Rajee Narinesingh had her face pumped with cement and superglue– this is her today


Rajee Narinesingh, one of the best known transgender women in America, has gone through so much in her life. Born in 1967, before the Internet became huge part of our lives, she couldn’t understand why she felt like a woman, and she certainly couldn’t Google it and learn more as people do today.

One thing was certain, she felt like she was trapped in a wrong body.

As years passed by, Rajee started going out and met transgender women at different clubs and that’s when she knew she was one of them.


She was eager to change the way she looked, but as all those surgeries and fillers cost a fortune, she decided to turn to the black market.

“The last thing I wanted was to look like a man in a dress. I wanted to be a beautiful woman,” Rajee told Daily Mail of her initial steps to transition.

“So I made the choice to get injections done – in our community, it is called pumping.”

Unfortunately, she met a fake doctor who destroyed the lives of many over the years, notorious Oneal Ron Morris, or better known as “toxic tush doctor,” as the media labeled her.


Rajee received ten injections from 2007 to 2010. Each of the sessions cost her $100, which was way too cheaper compared to what legal clinics offered. Rajee was perfectly aware Morris’ injections weren’t legal, but she though she could get the look she dreamed of for little money, not knowing that her life would turn into a living hell.

“When it finally came to the day, I was more excited than nervous because I was finally going to be the woman I had always wanted to be. There was a room that she had set up where she did a lot of medical procedures. It appeared to be pretty sterile,” Rajee explained of the first time she met Morris.

“It was like an extra bedroom that she had turned into a clinical area, and I would go in and pay the money. I got injections in my face and my hips, and my buttocks, and initially, I was fine. But then the nightmare started.”


Rajee’s body got deformed at the parts she got injections at. Large lumps formed under her cheeks, lips, and chin. She knew something was very wrong, but she was ashamed and afraid to leave her home, let alone alert the authorities of Morris’ illegal “clinic.”

“I felt like a monster, I really did,” she told Barcroft Media, as quoted by the NY Post. “A sideshow circus clown.”

Eventually, in 2012, Rajee gathered strength to ask for help. She started visiting Dr. John Martin of Coral Gables Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgery who gave her softening injections and laser therapy to soften the huge lumps.


Luckily, those treatments helped her regain her self-confidence. She started going out more and she even started dating.

“Now I’m feeling more confident, and with a good bit of makeup, I can achieve somewhat of an exotic look,” she told Daily Mail back then. “Recently, this guy said that being with me is like being with a sexy dragon. I didn’t know whether to slap him or kiss him.”

In 2016, Rajee received even more help when she was chosen to be part of the E! show Botched. Rajee applied the year before as well, but doctors weren’t sure how to help her. The following year, however, they believed they found a way to smooth her looks further.

“I have to make sure my plan is a conservative one, it’s a smart one, and it doesn’t take any undo careless risks with Rajee’s face,” Dr. Dubrow said on the show Botched.

Over the course of seven weeks, Rajee underwent four surgeries. Luckily, her face started looking better and better.

“My confidence has definitely improved,” she told Barcroft. “It has changed my life. It really has. I know I’m a big personality, so I’m always going to get stares, but now the stares are a little different.”


Rajee wasn’t the only victim of the self proclaimed doctor Morris. One person died due to the injections which consisted of cement, superglue, and tire sealant, the same ones Rajee received. The victims sued Morris and she was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In 2021, Morris sent a letter to Rajee, asking for forgiveness. Rajee decided that accepting the apology would give her some sort of closure too. She shared the response to Morris’ letter on the social media. “What I have become more aware of as I have lived my life is that if we can get stronger from the hardships we go through and learn from the mistakes we make, then they become blessings. I feel the sincerity of your spirit, Sis, and I want you to know that I wish the very best for you,” Rajee wrote.

Today, Rajee is a wide known community activist and works with the LGBTQ community, as well as several other organizations. “I call myself a world activist or a community activist. You know, because of my advocacy for the black-market injections took me global! No, it literally did! And now I hear from people in Uganda and Australia, honey. It’s crazy! I mean, Pakistan! Wow, it’s amazing,” Rajee told The Body.

“So that’s one of the blessings. I consider the whole situation with my black-market injections and all the suffering I went through — I consider that a blessing, because it gave me a bigger platform to do my advocacy and my activism,” she added.

“You know, even before all the corrective surgery,” she added, “I thought, ‘Hey, this happened to me, and if I can share my story, educate people, and prevent this from happening to someone else, then I’ve made lemon meringue pie out of lemons.’”

One thing is certain, after everything she endured, Rajee looks awesome and is happy with her appearance.

