Boy gets into trouble for doodling during lesson time – hired by restaurant to create wall art


All those standardized tests students are forced to take limit their creativity, and a very talented boy named Joe Whale experienced that first hand.

Namely, Joe loves doodling and he’s extremely good at it. During lesson time when he wasn’t in the mood of listening to his teachers he would draw in his notebook and that put him in trouble numerous times. When his school teachers told Joe’s parents that he was obsessed with doodling, instead of telling him off, his mom and dad decided to help him become even better at what he loved doing so they sent him to an after-school art class.

Joe was given the chance to nurture his talent and promised to pay more attention during lesson time at school now that he found a place where he could express himself.

His art teacher, Kerry, was impressed with Joe’s incredible work. “I asked his parents for some of his work to assess his level and could not believe what I was looking at, we moved him into an older class straight away,” she told Metro Newspaper.

“His work is very exact and immaculate, it’s very balanced, he goes straight to ink and creates perfect work straight from the start, no practicing beforehand.”

Kerry decided to share photos of Joe’s work on Instagram and then something incredible happened. The owner of the local restaurant ‘Number 4’ contacted Kerry and asked if Joe wanted to decorate the restaurant dining room with his drawings.

Kerry called Joe’s parents and they were more than happy to accept the offer.

“Joe is a really talented little boy, he’s excelling at school, he’s a great footballer and cricketer, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about,” his proud dad told Metro.

“He was in school getting frustrated at the little amount of art he could do so he used to doodle on the table’s whiteboard in class and get into trouble for doodling.

“We’re so proud of everything he’s achieving, the fact that a completely independent business has asked our nine-year old son to do a professional piece of work for them is incredible.”

For more on this lovely story and a closer look at this boy’s art go to the video below.

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Girl began placing strange objects on her father’s head – then suddenly…


Love is the moving power that makes this world go round, and out of all forms of love, that between a father and a daughter is one of the purest and strongest.

The following situation depicts this love the best.

A dad was fishing together with his young daughter, but the girl wasn’t that interested in the fish. However, that didn’t prevent her from finding another form of fun, and that’s placing strange looking things on her dad’s head. Many said they believe what she put on his hair was a bunch of burdrock, a sticky plant that children delight in.

In a matter of minutes, the dad’s entire head was covered in burdrock burs.

It seems like he didn’t get mad at all as soon as it made his girl happy and laughing.

Father-daughter love truly is unmatched.

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Masked teen attempting to rob a 67-year-old man pays the ultimate price


Tyler Williams, a young man of West Philadelphia, lost his life after an elderly man he tried to rob fought back.

Namely, when Tyler spotted the 67-year-old man, he approached him in an attempt to steal his money. In order to frighten the elderly man, Tyler pulled out a pallet gun and pointed it towards his victim. The man, however, was able to deflect the toy gun from his face and pulled out his .38 caliber handgun, killing young Tyler at the scene.

Afterwards, the man called the police, but they just pronounced Tyler dead.

The man had no idea that Tyler’s gun was a toy. He was scared for his life and killed the young man in self-defense which is why no charges were made against the elderly man.

Although pellet guns aren’t lethal towards humans, they can be if shot from a close range.

We are so very sorry for the loss of such a young man.

Tyler, who was 18 years old, had no prior criminal history.

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Trolls sent her hateful messages after she revealed her pregnancy – then she shares what she went through


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

The truth is that this is easier said than done, but a woman named Jessica Quinn learned how to make lemonade with the lemons life gave her and she’s now living her life to the fullest besides the ordeal she was forced to go through as a child and all the stares and hurtful comment she has received over the years.

When she was just eight years old, this now 30-year-old mom-to-be was a very energetic and athletic child. But that was until she tried to show off her skills and stood on a soccer ball after which she fall down and broke her femur.

“I was outside playing with my sister, and I decided to stand on a soccer ball just trying to balance and show off a little bit, but I fell off and snapped my femur bone.” She continued, “I got rushed into hospital and they did surgery and tried to heal the break. They spent about three or four months trying to heal the bone, like they normally would, without realizing why it had broken in the first place.”

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Following a surgery and a number of other treatments, the bone wouldn’t heal even after four months, leaving Jessica in excruciating pain. Puzzled, doctors ran additional tests and that’s when they discovered she had osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that often develops in the cells that form bones.

