lot more.


As the day drew nearer, sleep eluded Ashley as her mind buzzed with anticipation. She envisioned the countless activities they would share – catching up, wandering through the city, and perhaps even… well, you know!

Spotting James emerging through the airport arrivals gate, he looked just as dashing as she had remembered.

The moment they hugged felt like the distance between them never even existed.


James adored the city. He was blown away by the beauties of New York.

As the evening approached, James hinted at a surprise he had planned. He had reserved a table at one of the fanciest restaurants. Everything was flawless – the ambiance, the cuisine, and, of course, the delightful company.


“I wanted to make tonight special for you, Ash,” he said. The evening was a true delight, but when the time came for the bill to be paid, James fumbled with his wallet.

“Ashley, I hate to ask, but I don’t have any US dollars on me, and my card’s acting up again. Can you cover this? I promise I’ll pay you back first thing tomorrow.”

Of course, she said it was no big deal and didn’t even think much about it.

Little did Ashley know that this “temporary glitch” would turn into a full-blown credit card crisis, as covering for his bill became something that happened over and over again.

For each new date, James would pick an upscale restaurant that screamed elegance and then he would come up with a bunch of different excuses when it was time to pay the bill.

As time passed by, Ashley felt more like a walking ATM than his girlfriend.


On a particular evening, the two found themselves at a trendy rooftop bar boasting breathtaking views of the city skyline. As they savored their cocktails, James let out a dramatic sigh. “I can’t believe my card still isn’t working. This is so frustrating,” he said.

When Ashley asked him if he tried calling his bank, he answered that the time difference made it tough but assured her he would take care of it as soon as possible.

At that point, Ashley had already spent a small amount of fortune on nights out with him.


One time, as they were about to leave from a fancy restaurant, Ashley couldn’t help but say, “James, what’s going on with your card? It’s been days.”

But he just smiled and said he would take care of it. “Alright, but this can’t keep happening,” Ashley said.

“I know, and I appreciate you being so understanding. It’ll be fixed soon,” James was quick to answer back.

When her birthday rolled around, James told Ashley that he was planning to spoil her as he had a reservation in yet another expensive restaurant.

Ashley hoped to have a memorable evening so she dressed for the occasion and got very excited.

The crystal chandeliers, which resembled falling stars, and the music added to the romantic atmosphere. The menu, however, was over pricey, with some of the dishes costing more than Ashley’s week’s worth of takeout.


“Happy Birthday, Ashley. Tonight is all about you,” James told Ashley as he held his hand and planted a kiss on it.

The night could be described as perfect, but when the bill arrived is when Ashley’s worries started.

“Ashley, I’m so embarrassed, but my government has frozen my account. There’s been a mix-up, and I need to sort it out with the embassy. Can you handle this one? I’ll pay you back as soon as I can access my funds,” he said as the smile he had on faded away from his charming face.


Her heart sank. She couldn’t believe that happened again, and this time on her birthday.

She knew he wasn’t telling the truth as she noticed him paying for a bran new watch for himself the day before, using a perfectly functional card.

He wasn’t going to fool her this time.

“Oh, James, I completely understand. These international banking snafus can be a nightmare. But you know what? I have a solution that might save us both a trip to the embassy,” Ashley said with a calm voice.

She called the waiter and leaned in as she whispered something to his ear. The waiter then turned and left. Maybe Ashley wasn’t the only one who saw through James’ plan.

“Thanks, Ashley. You’re a lifesaver,” James said with a relief in his voice.

“Don’t mention it. Birthdays are all about celebrating the people you love, right?” Ashley responded as she took a sip of her drink.


She knew it was the time to teach James a lesson he would never forget.

With a smile on her face, she looked straight into his eyes and whispered, “James, there’s something I need to tell you. I paid for my part of the bill, but since you seem to be walking a financial crisis zone, the waiter agreed to let you earn your dinner. They’re offering a complimentary shift in the kitchen to cover your half. They’re expecting you now to wash the dishes, ‘Chef James!'”

As expected, his face turned pale. “No more excuses, James. This charade has gone on long enough,” she told him as he tried to defend himself.

