Mom wants to give baby boy with Down Syndrome to foster care, but dad decides to raise their son on his own


The anticipation of holding the bundle of joy who is about to change your days and give a whole new meaning to your life is described as one of the best feelings ever. But what happens if the child comes with certain condition or disease? Do we give up on them, or we do our best to provide them with the best life possible?

The truth is that different people react differently, just like the parents of beautiful Misha who was born with an extra chromosome.

Source: Instagram – evgen_tyz

When his mom and dad learned Misha had Down Syndrome, they were both crushed and devastated. It was mostly because of the fact they were totally unfamiliar with the condition, something his father, Evgeny Anisimov, was more than willing to learn, unlike the baby boy’s mother who gave up on him and wanted to place him in foster care.

Evgeny never thought of leaving his son behind, Down Syndrome or not, Misha was his sweet baby boy and he was more than happy to embark on the adventure called fatherhood together with the little one, although it meant he would do it without his wife by his side.

Source: Instagram – evgen_tyz

The good thing is that most European countries, including Russia, where Evgeny and Misha are from, treat people with Down Syndrome as completely normal individuals.

They are involved in every aspect of the society, attend regular schools, and are taught how to live independently. It was something that encouraged Evgeny even further not to ever leave his son.

Source: Instagram – evgen_tyz

“I remember that upon learning that my son has Down Syndrome, I left the hospital and cried, but not for long. Later, I was a little embarrassed by these tears. In my life, after all, nothing had changed, in general. I was still with two arms, with two legs, my professional knowledge had gone nowhere.

“My determination, activity, curiosity, and so on—everything was with me. Everything happened as I planned, my son was born. But the child is special, his life and future destiny are already very significant. And I’m roaring here!” the proud dad told Bored Panda.

Source: Instagram – evgen_tyz

Baby Misha is still very young to know what is happening around him, but his father is making sure more and more people become aware of how special people with Down Syndrome are.

With such devoted and incredibly loving father, we are sure Misha will have a perfect childhood and an awesome life. And, yes, we are sure the boy’s mom will regret her decision to be missing being part of Misha’s life.

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Woman goes to her home and finds stranger living there, police say they can do nothing


A woman from Cook County, Illinois, named Danielle Cruz was planning to sell her family’s house located in the neighborhood of Chatham. Her husband renovated the place entirely and they arranged for a handyman to do some tiny repairs. One day, however, the handyman called Danielle and told her that the house wasn’t vacant, someone was living there.

At first, they thought he was joking, but they soon learned that a woman moved into their home with all her belongings. They called the police and went to the house they were planning to sell in order to have the woman removed from their property. But then, another shock followed. The officers said they could do nothing about the squatter because she claimed she had signed a month-to-month lease with the owner, which of course wasn’t true.

Danielle Cruz. | Source: 7 Chicago

“They said unfortunately they couldn’t prove she was trespassing. We have to go to court and follow the eviction process,” devastated Danielle said.

Although Danielle denied ever meeting the woman who occupied her home, police said the woman had a lease document, making the case a civil matter that could only be settled in eviction court. 

The problem is that such cases are being handled between six, twelve, and even eighteen months, a period during which Danielle and her husband are helpless to do anything.

“I definitely do feel violated. I own this house, and it feels like if anyone can just break into your house and kind of take over, that’s a scary feeling,” Danielle said.

Danielle Cruz’s home in the Chatham neighborhood. | Source: 7 Chicago

She even said she tried getting in touch with the squatter so that they could find a solution, but the woman refused.

“You know, we’re trying to live the American dream. They say own property, you know, we are trying to provide for our family. And then this happens, and it almost makes you never want to own anything. It’s not worth it.”

Danielle Cruz points to her house while talking to the ABC 7 correspondent. | Source: 7 Chicago

Danielle’s neighbors stood by her side and they hope her problems would come to an end any time soon. One of the neighbors said: “Well, it’s disgusting. It’s stealing, and it’s not right.” Another neighbor, Quintara Smith, added, “No one wants to come back, and someone is living in a property. It’s frightening. I mean, that can happen to anybody.”

Chicago real estate attorney Mo Dadkhah revealed that such cases are not uncommon in Cook County.

Chicago real estate attorney, Mo Dadkhah. | Source: 7 Chicago

For more go to the video below.