Jessica was immediately treated with intensive chemotherapy, side effects that included her weight dropping down to a dangerous 18 kilograms.

“It was just the only way to really get rid of everything and save my life.” Jessica continues, “But there were a few things at play. Because I’d broken my leg, it was complicated by the risk of the cancer being spread. They had also tried to fix the leg by putting rods up my femur bone, so having a bone replacement or anything like that was just not really an option. The goal was simply to save my life.”

Doctors presented the family with two options.

 One was “a full hip disarticulation,” that she describes as an amputation high in her hip socket.

“But that kind of gives you nothing to attach your prosthetic to, so you don’t have a knee joint, and I was a really active kid, and I was only a kid, so I wanted to live as normal a life as possible.”

The second option was a groundbreaking surgery and the first of that kind to ever be performed in New Zealand.

It was rotationplasty, a surgery that removes the middle part of a leg, that is then rotated 180 degrees and reattached to the thigh, allowing the ankle to serve as the knee joint and her calf as her thigh.

“I was the first person in New Zealand to successfully undergo this kind of amputation,” Jessica said.


Over time, Jessica learned how to live her life to the fullest and accepted herself the way she is. She regained her self-confidence and became inspiration to millions. Today, she’s an athlete, a model, and an influencer with almost one million TikTok followers.

“I wanted to tackle this cookie cutter mould of the perfect body portrayed in the media. My dream was to see people like myself with real bodies represented,” she shared with the New Zealand Herald.

In a popular video she shared, Jessica answered the question, “Do you hide your insecurities?” “8-year-old me: hide your prosthetic leg so no one stares. 29-year-old me: no!” she captioned the video showing her puling down her shorts to hide her prosthetic at first and then proudly posing and showing it to the world to see.

This proud woman even took part in Dancing With the Stars and raised $55,000 for New Zealand’s Child Cancer Foundation.

“Walking is hard for me, let alone dancing. That was the furthest I’ve ever pushed myself outside my comfort zone.” She continued, “Seeing the effect my message has had on all these kids who ask me to have photos with them is an awesome feeling.”

Recently, she posted about her life and everything she has gone through. Her post was seen by over 1 million people. “21 years ago today I was wheeled into a 14 hour amputation that would hopefully save my life. After a lengthy cancer battle my unique surgery (see my other videos) was done as a last option to survive. I wish I could go back and tell younger me the life I’d go on to live, what a 21 years it has been. Here’s to many more,” she wrote.

However, no matter how much she inspires many, there are also those who post negative comments.

Posting a video of her pregnant belly, she addressed the mean commenters who wrote  “I would like to see which man was this level of brave plz” and “who the hell pregnanted her.”

Jessica responded, “I HONESTLY do not get down about comments like this. I truly am proud of the body I live in. I know everything I went through to get to this point and it’s all an incredible miracle in my eyes.” She continued, “I also love the community I have built, it’s only when my videos go viral and are shared with people who haven’t followed my story that these comments appear and that just shows we can’t judge a book by [its] cover.”

Her supporters showed they were by her side and wrote heartfelt messages. I always think how lonely, sad and unfulfilled these faceless internet trolls are to write such things,” and “The fact these comments don’t phase you Jess make you even more of an inspiration to me.”

We wish Jessica never loses her positive attitude.

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Emergency services rush to help Brigitte Bardot after a call informing that her health had taken a turn


The name Brigitte Bardot is and will always be related to ultimate beauty. Being 88 years old, Bardot is still considered an icon.

From the moment she first appeared on the cover of Elle Magazine as a 15-year-old model, Bardot stole the hearts of millions and was quickly dubbed a sex symbol in her native France. It didn’t take long before she reached for the stars and found her place in Hollywood.

Bardot appeared on screen for the first time as Javotte Lemoine in Crazy for Love in 1952 and made her first American production in Act of Love with Kirk Douglas in 1953. But it wasn’t until she landed a role in the 1956 film And God Created Women that she created her famous ‘sex kitten’ persona. The film was considered controversial in America, but it helped Bardot redefine the image of the modern woman.

“I’m a girl from a good family who was very well brought up. One day I turned my back on it all and became a bohemian,” she once said.


Bardot retired from acting at the age of 39, while still being a major star. This decision confused many, but she had her reasons.