He looked helpless, but it was what he deserved for trying to deceive her for so long.

“I’m truly sorry you can’t join me for the rest of my birthday celebration with friends. But I hope this little dishwashing detour gives you ample time to reflect on your recent… shall we say, creative accounting techniques?” Ashley said proudly.


As she left the place, Ashley gave James, the man she once adored, one final glance as she wished him to have a nice rest of the evening.

Ashley’s long-distance relationship didn’t survive, but she embraced the entire experience as a life lesson.

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‘That’s not her’: Princess Catherine’s hair shocks royal fans amid chemo treatment


To the delight of many, Catherine, the Princess of Wales made her first public appearance months after disclosing her cancer diagnosis with the public. Looking as charming as ever, Kate accompanied her husband and her children to the Trooping of Color, a meaningful event that celebrated King Charles’ official birthday.

Princess Catherine of Wales arrives at Buckingham Palace before the King’s Birthday Parade “Trooping the Colour” in London on June 15, 2024. | Source: Getty Images

When it comes to her style, one thing is certain, Kate has always been impeccably dressed, and this time it wasn’t any different. She opted for a white dress with black trim and ribbon embellishment on the neckline, which was actually an upcycled version of an outfit she wore at an event at Buckingham Palace in May 2023.

Princess Catherine of Wales and New Zealand’s Prime Minister Chris Hipkins attend lunch at Buckingham Palace on May 5, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

The Princess completed her outfit with a white hat, pearl studs, and the Irish Guards Regimental Brooch, reflecting her honorary role. She typically styles her brunette hair in flowing waves, but on Tuesday, it appeared noticeably longer, and fans believe they know the reason.

“Her hair is getting so long. I wonder if she’s been growing it out in preparation for the coronation. The thought of this fills me with anticipation!” one wrote.

Indeed, Kate’s hair appeared longer than it has in recent years, retaining its thick and lustrous look.

However, there were also those who questioned Kate’s impeccable hair considering she is going through chemo.

Prince William looks at Princess Catherine as they observe the Royal Air Force flypast from the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London on June 15, 2024. | Source: Getty Images

“That’s not her,” a netizen said in disbelief, while another stated, “That’s not Kate.”

A third person expressed genuine curiosity, stating, “Want to know how she’s keeping her hair through chemotherapy… This is a serious question. I am not making a dig or anything like that…”

Some online users pondered the medical aspects, asking, “You can have chemotherapy and not lose your hair?” 

Others asked: “Was William with her? And if she’s having chemo how come she still has her hair?”

“Always admire this elegant lady, how did her hair grow back so soon after chemotherapy??” someone else posted.

Princess Catherine reacts as she watches the Royal Air Force flypast with Princess Charlotte from Buckingham Palace in London on June 15, 2024. | Source: Getty Images

Seeking clarification respectfully, a user questioned, “Can I ask an honest question. I mean nothing rude or mean in asking this but, I though you lost your hair during chemo???? Do u think it’s a wig or maybe not all chemo makes u loose your hair. Again honest question, I’m not trying to be rude(sic).”

Princess Catherine of Wales looks down as she departs Buckingham Palace in a Glass Coach to attend Trooping the Colour in London on June 15, 2024. | Source: Getty Images

“I don’t know why I can’t believe that she’s illness(sic),” was yet another comment.

Of course, there were those who didn’t question anything related to Kate, they just expressed their delight over her decision to be there next to the King on the special day. “Going through chemotherapy and still looking radiant!” someone wrote.

Shortly before her first public appearance in six months, Kate opened up of her condition in a genuine post she shared on Instagram.

Posing beside a majestic tree, symbolizing resilience amidst her treatment, Kate wrote among the rest, “I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement.”

Discussing the chemo treatments she undergoes, she said, “On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well.”

She concluded her post thanking to everyone who has offered support and well-wishes. “Thank you so much for your continued understanding, and to all of you who have so bravely shared your stories with me.”

Princess Catherine happily looks at Prince William as they attend the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2023 in London on February 19, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

As expected, the public’s response to her Instagram post was overwhelmingly supportive.