Diver was swimming in Hawaii when a dolphin swam up to him begging for help


I wonder whether humans would ever become conscious of all the damage they cause to the wildlife and the creatures living in the seas and the oceans with their careless behavior.

A bottlenose dolphin found itself wrapped around a fishing line and a hook stuck into his body. Having no chance of getting out of the situation that was causing it so much pain, the creature turned to a diver for help. When Keller Laros went diving at Gadren Eel Cove in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii that January night, little did he know he would become a hero in the eyes of this dolphin who had hard time swimming.

Luckily, Laros was well-equipped and signaled the dolphin to come closer. The rescue was caught on tape thanks to another diver named Martina Wing.

This is really something worth watching. Take a look at the special moment in the video below.

Baby girl with rare condition gets heart transplant after 218 days of hospital stay


Little Elodie Carmen Baker, who waited a heart transplant for 218 days, finally received one.

According to her parents, the pregnancy was a normal one and nothing indicated the baby would be born with a severe heart condition. What’s most, doctors didn’t diagnose Elodie with dilated cardiomyopathy until she was seven weeks old and stopped feeding.

“Our pregnancy was normal and we had an uncomplicated delivery and actually went home with Elodie,” the baby girl’s mom, Kate Baker, told Good Morning America.

“So she was with us in Minnesota at home for seven weeks and one night, she wouldn’t feed. I was nursing and she let out this cry and my heart just sank and I said to (my husband) Collin, ‘Something’s wrong. We need to take her in.’”

Once at the hospital, they said nothing was wrong, and just as they were getting ready to send the girl and her parents home, they decided to run some extra tests, including an X-ray.

“Then the X-ray came back. They saw her heart was enlarged and that was on Aug. 21. And we haven’t been home since.”

Elodie’s condition, dilated cardiomyopathy, causes children and adult sufferers to have an enlarged heart chamber, which has the potential to leave the muscle unable to pump the necessary blood through the body, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“In Elodie’s case, the genetic test did not reveal an answer for why she developed this kind of cardiomyopathy and in that situation, it’s called idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, meaning at this point in time, we don’t really know why this happened to her,” Dr. Anna Joong, who has been caring for Elodie for the last few months, told Good Morning America.

Around two months after the diagnosis, Elodie was sent to the Lurie Children’s Hospital in Illinois where she was placed a pediatric ventricular assist device (VAD) through surgery.

“Her heart was so sick, that the IV medicines just weren’t enough and she needed a VAD,” Dr. Joong said.

“We use this device as a way to bridge her to transplant so it’s a way to support her heart, to help get her stronger in the time that she’s waiting for her donor heart.”

Luckily, after that many days spent at the hospital, Elodie received her new heart on March 27. The transplant was a huge success and Elodie is doing great. She still needs a feeding tube, but over time, as she gets even stronger, she is expected to start eating on her own.

“The breathing tube was able to come out within hours of coming out of the operating room. Her new heart works beautifully and is really strong,” Nora Hammond, a nurse practitioner at Lurie’s, explained to Good Morning America.

“She is getting routine immunosuppression medications to prevent rejection. She has already been transferred out of ICU level care and is sitting up. She is one strong kid and we are so grateful to the donor family.”

Congratulations, sweet Elodie. You are such a fighter.

Gilbert Gottfried, ‘Aladdin’ star and stand-up comic with signature voice, dies at 67


We have received the news of the passing of one of the greatest comedians of our time with great sadness. After a long illness, the person who made millions laugh with his boundary-pushing, frequently crude stand-up routines, Gilbert Gottfried, passed away at 67.

“In addition to being the most iconic voice in comedy, Gilbert was a wonderful husband, brother, friend and father to his two young children. Although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in Gilbert’s honor,” his family posted on the social media.

Condolences came pouring in from friends, family members, and fellow comedians.

“Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh at times when laughter did not come easily. What a gift,” Seinfeld star Jason Alexander wrote. “I did not know him well but I loved what he shared with me. My best wishes and sympathy to his family.”

“Gilbert Gottfried was never not funny,” wrote stand-up comic Dane Cook. “He was a lovely guy, always friendly & made many people happy.”

Jon Stewart wrote a tribute, recalling the “great thrill” of opening for Gottfried. “He could leave you gasping for breath…just indescribably unusually hilarious,” Stewart wrote.

“He could put you into convulsive hysterics,” wrote Judd Apatow. “He was also the sweetest man.”

As reported by NBC News, Gottfried’s close friend Glenn Schwartz, said that the comedian died of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia due to Myotonic Dystrophy type II.

