My brother’s wife keeps sending me special thanksgiving menu to cook for her 5 years in a row – I finally confronted her


Family relations can be complex at times, especially when in-laws get into the picture.

A woman took to Reddit to ask fellow users if she’s in the wrong for canceling Thanksgiving dinner, which she hosted for the last 20 years, because of her brother’s wife’s demands.

Namely, the woman explained that during the last five years, for as long as she had known her sister-in-law Julie, the sister-in-law always had some special wishes regarding the dinner.

“Julie is very big into fad diets (Atkins, keto, South Beach) and every year she sends me a list of foods that she cannot eat and a list of things that she can,” the OP explained.

Source: Pexels

Being the host and wanting everyone to have a great time and be satisfied with the food, the woman always followed Julie’s wishes, but she somehow always found a way to make things uncomfortable for the rest of the guests, which consisted of family members only.

During the last year’s festivity, Julie got into an argument with her husband, the woman’s brother, because he refused to eat her ketogenic diet food. This made everyone feel bad and the atmosphere felt awkward after that.

Source: Unsplash

This year Julie again sent a list of things she could and she couldn’t eat because she was following a diet that would help her with her fertility as she was trying for a baby through in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

However, OP wasn’t willing to prepare any special meals any longer so she replied to Julie explaining she was making a single meal only.

“I texted her back and told her that this year I was making one meal and one meal only and she could either eat what was being served or bring her own food.”

Source: Unsplash

Somehow, Julie was deeply offended and angry at OP for not considering her request. She even told her husband about it. He called OP and told her she was acting selfishly and that she should agree to prepare a special meal for his wife. As things got heated, the OP’s mother got involved into it as well, as her brother called her and complained about his sister not fulfilling his wife’s wish.

He even reminded OP that his wife prepared special food for her once because of her allergies. In her defense, OP said that her food allergies were life-threatening, and Julie’s diet was her own choice that changed every year. OP’s mother agreed that Julie’s wishes were hard to fulfill because she changed her diet all the time and that in the future, if she wants to be part of any family gathering, she should bring her own food.

Source: Unsplash

Because of all the mess that was created, OP decided to cancel the Thanksgiving dinner. “I am serving (Thanksgiving menu). If they want to come over and eat with us, they are welcome to do so,” she wrote to everyone who was invited.

Some of the family members said the woman shouldn’t have canceled the tradition of hosting Thanksgiving dinner, while others supported her decision.

Most of the Reddit users criticized Julie’s behavior and were in favor of OP.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Former first lady Rosalynn Carter passes away at age 96


Former first lady Rosalynn Carter passed away at the age of 96, her family reported. In the statement they issued for the public, they wrote that Rosalynn “died peacefully, with family by her side” at 2:20 p.m. at her Plains, Georgia, home in the country.

The Carter Center reported that Rosalynn battled dementia and that her health deteriorated recently.

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” former president Jimmy Carter said in the statement. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

In private conversations, President Carter’s aides would sometimes call her “co-president.”

During his presidency from 1977 to 1981, Jimmy Carter told aides, “Rosalynn is my best friend… the perfect extension of me, probably the most influential person in my life.”

During his presidency, Roselynn wasn’t just a First Lady, but she was her husband’s closest advisor and stood by his side supporting every decision he made as a head of the country.

After leaving the White House, the Carters returned to live in their family house in Plains, Georgia. The house, which according to Zillow is valued at $209,996, was built in 1961, when the Carters welcomed their fourth child in their lives and needed a bigger place. The couple always led a quite and a very simple life.

He never took any advantage of post-presidential popularity and was reported saying: “I don’t see anything wrong with it; I don’t blame other people for doing it. It just never had been my ambition to be rich.”

The Carters had been part of the Habitat for Humanity for many years and helped renovate around 4,300 houses in 14 different countries.

Before coming to Washington in 1977, Rosalynn was seen as unassuming and quiet, but she soon turned into an eloquent speaker, campaigner and activist. She was well-known for her efforts on mental health and caregiving and women’s rights.

“The best thing I ever did was marry Rosalynn,” Carter told the C-SPAN cable TV channel in 2015. “That’s the pinnacle of my life.”