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Bored Daddy

Mother abandons 2 children after divorce, looks into their eyes seven years later to give an explanation


Daisy and Kris were still very young when their mother left them for good. Being 9 and 5, the children couldn’t possibly understand why their mother wasn’t by their side any longer. As days passed by and they didn’t hear from her, the siblings got even more devastated by the though that their mom didn’t care enough to give them an explanation.

Their dad, Jim, was there for them and provided comfort.

All of a sudden, from being a careless girl, 9-year-old Daisy became like a mother to her little brother. Instead of playing with her friends, she made sure Kris was fed. She put him to sleep and cared for him together with her dad.

Daisy and Kris. | Source:

Not able to fill the void their mother’s absence left in their hearts, Jim asked Oprah Winfrey to help him with his children’s feeling.

Once on the show, a therapists worked with Daisy and Kris and asked from them to put their emotions on a piece of paper.

“Dear Mom, I miss you so much… I miss baking cookies as a family and you helping us do our homework. I still love you, Mom, but what you did in the past makes me not love you so much like I used to,” Daisy, who was 11 at the time the episode aired, wrote.

Little Daisy in tears. | Source:

Her brother Kris wrote: “When I think of you and Daddy not living together, I feel so sad. I do not understand why you got divorced. Sometimes I dream about Dad being sad. About not having you around. I wish that you didn’t get a divorce.”

The children always dressed up for their sessions with the therapist, and Kris even bough a fake ring thinking she would appear one day.

Jim, Daisy, Kris, and Oprah Winfrey. | Source:

Five years after appearing on Oprah, the production got in touch with Misty, the children’s mother. She was serving time in a nearby jail after failing to pay child support and producing fake financial documents. 

When Oprah contacted her, Misty had a different story to tell. She claimed it was her ex-husband Jim who prevented her from seeing her kids. However, Daisy and Kris didn’t think that was the case.

As Kris didn’t want to meet Misty because he said it would be overwhelming for him, Daisy did agree to see her. Asked why she wanted to meet her mother after so much time and whether she was mad at her, the girl said: “I need to know why she did what she did and to get the apology because I deserve it.”

Misty talks to Oprah. | Source:

However, Daisy, who was 16 at the time, added that a single apology wouldn’t be enough. It would be a long road before she could forgive her mom for abandoning her. “I’m the only girl in this house. How am I supposed to live like this?”

Meeting her mom wasn’t easy because it reminded Daisy of all those years she spent without her. She recalled how embarrassing it felt when Jim had to teach her how to do the “girl stuff.” Daisy said to her mom: “All my memories of you are terrible!” The girl added that she was aware her mom cheated on her father.

Misty, Daisy, and Oprah. | Source:

Misty offered her apology and promised to never leave her children again if given the chance to be part of their lives again.

This story is just a reminder to never fight or say bad words in front of your children. What seems like a simple argument between grownups can affect the children’s feelings in ways that are hard to be fixed later on.

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Kate Middleton was “horrified” by the confessions of her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle


The relationship between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle could be described as picture perfect back in the day when the two could be seen hanging out together during numerous royal occasions, as well as a tennis match.

Magazines reported that Kate was always more than happy to lend a helping hand to Meghan when baby Archie was born. However, what was presented in the media seemed to be far from what was going on behind closed doors.

During the all-tell Oprah interview, among the rest, Meghan spoke about Kate and said that she made her cry on the day of her wedding. In fact, when Oprah asked Meghan if she made Kate cry, she said exactly the opposite happened. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were shocked, to say the least, after they heard those accusations. A US Weekly source said that “Kate would never forgive Meghan for throwing shade at her.”

“The interview was the final nail, it’s over. Meghan burned all of her bridges and Kate has no interest in speaking to her,” the source added.

Another source told Mail Online in April: “First and foremost, William cannot countenance the way Meghan has treated his wife. He feels Kate tried at the beginning, but it was never enough.

“To name Kate so publicly during the Oprah interview as the person who made her cry was beyond the pale. Meghan would have been acutely aware that Kate is powerless to fight back.”

Royal expert Katie Nicholl claimed that she had never heard of the Duchess of Cambridge insulting anyone because she was “very careful about how she treated those around her.”

“Kate never wanted to suggest to the press that she and Meghan were involved in a conflict, so this story is very hard for her,” Katie Nicholl told OK! magazine.

What could have been the final straw that forced Meghan away from the family is a senior royal telling her that she would never be in first division the way Kate has, according to royal author Tom Quinn. Apparently, Meghan wasn’t happy with the fact that Kensington Palace was reserved solely for William and Kate.

