Professional dancer and his prodigy student tap dance together in perfect sync

This unexpected tap-dance “showdown”quickly took the world by storm.


Although tap dancing doesn’t seem to be as popular nowadays as it was back in the 40s and 50s, this dance style never really got out of style completely. Famous names such as Fred Astair and Gene Kelly used tap dance in order to tap their way into their audiences’ hearts.

Why we all love tap dancing is because the energy and the fun involved in it can’t really be compared to any other form of art.

One popular name in the world of tap dance is Justin M Lewis. Justin has been dancing ever since he was 5 and his love for this style was born after he watched the movie “Tap” staring Gregory Hines. In fact, this movie is believed to be inspiration for many talented dancers from all around the world.

Justin performed on many famous stages including, Lincoln Theatre, Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap, Blues Alley, The Smithsonian, National Corcoran Gallery, The Apollo Theatre in New York City and many more. But it seems like the video of him dancing along with his student Luke Spring is what made people fall in his talent even further.

This performance took place at the DC Tap Festival back in 2011 but is still very popular and it looks like people can’t stop watching it so they go back to it over and over again. The video has been seen more than 2 million times and many agrees that little Luke was a star in the making.

If he can dance like this at such young age, we can only assume what future holds for him, right?

Their dancing is brilliant and perfectly synced. Speaking of their unforgettable performance, Chloe Arnold, a co-founder of DC Tap Fest said, “They had every person in that house on their feet and going crazy.”

I have to admit that I tapped my feet while watching. This is definitely something you don’t want to miss. Check it out below and share it with your friends.