Who knew putting sugar in an onion could create the best remedy to knock out your seasonal cold & cough in just 3 days


In an attempt to fight the cold, various infections, and any discomfort, people sometimes avoid over-the-counter medicine and turn to natural ingredients that would help them ease the symptoms.

Using only two common kitchen ingredients can help maintain your overall well-being. In this article we will unveil the secret to the powerful mixture of onions and sugar and how this harmonious mixture can help vanquish a seasonal cough in mere days.

With the winter being just around the corner, sniffles, coughs, and sore throats became issues we face frequently. Thankfully, the elixir of onion infused with sugar can knock out the season cold in just three days.

This recipe, however, isn’t something new. On the contrary, people have used this mixture for centuries making it an ancient healing tradition.

This is the science behind this powerful remedy!

Using the Powers of Onions

The health benefits of onions are beyond impressive. Besides adding specific and very delicious flavor to most dishes, being versatile, and pretty cheap, onions have been used as a form of medicine as well. It is believed that athletes in ancient Greece used onions to purify their blood, while medieval and traditional doctors prescribed them to help treat various conditions, including headaches, heart disease, and mouth sores.

Onions have anti-inflammatory and expectorant attributes which help fight the cough. They provide relief of the irritated airways thanks to compounds like quercetin and allicin. Onions help in expelling mucus as well, which provides better breathing.

The Role of Sugar: A Synergistic Alliance

When combined with sugar, the effectiveness of onions against the fight of cough and throat soreness reach their full potential. Although this combination may seem odd, it’s definitely a win-win.

Sugar acts as a catalyst, thus enhances the natural healing properties of the onion.

How to Prepare It

All you need for this powerful remedy is a fresh, medium-sized onion and some granulated sugar.

Start my hollowing out a hole in the middle of the onion and then add a liberal amount of sugar inside of it. Next, let it settle and form a sweet, crystalline pool. This way, the sugar will help the onion release its juices.

The Three-Day Plan

For the best results, administer this remedy for three days straight. Consume a spoonful of the elixir three times a day along with a warm beverage like herbal tea or hot water with lemon.

It will only take three days for you to experience the benefits of this mixture that will enhance your breathing significantly and will help you with your sore throat.

In a world in which plenty of medicine is available, we should try and turn to the nature every once in a while in order to avoid any side effects most pills and painkillers come with.

It has been for centuries that people used different herbs, fruits, and vegetables to improve their health, and it is pretty awesome that some of those recipes have been handed down from generation to generation and that we still have them to prepare and use.

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Boil bananas before bed, drink the liquid and you will not believe what happens to your sleep


In order to be able to go through the day, one needs a good amount of sleep. However, issues with falling asleep are more frequent that we can imagine. The most common reasons which lead to sleep issues are anxiety, stress, overthinking, and worrying over stressful events. Further, the sleeping can be also affected because of certain medications.

When a person doesn’t get the recommended amount of sleep, they have difficulties performing the daily tasks and maintaining an active social life. The lack of sleep may also affect person’s long-term and short-term memory. People who sleep under seven hours react emotionally regarding everyday situations are more likely to be obese and even get diabetes.

Luckily, there are natural remedies that can help overcome these issues, and one of them is the banana tea.Yes, you heard that right.

This tea not only improves your sleeping, but it is very tasty at the same time.

In order to prepare it, you will need organic bananas because bananas that are not organic are treated with various pesticides and we encourage you to eat the boiled banana peels.

At the same time, the banana peels are rich in magnesium, which prevents sleep disruptions, and potassium, which aids muscle relaxation. What’s most, this tea only takes minutes to make.


  • 1 banana, organic
  • one tiny saucepan of water
  • a dash of cinnamon, if desired

All you need to do is cut the edges of the banana, then peel it off and boil it for around ten minutes. Pour the liquid into a mug while using a colander. You can use cinnamon if you feel like it. Drink this an hour before going to bed. You can also eat the boiled banana along with its peel.

This drink is a natural remedy which can easily help you avoid the medications which usually come with side effects such as:

  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • inability to concentrate and remember
  • abdominal pain
  • Weakness
  • shakes uncontrollably
  • Parasomnias

You can learn more about the natural ways of treating insomnia from the video below by Dr. Oz titled “Love it or leave it alone!”

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Homeless dog keeps sneaking into nursing home, and the end result is just precious!


One morning, the residents of a nursing home were stunned by the sight of a dog curled up on a couch.

It turned out that the sweet animal belonged to the local animal shelter, but somehow, it managed to leave the place and sneak into the nursing home.

