Little Mila Sets The World To Rights About Airports And Security,...

Mila Stauffer, a two year old from Arizona was with her family of seven when they set out for Michigan, having no idea that...

In Innocent Looking Toy Destroys 75 percent Of A Young Boy’s...

A young teenage boy from Tasmania had a terrible accident with a laser pointer that caused him to lose about 75 percent of his...

They All Thought She Was Psychotic, But After Seeing A Tv...

In 2009 Emily Gavigan, during her sophomore year at the University of Scranton, was alarmingly paranoid and regularly rambled. She was convinced that terrible...

15 Year Old Nickols Woke Up Screaming, Now His Family Warns...

Nickolas Conrad, a 15 year old boy from Arkansas was woken up suddenly in the night with the sensation of fire on his neck,...

This Guy Was Handed A Note By Another Passenger After He...

"Do good. Recognize good. Make the world better." I think this story is truly wonderful, it really make me feel good inside! This guy proved that...

Mom Is Flat Broke on Last $20, Children Pray For A...

A child, with their hearts not yet hard to the world, brings such incredible power in their faith of the world, the disappointments and...

Deaf Man Breaks Down During A Pizza Delivery 2 Hours Late...

Benjamin Houston from Flint, Michigan is a pizza delivery man who showed true dedication when his car let him down during a pizza delivery....

Detectives Discover Wife’s Camera During An Investigation, Husband Is Finally Relieved…

Erica and David Lacey met at work and became really good friends, things progressed fast and about a year later they became romantically involved. They...