Mom is left infuriated after her son’s school snack is thrown away for being unhealthy


Although eating healthy is essential for having a fit body and being in a good physical condition in general, doing it is not really as easy and as straightforward as it looks. With the tight schedules, most of us barely find the time to consume any food, and cooking it ourselves is many times quite impossible.

But when it comes to our children, we do our best to teach them to eat healthy from an early age so that it becomes their habit.

One mom from Canada, however, complained that her young son’s school staff went too far when they regarded his home-brought lunch unhealthy and threw it in the trash.

Durham Catholic District School introduced a healthy eating initiative and started serving the kids healthy food only. They asked from the parents to support this idea and mind what they put in their children’s lunch boxes.

So, this mom packed her son a slice of banana bread that he loved. To her surprise, the teacher considered the choice unhealthy because it had chocolate chips in it so she just took it and threw it in front of everyone. The crying four-year-old boy who was in distress had grapes for lunch that day, as it was all he was left with after his lunch was taken away from him.

Mom Elaina Daoust was left infuriated because her son had to go through such an unpleasant experience.

“He came home with a chart (listing healthy snack ideas) and told me he and the teacher talked about it and healthy choices. She also sent a note to me. I was really, really, really mad for several reasons,” Elaina told The Star.

Some of the items the staff forbade from being eaten inside the school building were Goldfish crackers, juice boxes, granola bars, chocolate milk, string cheese, and fruit snacks.

As it turned out, Elaina’s boy wasn’t the only one who was left without his lunch as around 30 other parents said their kids experienced the same thing.

But the school believes they have all the right to take the unhealthy food from the kids as healthy eating is now part of the school curriculum and students have to distinguish between what’s healthy and what’s not.

However, not everyone agrees with the school’s policy as James MacKinnon, a teaching and learning consultant with the school board says “There is nowhere in our policy or procedures that says our staff is allowed to take food away from a student.”

What do you think of this school’s policy? How would you react if you were in this mom’s shoes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Jon Cryer and wife Lisa first kissed on set after she thought he could be her ‘new best gay friend’


Two and a Half Men is one of those comedy sitcoms that are much loved and watched by millions of people. Over the years, this show became a true classic that we go back to over and over again.

Originally staring Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and Angus T. Jones, the series revolves around the hectic, yet exciting lives of the hedonistic jingle writer Charlie Harper, his uptight brother Alan Harper, and Alan’s bright but mischievous son Jake Harper.

Jon Cryer, with the role of Alan Harper, gave the show a special touch. Honestly, we can never imagine anyone else playing the role. But that wasn’t what the CBS producers thought when the show’s creator, Chuck Lorre, decided Cryer to be part of the series.

Lynn Goldsmith/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images

The truth was that although Cryer already had his breakthrough starring alongside Molly Ringwald in the film Pretty in Pink, he was at one point of his career labeled a “show killer” by Newsweek because most of the projects he was part of, including The Famous Teddy Z, which only lasted for 20 episodes, PartnersGetting Personal, and The Trouble With Normal were all canceled.

“After the ‘show killer’ thing — I joke about it now, but at the time, it was a real issue for me in the industry,” Cryer recalled in an interview with CBS News.

“There was not a lot of people that wanted to hire me for a while. I spent three years with very little work.”

Youtube/TV Land

That was until he was welcomed to read the part for the role in Two and a Half Men. However, the show’s producers weren’t keen on Cryer and didn’t see him as the right fit.

“I knew his work, and I was kind of disappointed that they didn’t want to meet or even see him,” series creator Chuck Lorre said. “But his representatives said, ‘you really should see him for this part.’ So there was nothing in that conversation with CBS keeping me from seeing him. So he read for the part, and he was brilliant. Clearly heads and shoulders above anyone else trying out for the part. It was perfect.”

As Lorre already knew Cryer was the perfect choice, he got a call from the rest of the CBS producers.

“You’re bringing Cryer, aren’t you,” Lorre recalled the head of casting saying.