Despite the numerous attempts to get it back to the shelter, the dog always found a way to return to the nursing home. Somehow, it was like it knew it belonged there.


The bond between the animal and the residents became strong over time, so the administrator of the facility, Marna Robertson, decided to take matters in her own hands and give it a permanent home.

The dog, who was named Scout, was officially adopted by the nursing home. The effect of Scout becoming part of the facility was immediate. The residents were happy to have him around and spent plenty of time petting him and spending time with him.

As playful as he has been, Scout changed the lives of those around him by providing them with affection and comfort.


What stunned many was Scout’s ability to sense when someone was nearing the end of their lives. In those cases, he would snuggle up next to them and would sleep either on their bed or somewhere near them.

The story of Scout has spread around and touched the hearts of many. But he didn’t only change his life and those of the residents, but of the rest of the animals at the shelter as well.

The nurses at the facility organized a fundraiser in Scout’s honor and managed to raise hundreds of dollars for the animal shelter.


How Scout ended up at the animal shelter in the first place is still unknown. He could be a stray dog, or someone who used to have an owner. What is known, however, is that he finally found a home and purpose.

Scout’s story is a reminder that sometimes, we end just where we belong.

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Teens chip in to buy best gift for friend with special needs on his birthday


Having true friends in your life is a blessing.

25- year-old Ty Burningham of Davis County, Utah, is one lucky man. Why you may wonder. Well, it’s because he plenty of friends and is loved by everyone in the community.

The thing is that Ty has special needs, but that doesn’t prevent him from bringing joy whenever he goes.

Those who know him describe him as a chatty young man who is friendly to everyone he meets.


Among his friends are local teens Maddie Weger and Hunter Garrett, who have just graduated from Davis High School. Speaking of Ty, they say they enjoy his company and love spending time with him.

“He’s just so friendly to everyone,” Maddie told KSL. “Like my mom met him in Bowman’s once, and he came over and talked to her for like 30 minutes.”

“He’s got that personality where it’s like, you see him, you just can’t not smile, you know?” Hunter added. “He just lights up a room everywhere he is.”


In order to show him how special he is to them and to the community, the two young man, together with eight other friends, decided to surprise Ty for his birthday with a brand new electric scooter. He does drive his old scooter around, and it was just the time for a new one.

When he saw what they did for him, Ty said, “Aw, sweet!”

With a huge grin on his face, he couldn’t wait to try the scooter.


As of his friends, they said it was the least they could do for their special buddy.

“It’s not that big, but Ty, we just love him,” Raef Thomas, one of the teens, said.


This surprise was well deserved for everything Ty does for the people from the neighborhood every single day.

To learn more of this inspiring story and to see Ty’s reaction go to the video below.

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Donkey goes nuts when he gets a squeaky toy — The video will crack you up!


Most farm animals are friendly and playful in nature, and the donkey from the video below is not an exception.

Namely, this sweet animal loves playing with toys, and that includes bouncy balls, inflatable unicorns, and a lot more.

However, his all time favorite toys are the ones that produce squeaky sounds.

The owner of this donkey, Debbie Schluterman, never fails to amaze her followers with plenty of cute videos of her four-legged companion having fun around the yard.

This time, she posted a video on TikTok of her donkey receiving a rubber chicken and it’s safe to say that the animal’s reaction is beyond adorable.

Once it spots the toy, the donkey comes running and grabs it in its mouth making repeated squeaky sounds as it squeezes it over and over again. He then proceeds by throwing the toy and running to it to get it again.

“That’s a big puppy you have there,” one person wrote jokingly.

To see the excited donkey go to the video below.

It will definitely make your day.

@debbieschluterman Came home from a weekend in Pawhuska OK to a brand new squeaky chicken for Donkey! Thanks so much @GramB18! I do believe he loves it! We appreciate your generosity! #pets #donkey #happy #crazyanimals #petsoftiktok #animalsfunny #joy #pettricks #squeakytoy ♬ original sound – Inthemorningimmakingwaffles

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Weight loss and cleansing the colon with beetroot and lemon juice


The colon or large intestines acts as a storage and waste disposal in your body so it is of crucial importance for it to be kept clean and functioning. When the colon is affected in any way, it affects our overall health and well-being.

Now, if you wonder how to maintain a healthy colon, we will explore some natural ingredients and provide recipes for you.

Both beetroot and lemon juice are known for providing health benefits to people and the mixture of the two is so powerful that will help with a number of issues you have with your digestive system.

Beetroot is known as nature’s detoxifier mainly because of the anthocyanins, which are a nutrient powerhouse.

