Very often what looks like a simple act of kindness can go a long way and make someone's day one of their most memorable ones. If we are lucky, we will even capture it on film to remember it...
Every time while driving his big rig on the highway, Mark King would get a smile from a teenage boy sitting in the front lawn in a wheelchair. Waving at each other has eventually became a nice ritual for...
Being a firefighter not only requires physical strength, but also altruism, selflessness and willingness to risk your own life for the sake of others'. However, the firefighters' job doesn't only revolve around fires. When a group of firemen were called...
The bond between sisters is something special. The sister is someone you can always rely on no matter how hard things get. They are there to provide love and support, and sometimes even the most valuable gift that money...
Getting older doesn't mean you can't have fun! The Internet is full of fun and engaging videos of elderly people defying time and continuing to do what they love. From dancing up a storm to riding roller-coasters, people everywhere...
It always crosses my mind as to why some people live longer than others. It always seems like people are on a search to find a food that could help you live a long and health life.
The oldest living...