When Lilibet Diana was born, Kate sent her best wishes.

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Men who shot cop are shocked when the judge hands out a dose of karma


An attempted robbery that took place outside of Caesars casino in Atlantic City turned violent and deadly.

When the officers received the call about the robbery, they rushed to the scene. As they realized there was no way out, the suspects fired a shot and severely injured a cop, 29-year-old Jostle Vadell, who was rushed to the hospital and was placed on a ventilator where he fought for his life.

During the shooting, one of the suspects, 25-year-old Jerome Damon, was killed by the cops.


The rest of the suspects, Demetrius Cross and Martel Chisolm, were arrested and charged with an attempted robbery and attempted murder. On the day they showed in the courtroom, there was a group of officers who wanted to show their support to the family of their injured brother. They were there to make sure the justice would be served.

The judge stated he was proud that so many officers showed up to give the pair of suspects their daily dose of karma.

“These two are a menace to society. They should never be released back into the community. Senseless,” one commenter wrote on Facebook.

“Great to see that the men and women in blue are showing support for each other,” another added.


As for officer Vadell, his family posted an update saying he was recovering at the hospital.

“Update on Josh… he is doing amazing!!! They took him off the ventilator this morning; he is responding with small words, able to sit supported in a chair, and now having some movement on his left side,” his wife wrote. “He is improving every day, and I believe it is from all of the love and support you all bring to our family. Sorry, I can not respond to you all individually, but I see you all care, and I am telling Josh how much he is loved.”

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Love and Peace!

Teacher doesn’t know how to handle violent student, then a kid from the back stands up


Teachers don’t have it easy. Between grading a bunch of tests and buying a bunch of staff for their classroom, they also need to deal with misbehaving students.

When it comes to students who don’t show any respect for the teachers, things can easily get out of control. In such situations, it is of crucial importance for the teacher to stay calm and try to deal with the matter with a cool head.

Recently, a video showing a student throwing a tantrum emerged online. The student, who was identified as Logan by someone who took their time to comment on the video, started throwing things around the classroom while the teacher and the rest of the students watched in disbelief. The incident took place at a school in the Hempfield School District.

At first, Logan could be seen throwing a chair and then punching a computer monitor to the ground in a fit of rage.

Then, at one point, he moves behind the teacher’s desk looking for more objects to destroy.

Moments later, as it is obvious that Logan won’t calm down, another student, Corby, grabs the violent student in a bear hug from the rear and lifts him up. He then takes him out of the classroom as some of the students laugh and others are still in shock.

We believe that the teacher stood still because if he acted in any manner, he could have done things even worse, or maybe he was afraid for his job and didn’t confront Logan.

“His name is Logan, won’t say his last name for privacy reasons. He goes to Hempfield School District. He was in 10th grade at the filming of this video, pretty sure it was in entrepreneurship class. He was in my gym class in 9th grade, he would constantly cuss out sugar ray, he has anger issues. The kid that stopped him is Corby. Same grade. And he wasn’t punished for this if anyone was wondering,” one person commented.

Others also took their time to comment and wrote things like: “I always wondered, what happens to people after they do stuff like that?”

“When the teacher takes your computer away,” and “When you have to wake up on Mondays.”

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For the video, go below.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace!

Angelyne was the “Billboard Queen” for decades– now her true identity has been uncovered


If you want to make a name for yourself and turn into a celebrity, then Los Angeles is the place to be. There, even the wildest dreams come true and people become famous for being famous. At least such was the case with the mysterious blonde woman known as Angelyne who appeared on an L.A. billboard and caused a stir. Even today, there are plenty of speculations about who she really is, and no one knows the real truth about this woman.

It was in February 1984 when a billboard of an attractive blonde woman, wearing pink and pouting while staring out across Sunset Boulevard emerged. People kept wondering who she was.

Youtube/Arthur Drawings

Angelyne, whose real name is believed to be Renee Tami Goldberg, shared plenty of different stories about her background. She once revealed that she was from the Midwest, and other times, she claimed she was from Idaho. “I didn’t feel they were competent as parents, and this is where I relate to Marilyn (Monroe),” she said. “She got tossed around as a child too.”

It was in 2017 that Gary Baum of The Hollywood Reported went into details about Angelyne’s life, but no one is certain that what was revealed is the real truth.