“He came in and read in the worst possible circumstance. They really didn’t want to like him. But he was brilliant. It was the right choice. He has never been anything other than brilliant on the show every week. He is one of the great actors of our time,” Lorre added.

Shutterstock/Vicki L. Miller

Cryer spent 12 years on the show and starred in 262 episodes. People loved him so much that he became a megastar who got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and became the first ever actor to earn both a Primetime Emmy for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor for the same show.

When Charlie Sheen was fired from the show in 2011, magazines started writing of the troublesome relationship between him and Cryer. Sheen sued CBS in behalf of everyone from the cast, but as his name was the only name listed in the lawsuit, he called Cryer a “turncoat, a traitor, a troll” in an interview with E!


Their relationship got better eventually, after they met again in 2015 and Sheen apologized for his words and actions.

“At the time, I was not angry [with Charlie Sheen],” Cryer said. “I was just scared every day that I was going to read about Charlie being dead. But anybody who has gotten close to him knows that there’s a really great guy in there. And that he’s been a guy going through some very tough times. And you just have to feel for somebody going through that.”

After their reconciliation, Cryer said: “It was great to see him after all of the craziness because we did have something great together.

“I don’t know. I loved working with him before, but I don’t know how much I can invite that into my life at this point! We’ll see. But I’ll never say never.”


After Two and a Half Men ended in February, 2015, Cryer went on to star in other films and series, including NCIS.

He married his first wife, British actress Sarah Trigger, in 1999. They have son Charlie Austin together. They divorced in 2004. Following the separation, Cryer experienced some tough times. he even confessed that he paid for sex one time.

“I was in a bad state right after my divorce, and I certainly didn’t feel dateable. I was an emotional basket case. What good was I to any woman I might have interest in? I decided I might as well pay someone for company and certain intimate pleasures so that I could at least get my equilibrium back with the opposite sex,” Cryer wrote.

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

It was Sheen who suggested a “few online purveyors,” and Cryer went for it, describing the experience “as awkward as you might imagine.”

“It was really a very friendly experience, maybe because the act of having sex is quite the conversational icebreaker. The next time, I went to her place, which probably wasn’t really her place,” Cryer wrote.

“We sat down, tried to make small talk, and halfheartedly stumbled into a conversation about recent fluctuations in the stock market. Somehow I ended up spending 25 minutes of my hour helping her with financial planning.”

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Three years later, in an episode of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Cryer announced that he was engaged to entertainment reporter Lisa Joyner, whom he married in Mexico in June 2007.

When they first met, Joyner was convinced Cryer was gay and she already pictured him in her head as her new “gay best friend.” In Cryer’s memoir, So That Happened, Joyner wrote: ”At first I wasn’t sure if you were gay or not.’ She looked down, then continued  ‘Y’know, because we’ve been going on dates for six weeks, and you’ve never even kissed me good night.’”

The couple adopted daughter Daisy Cryer in 2009. The two are heavily involved in helping the community, especially the homeless and children with disabilities. He has a net worth of $70 million.

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Jon Cryer is an incredible actor, a family man, and a philanthropist, and that’s the reason why we all adore him so much.

Local North Texas Chevy dealer donates brand new red pickup truck to teen caught in tornado


A video of a red pick up truck tossed around in a middle of a tornado on Highway 290 in Elgin, Texas, has left thousands of people speechless. The truck got flipped, spun, and then flipped over again. The video then shows the person behind the wheel, who was later identified as 16-year-old Riley Leon, continue driving.

Riley was returning home from a job interview at Whataburger when the devastating tornado appeared “out of nowhere.”

Source: YouTube/ KHOU 11

Shortly before his truck got tossed, he called his mother to tell her the interview went well and he got the job. Seconds later, he found himself in a life-threatening situation that could easily cost his life. Luckily, despite his age, Riley picked himself up and tried getting out of the road.

“I honestly didn’t know what to do, to grab onto the steering wheel or to start praying,” the teen said. “I landed in the center of the road and I was just driving to get off the road.”

