Man sings incredible rendition of Elvis hit that forces the judge to hit the...

Taking part in a talent show viewed by millions doesn't only take skills, but also courage, dedication, and self-confidence. When Barry Darcy of Cork first took the stage of Ireland's Got Talent, he wowed...

After Keeping Silent For Months Michael J. Fox Finally Opens Up About New Health...

Is there any fan of the films who hasn't seen 'Back to the Future'? Or the TV show 'Spin City'? I bet there isn’t such guy. We all know Michael J. Fox's contributions to...

High school sweethearts get married 45 years later

Love is that powerful force that makes this world go round. When two people fall in love, they'd do anything to be together. But what happens when the society is judgmental over the choice...

Little boy refuses to leave side of dog hit by car until help arrives...

Kindness and compassion are so rare these days that whenever we hear stories of people caring and being gentle to those around them, we hail them heroes. However, the dream that being nice to...

Dog Chases Google Street View Camera and ‘Ruins’ Every Frame

Google has proved many times that its products are very useful and handy in the everyday life. Google Maps and Google Street View in particular are the two Google products that are not just...

Daughter makes miraculous recovery after parents kiss here

You never know when the tragedy will hits your family. One moment you enjoy the beauty of life, and the next you struggle with the a deadly threat. Those moments are difficult, and knowing...