Baum wrote that the “Billboard Queen” was born in Poland on October 2, 1950, as the daughter of Polish Jews who escaped the Chmielnik Ghetto during World War II, and emigrated to Israel.

Eventually, her family moved to New York and later to Los Angeles. When Angelyne turned 14, her mother passed away and she and her father settled in Panorama City in the San Fernando Valley where she attended high school.

The magazine provided documents which showed she changed her birth name to Angelyne Llyne, but according to one of her friends, Scott Hening, this wasn’t true.

“This stuff comes up every few years — it seems to get more and more ridiculous,” he told The Hollywood Reporter.

“My favorite one of all was this 300-pound black woman who claimed to be her mother. ‘I’m your long-lost brother,’ ‘your twin sister.’ Chalk it up to life in Hollywood. I’ve never heard of ‘Renee Goldberg.’ It’s laughable, it’s outrageous.

“I’m not saying the paperwork [from the name change] isn’t legitimate,” he added. “I’m saying it ain’t her. Look, I get emails from another Scott Hennig, a karate expert in Texas. People think that’s me. There are a lot of girls out there named Angelyne. I don’t know what to tell you. And who knows how legitimate this old stuff is, going back to World War II?”

Youtube/Arthur Drawings

In a 1995 interview, the “Billboard Queen” said: “People got interested – not in the band, but in me.

“They wanted me. They started interviewing me. That’s how it happened. It’s my thing. I’m the Billboard Queen.”

Earlier in May, she opened up with The Guardian about how the billboard fame affected her life: “It was like BOOM! But to me, being huge is normal. I do well big. I do well at 100ft. Wherever I came from, whatever is core to me, I was born with that.”

She then added: “I’m married to a sheikh. Maybe I am a man. My husband paid for everything. A gay guy died and left me all his money. There is a new Angelyne every two years. I’m a prostitute. I was a mystery.”

Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Some 11 years after her first billboard appeared in the heart of L.A., Angelyne had more than 200 billboards all over the city.

“It’s so much fun being famous for nothing,” she said in a 1987 interview.

“I had to say nothing then because people wouldn’t understand. I’m not famous for nothing – I’m famous for my essence. I’m sitting on top of a pink cloud, sending inspiration to the world. The difference between me and other famous people is that I’m only attached to Angelyne. I don’t do endorsements. I want my image to be clean – clean, clean for Angelyne.”


Los Angeles Times wrote that this blonde beauty used to sell postcards of herself for $5, $10 if autographed, large posters for $25, and $35 with a signature. For $45, you could get a large poster signed and adorned with an “authentic lip print.”

A mini-series about the “Billboard Queen” was released earlier this year starring Emmy Rossum as the titular character. The series shows the “famous-for-being-famous influencer culture,” which Angelyne started. Angelyne, however, wasn’t happy with the series and said she was working on a movie about her life herself.

According to Celebtiry Net Worth, Angelyne has a net worth of $500,000.

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Irishman has last laugh at own funeral with hilarious recorded message for mourners

A DEARLY departed Irishman had the last laugh at his funeral with a gag that had mourners in tears of laughter.

In an inspired gag from beyond the grave, he organised it so that a recorded message was played after his coffin was lowered to the ground.

To all intents and purposes, it appeared as if he was shouting for help from within his casket.

In some countries, this kind of morbid humour might not have gone down so well.

Thankfully, however, this was Ireland.

A clip of the prank was posted to Reddit under the title: “Irish man leaves funny recording for his funeral!”

It certainly lived up to the billing.

The man who decided to prank his family for one last time was Shay Bradley, a Dublin granddad of eight

“Shay was a prankster, always thought outside the box and wanted to leave his family laughing,” the man’s wife explained. “He was a larger than life character and sadly missed by anyone who knew him,” she concluded.

“Hello?” the man can heard asking before a knocking sound is heard.

“Let me out,” he continues, much to the amusement of those in attendance. him.

“Where the f*** am I.

“Let me out it’s f***ing dark in here.

“Is that that priest I can hear.”

Mourners in attendance can be seen falling bout in fits of laughter before the cameraman pans to the casket where the sound is coming from.

It was a gag that has won plenty of praise online.

“What a beautiful idea to keep people happy,” one Reddit user said.

“Laughter does help a lot when dealing with grief,” another concurred.

Now that’s what you call a proper send-off.

Share if this make you laugh.