Despite his health condition, Gottfried didn’t stop working until the last weeks of his life.

During his career which spanned 50 years, Gottfried made a name for himself as one of the best in the field. Among the rest, he landed his aggressive voice to Jafar’s talking parrot in Alladin. A role he reprised in two sequels.

Further, Gottfried worked on various other Disney productions, including The Fairly Odd ParentsSuperman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ – JULY 26: Gilbert Gottfried performs at The Stress Factory Comedy Club on July 26, 2018 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. (Photo by Bobby Bank/Getty Images)

This great man was never afraid to tackle topics many others were afraid to speak on. After the 9/11 attack, he made jokes of the event but many believed he did that way too soon. As a result, he said he lost a huge audience. “I lost an audience bigger than anybody has ever lost an audience. People were booing and hissing,” he recalled to Vulture. He, however, managed to win that audience back with a crude “Aristocrats” routine.

He spent many years being the voice of the “Aflac duck,” but he was fired after making a joke about the tsunami which hit Japan in 2011.

His jokes knew no boundaries.

“Maybe I’m self-destructive, maybe I’m just plain stupid,” he told Vulture. “But if someone tells me don’t do something, then I want to do it. I’ve always said tragedy and comedy are roommates. Wherever tragedy’s around, comedy’s a few feet behind them sticking his tongue out and making obscene gestures.”

Since 2014, he was running his Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. Over the years, he made numerous appearances in a number of shows such as Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Saturday Night Live, and Hollywood Squares, among the rest.

After Bob Saget passing, Gottfried posted a photo of him, Bob, and Louie Anderson, writing it was sad now and how much he missed his friends.

Looking at this photo now that Gottfried is no longer around us makes it even sadder.

2022 is a sad, sad year for the comedy world. Rest in peace, Gilbert Gottfried, your jokes will live forever.

Widower keeps late wife’s poinsettia and the “miracle plant” continues to grow more and more


Poinsettia, a plant indigenous to Mexico and Central America, is considered a Christmas flower by many and that is the reason why most people get one before the holidays. The legend says that a young girl from Mexico could only offer weeds as a Christmas gift to Jesus Christ so when she brought the poinsettia to the church, the plant’s flowers blossomed in a beautiful red color. In Mexico, it’s known as Flores de Noche Buena, which translates to “flowers of the holy night.”

Poinsettias symbolize good cheer and success and are believed to bring wishes of mirth and celebration.

And as the life span of most poinsettia plants is measured in months, not years, the following story could easily be dubbed a miraculous one.

Source: YouTube – Quirlycues

Frankie Allison from Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Canada, is certain that his poinsettia is the most special of all, and we agree.

His now late wife Maxine won a call-in radio show contest on Christmas Eve one year and got a poinsettia as a gift. Sadly, just three days later, she passed away from a massive heart attack.

Heartbroken Frankie had a hard time coping with the grief, but then, he understood his wife’s spirit continued to live through the plant. At first, he wanted to throw it away, but it blossomed and he decided to keep it. What is so special about this plat is that unlike any other poinsettia out there, this one keeps growing and blossoming for over 20 years.

Source: YouTube – Quirlycues

Speaking of the miracle plant, Frankie said that experts told him how they had never seen anything like this because most poinsettias only last for a few days or maybe a couple of months.

“It just kept growing,” Frankie told CBC News. “Pretty soon I won’t be able to look out the picture window.”

Source: YouTube – Quirlycues

The plant is more than 5 feet tall and weighs over 100 pounds. Around Christmas, it serves as a Christmas three and the lights and the ornaments make it even more beautiful.

“They say that’s a miracle plant,” Frankie says his friends say to him. “They always say your wife is still with you.”

Frankie waters it 2 times a week and fertilizes it regularly. He does it with much love.

Source: YouTube – Quirlycues

For more on this beautiful story go to the video below.

9-year-old who spent 1,445 days in foster care gets adopted by former teacher


I’m sure most of you have seen the iconic film Matilda which is about a brilliantly intelligent little girl not understood by her parents. However, as much as she’s not appreciated at home, someone special at school, her teacher Miss Honey, notices Matilda’s intellect. Fast forward to the ending of this masterpiece, Matilda ends up with her teacher who adopts her and gives her a new lease of life.

Some say things like this don’t happen in real life, but that’s not exactly true. No matter how small the number is, children who experience rough childhood do end up with new and better families, and sweet Loralie is one such beautiful example.

This girl found herself in the foster system when she was just 4 years old and all she could ever dream of was finding a forever home. Luckily, after 1,445 days in foster care, just like Matilda, she got adopted by her former second grade teacher.