“Wishing you lots of health and a steady recovery. Sending you lots of strength and patience ❤️,” one person commented, while other referred to her as to “a brave woman.”

Princess Catherine of Wales attends the opening of Evelina London’s new children’s day surgery unit in London on December 5, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

Another topic related to Kate buzzing among netizens was the recent portrait of her found on the cover of Tatler magazine.

Painted by British-Zambian artist Hannah Uzor, who has previously done portraits of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles, the portrait of Kate caused a stir as many appeared not to be fans of it claiming it didn’t resemble the Princess at all.

“Is this a joke?” someone commented under the Instagram post of the magazine, while another person added, “This is not HRH The Princess of Wales. God knows who it is, but it is not HRH.” There were those who found the quality of the portrait an insult.

Princess Catherine of Wales at the Buckingham Palace on November 22, 2022, in London, England | Source: Getty Images

The criticism of Catherine’s portrait arose following Charles’ unveiling of his all-red portrait by artist Jonathan Yeo, which depicted the King in the red uniform of the Welsh Guards.

King Charles III unveils his portrait by artist Jonathan Yeo, dated May 2024. | Source: Instagram/theroyalfamily | Instagram/jonathanyeo

Prior to the excitement and controversy surrounding the royal portraits, Charles bestowed an important title upon Catherine.

In April, he appointed her a Royal Companion of the Order of the Companions of Honour at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Catherine is the first member of the royal family to be honored with this distinction. Established by King George V in 1917, the prestigious award acknowledges exceptional achievements in the arts, science, medicine, or government.

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Kate Middleton makes first formal appearance in 6 months at Trooping the Colour


On June 15, which marked King Charles’ official birthday, the Princess of Wales made her first public appearance in six months. Seeing her attend the Trooping the Colour event was a delight for the British public who gathered to celebrate the King’s birthday.

Kate and Charles stood next together on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the royal family’s appearance. In attendance were also Queen Camilla, Prince William, who was spotted chatting with his wife, as well as the couple’s three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

“Family is really important to the Princess of Wales and she wanted to be there to support her family,” a royal source said of Princess Kate’s decision to attend the meaningful event. Trooping the Colour is a long-standing British tradition, featuring the British Army’s yearly parade to celebrate the monarch’s official birthday. Kate demonstrated her support for her father-in-law by making the decision to make her public appearance following her cancer diagnosis on that day.


“Catherine has been absolutely amazing. Her statement was extraordinary, and her appearance today was graceful and elegant, and has filled people with hope,”a friend of Kate’s told Daily Beast.

“She knocked it out of the park. She looked amazing and sent all the right messages. This has been the monarchy’s best day since the Coronation,” another insider added.

 Reporting on the ceremony, The London Times wrote, “As moments in the royal history books go, it will stake its claim at the top of the pile,” adding how powerful it was to see Kate and King Charles—both undergoing cancer treatment—side by side on the Buckingham Palace balcony. Royal correspondent Roya Nikkhah wrote, “Little happens by accident when it comes to royal pictures and messaging. The sight of Charles shoulder to shoulder with the princess on the Buckingham Palace balcony spoke volumes about his pride in his beloved daughter-in-law.”


Kate’s attendance was planned for some time, but it was only officially revealed that she would make her appearance the day prior at around 6 p.m.

Although she was seen in public looking as dazzling and as charming as ever, the Palace said this appearance should not be confused with her return to royal duties.

In her latest address to the public, Kate wrote, “I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last couple of months.

“It really has made the world of difference to William and me and has helped us both through some of the harder times.”

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

“I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well,” she continued. 

“My treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. On the days I feel well enough, it is a joy to engage with school life, spend personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity, as well as starting to do a little work from home.”

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Happy couple shares 10th anniversary picture online, promptly gets flooded with worried calls


Thomas and Sienna had the night for themselves. They were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and took their time to recall all those precious moments they have shared throughout the years, wishing each other many more to come.

As per tradition, they got ready to take a photo that would be placed on the mantelpiece, but as the camera’s timer counted down, Sienna thought she heard a soft sound in the hallway behind her. Assuring her it was nothing, Thomas hugged her and they smiled for yet another photo of a year spent together.

