Before his death, Matthew Perry revealed the truth about Jennifer Aniston


Through his iconic role of Chandler Bing, late actor Matthew Perry brought joy to millions of people worldwide. Sadly, although he made many laugh, he wasn’t able to help himself in his years-long struggle with addiction.

In his memoir Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, which he released last year, Perry spoke openly about his fight with addiction. Among the rest, he also revealed certain truth about co-star Jennifer Aniston.

Perry was found unresponsive in the hot tub in his LA home at the weekend. The exact reason of his death is yet to be investigated.

Born in 1969 to a Canadian mother and American father, the actor made his film debut in the 1988 film A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, which also stars the late River Phoenix.

Other shows he appeared in are Growing PainsSydney with Valerie Bertinelli and Beverly Hills, 90210.

He had his breakthrough role as the sharp-tongued Chandler Bing in Friends. He played the role for ten years, from 1994 to 2004.

HOLLYWOOD – DECEMBER 6: Matthew Perry sighting on Sunset Blvd on December 5, 2007 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jean Baptiste Lacroix/WireImage)

Throughout his career, which spanned decades, Perry had starring roles in the 1997 romcom Fools Rush In with Salma Hayek, and in 2000 and 2004 he played alongside Bruce Willis in The Whole Nine Yards and its sequel, The Whole Ten Yards.

When he was cast in Friends, one of the most popular shows ever created, Perry rose to stardom. But at the same time, he started abusing alcohol.

“I could handle it, kind of. But by the time I was 34, I was really entrenched in a lot of trouble,” Perry confessed. “But there were years that I was sober during that time. Season 9 was the year that I was sober the whole way through. And guess which season I got nominated for best actor? I was like, ‘That should tell me something.’”


Back in 2018, he suffered a health scare when he was hospitalized for a gastrointestinal perforation and was in coma for two weeks and spent five months in the hospital.

“The doctors told my family that I had a two per cent chance to live,” Perry shared with People. “I was put on a thing called an ECMO machine, which does all the breathing for your heart and your lungs. And that’s called a Hail Mary. No one survives that.”

Perry confessed many times that the rest of the cast of Friends were aware of his addiction, and they were there for him because they were very close not only on-screen but in real life too.

Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock

They were very understanding and patient. “It’s like penguins. Penguins, in nature, when one is sick, or when one is very injured, the other penguins surround it and prop it up. They walk around it until that penguin can walk on its own. That’s kind of what the cast did for me,” Perry said.

However, it was Jennifer Aniston who stood by his side through thick and thin. She was the one who stayed in close contact with him during his ups and downs.

Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock

“She was the one that reached out the most,” he said in an October 2022 interview with Diane Sawyer. “You know, I’m really grateful to her for that.”

Aniston was at the same time the first one to confront him about his drinking problems.

“Jennifer, she says, ‘We know you’re drinking,’” Sawyer said, referring to a revelation made in Perry’s book.

“Yeah, imagine how scary a moment that was,” Perry responded.

NEW YORK, NY – 1995: American actress and producer, Jennifer Aniston and Canadian-American actor, comedian and producer, Matthew Perry of the television comedy, Friend’s, attend the 1995 NBC Fall Preview circa 1995 at the Lincoln Center in New York, New York. (Photo by Ron Davis/Getty Images)

Following Perry’s tragic passing, fans left flowers outside the Friends apartment facade in West Village, Manhattan.

The actor’s family released a statement and said they were “heartbroken by the loss.”

“Matthew brought so much joy to the world, both as an actor and a friend. You all meant so much to him and we appreciate the tremendous outpouring of love,” their statement said.

Fans, colleagues, producers, and other celebrities paid tribute to the late actor.

Rest in Peace, Matthew Perry.

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Everyone’s afraid of cancer but this kills more people than cancer yearly…


Even the thought of being diagnosed with cancer give people chills. However, what many aren’t aware of is that cancer isn’t number one reason for the number of deaths in the States and many other countries.

In fact, it is heart disease that has been the leading cause of death in the United States since 1950.

Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use.

Diagnosing heart issues isn’t always easy. Doctors may be able to see plaque or calcification of the arteries, but in most cases they cannot.

Coronary heart disease (CHD), the most common issue people face, is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits (atheroma) on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries).

The build-up of these atheroma makes the arteries narrower, restricting the flow of blood to the heart muscle. This process is called atherosclerosis.

Issues with the heart are many times caused by the consumption of certain foods, so this is the list of what you should avoid and what you should include in your diet.

Processed Sugar can raise blood pressure as well as create inflammation in the body which as a result makes the heart work harder. Sugar is best to be consumed in the form of fruits and natural carbohydrates. Avoid packaged and processed sugary foods or drinks whenever you can.

Processed Salt contains sodium, a mineral that plays a role in the healthy function of nerves and muscles and helps keep your body’s fluid levels in proper balance. However, too much sodium can cause fluid retention, which can increase blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke and heart failure.

Too much Calcium can trigger the body to store this mineral in a wrong way and unhealthy places. Unhealthy calcium storage appears in the form of bone spurs, arthritis, and worse, having calcium and plaque build up in your arteries. This can cause the heart to pump harder.

Lack of movement. Movement is critical for heart health and heart rate. To move continuously is an important thing. Walks are one of the best things you can do for heart health.

Low Nitric Oxide Levels – Healthy levels of nitric oxide support the micro-circulation in the body which helps blood flow better and for it to get to the difficult to reach places in the body. When the blood transports better the nutrients within the blood get to where they need to also.

Levels of nitric oxide can be elevated through foods such as leafy greens, pomegranate, cacao (chocolate), beets, garlic, citrus fruits and watermelon.

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Destined to always be doll size: A look at little Thumbelina girl’s Life in the present


Abigail Lee is a two-year-old girl who looks way younger, and the reason for that is that she suffers from a specific form of dwarfism.

When she was born, Abigail was diagnosed with Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II, which according to the National Library of Medicine is the most common form of microcephalic primordial dwarfism characterized by extreme short stature and microcephaly along with distinctive facial features.

Sadly, this condition is usually accompanied by other health issues, including abnormal dentition, a slender bone skeletal dysplasia with hip deformity and/or scoliosis, insulin resistance / diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, cardiac malformations, and global vascular disease. 

However, despite her condition, Abigail hasn’t been diagnosed with any of the conditions listed above. What’s most, she seems to be super healthy so far.

She weights only 9 pounds and her parents sometimes take her outside using a doll stroller, because that’s how big Abi is.

This beauty brings joy to her parents and family. She always smiles, and loves being around people.

We truly hope that she would do even better in the years to come and she would be able to do everything other kids her age do, like attending school and having fun with friends.

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A three-month-old baby humming ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star’ – You’ll feel good all day after watching this video


The moment they welcome them into the world, babies become their parents’ most precious jewels. And the love and devotion moms and dads give to their bundles of joy can’t be measured.

With every milestone they reach, babies get even cuter and cuter.

The baby from the video below is just 14 weeks old, which is way too early for it to start to speak as it takes most babies over a year to utter their first words, but it still sounds like it sings along one of the most famous nursery rhymes there are, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

One thing is certain, this cutie pie is a singer in the making judging from its innate musicality.

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What the noseless girl looks like nowadays


When baby Tessa from Ireland was born, she caught the attention of many. Namely, this sweet baby was born without a nose.

The anomaly was detected while Tessa’s mom was pregnant and the couple was advised to terminate the pregnancy, but neither her mom nor her dad wanted to do something like that. Since the baby was developing inside the womb, they believed there was a chance that she could have a normal life after she was born too.

Tessa’s parents were more than willing to take care of a special child.

Today, Tessa is four years old.

Over the course of the years, she has undergone plenty of surgeries that were meant to help her live a normal life, as much as that is possible.

Sadly, having no nose isn’t the only difficulty this girl faces. She’s also deaf, and recently, she went blind on one of her eyes as a result of a surgery she had undergone.