That’s when Commander Aaron Crim with the Elgin Police Department spotted him and approached him as he wanted to make sure he was fine.

Riley couldn’t wait to share his incredible survival story with his mother. He called her and told her what had happened. She was in disbelief and said she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The most important thing was that he was safe and sound. Riley was left unharmed, but his truck was damaged.

The vehicle used to belong to his father, but it was now Riley’s. In fact, the teen said he paid it off which speaks of how well raised he is. Not only he is a quick-thinking young man who managed to stay cool-headed during a deadly situation, but he’s also hard-working and punctual.

Source: YouTube/ KHOU 11

Seeing the devastation in his eyes during his interview in which he spoke of the incredible experience and how sad he was for his truck, a North Texas Chevrolet dealer decided to give Riley a brand new truck. He is expected to pick up his new vehicle at Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth on Saturday.

For the actual footage of the tornado and how Riley survived the encounter with it go to the video below.

Dad is left furious after teacher cut his daughter’s hair without permission


When we send our kids to school, we tend to believe that they are well taken care of as these institutions are supposed to be safe places for our little ones. The sad reality is that this is not always the case. Many times, educational institutions is where most of the bullying takes place, and not much is done regarding this issue which affects a huge number of young students.

However, when the assault and the bullying comes from a teacher, it is even more concerning, just as in the case of a 7-year-old girl named Jurnee whose hair was cut at school without her parents’ permission.

Jimmy Hoffmeyer, from Mount Pleasant, Michigan, is still looking for answers as to what truly happened on the day his daughter came home crying and saying her hair was cut. “After that teacher cut her hair, she was so embarrassed. So embarrassed. Because she had to go back to class like that,” Hoffmeyer said. To make things worse, this was the third time for the girl’s hair to be cut in a week.

The first time, one of the students did it, and Jimmy wasn’t particularly angry because he understood kids do such things. However, he was forced to take her to a hairdresser to make it more symmetrical. But now that the girl in distress told him she had a teacher cut it, he was left furious.

“Our kind of hair, you can’t just wet down and cut it because and that’s when I feel like they should have, even if they were trying to do it in the kindest of their heart, once they seen the outcome, they should have been like, yeah we messed up,” he told ABC12 News.

Hoffmeyer tried contacting the school multiple times, but no one wanted to tell him what happened. “I would like them to own up to their responsibilities,” he said. “Like, we’ve been asking as a public apology for the most part to let Jurnee know that yes they acknowledge that it was wrong and that it should have never been done and that she should never have been through something like this.”

In the meantime, while he’s still waiting for answers some four months after the incident, the girl is transferred to another school.

Boy who spent 11 years in the foster system and lived with 15 different families can’t believe he’s being adopted


Jenny and Stephen Madkour from Oregon had been planning on opening the doors to their home to an older child from the foster system after they learned there was a shortage of foster families in the region.

Shortly after they came up with this decision, they stumbled upon the life story of a 15-year-old boy named Alex who shared how he lost faith in the system after being forced to live with fifteen different families over the course of 11 years. The touching words he uttered on Jeff Gianola’s Wednesday Child convinced the Madkours that Alex was the boy they were looking for.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ BoysandGirlsAid

“Anybody who’s seen that video of Alex, his core awesome comes out in that video,” Jenny said. “It was such a great thing, the way Jeff Gianola talked to him and Alex’s interaction with him, it really gave us a glimpse of who Alex is.”

In no time, they contacted Alex’s caseworkers at Boys and Girls Aid and told them they wanted Alex to be part of their family. Once the organization delivered the news to Alex, his initial thought was “this is not going to happen, you guys are just trying to fool me.”

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ BoysandGirlsAid

However, this time is was different. He met with Jenny and Stephen before Thanksgiving and started living with them before Christmas. They started working on the adoption papers right away.

