Police officer sings Lionel Richie’s song in squad car and earns millions of views


Police officers are those people who make sure we are all safe and sounds and who would step up for someone in need even when they are off duty.

A lot of people believe that police officers are sometimes brutal, but the reality is that they are there to serve us and that’s why we should never judge the entire group based on single incidents.

Source: YouTube/ Phil Paz

Having their hands full going after bad guys and solving crimes, these people need to have fun occasionally, just like the rest of us.

Msgt. Phil Paz of the Oklahoma City police force was on the job when he decided to sing a song. He chose Lionel Richie’s Easy Like Sunday Morning and recorded himself, not knowing that the video of his incredible performance would go viral. Well, to be honest, knowing just how difficult this song is, we have to agree that he nailed it.

He’s so good that one would assume he’s lip-syncing.

However, the decision to sing and record himself turned out to be a great one, because the video turned Paz sort of a celebrity. He started uploading other song covers on his YouTube channel and people seem to love listening to him.

Well, Paz isn’t just great at being and officer and singing, but he’s been into acting too. He has shared videos of him doing commercials. A man of many talents, right?

You can hear Paz’s viral video below. If you like it as much as we do and want to see more of him go to his YouTube account here. Enjoy!

Single dad adopts 3 boys after being part of the foster care system himself


What makes a parent? Is it just the process of giving birth and welcoming a bundle of joy into the world, or is it the process of guiding that child through life and being there for them when they need you the most?

Sadly, there are a number of moms and dads out there who give up on their precious jewels because of one reason or another and that is why the number of children who end up in the foster care system is so huge.

Many youngsters go from one home to another without ever getting adopted. They age out of the system and are left to fend for themselves, with many being forced into homelessness. The sad reality is that most adoptive families are looking for babies when they decide to adopt, and older children are often overlooked, without ever being given the chance to feel the warmth of a cozy home and parents’ love.

Barry Farmer grew up in the foster system. Eventually, he was given the chance to live with his grandmother, but he never forgot what all his foster families did for him over the years.

When he was just 21, he got his foster care licence and welcomed a boy named Jaxon. In the years that followed, Barry took in two other boys, Xavier and Jeremiah, and then adopted all three of them before he turned 30.

“I look in the mirror all the time, and if you would have told me 10 years ago that this would happen, I wouldn’t believe you,” Barry said. “I wished to be a father, but it wasn’t going to be this soon.”

Speaking of the entire experience, this loving and dedicated father explained how his road to fatherhood began.

“My oldest has been calling me Dad since the day I got him. I really didn’t know how to respond to it — I was so young at the time. And I just said, ‘OK, I guess we’re gonna do this. I guess this is the role that I must play now.’ Knowing that the adoption was very final — that means I’m finally his father. He accepted me as his father. So those moments are unforgettable,” he told CBS 6.

He knows firsthand that being part of the system is not easy, so he encourages others to give older children a chance and adopt them.

“Older children are the babies that you’re looking for,” Barry says. “There are a lot of firsts to the experience as well: You can still have your first bike ride, your first trip to the beach, first roller coaster, first day of school. All of that can be experienced through foster care adoptions.”

Asked whether people comment on his decision to adopt white kids, Barry says that skin color doesn’t separate them.

“It does not define our family. It’s just a part of our family. So when it comes to things of, you know, push-back or ignorance, we’re really not paying attention to that, because they don’t know us.

“Fatherhood has brought me lots of joy. I can’t imagine my sons not being with me,” he adds.

We wish this beautiful family only the best life can bring. If more people follow Barry’s example, this world would be much better place for so many children.

Take a look at the video below to learn more of Barry and his kids.

Firefighters change girl’s life after she pays their bill

First responders have one of the toughest jobs there are. What they do for their communities is priceless and we should be very thankful for their dedication and hard work.

After battling intense fire at a warehouse in North Brunswick, New Jersey, for over 12 hours, firefighters Paul Hulling and Tim Young needed to take some rest and have something to eat so they stopped by Route 130 Diner. There, they talked about their day, and the waitress who served them, Liz Woodward, overheard their conversation.

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted
Source: YouTube/ ABC News

When they were about to leave the place, instead of a receip, Liz handed them a hand-written note which read, ”Your breakfast is on me today. Thank you for all that you do, for serving us and for running into the places everyone runs away from. No matter your role, you are courageous, brave and strong. Thank you for being bold every day.”

This kind gesture warmed the firefighters’ hearts. Hulling was so touched that he even started to cry. Liz’s act showed that someone appreciated their work, and that meant the world to them.

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted
Source: YouTube/ ABC News

They were very grateful, but gratitude wasn’t the only thing they offered. On the contrary, Young decided to share the note on Facebook and called his friends to visit Route 130 Diner if they have a chance and tip Liz big is she happens to be their waitress.

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted

Besides that, they learned that Liz had started a GoFundMe page in order to help her wheelchair-bound father. As it turned out, he was left paralyzed by a brain aneurysm and she was doing all in her power to gather money for a wheelchair-accessible van.