Sienna posted the photo on the social media, not assuming it would later lead to something unimaginable.


The following morning, she was woken up by the sound of pinging. She grabbed her phone as notifications came one after another. Most of them were comments from people wishing them a happy anniversary, but there were also those that kept asking whose face it was in the background of the photo.

Upon further inspection, Sienna realized there was indeed a face on the picture they had taken the previous night. She told Thomas about it but he was convinced it was just a shadow that resembled a face.

However, Sienna wasn’t at peace. She remembered that she heard a sound at the moment the photo was taken, so she asked Thomas to inspect the house, just in case.


Thomas did that, but there was no one there. “Relax, love. It’s me,” he said, chuckling a bit. “Forget about that photo. We’ve got lunch reservations, remember?”

As the two headed towards the car and Sienna was about to get inside, she spotted the same eerie face on the car’s window but was too scared to say a word. She then screamed and turned around, but there was no one behind her.

That night, she was disturbed by a strange sound. It was now obvious that someone was inside the house. She woke Thomas up, and he confirmed there were noises coming from downstairs.


He grabbed the phone in one hand and his gun in the other.

“We can’t call 911 for a ghost!” Sienna argued, but he still called 911.

As they went to the kitchen, walking extremely slowly, they spotted a malnourished boy that burst into tears. His face was covered in snot and it was obvious he was scared and hungry.

But how did he end up in their home?

“Hey there, it’s okay. We won’t hurt you,” Thomas said with a gentle voice.

“You’re hungry, right?” Sienna asked, grinning tenderly.

“Hungry, yes,” the boy nodded.

“What’s your name?”



Slowly, he explained that he and his mom came from a bad place and kept asking if they could help his mommy.

At that moment, the police that Thomas had previously called arrived at their door. This scared the boy and he fled before they could catch him.

The following day, Sienna and Thomas went looking for Nikolai. They knew he couldn’t have gone far.

As they were wandering around the neighborhood, they spotted an abandoned Victorian house.

Investigating further, Sienna found a boarded window and heard a woman’s plea for help from inside. She had her phone in her hand in a second to call the police. Soon after, other people gathered.


The authorities broke into the place and saw a woman in distress. In broken English, she said her name was Asya and explained that she came to the States for a better life for her and her son but ended up with a man who was a monster and kept her prisoner.

They took her out, and soon after, Nikolai emerged from the basement.

“What about the man who did this?” Sienna asked.

“We’ve already sent officers to arrest him at his job. Nikolai and Asya will be taken to a safe place. It seems she came here from Russia as some kind of mail-order bride. The legality of her immigrant status is unknown at this point, but we’ll ensure they get the help they need,” the officers responded.


It was an incredible experience. A single photo led to a shocking discovery and helped two lives to be saved.

“I believe the latest photo for the mantle deserves a special place,” Thomas told his wife, holding up a framed print of the now-infamous photo the couple had posted on social media.

“It’s the best of the bunch,” Sienna quipped.

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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle branded ‘frauds’ following a rumor about their children’s future


Harry and Meghan’s decision to leave Britain behind and raise their children in the States didn’t sit well with the members of the British royalty. According to reports, this is especially true for their grandfather, King Charles, who has only seen Archie five times and Lilibet once since the family settled in California.

Growing up, King Charles didn’t get to spend much time with his parents, who were of course working royals with plenty of commitments, and that is one of the reasons he wants to be more heavily involved in the upbringing of his younger son’s children.

On June 5, Lili celebrated her third birthday. However, no members from her dad’s side of the family were in attendance. In fact, the sole person from the royal family who has ever visited the Sussexes in the States is Harry’s cousin Princess Eugenie.

While Charles’ ties to Harry and Meghan remain strained, he feels “heartbroken” he doesn’t see more of Archie and Lili.

Dominic Lipinski – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Royal expert Ingrid Seward, author of My Mother and I: The Inside Story of the King and Our Late Queen, said Charles’ cancer diagnosis has made his relationship with Archie and Liiibet “all the more poigant,” as he realizes he “won’t be around forever,” while speaking to Mirror.