“The majority of great actresses met tragic ends. When I said goodbye to this job, to this life of opulence and glitter, images and adoration, the quest to be desired, I was saving my life,” Bardot told The Guardian.

“In the beginning, I enjoyed having people talking about me, but very quickly, it suffocated and destroyed me. Throughout my 20 years starring in movies, each time filming began, I would break out with herpes.”

Sadly, the former model and actress experienced health issues recently. Her husband, Bernard d’Ormale, spoke to the media and confirmed the health scare Bardot suffered.

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“It was around 9 a.m. when Brigitte had trouble breathing,” d’Ormale said. “It was harder than usual but she didn’t lose consciousness. Let’s call it a moment of respiratory distraction.”

He explained, “The firefighters arrived, gave her oxygen to breathe and stayed for a moment to watch her.” 

The reason why Bardot felt unwell was the heat. “Like all people of a certain age, she can no longer bear the heat,” her husband said. “It happens at 88, she must not make unnecessary efforts,” he continued. “Her pulse is fine, her heart too and her blood pressure is good, but things remain fragile.”

He added that the air-conditioning in their home isn’t strong enough.

We truly hope Brigitte won’t be experiencing any health struggles in the future.

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Kate Middleton shares naughty moment with William in public – expert says it’s a good sign


On Wednesday, July 5, the King and Queen of Britain were symbolically crowned for the second time in Scotland.

The ceremony took place at St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh and the king was presented with the Honors of Scotland – the crown, scepter, and the sword of state – which he received during the service. This ceremony is often referred to as to “a second coronation” and is not an official coronation in its own right but a symbolic event.

King Charles was presented with the legendary Crown of Scotland, which is one of Europe’s oldest surviving crowns and the oldest in Britain, having been made by Scotland’s royal goldsmith, John Mosman, in 1540. This crown was made for James V, who wore it at the coronation of Queen Mary of Guise in 1540, but was first used for an actual coronation when Mary Queen of Scots was crowned.

“By the symbol of this crown, we pledge our loyalty, entrusting you to reign as our king in the service of all your people,” Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon and Scotland’s most senior peer, said as he presented Charles with the crown on a cushion.

Andrew Milligan – Pool/Getty Images

As expected, the Prince and Princess of Wales were in attendance and Kate Middleton was highly praised for the choice of outfit. She wore stunning electric blue woollen ensemble by Catherine Walker & Co, but most of all, the praise was because she re-wore the item, which many believe should become a trend other royals as well as celebrities should follow.

Kate first wore the item at the annual Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey last year, but as reported by Newsweek, she and her stylists had updated the piece by “accessorizing the look with a beret style asymmetrical hat, featuring a sculpted element echoing a feather.”

Samir Hussein/WireImage

Miranda Holder, celebrity stylist and royal fashion expert, told Newsweek that “Kate stunned in patriotic Scottish blue at the Coronation today, but while the vivid color of her Catherine Walker ensemble made her stand out from the crowd, it was actually an understated choice, being a repeat item she had worn before.” Holder added that the coat-dress was fitting considering Kate MIddleton and Prince William’s consciousness towards the environment.

“Kate is conscious of sustainability in fashion, and is of course a keen advocate of her husband’s Earthshot cause,” she said, “as well as striking a careful balance between looking elegant and ‘royal’ whilst not being too ostentatious or ‘showy’ in today’s economically-challenged climate.”

When Kate and William, who are known as the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay in Scotland, traveled back to Charles’ official Scottish residence in the procession, Kate was seen doing a ‘naughty’ gesture; a little bum pat.


“The King and Queen are more like a ventriloquist act, both muttering asides to the other in a way that doesn’t look like real conversation, but the ability to mutter may feel comforting for them both at events like this,” body language expert Judi James told the Mirror about the difference between how William and Kate communicate with each other and how Charles and Camilla communicate.

“Kate even did her now signature bum-pat gesture, and the couple tend to use eye contact and exchange smiles as they speak,” James added.

Kate Middleton has been seen doing her bum-pat gesture before, to be more precise on the red carpet for the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) when she and William shared another cheeky moment when she patted his royal bottom.

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Simon Cowell’s unusual behavior on AGT: Why is the judge not speaking throughout Season 18?


Except for being one of the most influential people in the world of music, Simon Cowell is also one of the strictest judges on one of the most popular music shows, America’s Got Talent.