”He needs access to the outside world. He needs to see the world outside his hospital bed,” Liz wrote in the description of the fundraiser. Her initial goal was to raise $17,000, but after Hulling and Young spread the word, she managed to raise over $86,500.

”I don’t even know what to say to that,” Liz said, as tears of joy were rolling down her face. “That’s incredible — what a way to wake up today. I had no idea today was going to go like this.”

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted

She posted an update on GoFundMe which read, “Our family has witnessed an outpouring of love & support from around the world, and I want to thank each and every one of you beautiful human beings for making this dream possible!”

Speaking of the incredible experience and her act of kindness which went a long way, Liz told WPVI, ”All I did was pay for their breakfast, and I didn’t think anything would come about it except they would leave with a smile.”

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted


For more on the story go to the video below. Inspiring, isn’t it? 

Dad struggles with math problems on subway until kind passenger steps up


Being a parent means going above and beyond for your child’s well-being. Sometimes, it involves learning school subjects in order to be able to help them with their school work and tests, and that is exactly one father named Corey Simmons did.

Corey was on the subway holding a bunch of papers in his hands. Another passenger, Denise Wilson, who was sitting opposite him, could tell by the look of his face that Corey was sort of confused. She could see the papers were filled with numbers so she just assumed he was a teacher going through his students’ papers. But that was far from reality. In fact, Corey was studying fractions because his son struggled understanding how they worked and failed his test.

A couple of minutes later, another man, who had also noticed the confused look on Corey’s face, sat next to him and offered to help. He took some time to explain how fractions worked and some other math rules. In order to be sure that Corey understood the material, he even quizzed him a couple of times.

Source: YouTube/ CBS New York

“I overheard the conversation and Corey saying that his son failed a math test and he was relearning math so he could help his son and that he hadn’t done fractions in years,” Denise said.

Watching how a complete stranger offered help to this father made Denis deeply touched. For once, she admired Corey’s dedication as a father, and she also loved the fact that this other man stepped up.

Source: YouTube/ CBS New York

Speaking to Inside Edition, Denise said,“He was explaining to him the things he got wrong and breaking it down to him so he could get a better understanding. I had to capture that moment because it was too heartwarming. It was amazing to me.”

“I was like ‘wow’ because I feel like a lot of dads don’t get enough credit and in our community there is not a lot of active fathers and for him to make the effort to relearn math touched my heart,” she added.

Believing this encounter of two strangers was a true definition of humanity and being there for one another, she decided to snap a photo she later shared on Facebook. To her surprise, it caught the attention of over 155K people.

In a follow-up post, she wrote, “I really just wanted to shine light on hard working hands on fathers, they go unnoticed, I really want to let the active fathers out there know you’re more powerful than you may think you are. Also to shine light on our city NY is not what people make it seem to be, we really do care about each other, we really hold each other up.”

Source: Facebook/ Denise Wilson

Corey explained that the man who helped him was a retired teacher, but he didn’t take his name. He then added, “It’s been around thirty years I would say, since I did fractions. It doesn’t matter if you fail, it’s what you do after you fail,” he told his son, as per CBS New York.

“You need help sometimes, and you shouldn’t want to bite your tongue to not ask for help. So don’t feel shy to ask someone for help, it’s okay. I got a better understanding [of the math] and was able to relate it to my son.”

Source: YouTube/ CBS New York

This story is the perfect example that we as humans should watch each others backs and be there for one another, although we may be perfect strangers.

For more go to the video below.

Waitress calls the cops after an elderly regular customer doesn’t show up for days


I have a feeling that as years go by, people become more and more distant, which is probably a result of their hectic schedules. The ongoing pandemic, the lockdowns, and the social distancing only made things worse when it comes to human relations, and that is the reason why the following story brings a ray of hope.

Had it not been for a waitress who cared, a life could be lost.

Source: YouTube/ On Demand News

Doreen Mann, an 87-year-old pensioner from Essex is a regular at Tomassi’s in Southend. She has never missed a Sunday to go there and have a piece of her favorite cake. So when she didn’t show up for a couple of days, it raised red flags for waitress Sonia Congrave, who has been working at the coffee place for over 15 years. She knew Mann lived alone after her husband moved into a care home and worried that something bad could have happened.

In order to be sure nothing was wrong, Congrave called the police and asked them to check on her regular customer.

Source: YouTube/ On Demand News

When they went to Mann’s home, they noticed the front door wasn’t locked. Once they entered, they saw the poor woman stranded in her bathtub. It was October 10, and she was there since October 7. Her knees were bruised from trying to get out.

Mann managed to stay hydrated by drinking tap water and kept herself warm by refiling the bath with warm water. She also had some towels nearby.

She explained that she entered the bath and could no longer feel her legs all of a sudden.

Source: YouTube/ On Demand News

Luckily, she was now safe all thanks to Congrave.

