Widow seen kissing husband’s coffin covered with the American flag: ‘Another angel’s coming home’


Those protecting our freedom and putting their lives on the line are the most courageous people of all. The truth is that no matter what we do, we can never thank our servicemen and servicewomen enough for their sacrifice.

The following story is touching beyond words because it shows the bravery and the selflessness of our soldiers.

Shawn David Thomas was a Special Forces warrant officer who tragically lost his life during his eighth deployment in Niger, Africa. In addition to being a military man, Warrant Officer 1 Shawn Thomas, of 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group was also a loving husband and a father of four young children, Cheyenne, Taylor, Gavin, and Natylyn.

Under his fierce looks, this man was a gentle giant loved by his family and all the people who knew him.

“On February 2nd, 2017, Shawn was killed in a vehicle accident while deployed to Niger Africa. This was Shawn’s 8th deployment defending our freedom while doing a job that he loved,” his obituary read.

On February 14, 2017, Shawn’s flag-draped coffin arrived at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. At the time of the arrival, the passengers on one of the flights witnessed the heartbreaking scene when Shawn’s wife, Tara Thomas, approached the coffin, placed her hands on the Star-Spangled Banner, and burst into tears unable to control her emotions.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

One of the passengers, Lisa West Williams, felt the urge to film the emotional moment because she believed it showed the reality of the families whose loved ones serve the country and protect our freedom.

The rest of the passengers were deeply moved too. “They were just amazed and they were crying. You could hear sniffles. The lady behind me actually said, ‘Oh, another angel’s coming home,'” Lisa said.

Later, Lisa got in touch with Tara and asked her if she could share the video online. The grieving widow agreed. According to Lisa, “She [Tara] wanted to show the world that this goes on and that we should be thankful for these men and women.”

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

For his bravery, Shawn was honored with two Bronze Stars and Good Conduct Medals during his service. After his death, he was posthumously awarded a Meritorious Service Medal and Army Commendation Medal for his work in Niger. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Once the video was shared on the social media, it quickly went viral and gathered millions of views and comments. People were touched. Many felt the urge to share their condolences.

“Freedom isn’t free; it’s paid with the lives of brave men and women,” one person wrote. “So thankful for our troops, and also so sad that we live in a violent world that needs them. God bless this fallen hero and his grieving wife and family. This was an important video for all to see,” another added.

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Love and Peace

Officer says final goodbye to K9 dog who spent his entire life fighting crime


Dogs are man’s best friend, and I am sure that every person who has ever owned one of these very special creatures would easily agree with this saying.

The thing is that dogs have become an inseparable part of our lives, and they are not only pets, but also valuable members of the community because many of them are part of the police and serve as service dogs who help the vulnerable.

Axel was a very special canine. He was part of the Central Falls Police Department for many years. Even after he retired, Axel was always there for the people of his community. In fact, everyone knew him and loved him dearly, so when he passed away recently, a huge number of people rushed to express their grief and sadness over the loss of someone as exceptional as Axel.

The department he served posted a touching tribute on their Facebook page and wrote: “He did a phenomenal job at keeping the streets safe, and he always made sure our officers were safe regardless as to how dangerous a situation was. He wouldn’t have hesitated to give his life to save the life of a fellow officer, especially his partner, Officer Decristoforo.”

Before working with Officer Decristoforo, Axel was part of another department and everyone thought the K9 would have a hard time adjusting to working with new humans, but that was never the case. In fact, Axel and his new partner were “instantly best friends who were sure to have each other’s back.”

Today we mourn a true hero! 🐶🚔🇺🇸

The department also wrote how Officer Decristoforo lost his “other half” and included a message for him. “Axel loved you more than he loved himself! That’s just the type of dog he was. He was yours! He would have done anything for you. Now he needs you to do something for him! Stay strong and try and remember he wouldn’t want to see you upset!”

They expressed gratitude for everything Axel did for the department and the community both during the years of his active service and later. “Axel, I want to thank you for watching over us as you have! It was an honor and a privilege to not only know you but to get to work with you. You will forever be my favorite retired officer.”

Rest in peace, Axel.

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Man dumps girlfriend after learning she was born male and kept it secret for over nine months


Relationships are supposed to be based on mutual trust, so when one of the partners is keeping secrets, it can easily lead to bed feelings and even break up. Of course, whether the other partner would be able to forgive the lies depends on how big they are.

