Serious problems for Céline Dion – She can no longer walk and weighs only 85 pounds


Céline Dion‘s close family and friends reported that the singer is experiencing severe health issues which forced her to postpone her tour. According to a source cited by Here Magazine, she is no longer able to walk due to “severe and persistent muscle spasms” that have recently worsened.

“She can no longer get out of bed, nor move, nor walk. She suffers from pain in her legs and feet that paralyze her. She is very weak and has lost a lot of weight,” the source said. “It’s a disease that can require long convalescence. If things don’t improve, she could be away for several months or even a year. Because her symptoms are more worrying than expected.”

In a heartfelt Instagram post, the singer herself wrote: “My heart is broken by this situation. My team and I have been working on our new show for eight months and not being able to take the stage in November saddens me beyond words.”

Source: Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

The Canadian superstar’s tour, Courage, was a huge success in September 2019, but in January 2022, she canceled the remaining North American dates due to the persistent muscle spasm she has been experiencing for some time now. This time, she informed her fans that her progress with treating her condition is taking longer than expected. “The good news is that I am doing a little bit better…but it’s going very slow. And it’s very frustrating for me. You know I’m getting treatment from my doctors, taking medication, but I’m still experiencing some spasms, and it’s taking a lot longer for me to recover than I had hoped,” she said.

The Grammy Award winner ended her post by sending support to Ukraine and its people.

Source: Getty Images Entertainment /Marc Piasecki

After the health issues she experienced, Dion announced that her tour would begin in May 2022, but the shows have now been pushed back to February 2023. At the same time, she delayed her Las Vegas residency.

Ever since the passing of her husband, fans have been worried for Dion, who is way skinnier than a normal person should be. According to reports, the superstar only weighs around 85 pounds. In the past, she didn’t pay much attention to the negative comments and claimed she loved the way she looks. However, her appearance did concern many.

We truly hope Dion would be able to perform in the near future.

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Man keeps child from grabbing his phone on plane while mother complains – Wants to know if he’s wrong


Traveling by plane can be exhausting. Starting from the crowd at the airport, the long queues at the security checkup, to all those people rushing and running around, it isn’t always a nice experience. So, once we are on the plane we hope we get some time to rest. But that’s not always possible, especially when there are young children and babies on the flight who wouldn’t stop screaming, running, and yelling.

A Reddit user that goes by the name Poem170 shares an unpleasant experience and asks fellow users if he acted in the right manner when he tried to teach a misbehaving child and his mom a lesson.

Namely, this person booked a seat by the window as he was looking forward to enjoy the sight. However, once a woman and her child sat next to him, she asked him if he could switch seats with her son. Not wanting to do that, Poem170 said ‘no.’ The mom got nervous because his response triggered her son to throw a tantrum. The boy started screaming and crying, but the man didn’t feel like it was his fault. He tried not to react and kept his head cool the entire time.

The first incident happened, when the mom asked if I would trade seats so her child could look out. I declined and said I would rather sit in the seat I paid for…the man wrote.

Image Credits: PixabayImage for illustration purposes only

Later on, as he got bored from watching a series, Poem170 took his phone out and started playing a game. “A few hours later, I was playing a game on my phone and the child was very focused on it, but then as everyone here probably know you get tired of mobile games, so I turned it off.”

As he put his phone away, the child got angry. The mother then turned to Poem170 and demanded he continue playing the game on his phone because her son found it entertaining. The man said ‘no’ once again and the same situation as before repeated itself. The boy wouldn’t calm down no matter what.

He didn’t really feel like it was his job to entertain someone else’s child, but the mother insisted he was selfish and called him an a**hole as her son was trying to grab the man’s phone.

I just simply raised my hand so the child couldn’t reach, so I said in a louder tone, “please control your child” which made the mom grab the boy and freak out at me and her screaming at me that I shouldn’t be such an asshole and only think about me.

He now asks fellow Reddit users to tell him if he was right or he was indeed selfish as that boy’s mother claimed.

Most of the people who reacted to his post said he did just the right thing and that he didn’t need to feel bad about the whole thing.

“I always find it so weird that people ask to switch window seats, like you can literally choose where you sit on a plane when you book your ticket. Or is it an additional fee and I’m not remembering correctly? Either way it’s weird af and idk how you get the balls to ask a stranger to trade you. I could never,” user –u/QuizzicalBumblebee said.

What are your thoughts on this?