Before Jimmy Carter was elected president in 1976, he was a peanut farmer-turned-governor. Following his election, he and Rosalynn moved to The White House and became a powerful team, with Jimmy referring to her as “an extension of myself” and “my closest adviser.” She wasn’t just a first lady, but someone who was heavily involved in her husband’s work. What’s most, she attended important cabinet meetings and political strategy discussions. According to Jimmy Carter, he shared almost everything with his dear wife, except for the top-secret material.

“I think she understands the consciousness of the American people and their attitudes perhaps better than do I,” he said in a 1978 interview.

Rosalynn got the nickname “the Steel Magnolia” because of her influence, loyalty, and compassion. It was reported that while serving as a first lady, White House staffers sometimes sought her approval on initiatives before bringing them up to the president.

She became interested in mental health during the time her husband ran for a governor in Georgia. “I used to come home and say to Jimmy, ‘Why are people telling me their problems?’ And he said, ‘Because you may be the only person they’ll ever see who may be close to someone who can help them,’” she explained.

When Ronald Reagan won the elections in 1980, Rosalynn seemed more distraught about it than her husband. It was likely because of the fact that she wasn’t as keen as Jimmy to be returning to Georgia, where the couple spent most of their lives.

“I was hesitant, not at all sure that I could be happy here after the dazzle of the White House and the years of stimulating political battles,” she wrote in her 1984 autobiography, First Lady from Plains. But “we slowly rediscovered the satisfaction of a life we had left long before.”

Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter shared a lot of interests together, like bird watching and helping the community through the organization Habitat for Humanity, which builds homes for people in need. They were heavily involved with other organizations that offered help, and that required a lot of traveling.

“I get tired,” she said of her travels. “But something so wonderful always happens. To go to a village where they have Guinea worm and go back a year or two later and there’s no Guinea worm, I mean the people dance and sing — it’s so wonderful.”

The Carters were married for 75 long years, and their life story is one of the most beautiful there are.

Rosalynn’s family lived next to Jimmy’s and she was a very good friend with his sister. She remembers that Jimmy’s sister had a photo of him on the wall and she fell in love with that photo showing young Jimmy wearing his uniform.

During a visit of his hometown from the Naval Academy, Jimmy laid eyes on Rosalynn and immediately knew she was the one. Speaking to People, the former president said: “She was beautiful and innocent, and there was a resonance.” They started dating but didn’t marry until she turned 18 because she made a promise to her dying father that she won’t marry before finishing school.

During the first years of marriage, the couple constantly moved places because Jimmy was often deployed at different locations. However, Rosalynn didn’t mind that. In fact, she loved being on the move with him and when he made the decision to give up his career in the Navy, she wasn’t glad. “I had been self-sufficient and independent from my mother and Jimmy’s mother,” she told The New York Times.

Being married for so many years must be a challenge, but the Carters didn’t see it that way. They had always been by each other’s side; during presidency and while he battled cancer. Speaking of the secret to a long and happy marriage, both Rosalynn and Jimmy said that they had never went to bed angry at one another and knew how to enjoy the simple things that many take for granted, like cherishing each other’s company.

“We’ve just grown closer and closer together,” Jimmy said of his relationship with his wife.

We are so very sorry for former president Carter’s loss.

As of Rosalynn, she will always be remembered as a very special person who had done a lot for the country. May she rest in peace.

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‘I’m leaving y’all’: Whoopi Goldberg walks off ‘The View’ amid Miranda Lambert controversy


Whoopi Goldberg walked off the set of ABC’s The View after a heated debate over the viral video of Miranda Lambert calling out fans at a recent concert. 

The comedian and her fellow hosts, Sarah Haines, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin were in the middle of debating the viral moment when Miranda Lambert stopped performing her hit Tin Man mid-song to tell off a group of girls from the audience for taking a selfie while she was performing when Whoopi got up and left.

“They don’t want to be there if they paid money for the tickets, they came to see her. So if she’s singing, at least a little respect so that knowledge you can see her and she can see you too,” Whoopi said. 

However, the co-hosts didn’t agree with her point of view.

“I’m not split on this at all. The expensive tickets in the vip section that they were in are $757. I’m going to take as many selfies as I want if I paid $757,” Sunny said, prompting Whoopi to leave.