A man named Alex got involved in a relationship with a woman he believed was the one. They dated for around nine months and everything seemed perfect. He was in love and very happy. However, that all changed when a friend of his revealed to him that his girlfriend was keeping a secret from him.

As they were having fun one night and drank a bit more, the friend approached Alex and said: “Look, Alex, I have been hiding something from you, I think you need to know this. I can’t leave you thinking this is a great and honest relationship. Your girlfriend is born a male and underwent surgery when he was 18 years old.”

Needless to say, Alex was shocked. His entire world turned upside down. He had a hard time processing the news and didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

“I didn’t believe him at first, it was mixed emotions, but I still didn’t believe it. After I confronted her, I found her pills and her estrogen tablets,” Alex continued his story. “I felt angry and cold, there were many emotions in one go. I didn’t know what to do.”

They eventually broke up.

What do you think of this? Was Alex right to dump his girlfriend? Did she make a mistake hiding something so big from him?

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Mom-of-4 sleeps in car while caring for dying husband, has life turned around with gift of $12,000 and new car


Just as she thought she was left to fight for her husband’s life all by herself, a waitress at Las Vegas Chili’s named Jessica got the surprise of her life.

This brave wife and a mother of three was going through very tough time and had a lot on her plate, but she was still managing to stay sane for the sake of her family. Her husband Robert, who was her childhood sweetheart, was diagnosed with testicular cancer which spread to his stomach and lungs. As a result, he was forced to get treatments at a hospital around 400 miles away from home. This meant that Jessica needed to drive that much in order to be by her husband’s side. Unable to drive back home, she was forced to sleep in her car numerous times.

However, no matter her struggles, Jessica would always greet her customers with a smile on her face.

One person, who happened to be Jessica’s second grade teacher, was aware of her former student’s situation so she decided to act. In order to ease Jessica’s life, Kimberly reached the FOX5 Surprise Squad and asked them to step up and help Jessica.

Source: YouTube

After hearing her life story, the squad was more than happy to lend a helping hand which came in the form of $12,000 tip, a new car, and hotel reservations for Los Angeles for whenever she visited her husband.

Jessica was unaware that her life would change. The squad placed hidden cameras at the place where she worked and filmed her genuine reaction.

No person could stop their tears from rolling down their faces that day. Both Kimberly and Jessica’s co-workers were very glad for her because they knew how much she needed that money.

Unfortunately, after battling with the cancer for some time, Robert passed away.

We are very sorry for Jessica’s loss. Rest in peace, Robert.

For more on this heartwarming story go to the video below. So touching.

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A mark on their daughter’s neck made them overthink – after the doctor appointment, everything changed


Going to the doctors every once in a while, despite feeling healthy, is a good thing. Many times, it is during regular checkups that people learn they suffer from certain illnesses or conditions.

When the parents of a 14-year-old girl spotted strange marks on her neck, they believed it was color from her shirt, or maybe dirt. But after the dark color didn’t go away after trying to wash it off, it raised a red flag.

As they were unaware what was wrong, the worried parents took their daughter to the doctors. The moment the doctor laid eyes on the girl’s neck, she demanded tests to be run in order to check how the girl’s pancreas worked. Apparently, those marks, which resembled dirt, showed that this organ didn’t function properly. The pancreas plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells. This organ has two main functions: an exocrine function that helps in digestion and an endocrine function that regulates blood sugar. Problems with the pancreas can affect the entire body. If the pancreas does not produce enough digestive enzymes, for example, food will not be properly absorbed. This can lead to weight loss, diarrhea, and diabetes.

Thankfully for this teen, her mom and dad acted right away and further damage was prevented. She was prescribed proper medications and is now doing fine.

Whenever you notice anything unusual about your body consult a specialist as soon as possible.

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Brothers Bera and Tsotne Ivanishvili were born with albinism – now the internet is going wild over their amazing looks


Bidzina Ivanishvili, a billionaire from Georgia, the former Soviet Republic on the Black Sea, made his money at the time of the mad collapse of the USSR. When he returned to his home country from Russia, back in 2003, he undertook numerous populist movements and people dubbed him the billionaire with the heart of gold. This affection he enjoyed helped his newly formed political party win the elections in 2012, with Bidzina taking the role of a Prime Minister of Georgia.

Now, as much as this man’s life is interesting for Georgians and people from other countries, it’s his two albino sons who took the country by storm. Some years ago, when pictures of Bera and Tsotne Ivanishvili emerged online, people were eager to learn more about their personal lives.