Finally, after years of uncertainty, Alex found his forever home with people who love him unconditionally. He’s now happy, fulfilled, and thriving. “I didn’t think I was going to find a forever home this good,” he said.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ BoysandGirlsAid

According to Boys and Girls Aid, the number of children who live in foster care in Oregon is around 8,000. The organization’s mission is building lifelong connections.

We honestly hope every child out there will find a loving home to call theirs just like Alex did.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ BoysandGirlsAid

If you want to learn more of his story, check out the video below.

Pit Bull left at shelter cries as she watches her human walk away, days later, everything changes


Mira, the pit bull, is just one of the many dogs abandoned by their owners. She was simply dropped off at the nearby shelter, without remorse. As she was trying to figure out what was going on and where her dad was going without her, he didn’t even turn his head to look at her or hug her one last time.

Many of these dogs can’t cope with the fact their owners are gone and they can’t get used to the life at the noisy shelters, so they easily get depressed and lead an unhappy and miserable lives.

However, this particular story shared by Chicago’s Trio Animal Foundation speaks about the losses and the new beginnings the shelter dogs go through. Those who are lucky get a second chance for a better life and end up in a loving forever home. Luckily, that is what happened to Mira.

Photo: Trio Animal Foundation/ This photo was taken as Mira watched her dad walk out the front door and out of her life.

Below is her story:

“This girl’s heart broke the moment her dad walked out the door.

“Yesterday, while at an open access shelter, a man walked in with his dog named Mira. He said that he was moving and no longer had time for her.

“Mira was wagging her tail and was so proud and happy to be walking with her dad. It was not until they were removing her collar and replacing it with a slip lead that she started to realize that something was up. It was then that her dad turned around and walked out the door.

“As Mira watched her dad walk away, she started to whimper. Once he made it outside, she began to cry for him. Mira did everything that she could to get out the door to be reunited with her dad and her stress level quickly went through the roof… she just cried and cried.

“At this point, I knew that she would have a complete meltdown if she were put in the general population with the other homeless dogs.

“I asked if she could stay out by the front desk with me so that she could be calmed down. Needless to say, I didn’t have the heart to bring her to the back room and so she ended up in my car.

“Mira will be adopted out through TAF’s rescue division, Project Rescue Chicago. This beautiful girl is 3 years old, potty trained, dog friendly and good with kids (she has never been tested with cats).”

Photo: Trio Animal Foundation

After the details of her life were shared online, on November 1st, Mira’s new daddy walked into her life and made a change. This is what happened next:


“Just this past week, Mira sat frantically crying at the front door of an open access shelter as her former dad walked out and left her behind… for the days to come, she cried and found it hard to eat. Mira’s heart was shattered into a million pieces.

“We at TAF knew that it would take a caring and gentle man to mend Mira’s emotional wounds and make her happy, again.

“Well, as fate would have it, that man was about to walk into Mira’s life and help to ease her pain and show her that she was loved.

“A while back, Mira’s new dad lost his senior pittie girl to cancer and the thought of bringing a new pup into his life was just too painful… after caring for his baby girl until the end, his heart was broken.

“It was not until he saw Mira’s story and the look of despair in her eyes that he knew they were meant to be together. That very same day he filled out an adoption application and the rest is history.

“As of today, Mira has a new dad and two broken hearts are happy once more.”

The man who adopted loving Mira has lost his dog and now the two can be happy again because they have each other. This all tells us what a difference we can make in an animal’s life if we decide to adopt them from the shelters.

We hope they have an amazing life ahead.

The fascinating life story of Sylvester Stallone’s mom and her unexpected confession


How many people you know can say they did things ahead of time? Not many, I guess. Because being a progressive force and doing things your way takes a lot of courage, especially when you are surrounded by people who hold on to conservative beliefs and are resistant to change.

Jackie Stallone, the famous mother of Sylvester Stallone, lived quite a life.

She was considered a socialite and a pioneer, but above all, she attracted a lot of attention because of her obsession with plastic surgery.