However, despite all these challenges, Tessa is a happy child. She loves her life and is happy to have such caring parents and siblings who love her endlessly.

Her mom hopes that over time, doctors would be able to ease her life even further.

Tessa, we wish you only the best life brings.

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Her husband took a photo of her in 1992 and told her “It’s the last night you’re going to live…”


We never know what happens behind closed doors. There are families that appear happy on the social media, but the hell some of the members are going through is unimaginable.

A woman named Judy Sharp, a victim of domestic violence, is sharing her life story which she wants to serve as a reminder that there is always a way out, you just need to fight hard and remember that you are not alone.

The moment Judy got married to her husband Mike, she knew her life would never be the same.

He was a very jealous man who wouldn’t let her step foot outside of the house. He was controlling and she was desperately unhappy. In order to be sure she wouldn’t leave the house even for a second, he would leave her penniless and would place tapes over the front and back door of the house that he would later check.

When Judy fell pregnant with the couple’s first child, she had hopes that her life would change for the better, but sadly, things only got worse and the abuse she suffered intensified even further.

Not only he insulted her as a woman, but he called her a bad mother.

One day, as she was sitting on the sofa with her two boys, Mike started insulting her. He then took the camera, took a photo of her and their sons, and told her it was the last day she was alive. The photo would serve as a memory of her for the boys.

The haunting photograph

Judy panicked and knew she needed to stand for her and her sons.

She started looking for a shelter that would accept her and the boys, but since one of them had autism, they wouldn’t. The only option left was to rent a home, and that’s exactly what she did.

Judy found a place to stay and was able to pay rent for some time thanks to the money she managed to withdraw from the joint bank account.

Judy found a place to stay and was able to pay rent for some time thanks to the money she managed to withdraw from the joint bank account.

Once away from home, she felt relieved.

Mike was looking for them but was unable to track them down. Eventually, he quit.

Today, Judy’s sons are all grown up. Sam is now 30 and a swim coach who trialled for the Olympics and Tim, 32, is a successful artist. She’s proud of them, and she’s happy to gather the courage to leave from an abusive marriage years ago.

Judy wants to send the message that domestic violence should never be endured, by no person, ever!

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Why people are no longer buying memory foam mattresses – Two reasons to avoid


Good night sleep is what each of us longs for because if we get a quality rest during the night, we will feel energized and in a good mood in the morning.

Sadly, falling asleep easily and not waking up during the night is something a lot of people struggle to achieve.

One of the ways to get a good night sleep, however, is by creating a good sleeping environment, and that includes choosing the right mattress among the rest.

So what makes a perfect mattress, you may wonder. In recent years, there is this belief circulating around that memory foam mattresses are the ones to avoid.

The reason for this comes after these mattresses were questioned and second-guessed by consumers following the realization that there have been changes in the market when it comes to their production.

According to research, memory foam mattresses are full of chemicals that off-gas while one is sleeping, including diisocyanates, flame retardants, polyols, as well as chemicals known as ‘blowing agents.’

The issue is that these chemicals are inhaled for at least eight hours while a person sleeps on such a mattress.

One person is sharing his personal experience with a memory foam mattress. He claims that once he purchased a memory foam mattress, he noticed it smelled weird. There were instructions not to use it for the first day or two so he decided to leave the windows of his bedroom open so there was a cross-breeze and he even placed some charcoal packets next to the mattress as charcoal is believed to soak up smells.

Once he started sleeping on it, he noticed that his gasses smelled the same his mattress has, and his pee the following morning had a strange color.

After a few days, he called the store to return the mattress and that’s when he realized he wasn’t the only person who has experienced these changes in his body.

Other chemicals memory mattresses are full of, according to research, are:

Methylbenzene, known as toluene, which is a clear liquid that occurs naturally and comes from crude oil. When inhaled in large quantities, this liquid is toxic.

Formaldehyde, a by-product of the foam manufacturing process. Formaldehyde fumes can irritate the eyes, nose and mouth, and it is known to be a human carcinogen.