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‘Horrified’ parents abandon newborn in hospital but a woman steps in and asks ‘When can I take him?’


When Jono Lancaster was born, his parents made a decision not to take him home from the hospital. The syndrom he was diagnosed with, Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare disorder that affects the facial structure and hearing abilities, was the reason they weren’t able to love him. Having the syndrome meant plenty of hospital visits and probably surgeries, and they weren’t willing to go through such an experience.

Sadly, Jono was just a few days old when he was forever abandoned by those who were supposed to love him unconditionally.

In the days that followed, social services did all in their power to find a suitable family for him. Luckily, an angel in the form of a loving and caring woman named Jean crossed paths with Jono. The moment she laid eyes on him, she knew he belonged with her. “How could you not love a child?” she said after hearing his story. “When can I take him home?” was the next question she asked.

Jono first shared his life story with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Breakthrough Summit back in 2015 and gathered the attention of many.

I was born with a genetic condition that affects my facial features. I have no cheekbones, and so my eyes dip down,” he said. “I love my little ears, they don’t get cold at night. But I do need hearing aids. I’m one of the lucky ones. More severely affected individuals need help with feeding and breathing. I met some kids who’ve had more than 70 surgeries to correct problems that would make their lives easier.

Speaking of Jene, the woman who provided him with a loving home, Jono says:

Jean adopted me on May 18, 1990 – so I get two birthdays!” he said. “I used to tell other kids that my mom went to the hospital and she looked at all the babies and she chose me, whereas their parents had been stuck with them.”

Jean tried to get in touch with Jono’s birth parents multiple times, but each attempt ended with the same response from their side; they didn’t want to have anything with him, not even meet him.

Most of his life, Jono, who is now 36, experienced every form of bullying because of his looks.

When I became a teen, I began to think, why me? That snowballed into thinking about my birth parents. Parents are supposed to love you no matter what, even if you rob a bank. How would I ever have a family? Who will want me?” he said. “I started to hate my face. I became aggravated at not being able to change the way I looked. I avoided looking at my reflection, even in windows walking down the street. I was ashamed of the way I looked.”

But then something happened that helped him regain his self-confidence.

While he worked as a bartender, everyone stared at him and commented on the way he looked. But one day, a ‘skinhead’ customer who appeared fierce and had ‘muscles on top of muscles‘ entered the place. No one wanted to serve him, but then Jono stepped in. “Before you get my drink, I have a question. What’s up with your face?” the man said.

I was born with Treacher Collins syndrome.” The man responded with “all right.” Then Jono added, “I’m deaf,” and showed him his hearing aids. “Do they come with an off switch?” the man asked. “Damn, you’re lucky. I have a wife and all she does is talk 24/7, and to be able to switch her yakking off…” 

For the first time in a while, someone laughed with Jono instead at him. That reminded him that he needed to “focus on the good.

Today, he has a partner and works as a motivational speaker. Jono makes sure he spends time with young children who have the same syndrome as him and helps them accept themselves the way they are.

So what’s changed?” he said. “People are still the same. My parents still want nothing to do with me. What’s changed is my attitude, and that’s so powerful. Instead of allowing negative energy to bring me down, I believe in myself. I wouldn’t change any of it. My attitude was more disabling than anything. With the right attitude, you can achieve anything.”

We are so glad this man learned how to love himself for who he is.

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Heartbroken dog is scared when he’s led out of kennel – But then he seems where he’s going


Very often, we speak of the profound impact adoption has on the life of the animals whose neglectful owners leave at shelters. However, our words are pale in comparison to witnessing first hand the joy these creatures feel the moment they get adopted.

Going from a tiny kennel to a comfy home surrounded by people who care is priceless. Luckily, those animals who are adopted are given the chance to experience this sort of unbridled happiness. 

When Maveric, a gorgeous German Shepherd, was left behind by his family, he ended up at the Cаrsоn Animаl Shеltеr in Gаrdеn, Cаlifоrniа. The poor soul was so confused that he never looked a single person in the eye. Instead, he spent his days staring at the floor of his kennel. Devastated and heartbroken, Maveric couldn’t realize what was going on. From having a loving home, he was now surrounded by people whom he had never seen before.

One day, a family visited the shelter. Upon hearing Maveric’s story, they decided to give him a home again.

However, when the time came for him to leave the shelter, this sweet dog was trembling with fear. He was uncertain where he was going. He probably thought he was in trouble and was untrustworthy.

However, as he received many pets on the head and a new leash, he somehow knew he was wrong.