Born Jacqueline Frances Labofish in Washington D.C. in November 1921, to a father who was a well-known lawyer and a mother of French descent, Jackie was expected to follow into her father’s footsteps. She, however, had imagined her life quite differently, away from the courtroom, so when she turned 15 she ran away from home and joined the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailly Circus for the Flying Wallenda’s act.

”My father, who was a wealthy lawyer, wanted me to go to law school. But I wanted to be onstage,” Jackie told The Times of London in 2005.

Cornelia Guest and Jackie Stallone (Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

After working as a trapeze artist and singing in a choir on Broadway, Jackie returned home to Washington D.C. and did something no one has done it there before. She started her own TV show where she practiced exercise and weightlifting, something everyone believed was not for women during the 1950’s. One thing was certain; Jackie broke barriers and her show became a hot topic back in the day.

One day, she tried entering a gym because she wanted to weight lift but was told she didn’t belong there only because she was a woman. Men were convinced women belonged in the kitchen, and that infuriated Jackie who decided to open a women-only gym, Barbella’s, next door to the men’s gym.

“Of course, the city tried to close me down every week because I had this big wooden statue of a woman saying ’Barbella’s’ – a woman with about a 56-inch bust – lifting weights, you know? That was my inducement… because for some reason o another, everyone was flatchested in Washington, D.C., in the ’50s,” Jackie shared with the Sun Herald in 1988.

In 1945, Jackie met her future husband, Frank Stallone. The following year, Sylvester Stallone was born.

The news of his birth was welcomed with mixed emotions. He was perfectly healthy while in the womb, but during delivery, doctors used ice-picks in order to get him out and damaged half of his body and face. Sly, as his mom called him, was left partially paralyzed.

“During the delivery to speed things up, they grabbed these ice-picks [forceps] and yanked the baby out paralyzing his whole head and face and part of his body. His body was so deformed it was pathetic,” Jackie said.

“The doctors told me ‘He’s so crippled you ought to put him away.’ But I decided he was going to walk, he was going to talk,” she added.


Her sons were the center of Jackie’s world. She was considered a very devoted mother who did so much for her boys. She divorced Frank in 1957.

In 1989, Jackie appeared in the wrestling program GLOW: Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, and turned to astrology, which became her permanent career. She published a book and did TV shows where she would give people advice for money.

However, she would probably be most remembered for her appearance and the many plastic surgeries she had over the years.

She couldn’t put her addiction under control even after turning 90. In fact, she never stopped “improving” her face, and although it looked like she was happy with the way she looked, she regretted changing her appearance so drastically.

“I do and actually I’ve got too much, I look like I’ve got a mouth full of nuts, it’s Juvederm (a cosmetic filler), too much of it. I feel as though I look like a chipmunk,” she told Daily Mail in 2013, adding that she had over 50 injections and three chemical peels.

“It plumps [you] up here (pointing at her cheeks) but it looks like you have a mouth full of walnuts.”

She was aware people were talking about her. “I know it isn’t normal. The papers in London are the worst. They say, ’She’s the world’s worst’, that I look like a pet bulldog. I really do. I’ve seen too much bad work,” she said. At the same time, she denied ever using botox. “No Botox, I don’t need that, what I want Botox wouldn’t help. I don’t have wrinkles in my forehead, I genetically don’t have that, that’s something I can be thankful for,” she said.

Jackie was a woman who took great care of herself. She was very fit even when she turned 97. Very often, she posted photos of her at the gym wanting to raise awareness of the importance of exercise and to encourage everyone to lead a healthy life.

Unfortunately, she passed away just two years before reaching 100.

The news of her passing was shared by her son Frank who posted a heartbreaking tribute to the woman who meant the world to him and his brother.

”It was hard not to like her, she was very eccentric and flamboyant person.

”Her mind was as sharp as a razor till the day she died. She never wore a mask a true revolutionary gal. My brother Sylvester took care of her like a Queen for all of her life. I will never be able to call my mom again or have her yell at me why I never got married. But we all loved her and her spirit to survive and prevail . I’ll miss you always mommy.”