Bera is now a famous musician. His brother, who is 11 years younger, is also a creative soul interested in arts and painting.

As the family split their time between Russia, Georgia, and France, Bera was born in Paris. Regarding his albinism and being different from most of the people he knows, he has a unique view and believes that being albino is something he as a musician and someone people look up to should help raise awareness of.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place without being stared at,” Bera told Wired. “But growing up different, as an albino kid, it was never a problem for me because of my parents.”


The brothers’ mother, Ekaterine also spoke of her children’s albinism. “When someone is just born this way, standing out, they’re gonna hate this person for being born different. They’re being jealous, and evil. I dealt with it. Like a gangster. You know? Yes, it gave me that warrior mentality. But everyone is not made for this,” she said.

When Tsotne was born, Bera, who is 11 years older, was over the moon. He recalled saying that his little brother was just like him, as Tsotne is albino, too. “And he saw that he can be different and society can love you and, you know, the females can love you. You know, it’s important,” Bera said.


Both brothers learned how to embrace their condition and love the way they are. Instead as of a flaw, they consider being albinos their super power. “My dad is genuinely shocked to this day. ‘Is there really any people that think the way you look is bad? You guys are like angels. The way you are is so cool,’” Bera told Wired.

Bera started his mucis career after meeting producer Rob Fusari, who had previously worked with artists such as Lady Gaga and Destiny’s Child. Fusari helped Bera a lot, including teaching him how to hide his “post-soviet” accent while singing by stretching “awkward-sounding vowels into calculated melodies.”

“Bera is incredibly unique,” Fusari said. “He brings a magical energy. It’s kind of like being around a unicorn.”

The brothers are extremely close and often share photos of themselves together.

In 2018, after dating for a couple of months, Bera got engaged and later married his girlfriend Nanuka Gudadvadza, as reported by Georgia Today. In 2019, they welcomed son Beruka.


Bera and Tsotne Ivanishvili are the perfect example that being different can be a good thing.

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One of the biggest secrets kept from humanity: The pineal gland


The advancements in medicine are moving at a rapid pace, yet, there are still plenty of things doctors and researchers are unable to discover about human’s brain. For example, just recently, world-renowned cartographer of the brain, Scientia Professor George Paxinos AO, from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) discovered a previously unknown hidden part of the brain found close to brain-spinal cord junction. Besides neurons, our brains contain a number of blood vessels and a third class of brain cells known collectively as glia — many of which are even more poorly understood than neurons. Scientists do all in their power to break these numbers down, which would eventually lead to a better comprehension of how the brain functions and how information is processed.

One part of our brain known as pineal gland, a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain, is still surrounded by mystery regarding its full potential. This pineal glad is also known as “third eye” because of its primary function of ‘letting in light and darkness.’

It is in charge of the production of serotonin derivative melatonin that has to deal with our hormones that affect the modulation of sleep/wake patterns, including our seasonal functions. The pineal gland is placed near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres.

Many believe that this tiny part of our brain is the portal between the physical and the spiritual world. French philosopher René Descartes regarded the pineal gland as the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.

If activated, the gland could allow us to travel to other dimensions, or better known as astral projection.

However, the main reason why we can’t use the full potential of the pineal gland, according to researchers, is because its function is lowered due to its absorbtion of most of the sodium fluoride that enters our bodies. The water supply in the US contains 90% of fluoride and other various components.

For more on this incredible part of our brain go to the video below to listen to what Rick Strassman, M. D has to say.

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The fateful call that changed Roseanne Barr’s life forever


Roseanne Barr’s ability to make people laugh made her the second highest-paid female actress in the industry during the last two seasons of the hit show Roseanne.

Born to a family of Jews with Russian roots who found themselves living in a strict Mormon society in Salt Lake City forced the family to pretend they were Mormons themselves. Speaking of her childhood, the actress told The Guardian in 2008: ”Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning I was a Jew; Sunday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon we were Mormons,” and added: ”You weren’t supposed to think there. First of all it was frowned upon to be a girl, and second of all to be a fat, dark-haired girl who had no waist, and third to be a loudmouthed, short, fat, dark girl.”

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

She started her career as a comedian after she left home and went to Colorado where she worked a number of poorly paid jobs. Eventually, she ended up working as a cocktail waitress. She practiced her comedy with the customers who advised her to try herself as a comedian.

”My customers encouraged me to go down to this comedy club. I didn’t know it was there. So I went down there and watched everybody,” Barr told Hawaii Tribune-Herald. 