Her exit triggered laughter at the audience when she spotted a 91-year-old and stopped to take a selfie with her, saying, “I’m leaving y’all. Because I want to take a picture with this marvelous woman who is 91. So we’re going to do a selfie. Me and you.”

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Jennifer Aniston reveals text she got from Matthew Perry ‘out of nowhere’ before his tragic death


The tragic and sudden passing of actor Matthew Perry brought sadness all over the world.

The actor was found dead on October 28 in the hot tub of his LA home. Allegedly, he sent his personal assistant to run some errands for him, and when she returned home, she noticed his body under the water. As per reports, Perry died of drowning. The results of the toxicology report authorities asked for are yet to be revealed, but what is known is that there were no illegal drugs found at the scene.

According to Perry’s closest family and friends, at the time of his passing, he was sober.

The star behind the much-loved character of Chandler Bing battled addictions for the most part of his life, but he never stopped trying to get back on track, despite the failures he experienced over and over again.

The relationship Perry shared with his five best friends on screen translated into equally profound friendships off screen.

The ‘Friends’ cast (from L-R): Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox Arquette, and Matt Leblanc. Credit / Getty

Jennifer Aniston, 54, Lisa Kudrow, 60, Courteney Cox and David Schwimmer, 57, all dressed in black, arrived at Forest Lawn Church of the Hills in Los Angeles, while Matt LeBlanc met them outside following the tearful service.  

“We are all so utterly devastated by the loss of Matthew. We were more than just cast mates. We are a family,” the cast said in a joint statement. “There is so much to say, but right now we’re going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss. In time we will say more, as and when we are able. For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty’s family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world.”

The Friends stars later shared individual tributes to the man they considered family, and that included LeBlanc and Aniston, whom Perry said reached out the most to him once the filming of the cult series was over.

Aniston stood by his side through thick and thin and she was the one who stayed in close contact with him during his ups and downs.

A friend of hers told Daily Mail, “Nobody shed more tears for Matthew during the darkest points of his struggles with addiction than Jennifer.”

Ron Davis/Getty Images

“All five of the Friends cast are in real bad shape, but Jen’s by far taking this the worst,” an insider told Woman’s Day.

“She’s torturing herself with each and every scenario where she could have done this or should have said that. She was one of the last people to speak to him, and she’d planned on calling him on Sunday [the day after he died]. She’s been going over every word, but no one could have known.”

The insider stated: “The real pain is the fact she’s been with him almost every step of the way. She had huge hopes for a big comeback for Matthew, and they were talking about working on a new script together. There was so much to look forward to, but even Jen knows it was his body that gave out, not Matthew.

“She knows he wanted to live, which makes his premature death unbelievably cruel. He had so much more to give. She’s absolutely crushed, and it will take her a long time to recover. She will never be convinced she didn’t do everything she could to save him, but she truly did. The world had Matthew Perry for a lot longer than expected thanks to Jen and Courteney Cox helping him through those dark times.”

Sharing her tribute to Perry, Aniston also included a screenshot of a message Perry sent to her just days before his passing in which he told her that making her laugh “made my day.”

Aniston had responded to the message by writing: “Awww the first of THOUSANDS of times…”

Rest in Peace, Matthew Perry.

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Twins conjoined at birth set to start school


Rosie and Ruby Formosa, from Bexleyheath in Kent, were born joined at the abdomen and shared an intestine. This meant that in order to survive, they needed to undergo an emergency surgery. Separating them seemed like an impossible mission, and their parents were told that the chances of the girls’ survival were extremely slim.

The family prayed for a miracle and hoped for the best outcome possible besides the facts that the odds were against them. Luckily, following an extremely complex surgery which was done at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital (Gosh), the sisters were successfully separated.

Speaking of the time they learned the babies she carried were conjoined, the girls’ mother, Angela, said, “At 16 weeks they sent me to King’s College Hospital and it was there that they discovered the connection between the girls.

“It was heartbreaking, really – I was already worried that they were monoamniotic (where twins share an amniotic sac), and conjoined was the worst-case scenario.

“I was really, really, really scared and really upset because at that point I was told that there was a high possibility that the girls wouldn’t survive the pregnancy.”

