I don't even want to imagine celebrating my kids' birthday, or going through labor without my husband by my side. Unfortunately, the spouses of the military men and women experience this all the time. Moms and dads, and husbands...
Spring and nice weather have finally come and that means its time for some fun in the nature. Everyone likes having a great walk in the woods and enjoy the tranquillity the nature provides. Whether you are alone, with...
When dancing is your thing, you don't even need a dance floor to rock. Moving to the rhythm flawlessly, without missing a single beat isn't something many people can brag about, but not this baby. He's a real performer...
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1 in 13 Americans suffer from asthma, which leads to the staggering number of 26 million. Although this disease is not completely curable, it's eminently controllable. It's a condition in...
In 2015 the gay marriage was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court. However, in 2018 the Court also added that the people have the right to oppose it. Since then, people were encouraged, or empowered, to oppose that...
Back pain is definitely the most common among the people. People of different age suffer from back pain. The researchers say 8 out of 10 Americans have some problems with the back. Tightly connected to the back pain is the...