During a performance at the famous Comedy Store in Los Angeles, Barr attracted the attention of comedy producer George Schlatter which led to gigs on The Tonight Show in 1985, and Late Night with David Letterman in 1986.

That was a start of a very successful career. Barr was soon dubbed ”Domestic Goddess” and her working-class edge humor made her a famous name in the showbiz.

Ron Galella / Getty Images

Barr revealed that she found inspiration for her comedy from her personal life. ”It’s all personal experience. I’m not an actress. I’m not Meryl Streep. I don’t go up there and invent all this stuff. It has to come from what you really feel and believe, or else it’s not real. And if it’s not real, people don’t think it’s funny,” she told Forth-Worth Star-Telegram. 

During the late 80’s, Barr became a household name and a mega star with the show Roseanne, which aired from 1988 to 1997.

The first episode was watched by 21 million households, a staggering number indeed.

The cast of Roseanne, (l-r) Laurie Metcalf, Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, Sara Gilbert and Lecy Goranson, pose backstage after winning the 1989 People’s Choice Award for best TV Comedy in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)

Barr often got into argument with the producers, especially because all the credits for the show were given to writer Matt Williams. This made Barr angry and she demanded him to be replaced by other writers, which eventually happened.

Besides enormous popularity, the show brought Barr a number of awards, including an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

Over the years, she had gone through some tough times, including a brain injury at the age of 16 which affected her health a great deal at the time.

Later, in the midst of her popularity, an incident almost ruined her career and her popularity. During a nationally aired baseball game, Barr performed the American anthem, ”The Star-Spangled Banner,” when she grabbed her groin and spat in the middle of singing. This made people furious. They though she was disrespectful and even then-President George H. W. Bush called it “disgraceful.”

”I’m not going to apologize for doing it, because I feel like it was the wrong choice for all of us to make. But not anybody anticipated (the reaction) would be this negative . . . You can all take this as fun or you can act like this is the worst thing committed by an American. I went down there with the best intentions. We thought it would be a fun, positive thing . . . I’m sorry I didn’t sing so good. How much more can I say?” Barr responded.

Kypros/Getty Images

Barr was married three times and has 5 children. She first got pregnant at the age of 18. At the time, she was very poor and didn’t have a decent place to live. However, despite the situation, she was determined to give birth, and that’s exactly what happened. Sadly, as she didn’t have enough money to take care of her baby daughter, she put her up for adoption but promised to find her later in life. ”You remember this. I’ll see you when you are 18,” she whispered in her daughter’s ear.

In 1972, a year after giving birth to her first child, Barr met Bill Pentland. Two years later, the two tied the knot and welcomed three children together. However, as Barr’s career took off, her marriage started falling apart. She has always spoke of Bill dearly.

Getty Images

In 1990, Barr married fellow comedian Tom Arnold. Their relationship was quite complicated, mainly because of his alcoholism and drug addiction, something he eventually managed to overcome. It was during this marriage that Roseanne found consolation in plastic surgeries. ”I think that’s why I had all that surgery. Every time I had a break I would have surgery. I think just to get away from him [Arnold] and then when I came back there’d be nurses in the house and I wouldn’t be alone with him,” Barr told The Guardian.

She also struggled with her weight and was on strict diets numerous times. One time, she was able to lose 350 pounds. Then, in 1998, she had undergone gastric bypass surgery. “I had my entire digestive system removed, so I should look thinner,” she joked in 2007.

American actress and comedia Roseanne Barr with her husband, actor Tom Arnold, circa 1990. (Photo by Kypros/Getty Images)

Around the time her second marriage ended, Barr got the most important call in her life.

“A tabloid called to tell me, ‘We found your daughter.’ I was stunned.

“They had gotten hold of the birth certificate of the baby girl I bore out of wedlock and gave up for adoption after nine days in Denver when I was 18. I was so pissed off. I had left information allowing her to find me when she turned 21. I had even told my own kids about the adoption a year earlier because I knew she was 17 and might try to find me,” the actress told People.

Around a month after that fateful call, Barr and her daughter reunited at the Westwood Marquis Hotel.

James Devaney/GC Images)

In 1995, Barr married her third husband, Ben Thomas, with whom she has son Buck. The marriage ended in 2002.

Today, Barr lives with partner Johnny Argent. The two reside on her farm in Hawaii, known as the Hidden Hamakua Farm.

Barr has a net worth of $80 million.

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