She was stunned when her 5-year-old Grandson said this at the door…

There are few things more precious in this world than childhood innocence. But it’s important to remember to watch what you say, and how you say it, otherwise this could happen:

A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother. While playing with his toys, he looked up and said,”Grandma, how come you don’t have a boyfriend now that Grandpa went to Heaven?”

Grandma replied, “Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV evangelists keep me company and make me feel so good. The comedies make me laugh. I’m really happy with the TV, it’s my boyfriend.”

Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible. She started adjusting the knobs,trying to get the picture in focus. Frustrated, she started hitting the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem.

The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so hehurried to open the door, and there stood grandma’sminister. The minister said, “Hello, son is your grandma home?”
The little boy replied, “Yeah, but she’s inthe bedroom bangin’ her boyfriend.”

The minister fainted.

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