Methylene Dianiline used as a reactant in the foam manufacturing process that causes irritation when it comes into contact with skin, and may be carcinogenic. But the results are unsure until further testing is done.

Methylene Chloride was formerly used as a blowing agent. This substance is a suspected carcinogen and can also pose serious health risks by coming into contact to the skin or mucous membranes, which occur while sleeping on memory foam.

Chlorofluorocarbons were formerly used as a blowing agent, and are in memory foam, but use of these substances is now limited because of their ozone-depleting effects in our atmosphere.

Next time you choose your new mattress, take this information into consideration, or simply do your own research on what will suit you best.

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Peace and Love


Actor Matthew Perry, famously known for the role of Chandler Bing in the iconic show Friends, was found dead Saturday in a hot tub at his Los Angeles home, law enforcement has reported.

Spokesperson of the LA Fire Department reported that first responders arrived at Perry’s home at about 4 p.m. regarding a “water emergency” of an unknown type, but did not name the actor. Sadly, upon arrival, they discovered Perry’s unresponsive body. According to them, there were no drugs of any type at the scene. At the time being, no foul play is suspected.

A representative of the actor hasn’t issued any comments regarding the tragic incident.

The investigation over Perry’s passing is still ongoing and the cause of death remains unknown. It will be determined by the Los Angeles County coroner’s office at a later date.

“We are devastated by the passing of our dear friend Matthew Perry,” Warner Bros. Television Group, which produced “Friends,” said in a statement to The Times. “Matthew was an incredibly gifted actor and an indelible part of the Warner Bros. Television Group family. The impact of his comedic genius was felt around the world, and his legacy will live on in the hearts of so many. This is a heartbreaking day, and we send our love to his family, his loved ones, and all of his devoted fans.”

“We are incredibly saddened by the too soon passing of Matthew Perry,” NBC, which aired the series for all 10 seasons, said in its own statement to The Times. “He brought so much joy to hundreds of millions of people around the world with his pitch perfect comedic timing and wry wit. His legacy will live on through countless generations.”

Saturday evening yellow-and-black LAPD crime scene tape blocked off the entrance to Blue Sail Drive, a tony street just off the Pacific Coast Highway at the crest of a hill with sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean.

Shortly after 7 p.m., as multiple helicopters whirred overhead, Perry’s mother, Suzanne, and her husband, broadcaster Keith Morrison, joined the journalists and LAPD officers on the scene. Morrison declined to comment. An LAPD officer at the scene said he had no information and that he did not know when any would be forthcoming.

Peter, a neighbor of Perry’s on Bluesail Drive who declined to give his last name Saturday evening, said he only spoke to the actor once, for five minutes, and that he was “very pleasant” and a “nice guy.”

“It’s shocking,” Peter said as he waited for the LAPD, who had barred journalists from passing the police tape, to approve him for entry. “He’s been redoing this house forever and he seemed fine. It’s very sad.”

Leo, another neighbor who declined to give his full name, said he was home when an ambulance arrived at Perry’s house Saturday afternoon. He declined to say whether paramedics tried to revive Perry or if a body was removed from the premises.

“I was shocked,” he said. “It was very disturbing and sad after all these years.”

Perry was one of his favorite actors, Leo said, and the funniest member of the “Friends” cast.

“I encountered him once and he was very, very friendly. More so than I thought,” Leo said. “It’s definitely a tragedy, especially at such a young age,” he added. “I was very heartbroken to see what happened.”

Perry’s stepfather, Canadian broadcaster Keith Morrison, crosses under the police tape near Perry’s house in Los Angeles Saturday night.
 (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)

Perry, the son of actor John Bennett Perry and Suzanne Marie Langford, onetime press secretary of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, was born in 1969 and grew up between Montreal and Los Angeles after his parents separated when Perry was 1.

He got his start as a child actor, landing guest spots on “Charles in Charge” and “Beverly Hills 90210” and playing opposite River Phoenix in the film “A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon” in the 1980s and early 1990s.

But his big break came when he was cast in “Friends” — originally titled “Friends Like Us” — a sitcom about six single New Yorkers navigating adulthood that premiered on NBC in 1994.