“And if they did survive the pregnancy they might not survive the birth, then they might not survive surgery. They couldn’t tell what was connecting them.

“I didn’t prepare to bring them home. It wasn’t until they were in hospital and they’d had their operation that my husband started painting the bedroom and getting everything ready for them.”

Four years following the successful surgery, Rosie and Ruby started school. The proud mother said the girls had now met their teacher and were “very excited” to be attending school just like their older sister Lilly.

Despite the parents being overjoyed that their girls started school, they admit the house would be empty without them while they are away.

We are so glad things turned out for the best for these beautiful girls. We wish then only the best life brings.

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Cause of Dana Carvey’s eldest son’s death finally revealed – 32-year-old passed away earlier this week


US comedian and actor Dana Carvey, best known for his work on Saturday Night Live, announced the passing of his eldest son, 32-year-old Dex Carvey.

It has been revealed that Dex, whom his father described as an incredibly talented young man, died of an accidental drug overdose on Thursday.


The news was confirmed by the family.

“Last night we suffered a terrible tragedy. Our beloved son, Dex, died of an accidental drug overdose. He was 32 years old,” the family wrote on X. “Dex packed a lot into those 32 years,” the post said. “He was extremely talented at so many things — music, art, film making, comedy — and pursued all of them passionately.”

His heartbroken family further wrote that Dex Carvey “loved his family, his friends and his girlfriend, Kaylee,” adding that “he was a beautiful person. His handmade birthday cards are a treasure. We will miss him forever.”

PASADENA, CA – JANUARY 08: Comedian Dex Carvey performs during his appearance at The Ice House Comedy Club on January 8, 2015 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Michael Schwartz/WireImage)

According to records, Dex died in his LA home, and the case for his death is still open.

Dana and his wife Paula, who tied the knot in 1983, have another son together, 30-year-old Thomas Carvey.

Dex Carvey followed in his father’s comedic footsteps and even did an opening set for his father’s 2016 Netflix special, Straight White Male.

“To anyone struggling with addiction or who loves someone struggling with addiction, you are in our hearts and prayers,” Dex’s parents added, sharing in short how their late son struggled with addiction himself.  

Dana later shared a photograph of himself laughing with his son on Instagram, captioning it: “Dex and me working together. What a joy.”

In the text of another post with a photo of his son smiling, Dana simply wrote, “F*k the tabloids. This is my boy.” This probably referred to the tabloids’ putting focus on Dex’s addictions rather than his vibrant life and many talents.

Our hearts and thoughts are with Dana and his family.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with Willie Nelson during these difficult times


When it comes to celebrities, one thing is certain, their lives are everything but ordinary, and the life story of living legend Willie Nelson is just the perfect example of that.

This incredible man has been making our lives a bit better since the 60’s when he started writing songs that turned huge hits for famous names like Ray Price, Patsy Cline and Billy Walker. By 1975, Nelson was already a star himself and did what no one has done it before; he created music mixing a variety of styles, including traditional pop, Western swing, jazz, traditional country, cowboy songs, honky tonk, rock & roll, folk, and the blues. The final result was a huge number of fans and everlasting hits.

Nelson was first introduced to music and instruments when was still very young. In fact, he has written his first song at the age of just 7 and by the age of 13, he performed with Bob Wills, the inventor of Western swing music. He and his sister Bobbie, who plays in his band, were raised by their grandparents, Alfred and Nancy Nelson, who both studied music courses. Nelson picked the guitar and never let it go, not even today at the age of 89.

Last May, a member of Nelson’s band was tested positive for COVID-19 and they were forced to cancel their headlining slot at Jazz Fest.

Sadly, Nelson contracted the virus as well, but considering his age, he experienced plenty of difficulties and the road to recovery wasn’t an easy one.

One day, as the band was headed to Nashville, Nelson complained that he experienced troubles breathing. A test confirmed he was positive of the virus so the family returned to Spicewood, Texas, where doctors ran a bunch of tests in order to determine the severity of the country singer’s health condition.

Nelson’s wife, Anne, said that the musician was forced to take medications to help facilitate his breathing.