Once at the parking lot, he realized those people were there to rescue him and give him a new life. In the moments that followed, Maveric sat at the back seat of the truck. All of a sudden, his fear faded away. He felt safe once again.

Maverick never knew what future held for him until finally the day of his adoption came. 

To see his reaction go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends.

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5-year-old terminally ill boy says, ‘Mummy, I’m so sorry for this,’ hours before dying in her embrace


Losing a child is something no parent should ever experience. Unfortunately, many moms and dads out there are forced to live with the pain and the grief of not having their child around any longer.

One mother named Amber Scholfield, who lost her five-year-old boy Charlie Proctor to cancer, documented her son’s journey in an attempt to raise enough money in order to save his precious life. Heartbreakingly, she failed to do so, and her little one left this world after a long and difficult battle with liver cancer.

Charlie was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, a rare and aggressive liver tumor that develops in only 10 to 15 children every year in the United Kingdom. Because it’s pretty rare, not much research has been done on how to treat it the best. As a result, the chances of survival are low. However, with the advance of medicine, the statistic improve.

Source: GoFundMe

The transplant Charlie was about to undergo cost roughly £855,580. His mom and dad were only able to raise half of that amount.

In an effort to raise the money, mom Amber documented Charlie’s journey on Facebook. The page, Charlie’s Chapter, gathered around 40K followers. That, along with the GoFundMe page the family set up, helped raise over £359,000.

In her final post about her boy’s fight with the evil disease, the heartbroken mother wrote:

“This will be the last photo I post of Charlie. As the days go by he deteriorates more and more. He no longer looks like Charlie. He’s so thin, I can see and feel every bone in his tiny body, his sunken face, his rolling eyes. Where has my chunky baby gone. Chunky from birth! He weighed 9’11lb! He’s was the cuddliest baby ever! He’s our chunk. I want everyone to remember Charlie for who he is. I want them to remember how he looked, how cheeky he was, how hilarious, how grumpy he was because right now Charlie isn’t any of those. He’s sad, he’s tired, he’s fed up and depressed. “I don’t know what to do anymore” are his main words.. today, he’s been very agitated, wanting to lay down, sit up, lay in bed, then on the beanbag, then on the sofa, then back upstairs and so on… charlie, at one point, turned to me and said in the most quiet, panting voice, ”Mummy, I’m so sorry for this” he was sorry because he wanted to move again and he felt he had to apologise for that? So now I know he also feels like he’s some what “in the way”. My heart broke! No child should feel the emotions Charlie is feeling. No Child! No parent should watch their child slowly go. Having to watch them deteriorate in this way is the most painful thing anyone will ever feel. If Charlie’s fate is to go, then I’d of rather the angels took him weeks ago before he suffered anymore. His AFP is that high now that the machine can no longer read them. His liver function are the same apart from his Bilirubin, which has doubled causing Charlie’s skin colour to be yellow. After this, with every update, I will share photos of Charlie in his better days.

How can I miss him so much when he’s led beside me? But I do. I miss him. I miss just having a chat, a cuddle that doesn’t cause pain. I miss squeezing him and kissing him all over. I miss his smile, knowing I won’t see that smile again other than in pictures, I will never hear charlie laugh again 💔💔 please pray for a miracle 🙏🏻💫❤️ hold your babies tight and cuddle and kiss them so much. You don’t realise how lucky you are. We all take life for granted. 💔

Unfortunately, Charlie’s body couldn’t fight any longer. He died in his mother’s embrace.

“Last night at 23:14 my best friend, my world, Charlie, took his final breath.

‘He fell asleep peacefully cuddled in my arms with daddy’s arms wrapped around us. Our hearts are aching. The world has lost an incredible little boy.

Charlie, you gave me chance to be a mum. You have been, not only our biggest inspiration but you have been an inspiration to thousands of people all over the world.

‘You showed me what love really means Charlie. Now it’s time to fly, I am so, so proud of you.

‘You fought this so hard. My baby, I’m hurting so much. I will forever miss you baby bum. Sweet dreams my baby.”

Charlie’s legacy is still alive through the Facebook page his loving mother dedicated to his life and fight.

Rest in peace, little one, you will never be forgotten.

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Simon does his usual roll of the eyes hearing the little girl saying she’s the next Celine Dion


America’s Got Talent is the place to shine. Taking that stage may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to let your talent unfold before the eyes of the judges and the millions of people who are waiting in anticipation for each episode of the show to air. 