The series soon became a juggernaut, the anchor of the network’s vaunted Thursday-night “Must-See TV” lineup, and turned Perry and his castmates Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer into mega-stars almost overnight. At its high-water mark — for a 1996 Super Bowl episode and the 2004 series finale — the series could notch more than 50 million live viewers; by its end, cast members were earning more than $1 million an episode.

As Chandler Bing, the handsome, wisecracking roommate of LeBlanc’s Joey Tribbiani and, later, love interest of Cox’s fastidious Monica Geller, Perry distinguished himself in a crackling ensemble cast. With his dry delivery he created a catchphrase with a mere turn of inflection, based on banter he’d shared with childhood friends: Could he be any more Chandler?

Soon, he was attached to major stars like Julia Roberts and appearing in prominent films such as 1997 rom-com “Fools Rush In,” opposite Salma Hayek, and 2000 ensemble mob comedy “The Whole Nine Yards” with Bruce Willis.

There was a dark side to the life of one of television’s most beloved funnymen, however. In his 2022 memoir, “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing,” Perry recounted his lifelong struggle with addiction to alcohol and opioids. He wrote that he had his first drink at 14, but didn’t recognize the signs of alcoholism until 21. Since then, he estimated, he’d spent more than $7 million on efforts to get sober, including multiple stints in rehab. His substance abuse also led to a number of serious health issues, including a five-month hospitalization in 2018 following a colon rupture that left him, he wrote, with a 2% chance to live through the night.

And it was fueled, he acknowledged during a “Friends” reunion special in 2021, by the pressure to land the joke in front of a live studio audience night after night.

The cast of “Friends,” clockwise from bottom left: Courteney Cox as Monica Geller, Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay, David Schwimmer as Ross Geller, Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing and Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green.
 (NBC / NBCUniversal via Getty Images)

“Nobody wanted to be famous more than me,” Perry told The Times in April, discussing “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing” at the Festival of Books. “I was convinced it was the answer. I was 25, it was the second year of ‘Friends,’ and eight months into it, I realized the American dream is not making me happy, not filling the holes in my life. I couldn’t get enough attention. … Fame does not do what you think it’s going to do. It was all a trick.”

Perry was remembered on Saturday by friends and collaborators such as Selma Blair, Paget Brewster, Morgan Fairchild and Mira Sorvino as a singular comic talent and kind soul.

Perry’s “Friends” co-star Maggie Wheeler, who played his on-again, off-again girlfriend Janice on the hit show, shared a sweet tribute on Instagram.

“What a loss. The world will miss you Mathew Perry,” she wrote. “The joy you brought to so many in your too short lifetime will live on. I feel so very blessed by every creative moment we shared.”

He was also memorialized by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pierre’s son and one of Perry’s childhood friends.

“Matthew Perry’s passing is shocking and saddening,” Trudeau wrote on X. “I’ll never forget the schoolyard games we used to play, and I know people around the world are never going to forget the joy he brought them. Thanks for all the laughs, Matthew. You were loved — and you will be missed.”

Though Perry estimated he had relapsed “60 or 70 times” since first getting sober in 2001, he maintained a steady presence on American television, playing key parts in backstage dramedy “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” and therapy sitcom “Go On,” and making a steady stream of guest appearances on acclaimed shows such as “The West Wing” and “The Good Wife.”

Since his near-death experience in 2018, Perry had found solace in friends, frequent games of pickleball and, especially, writing. Though producing “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing” had forced him to relive his darkest moments, it also connected him to “all the sufferers out there”: “I had a story to tell, a story that could really help people,” he wrote. “And helping others had become the answer for me.”

Indeed, for all his success as an actor and, more recently, as a bestselling memoirist, Perry told The Times in April that his work was not the center of what he hoped would be his legacy.

Pressed to name how he’d like to be remembered, he said: “As a guy who lived life, loved well, lived well and helped people. That running into me was a good thing, and not something bad.”

Rest in Peace
Bored Daddy