Had it not been for this man and his reality shows involving discovering music talents, we would have probably never heard of One Direction or Kelly Clarkson.

Simon started his career as a music producer, consultant, and scout during the 80’s, but came to public prominence in 2001 as a judge on Pop Idol. The show was a huge success, so Simon went a step further and created The X Factor and Got Talent franchises which are extremely popular in a huge number of countries throughout the world.

What is typical about Simon is that he always speaks his mind and is harsh with the contestants. He’s direct and many believe he’s even heartless, but he’s just doing his job. This is the reason why fans got really concerned for him recently. Namely, Simon didn’t seem to be his old self because he stood almost completely silent during the tryouts of season 18 of AGT.

The reason for this wasn’t lack of interest but rather a health issues the judge experienced.

Speaking with the USA Today, he explained, “I think what happened was that the acid from my stomach literally burned my vocal cords. So, this doctor came over and put a camera up my nose and down my throat, and I could see how badly burned they were.

“There was so much I wanted to say about auditions that I literally couldn’t talk,” he continued. “We attempted to write things. At one point, I utilized an iPad tablet to store things I’d previously spoken about. I attempted to utilize Sofa to interpret for me, and she purposefully stated the incorrect stuff. So it was just mayhem.”

However, being unable to speak opened a new perspective for Simon. “I had to sit there and not say anything for about seven days, so all I could do was listen to the other judges,” he said. “And it was very interesting because they’ve all gained enough confidence to have their preferences now. As a result, we probably disagreed more this year, but in a good manner. Because of the range of acts, you can’t be an expert on everything when judging this show.”

Sadly, this isn’t the first time that Simon goes through an ordeal when it comes to his health. In the past, he suffered two accidents. First, he fell off the stairs and then he injured his back severely following an electric scooter accident.

Following the scare which left him injured and forced him to undergo back surgery, the musician and producer tried to warn others of the dangers of electric bikes. “The one I had was basically a motorcycle with an electric engine when you have to wear a proper crash helmet, leathers. This thing was nuts,” he said. “I didn’t know how powerful it was before I got on it. And I fly 6-8 feet in the air and landed on my spine.”

This, however, doesn’t prevent him from using an electric bike again. “I’m still going to stay on my bike, I’m obsessed with these things,” he stated, much to his co-stars’ delight.

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Miranda Lambert calls out fans during concert – and people are not impressed


Capturing precious moments on our phone lets us cherish them forever, but isn’t it better to just enjoy the moment and leave the technology aside, at least for a while? Well, singer Miranda Lambert obviously believes that her fans should fully enjoy her singing.

During a recent performance in Las Vegas where she currently has her residency, Miranda began performing her hit song Tin Man but she stopped after a few tunes in order to address some girls at the audience, which sparked mixed reactions.

Namely, a group of girls were taking selfies while sang and she expressed her frustration over their action. “I’m gonna stop right here for a second… These girls are worried about their selfie and not listening to the song. It’s p***ing me off a little bit,” she said as she pointed to the crowd.

Miranda Lambert (pictured on tour in 2019) was left unimpressed when her fans were too busy looking at their phones to pay attention to her concert. Credit / Kevin Mazur / Getty.

A number of attendees cheered the singer who went on to say,  “I don’t like it, at all. We’re here to hear some country music tonight; I’m singing some country damn music.” She then told the group to sit as she started the song all over again.

However, there were those who disagreed with Miranda and left the show as a sign of protest, and the opinions of the online community has been divided.

One of the fans filmed the incident and posted it online. As expected, comments came pouring in with some supporting Miranda and other saying she didn’t treat her fans the way she should have.

“I love Miranda, but what?” one person wrote.

Another used said, “I mean give the artists you paid tickets for your undivided attention… you don’t need to record everything. EMBRACE IT.”

Most of the comments criticized the country singer saying that since fans had paid for tickets, they should be allowed to capture moments and react to the performance they way they feel like reacting.

Yeah I would’ve left, f*** that,” one person wrote. “They paid to be there. If you don’t want pictures then don’t allow phones. That’s ridiculous.”

Another person suggested: “I’ve seen tons of people record their reactions to hearing their favorite song live… I feel like they were just excited, that’s so uncalled for.”

A further comment read: “And that’s when I’d have walked out.”

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