With tears in their eyes, Jase and Missy Robertson make the...

Mia Robertson, the youngest daughter of Duck Dynasty’s Jase & Missy Robertson, has been born with a condition known as cleft lip and palate, a...

On Christmas Eve, a pregnant woman knocked on our door –...

The chilly Christmas Eve was filled with warmth and holiday cheer, until a knock at the door disturbed the calmness. A young pregnant woman...

A lip reader revealed an emotional six-word remark from Prince Louis...

On December 6, 2024, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, held her fourth annual Royal Carols: Together at Christmas at Westminster Abbey in London. She...

What my wife’s rejection taught me about self-worth

My wife Emma has always had a unique sense of style. The way she combines her outfits brings admiration from everyone who knows her,...

I was furious when I saw my fiancé’s Christmas gift

From the moment Brandon mentioned wanting a PS5, I started saving every penny to be able to get him one for Christmas. I even...

Man who attempted to get eaten alive by snake filmed the...

Paul Rosolie, a conservationist, did the unimaginable - he attempted to get eaten alive by snake, a huge anaconda. The reason why he did...

Every babysitter left after meeting my husband – so I installed...

That morning, as I was having my coffee, glad that I finally found a babysitter after two of them quit after just a day...

Cryonic preservation: 50 years later

Dr. James Hiram Bedford was a man of many talents - a professor at the University of California and a veteran of World War...