“Family has always been important to the King. He remembers his own somewhat fragmented childhood as his parents were always busy doing their duty. It is a great sadness to him he doesn’t see more of Archie and Lilibet,” Seward explained.

“That is why he will never break ties with Harry. He does not want a FaceTime relationship with his son’s children. He wants to know them and be involved with their lives while they are still young enough to be able to learn from his wisdom. His cancer has made it all the more poignant to him as he knows that he won’t be around forever.”

Archie and Lili, who were given the titles of Prince and Princess, which are their birth right, following the passing of Queen Elizabeth, are way to young to understand their father’s role within the monarchy. When they grow up, they would decided whether they would keep and use their titles, and whether they would return to the UK and even serve as working royals, a duty their mom and dad gave up on.

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – OCTOBER 02: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend a Creative Industries and Business Reception on October 02, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

So far, what is known is that Meghan is against Archie attending school in the UK at some point due to safety concerns.

In a 2022 piece in The Cut, journalist Allison Davis recalled a conversation with Meghan Markle where she stated she wouldn’t want Archie to attend school in his father’s homeland.

“Earlier in our conversation about her goals for the life she’s creating here, she’d remarked upon how, if Archie were in school in the UK, she’d never be able to do school pickup and drop-off without it being a royal photo call with a press pen of 40 people snapping pictures,” Davis wrote.

Meghan told Allison: “Sorry, I have a problem with that. That doesn’t make me obsessed with privacy. That makes me a strong and good parent protecting my child.”

As Archie is about to attend kindergarten in the fall and Lili will attend preschool, Harry and Meghan are considering a school for their first born. Until they are old enough to begin their studies, include at least high-school or college, they would be attending schools nearby.


However, the rumors of the two starting to look for a school for Archie triggered criticism from some.

Rochard Mineards, with the Montecito Journal, revealed to The Mirror that Harry and Meghan have been eyeing a local private school that costs plenty of money to attend.

“The Riven Rock twosome were spotted inspecting an institution’s campus last week, bringing them one-step closer to a decision,” Mineards said, and added: “School fees in our area range from $60,000 to $50,000 plus for older grades, with most of the institutions having 100 percent of students going on to attend four-year colleges.”

US-based journalist Lee Cohen believes that the decision to enroll their child at such an exclusive school makes Harry and Meghan “frauds.”

Emmanuel Osodi/Anadolu via Getty Images

In an interview with GB News, he said it’s “infuriating” that the Sussexes are planning to enroll their children in an “outrageously expensive” school, not least since they have the issue of equality close to their hearts.

“It’s utterly infuriating to hear that Harry and Meghan, the self-proclaimed champions of equality and social justice, are even contemplating enrolling their children in an exclusive, outrageously expensive school,” Cohen said.

“Their supposed commitment to progressive causes is nothing but a facade,” he continued. “If they’re willing to indulge in this epitome of elitism, there is no advocating for equality Yet they’re willing to pay staggering tens of thousands per year for their children’s education. How can they possibly justify this when so many families struggle to afford even the basic necessities?”

Cohen ended his tirade by accusing the couple of maintaining their “systems of privilege” despite their claims of opposing it.

“Sending their children to such a prestigious institution completely exposes the frauds that Harry and Meghan are. By perpetuating the very systems of privilege that they claim to expose,” Cohen told GB News.

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My daughter forgot about my 90th birthday – I spent it alone until the doorbell rang


Reaching a milestone birthday is a huge deal, especially if you turn 90.

As Patty’s 90th birthday was approaching, she was looking forward to spending it with those she loved the most in her life, her daughter Angie and her grandchildren. Angie promised to organize a small party for her mom, and as she wasn’t seeing her family much, Patty was over the moon and couldn’t wait for that day to finally arrive.

Spending time with her grandchildren was a fun time for the elderly woman who felt alone following her husband’s passing. They reminded her of Angie, her own daughter, but they also looked like their father John, whom Angie recently divorced.