The lemon on the other hand is rich with vitamin C and is acidic by nature thus helps liver function and facilitates waste removal when consumed.

Before discussing the importance of consuming beetroot and lemon juice as colon cleansers, it’s important that we understand the the function of the colon in our body.

The colon is part of the digestive system and is responsible for eliminating waste and absorbing water and nutrients from food. When functioning properly, it keeps the bowels regular and your health in check.

Some of the most typical and most common bowel problems people experience are constipation, gas, and toxic accumulation.

Combining beetroot and lemon juice provide the following benefits:

1. All-Natural Colon Detoxification

As they work as diuretics, beetroot and lemon juice help the body get rid of excess water and waste. If consumed regularly, they help avoid any problems related to the digestive system.

2. High Fiber Content

Both ingredients are rich in fiber, which helps maintain regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. Beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract benefit from fiber as well.

3. Losing Weight While Detoxifying

By helping remove toxins, the mixture of beetroot and lemon juice also improves the body’s capacity to metabolize fat and lose weight.

The recipe

To prepare this delicious and very efficient recipe you will need:

  • Two beets, around medium in size, will do.
  • Two lemons
  • Honey (may be added for sweetness) + Water
  • Instructions:
  • Beets should be washed, peeled, and diced before use.
  • Get the lemon juice going.
  • Put the beetroot chunks, lemon juice, and water in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Combine and process until uniform.
  • Remove the pulp by straining the mixture.
  • To enhance the flavor, you can add honey.
  • Enjoy your delicious drink that will keep you healthy!

Some of the frequently asked questions regarding this mixture.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t drink this beet and lemon juice?

Although it’s perfectly safe to consume this drink, you can always check with your doctor if you experience any preexisting illnesses or sensitivities.

How often should I consume beetroot and lemon juice for optimal results?

For optimal results have a glass of this juice every day.

Can I make a batch of beetroot and lemon juice and save it?

For the best results, it’s advised to have this drink freshly prepared. If you are not able to do so, prepare it in advance and keep it in the fridge for 24 hours at most.

Do beetroots with lemon juice have any negative effects?

If you feel a little off when consuming this drink, try taking smaller doses at the beginning.

Can I use this juice as a meal replacement for weight loss?

This drink does help lose weight and is rich in vitamins and fiber but it shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for a well-balanced diet.

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Vicks VapoRub: The multipurpose remedy you need


Vicks VapoRub is a topical cough suppressant designed to clear the sinuses and alleviate the symptoms of the common cold. This remedy has been available for people to buy for a lot of years and it’s safe to say that it stood the test of time.

But why is this blue goo people’s top choice? For one, because it’s super efficient for the main purpose it serves, and second, because of its versatile usage for treating plenty of other things.

Vicks VapoRub is an incredible all-in-one remedy with plenty of benefits and every household needs to have it.

Say Goodbye to Insects

This product is an excellent insect repellent so if you run out of one feel free to use Vicks VapoRub instead. Its distinctive and powerful scent will keep all the bugs and mosquitoes away, offering enjoyable time outdoors without worrying that you will get bitten. You can also swab a bit on your arms, legs, neck, and other exposed body areas.

Soothe Your Headaches

If you experience headaches, instead of reaching for over-the-counter painkillers use Vicks VapoRub by simply rubbing some on your forehead. This product, thanks to the menthol, which is among the main ingredients of Vicks VapoRub, will provide quick relief.

Pamper Your Feet

Among the rest, Vicks VapoRub helps with various foot conditions, including a professional athlete’s foot. 

Simply apply a decent amount of it on your feet, massage them, and then put on some cozy socks. The antimicrobial ingredients of Vicks, in addition to oil jelly, helps secure wetness while killing microorganisms. In the morning, just rinse your feet and give them a little scrub and you will immediately feel the benefits. Your feet will be soft and smooth.

Keep Your Pets at Bay

Just like with insects, the pungent odor of Vicks repels cats and dogs, so in case you have troubles with your pet marking indoors apply a bit of the cream to the typical spots your pets tend to mark and they will stop doing it. This will help you preserve an odor-free environment.

Minimize Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are something many people, especially women, have troubles with. These marks appear when a person gains or loses too much weight withing a short period of time. Sadly, having them on the body can lead to feeling insecure about your appearance. Applying Vicks on the affected areas regularly by gently massaging can lessen their appearance over time.

Combat Toenail Fungus

According to the Journal of The American Board of Family Medicine, JABFM, treating toenail fungus with mentholated ointments does wonders. Applying a thin layer of Vicks directly on the affected nail. Further, the study reveals that there is an 83% success rate when using Vicks to treat the fungus.