This time, a very cute little person stole the audiences’ hearts. Celine Tam is a 9-year-old girl who possesses a very powerful voice. Her lovely smile and sweet outfit along with her incredible talent made the crowd erupt in enthusiastic cheering and applause as she let her voice loose choosing to perform Celine Dion’s famous song “My Heart Will Go On.


This girl’s talent was first discovered by her parents. One day, while traveling by car, Celine Dion’s song came on the radio and little Celine started singing along. It was a very special experience as mom and dad became aware that music will be important part of their daughter’s life.

The most interesting part of this whole story is that Celine Dion is this family’s favorite singer. They not only love her as one would love a celebrity, but their affection goes to the extent that little Celine was actually named after the famous singer and now she’s even following into her namesake’s footsteps. As for their youngest daughter, she got the name Dionne. 


Little Celine’s parents did their best to provide their daughter with every resource she needed to truly thrive. Seeing her performing in front of the AGT judges they know all their effort paid off. 

So young and yet possessing so mature vocal abilities, Celine Tam knows what she wants from her life. Having her supportive parents by her side, she is determined to pursue a career in music and secure her spot under the sky full of stars. This sweet little lady will shine brightest if she continues nurturing her talent in the years to come. 

GIF via YouTube

Take a look at her performance in the video below. 

Please SHARE this beautiful video with your family and friends on Facebook. You are going to make their day!

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Man with dwarfism wears a hidden camera to show how awfully people treat him


Being different, in one way or another, should be something to embrace, because it is the differences that make this world a beautifully diverse place. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. It is in the human’s nature to treat differences in manners that cause pain and bad feelings. Instead of acceptance, people who suffer from different conditions and somehow don’t fit in what many consider ‘normal,’ are offered rejection. This is something that needs to change, but it would probably take a lot more years for that to happen.

This is the story of a 22-year-old New Yorker named Jonathan Novick who has dwarfism. He was diagnosed with the condition when he was still very young. Achondroplasia, what Jonathan has, is a genetic condition affecting a protein in the body called the fibroblast growth factor receptor. In achondroplasia, this protein begins to function abnormally, slowing down the growth of bone in the cartilage of the growth plate, as described by Hopkins Medicine.

His life was a pretty normal one and most of the people he knew accepted him the way he is. Sadly, once he moved to New York everything changed.

All of a sudden, he experienced what it felt like to be constantly mocked and stared at. Perfect strangers called him names such as ‘midget,’ ‘short stuff,’ and a lot more.

In order to expose the harsh reality and the struggles of people like him, who are different than the rest, he decided to make a film titled “Don’t Look Down on Me” using a hidden camera. “I wanted to stop telling people what happened to me. I wanted to show people what happened to me,” he says.

Jonathan’s story is truly eye-opening.

To learn more of this young man’s life go to the video below.

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‘Ghost Boy’ wakes up from a coma after 12 years – Then he Reveals his spine-chilling secret


Being trapped inside your own body unable to move or communicate and without anyone, including yourself, realizing you are still there, might sound like the worst nightmare one could ever imagine. 

Sadly, such terrifying stories are some people’s reality.

Martin Pistorius, a 12-year-old boy from South Africa, was struck by a mysterious neurological illness. It didn’t take long before he lost the ability to move and communicate. He simply slipped into an inexplicable comatose state, or at least everyone thought so.

It seemed like he was completely unaware of his surrounding, but that was far from the truth. A few years after he became bed-bounded, he became aware of his condition, but there was nothing he could do as he couldn’t move or speak.

It wasn’t until years later that doctors discovered he was somewhere there, trapped inside his own body.

“My awareness was something that happened gradually, so it wasn’t like one moment I was asleep and the next moment I was awake,” he told All in the Mind. “As my awareness returned, it took me a while to fully comprehend that I was trapped inside my body,” Martin shared after he finally got his life back, although never to the fullest.

We can never imagine what it must feel like to experience something as frightening as what Martin went through.

Today, Martin is able to walk but he never regained back the ability to speak. Instead, his speech is facilitated through a computer-assisted communication.

He is married and runs his own business from his home in Essex, UK.

His life experience was put on paper as Martin wrote a book which turned into a bestseller, Ghost Boy: My escape from a life locked inside my own body, published by Simon & Schuster.

His interview for NBC News has been seen by over 10 million people. For more on his remarkable story go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook because it’s so worth sharing.

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