“And I just think it would be nice for us all to just take a bit a bit time out and remember your neighbors or remember the lady down the road you haven’t seen for a few days. Just give a knock or a phone call and just say ‘Are you alright?’” Congrave told On Demand News.

Mann was very happy and extremely grateful for the care Congrave and the rest of the staff at Tomassi showed. “I do not know what I would do without Sonia and the rest of them because it is my second home, they are my second family,” she told The Sun.

Source: YouTube/ On Demand News

The truth is that there are a huge number of elderly people who live alone and without anyone by their side to step up in times of need. That is why we should always pay attention and react if we don’t see or hear from them often.

For more on the story go to the video below.

Teen is mad because mom sold his fallen marine father’s car, but she restores the gift


Marine Sgt. Nick Walsh was just 26 years old when he got killed by a sniper in Iraq. His wife Julie was left all by her self to take care of their son Triston who was 4 at the time.

Growing up, Triston never forgot his father. Although he wasn’t around, Triston held the memory of him close to his heart.

One thing that Marine Sgt. Walsh loved so much, besides his family, of course, was his 1991 Ford Bronco. Triston knew that very well and couldn’t wait to get a driver’s licence in order to be able to drive his late father’s valuable possession.

The car stood parked in the garage for many years, and Julie wasn’t sure if it was in a good condition. She even though of selling it, but she knew just how much it meant to her son, so she couldn’t do it. Instead, she asked from local mechanics and dealership owners to help her have it restored.

When Triston asked about the Ford Bronco, Julie told him she sold it because she wanted to buy him a new car with the money. Triston got really mad. He couldn’t believe his mom would do something like that. Of course, he didn’t know his mom wasn’t telling him the truth because that would spoil the surprise.

“If looks could kill…just hatred in his eyes…tear rolled down his cheek,” Julie said, adding that her son didn’t speak to her for two weeks.

Once the car was fully restored, Julie was ready to show it to her son. But before that, she contacted her late husband’s marine buddies, who were more than willing to take part in the emotional surprise.

The restoration cost between $10,000 and $12,000, and it was all covered by the dealership and local mechanics who were more than happy to step in.

Seeing his dad’s car made Triston emotional. It was the best gift he could ever get.

“I just feel (Nick) around us so much … I know he’s sending all of us signs he is still here and looking out for us.  It’s a really comforting feeling to have. It really is,” Julie said.

Triston added, “Every time I’m going to drive this…I feel like he’s with me…sitting right over there.”

He was also very happy because of his father’s friends.

“It’s just to show the boys, no matter where they go, no matter what they do, somebody’s going to look out for them,” said one of his Marine friends, with another adding, “For him to be able to have his dad’s vehicle was just a full circle.”

You can see the heartwarming video below. Isn’t this one of the best surprises you’ve ever seen?

In 1965, An Unforgettable Warning Was Broadcasted For All To Hear. 53 Yrs Later, It’s Come True

Radio commentator Paul Harvey had a prophetic warning to America in a radio broadcast from 1965. From the 1950’s through the 1990’s, his programs reached nearly 24 million people per week. Although he was very accurate on everything he had to say, no one could imagine that his words from 53 years ago would become the reality of today. When people recall or get to listen to this speech, it gives them chills. He starts his ‘prophesy’ by saying: If I were the Devil… and then continues discussing issues that are these days ours to face. “If I were the devil, I would whisper that the Bible was a myth. I would convince them that man created God, instead of the other way around. I would soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves. I would make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned and that swinging is more fun, and what you see on TV is the way to be…” This is only a short part of what he believes is a devils deed that knocked on our doors and we somehow welcomed it. Listen to the whole speech in the video below and share your thoughts with us.

Act of kindness helps elderly man honor late wife

Every love story is beautiful in its own right, but some are a bit more special than the rest. That of a man named Bud Caldwell and his late wife Betty spanned decades. These two spent every single moment of every single day by each other’s side and loved one another unconditionally. Bud never stopped having feelings for Betty, not even after her passing. Betty’s favorite song was “Daisy a Day.” She loved these flowers and Bud would bring them to her whenever he could. He would also serenade her and remind her how much she meant to him. Betty’s passing left a huge void in this man’s heart. He was heartbroken and wondered how he would manage to continue with his life.
In order to honor their love, Bud purchased a memorial bench at Lakeside Park in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. On it, there was a plaque saying, “In loving memory of Elizabeth “Betty” Caldwell. From her loving family.” Bud visited the bench as often as he could. Many times, he would bring daisies and speak of the weather, as though Betty was by his side. However, when the show fell and covered everything in a thick white coat, Bud was unable to spend time at his favorite bench.
What he didn’t know, however, was that two complete strangers had noticed him visiting the bench. Seeing just how much those visits meant to him, they decided to step in for him. Their kind act left Bud in tears. Honestly, we couldn’t help but shed tears of joy, too. They cleared the path, so that Bud could visit the bench whenever he wanted. To see his reaction and gratitude go to the video below. You are going to love it.