Accelerate Bruise Healing

The mentol in Vicks aids to minimize the discomfort associated with the bruise by giving a cooling sensation. The lotion also reduces the swelling and helps the bruises fade away faster.

Relieve Earache Pain

In case you experience earache, you can ease the pain by applying Vicks inside your ear using cotton swab and keep it that way for a couple of hours. This, however, will relieve the discomfort but will not help permanently in case the pain is caused by an infection.

Relieve Muscular Discomfort

After an intensive workout, apply Vicks on the sore areas. It also helps with general muscular discomfort. Thanks to its all-natural components, Vicks VapoRub helps relax stressed muscles.

Trim Belly Fat

If you are trying to lose belly fat, Vicks can help you in the process. Before workout, apply a paste of half a jar of Vicks, a tablespoon of crushed camphor, one tablespoon of alcohol, one tablespoon of baking soda on your belly and wrap it in plastic. Do this three to four times a week and watch your belly slim down.

Besides the various benefits it offers, before applying Vicks VapoRub on your skin do a patch test area on a small area on your skin.

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Horror mistake leaves woman unable to close her eyes – read her warning…


A number of people would go great lengths to enhance their appearance and that is the reason why plastic surgeries are becoming a common practice everywhere in the world.

Sadly, these procedures aren’t always successful and leave permanent damage and deformation on the face. 

The story of former runner-up in miss Russia beauty contest, Yulia Tarasevich, is the perfect proof of plastic surgery going wrong.

When she decided to go under the knife, Yulia opted for the best clinic and got in touch with whom she believed was the best surgeon for the job. For the procedure she had undergone in the Russian city of Krasnodar, she paid $4,000, as reported by East2West News.

Unfortunately, the former beauty queen, 43, was botched.

Speaking to Channel 1, as quoted by the New York Post, Yulia said that the surgeon turned her “beautiful, healthy face” into somewhat of a nightmare.

“I came to them with a beautiful, healthy face. I just wanted to correct some nuances caused by aging,” Yulia, a mother of two, said. “But sadly, I lost my health.”


The procedures she had included facelift surgery, removing excess skin of the eyelids, known as a blepharoplasty, and a cheek fat reduction. Sadly, she was left “disfigured.”

What followed were a number of emergency follow-up surgeries during which doctors fought to save her eyes, which she couldn’t close at the time, from necrosis, which is the death of the cells in body tissues.

“I have scars that formed in my cheeks when they ripped out all my tissue,” she told Channel 1, the New York Post reported. “My eyes don’t close, and I can’t smile. I can’t lift my upper lip. One part of my face doesn’t work at all.”

“I went quietly to the operation, firstly, because all my tests were in order,” she added. “Secondly, because I had plastic surgery before this, I did rhinoplasty, and it went perfectly for me, without any genetic abnormalities.”


Yulia claimed the initial surgeries left her scleroderma, a rare genetic condition that causes skin hardening, and sued the two surgeons who performed the procedures, Dr. Andrey Komarov and Dr. Omar Khaled, of not doing their job right.

She, however, didn’t provide a prof that she suffered from the disease.

“I went quietly to the operation, firstly, because all my tests were in order. Secondly, because I had plastic surgery before this, I did rhinoplasty, and it went perfectly for me, without any genetic abnormalities,” the Russian beauty queen said.

“The surgeons made me the only one guilty for what has happened,” she added. “The doctors, who disfigured my face, relieved themselves of all responsibility. I decided to have my day in court.”


The follow-up procedures cost Yulia $27,000. Dr. Omar Khaled called it “exaggerated” but the Russian Investigative Committee began investigating the two doctors on the procedure.

“A forensic medical examination has been appointed to determine the severity of the harm to health, and other patients who could have suffered from poor-quality services in this clinic are also being identified,” spokeswoman Anna Pushkina said. “The investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.”

Yulia thanked her followers for their support.

“Hi, my friends. I would like to really thank each and every one of you who support me. Thanks to each an every one of you from the bottom of my heart,” she wrote.


Following detailed investigation, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Krasnodar Territory charged Dr. Andrey Komarov over the procedure which left Yulia severely harmed.

The office said he provided services that “did not meet the requirements of consumer health and safety.”

If found guilty, he could face up to 6 years in prison and would be required to pay $5,000.

The doctor is also facing a civil case as Yulia sued him for suffering from depression after the surgery. She was unable to close her eyelids or smile because her face was assymetrical.

We hope she will get the justice she deserves.

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