Getty Images

Patty was sad her daughter and her husband split because she loved John as though he was her son, but she knew life was like that sometimes, and there was nothing she could do to mend things between them.

When the day of Patty’s birthday arrived, she was very excited, but as time passed by, that excitement turned into worry as Angie was nowhere to be seen. What’s most, she wasn’t answering Patty’s phone calls.

After hours and hours of waiting, the doorbell finally rang. Patty was quick, as she could be considering her advanced age, to answer the door. But instead of Angie and the grandchildren, it was John who was standing there with a box of chocolate and a flower bouquet.

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“Happy Birthday, Ma!!” John said with a smile on his face.

“John?! Oh, wow! You didn’t have to,” Patty said, surprised to see him there.

She was glad he even remembered. But that didn’t really come as a surprise as John has always been a very thoughtful person.

Patty invited him to join her for dinner. John was hesitant at first, but once he realized Patty was all by herself at that moment he said yes.

What’s most, being an amazing cook, John even helped his ex mother-in-law to prepare the food.

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As the two finally started having dinner, John asked about Angie. He wondered if she would mind him being there, at her mom’s house. Patty said she wouldn’t because she wasn’t probably coming since she hadn’t returned any of Patty’s calls.

John got worried and offered to call her. This time, Angie picked up the phone.

The two talked for a short while and then John told Patty the reason why her daughter wasn’t coming to her home on her birthday.

“It turns out Angie, her new boyfriend, and the kids are all on vacation,” John said with a worrying voice.

Patty was surprised. She wouldn’t understand why her daughter would hide such a thing from her. John was as angry because Angie took the kids on vacation without telling him or consulting with him.

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Patty didn’t even know Angie was seeing someone and asked John if he knew who that man was.

“She’d mentioned something in passing, but a whole vacation?! And apparently, they’d been planning it for about a month now. Excuse me, Patty, but I believe your daughter’s taken things a little too far this time,” John said, visibly disturbed.

Patty was as disappointed. The least Angie could do was tell both her mom and the father to her children about her plans and that she wouldn’t be around for Patty’s milestone birthday.

Later, Patty had a few words with her daughter, but her act still felt like a betrayal.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

The royal family is mourning – Prayers sent their way


One of King Charles’ closest friends, Ian Farquhar, passed away after a period of declining health in the cottage he rented on the monarch’s Highgrove Estate. He was well known for his wicked sense of humor and as one of the best huntsmen in Britain.

Highly esteemed and respected within the hunting communities of Britain and the United States, Farquhar was also a well-regarded and sociable equerry to The Queen Mother during his time as a young Army officer.

At the time of his passing, he was 78 years of age.

The friendship between Farquhar and King Charles translated into a friendship between their children following their brief romance. Back in 2000, while Prince William was on a school break, he and Farquhar’s daughter, Rose, spent some lovely time together in the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside, creating cherished memories. She’s described as the Prince’s “first love.” William attended her wedding to George Gemmell in 2022.

Queen Camilla’s first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles, told Richard Eden of the Daily Mail that the famous huntsman’s passing was ‘very sad’ and that his health had been declining in recent months. Bowles described his friend as “wild as a hawk in his youth, but always great fun.”

He added that Farquhar, who never took himself too seriously, would be “judged by history as one of the great Master of Hounds.”

Farquhar’s primary distinction as a huntsman was his role as Master of the Beaufort Hunt, a renowned hunt that is the oldest and largest in the West Country.

The Beaufort Hunt paid tribute to Farquhar on their Instagram page by posting a carousel showing the great huntsman at different stages of life, along with the caption, “It is with broken hearts we send our love and condolences to the family and friends of our own Captain Ian Farquhar, who so brilliantly piloted us for 34 years and passed away peacefully this week.”

The post continued: “‘Captain’ as he was known by many was loved and cherished by the entire hunting community, as someone who was supportive, kind and always there with excellent forward thinking advice for anyone who asked him.

“He had a wicked sense of humor and anyone who was lucky enough to be in his company and listen to tales of his extremely varied and adventurous life both in the army and the hunting world will hold onto those memories forever.”

May he rest in peace.

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Love and Peace