While fighting the virus, Nelson’s home was turned into a medical facility. Luckily, he started feeling a bit better after taking two weeks from touring.

Nelson later opened up about the virus and said that it took emotional and physical toll on him.

However, he managed to overcome the tough times and got back on touring, making fans from all over the country happy.

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Matthew Perry’s little-known ex shared private never-seen-before photos of her and the actor cuddling


The sudden and tragic death of Matthew Perry left millions of fans mourning his loss. Best known for the role of Chandler Bing in Friends, Perry left a huge mark in the world of film.

He was found dead in the hot tub of his LA home on October 28, 2023. Spokesperson of the LA Fire Department reported that first responders arrived at Perry’s home at about 4 p.m. regarding a “water emergency” of an unknown type, but did not name the actor. Sadly, upon arrival, they discovered Perry’s unresponsive body. According to them, there were no drugs of any type at the scene. At the time being, no foul play is suspected.

Over the years, Perry struggled with addictions and he was never afraid to speak publicly of his never ending battles. Prior to his passing, however, people close to him revealed that he was sober.

Besides being a famous name in the film industry, Perry didn’t want that to define him. On the contrary, in his memoir, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, he wrote he wanted to be remembered as someone who was always there to provide help and support to those to battled the same demons as him.

Perry wanted to be a father, but sadly, he never married and didn’t have children.

He was, however, involved in several relationships and was even engaged once.

He once dated Julia Roberts but believed he wasn’t good enough for her.

“Dating Julia Roberts had been too much for me,” Perry wrote in his memoir. “I had been constantly certain that she was going to break up with me — why would she not? I was not enough; I could never be enough; I was broken, bent, unlovable.”

“So instead of facing the inevitable agony of losing her, I broke up with the beautiful and brilliant Julia Roberts,” he continued. “She might have considered herself slumming it with a TV guy, and TV guy was now breaking up with her. I can’t begin to describe the look of confusion on her face.”

In 2020, he got engaged to literary manager Molly Hurwitz, but the two announced their split just a year later.

Following his passing, another actress opened up about the fling she had with Perry during the time he still wasn’t cast for Friends, Gwyneth Paltrow, who took to Instagram to share her tribute.

She wrote, “I met Matthew Perry in 1993 at the Williamstown Theater Festival in Massachusetts. We were both there for most of the summer doing plays. He was so funny and so sweet and so much fun to be with,” along with a photo of Perry from his early days.

“We drove out to swim in creeks, had beers in the local college bar, kissed in a field of long grass. It was a magical summer. He had shot the pilot of Friends but it had not aired yet. He was nervous, hoping his big break was just around the corner. It was,” she continued, adding that the two stayed friends for a while but eventually “drifted apart.”

 “I hope Matthew is at peace at long last. I really do,” Gwyneth Paltrow concluded.

Another one of Perry’s exes, Fisher, also dedicated a post to the late actor. In her heartfelt caption, she wrote, “Once upon a time… you were a major part of my younger life…”

His ex fiance dedicated a lengthy post speaking about the late star. In it, she said that no one had an impact on her as powerful as that Perry had.

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Though she wasn’t really an ex, Valerie Bertinelli and Perry shared a moment of intimacy at one point during his life. In his memoir, Perry disclosed: “Valerie and I had a long, elaborate make-out session. It was happening—maybe she felt the same way I did. I told her I had thought about doing that for a long time, and she had said it right back to me.”

Matthew Perry and Valerie Bertinelli at her birthday party in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

At the time Perry’s memoir was released, Valerie responded to Perry’s confession in a TikTok video. “Anyone misbehave in their 20’s and early 30’s? Are you mortified?” she said.


♬ Anti-Hero – Taylor Swift

For a great part of 1999, Perry dated an actress called René Ashton. Following Perry’s passing, she posted a never-before seen photos of herself and the late star.

Matthew Perry and René Ashton at the premiere of “Fight Club” in Westwood, California in 1999 | Source: Getty Images

Her post showed an array of private pictures of the two sharing tender moments where they were cuddling, kissing, and enjoying each other’s company. The post was captioned, “More beautiful than an Audrey Hepburn movie you did say…”

Perry’s passing left a huge void in many people’s hearts, he was truly a very special person. May he rest in peace.

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