The cause of death remains unknown until this day. What we know is that she died in her sleep.

Rest in peace, Jackie Stallone. You are dearly missed.

Queen Elizabeth called Camilla a “wicked woman,” leaving Charles angry and in tears


When the news about the relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla spread around, the entire country was in a complete shock. It looked like everyone was angry at the heir to the throne for cheating on Diana, the princess who stole millions of hearts because of her groundbreaking humanitarian work and the care she showed for her people.

Why many turn back to this turbulent period for the Royal Family is the series Crown, which reminded everyone once again just how special Lady Di was.

Although her marriage to Prince Charles resembled picture-perfect, there was always this other woman who made things hard for the young princess and who reminded her over and over again how unhappy she was with the union. That woman, of course, is Prince Charles’ current wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Shutterstock/mark reinstein

Diana Spencer met Charles back in 1980, and a year later, the two announced their engagement. However, it looked like his heart belonged to Camilla from the beginning and Charles was “forced” to get married.

According to Prince Charles’ authorized biography, as quoted by Town & Country, his affair with Camilla started in 1986, just a few years after he tied the knot. Camilla was also married at the time.

Allegedly, Diana couldn’t put up pretending she didn’t know what was going on behind her back, so she confronted Camilla in 1898.

“I know what’s going on between you and Charles and I just want you to know that,” Diana told her biographer Andrew Morton.

“She said to me: ‘You’ve got everything you ever wanted. You’ve got all the men in the world fall in love with you and you’ve got two beautiful children, what more do you want?’ So I said, ‘I want my husband’. And I said, ‘I’m sorry I’m in the way … and it must be hell for both of you. But I do know what’s going on. Don’t treat me like an idiot.’”

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Former royal security guard Ken Wharfe exposed on Robert Jobson’s Royal Podcast that Diana was well aware of the affair and it was something she learned to “live with,” as reported by MamaMia.

Diana and Charles announced they were splitting in 1992, and their divorce was finalized in 1996. She was allowed to retain her “Princess of Wales” title, but gave up her title of “Royal Highness.”

Besides Diana and the Britons, another person who didn’t approve of Charles’ relationship with Camilla was Queen Elizabeth. She was very angry at her son for having an affair and even angrier with Camilla, who was the reason he divorced Diana.


According to author and journalist Tom Bower, The Queen avoided meeting Camilla or even being at the same place as her for many years. That was the reason why she missed the birthday celebration of Charles’ 50th birthday.

“For years, both the Queen and her mother had refused to have anything to do with Charles’ mistress,” Bower said in 2018.

“Not only did they not want her present at any royal function, either formal or informal; they actively disapproved of her, and of Charles’ relationship with her.”


Bower revealed that Charles couldn’t stand his girlfriend to be treated with such disrespect so he confronted his mother.

“He asked that she soften her antagonism so he could live openly with Camilla,” he said. “His hope was that the Queen, who rarely interfered, would at least not directly forbid it.

“But on that evening she’d had several martinis, and to Charles’ surprise, she replied forcefully: she would not condone his adultery, nor forgive Camilla for not leaving Charles alone to allow his marriage to recover. [Queen Elizabeth] vented her anger that he had lied about his relationship with what she called ‘that wicked woman,’ and added: ‘I want nothing to do with her.’”

Apparently, that made Charles angry and he was left in tears.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

As it looked like Queen Elizabeth would never approve of Charles and Camilla’s relationship, everyone became aware that things could change when she attended the 60th birthday party of the King of Greece although she was aware Camilla would be there.

Over time, everyone understood that there was nothing to be done and that what Charles and Camilla had was truly something special.

They got married in 2005 and are still going strong. As for The Queen, she and her daughter-in-law are now in good terms, and even more than that.

“Those two ladies [Camilla and Sophie, Countess of Wessex], the Queen absolutely adores them,” Royal expert Howard Hodgson told Express.

“The Queen gets on very well with Camilla. She didn’t really understand, and was probably guilty of believing what she might not have read, but had been told.”