Loralie spent five years wondering if she would ever feel loved again, but becoming part of teacher Zoe Henry’s family was worth all the waiting.

She was one of 165 Los Angeles County children who were officially adopted on National Adoption Day on Saturday. This beautiful and meaningful event takes place each year, and this year, as well as the previous one, it was held virtually because of the ongoing pandemic, but that certainly didn’t make it any less special.

The great thing was that all the adoptions were finalized just before Thanksgiving and all those children got to spend the holiday in their new homes.

“She completes our family, she completes our life,” Loralie’s new mom said.

“She brings such adventure and joy and fun and spunkiness to everything that we do, so it’s perfect. It’s perfect. Don’t cry? OK.”

A man thought a little girl was pulling a prank on him by calling his phone every day and called him ‘daddy’


One man kept getting calls from an unknown number. Each time, he would hear a young girl’s voice from the other side of the line so he thought someone was playing games with him. But as the calls wouldn’t stop, he finally decided to talk to the little girl and understand what was going on.

As he asked her why she kept calling him, the child called him ‘daddy.’ He was confused at first, but it didn’t take long before he understood that the girl thought she was talking to her dad whom she hadn’t seen in weeks.

“Daddy, please come back soon. I miss you very, very much!” she said with a weak and shaky voice.

“Dad, I’m in pain! My mom told me that you were too busy at work and she takes care of me day and night. She’s tired,” the girl continued. “So if you can’t come, can you kiss me?” she asked.

Not knowing what to do, the man made some kissing noises. After hearing him, the girl said: “Thank you…Dad, I’m…so happy, I feel…so happy…”

At that moment a woman took the call over. She was sobbing and apologized for disturbing the man. Still unaware of why they called him in the first place, he wanted to learn more about the girl. The woman then said that she was the girl’s mother. Her daughter was diagnosed with bone cancer and was fighting for her life, but the prognosis was bad. The girl’s dad was the person who always stood by her side and told her to be brave, but he died in a car crash around the time the calls started taking place. The mother explained that she didn’t have the heart to tell her girl about her dad so she dialed a random number when the little one asked to speak to her father. The number happened to be the man’s.

Hearing that story, his heart broke into pieces.

The following day, the man called the number to ask how the girl was doing, but he heard the most devastating news. The little soul passed away shortly after the conversation with him. The mother thanked him for sending those kisses as they were goodbye kisses and the last thing the girl heard before leaving this world.

The man was heartbroken, but at the same time, he felt glad and relieved he decided to take that call because even for a moment, he made a dying child happy.

Teen discovers a pile of cash next to ATM but doesn’t hesitate to do the right thing


What would you do if you stumbled upon a huge pile of cash? Would you be tempted to take it and pray not to get yourself in trouble, or would you return it to the rightful owner?

Many people would probably choose to grab the cash and leave, but there are also those who wouldn’t hesitate to do the right thing.

19-year-old boy named José Nuñez Romaniz of Albuquerque, New Mexico, went to the ATM to withdraw some cash in order to buy socks for his grandpa. Just around the corner, next to the machine, he noticed a bag full of money. He looked around to see if the owner is anywhere near, but no one seemed to be looking for the money.

Romaniz took the bag and called the number on the ATM. He then alerted the police of the money and waited for them to arrive.

Source: YouTube/ KRQE

According to KRQE, the bag contained $135,000 in total. That’s a lot of money that can change one’s life drastically.

Romaniz could choose to take it and spend it, but he knew he needed to do what was right.

“In the back of my head, I was just thinking about my parents, especially my mom. What she would do if I came home with the money and… what she would do with her chancla [a flip-flop] to hit me,” he said jokingly. “I did the right thing and I know my parents are proud and my family is proud as well.”

Source: YouTube/ KRQE

It turned that the money was left behind accidentally by the subcontractor who was supposed to fill the ATM.

For his good deed, Romaniz was honored by Mayor Tim Keller and Police Chief Mike Geier.

“Man, we all know that temptation… Even just to take a little, just one of those bundles off the top! I mean that had to be really hard,” Mayor Keller joked.

“What a great opportunity for us to see some good in the community with all the tragedies we see with young people, this really restores our faith in the community as well,” Chief Geier added.

Everyone agreed that with young people like Romaniz we don’t have to fear about the future of our country.

Source: YouTube/ KRQE

PNM gave Romaniz $500 for tuition, and El Patron gave him an additional $500 in cash, plus a gift card. ESPN Radio gifted the family season tickets for the University of New Mexico’s football team.

Thank you Romaniz for doing what’s right.

If you are ineterested to learn more of the story and see how this young man was honored go to the video below.